Put Garlic Under Your Pillow 1 Night, See If It Works for You

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you know garlic might not smell like roses because of the sulfur-containing compounds it has but the odor won't bother you before long since you'll get used to it as a benefit that smell will have a calming effect helping you sleep safe and sound it's even better if you eat it garlic contains vitamin b1 that is responsible for producing melatonin a sleep hormone also garlic has a power to fight the bad bacteria and boost your immune system the odor we smell when we cut garlic is actually a defense mechanism of the garlic plant the smell appears when the garlics insides get exposed to the air a chemical called allicin is responsible for that and it's also a powerful antibiotic that beats germs causing infections finding a spider or some insect in your bed is not the best experience if you're afraid to discover one in your sheets garlic is here to help you out its odor repels uninvited guests as they can't stand this smell it's toxic for them this trick might be especially helpful for people in australia who have to co-live with a whole bunch of insects outside it's also toxic for your pets if you have a doggie or kitty who comes into your room don't ever leave garlic when you're not present if your pet eats it they might experience some quite unpleasant consequences so just like any other vampires mosquitoes aren't into garlic either summer is coming and garlic can actually help you make it less disturbing blend some garlic and try to apply this substance directly to your skin mosquitoes and bugs won't enjoy your company neither will your friends okay that's bad advice we all get splinters sometimes and it turns out garlic can help us out here too when your splendor is stuck and you can't take it out a piece of garlic will serve you as a natural remedy just take one clove cut it place it on the bare skin where you got your splinter and fix it with a band-aid first it will ease the unpleasant feelings you've got second it'll pull the splinter to the surface and so you'll take it out easier garlic is a great ingredient when it comes to taking care of your hair and it's especially helpful if you experience hair loss it's absolutely natural for us to lose up to 100 hairs a day losing a little bit of hair is okay but losing too much hair might be a sign of having health conditions if you want to check if you lose too much hair here's how to do it make sure that your hair is clean dry and untangled gently run your fingers through your hair and see how many hairs fell out up to three each time is okay but if there are more it's a reason to ask garlic for help it helps to strengthen the hair that you have but also to regrow the hair that you've lost also it contains vitamin c which stimulates the production of collagen collagen is a protein that serves as a glue for your body to keep everything together it helps build your bones muscles skin teeth and many other things including your hair more collagen production strengthens hair follicles and stimulates further hair growth it also contributes to postponing hair green now don't apply garlic directly to your scalp since it can cause some burns when applied directly to skin so you can simply add some garlic to your diet another superpower is that garlic can prevent food poisoning the most common reasons for poisoning are eating undercooked food or germs let's say you didn't wash an apple properly so make sure to watch out for it but it's always better to play it safe and have a plan b antibacterial properties garlic have sound like a good backup if you don't want to eat plain garlic make yourself a fresh salad with cucumbers tomatoes whatever else you like and chopped garlic to get rid of that friend repelling smell don't forget to drink enough water with a slice of lemon or add some lemon juice right to your salad scientists even conducted one experiment they started with two groups of people in the first group people were asked to eat garlic every day in the other group people didn't eat it after 12 weeks they found out that people who were eating garlic had 63 percent less cold symptoms than those who weren't eating it for those who still got cold symptoms in the group of garlic eaters they only had symptoms for one and a half days on average in comparison to the average of five days for those who didn't need it now if you want to make your nails look better try honey it moisturizes your nails and cuticles making them look healthy and shiny mix a couple of teaspoons of honey and a tiny bit of lemon juice apply the substance to your nails and massage it into the skin leave it for 20 minutes and then wash off your cuticles will become soft and your nails will look better than ever if you broke a glass simple bread will help you first just pick up large pieces of glass careful there to collect even the tiniest pieces swipe the surface with a piece of bread it'll pick up everything you might have missed bread also saves art it can be used to clean dusty oil paintings first wipe off the dust from a painting using a brush then take the insides of bread and carefully tap the painting with it to make it shine again without ruining forget about all the mints and chewing gums if you want fresh breath cut a slice of cucumber press it to the roof of your mouth and leave it there for half a minute you'll get an immediate effect i know you're probably old enough not to find a chewing gum stuck in your hair but things happen get some peanut butter and apply it to the chewing gum in the hair make sure that it's fully covered from all sides peanut butter is oily and these oils will make the gum less sticky let it sit for several minutes and then remove the gum milk can be a natural makeup remover there's lactic acid that exfoliates the skin and washes the makeup off milk fat will moisturize your skin to use it just apply some milk right on a cotton pad and gently rub the skin lactose intolerant people can use various oils like olive grape seed and even sunflower oil for the same purposes milk will also help you get rid of that itchy feeling after a mosquito bite simply apply some milk on the affected area soothing ingredients contained in milk will ease the itching and you'll feel better soon you can use raw potatoes to clean windows and mirrors just cut a slice glide it over the surfaces and then wipe it off with a clean cloth it'll also keep the glass from fogging you can also use potatoes to clean metal surfaces acid contained in potatoes perfectly deals with rust again cut a potato and glide it over a rusty surface leave it for half an hour and then wipe it off with a scrub if your coffee was too hot and burned your tongue this morning sugar can help you put some sugar in your mouth it will relieve the unpleasant feelings of your burning tongue with the help of olive oil and sugar you can make a great scrub for your lips that will moisturize them and remove the old cells mix some sugar with a few drops of olive oil and apply this mixture to your lips rub gently all over your lips and wash away with lukewarm water now don't throw away a banana peel after you've finished it's great for exfoliating and poor unclogging rub the fleshy side of the peel directly onto your skin let sit on the face for about 10 minutes and then wash the residues away with lukewarm water a mashed banana works magic on cracked heels massage it onto the heels and let it sit for about 10 minutes another way to soften your heels is to soak them in mouthwash pour enough mouthwash to soak your heels in a basin and wait about 45 minutes then rinse with water as a bonus your heels will have a sweet sweet breath mouthwash can also be really helpful for your laundry add a small cup of your favorite mouthwash next time you do the laundry to sanitize it it'll help get rid of germs and will keep your washing machine clean it's great for gym clothes if you pour some mouthwash onto your cleaning tool you can also use it as a glass cleaner it's good for keeping the screen clean and it also helps get rid of mold and dirt if your hair is naturally fair but you want to go ever lighter no need to bleach it use honey and cinnamon to do that honey originally has hydrogen peroxide and cinnamon is great at activating it gel based toothpaste can be used instead of hair gel apply a drop of toothpaste on a palm rub it between two palms and style your hair the way you want wait for the gel paste to dry out the secret is simple toothpaste gel and hair gel contain the same water soluble polymers but please don't brush your teeth with hair gel you won't be happy about it
Views: 265,808
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Keywords: bright side, brightside, put garlic under pillow, benefits of garlic, garlic benefits, healthy habits, bedtime habits, sleep problems, sleep troubles, falling asleep, insomnia, good sleep, healthy sleep, sleep disorder, sleep deprivation, sleep, hair loss, boost immune system, alicin, healthy lifestyle, unhealthy lifestyle, how to fall asleep, hair problem, skin problem, healthy drinks, how to say healthy, garlic for insomnia, clove if garlic
Id: 4vp8hS6RJ7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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