100 Laws of Life so You Don't Screw Your Life Up Like I Did

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focus on you people come and go if you don't control your mind someone else will sometimes the things that break your heart end up fixing your vision loneliness is the price you pay when you start to improve yourself proud you survived the days you thought you couldn't not everyone will like you that's life stop telling people everything most people don't care and some secretly want you to fail be kind but don't let people use you it is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for something you are not don't go broke trying to impress broke people stay away from people who make you feel lonely no company is better than a Bad Company make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present don't compare your life to others you have no idea what their journey is all about never underestimate the power of stupid people no one is going to figure out your life it's your responsibility sometimes you win sometimes you learn if nobody helps you do it alone take your financial life seriously money is a defense to a lot of challenges be selfish with your time a lot of people don't deserve it what other people think of you is none of your business you can't go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change the ending being alone gives us an opportunity to reconnect with ourselves sometimes you need to stop seeing the good in people and start seeing what they show you don't pretend to be better than you are live life at your own pace [Music] life is too short to waste time hating anyone your deepest darkest moment may be the best thing that ever happens to you Envy is a waste of time you already have all you need if you don't ask you don't get do unto others as you would have them do unto you if you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything life isn't fair but it's still good he who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish Nothing in life don't trust words trust actions do yourself a favor get rich life gets easier with money not time if you can survive your own thoughts you can survive anything if they don't appreciate you they don't deserve you learn to heal without venting to everyone to avoid disappointment a CH nothing from nobody everything comes to you at the right time be patient and Trust the process failure is a bruise not a tattoo avoid gossip at all costs it's poison to your mind the root of all suffering is attachment time always exposes what you truly mean to someone stress is temporary but the lessons you learn from it can last a lifetime if someone is trying to bring you down they are already below you money isn't everything in life but it can help you solve a lot of problems no matter how smart successful and good-looking you are nobody likes arrogance humility is everything [Music] don't regret having a good heart all good things come back and multiply don't feel guilty for doing what's best for you choose your friends wisely the fastest way to become better is to surround yourself with better people be loyal or stay single that's simple expect nothing appreciate everything be grateful for the little things in your life to find inner peace do your best and Trust the process the harder you work the luckier you will get never take anything personally what others say and do is a projection of their own reality be forgiving be understanding but do not be a fool never say maybe if you want to say no when someone shows you who they are believe them the first time your self-respect has to be stronger than your feelings don't let success go to your head don't let failure go to your heart the best way to respect yourself is to discipline yourself if you are a giver remember to learn your limits because the takers don't have any don't waste your time with explanations people only hear what they want to hear except criticism but never accept disrespect never give up on something you really want it's difficult to wait but it's more difficult to regret when you are angry stay silent you have three choices in life you can watch things happen make things happen or wonder what the hell happened stay strong even when things Begin to Fall Apart stay strong you're being judged no matter what so be who you want to be you don't have to win every argument agree to disagree no regrets just lessons no worries just acceptance no expectations just gratitude life is too short the calmer you are the clearer you think the more you are interested in others the more interesting they find you to be interesting be interested if you are not falling down occasionally you are just coasting hatred is a curse that does not affect the hated it only poisons the hater release a grudge as if it was poisoned we suffer more in imagination than in reality people change Love Hurts friends leave things go wrong but remember that life goes on learn to say no without explaining yourself be a good person but don't waste your time proving it never tell your friends your plans stop putting too much trust in them don't let anyone know what you're doing until it's done if you want to be trusted be honest the only person that cares about your hopes and dreams is you the only person that is going to make them happen is you forget what hurts you but never forget what it taught you mastering others is strength mastering yourself is true power even the nicest people have their limits your direction is more important than your speed control your thoughts or your thoughts will control you don't over share privacy is power don't make a permanent decision based on temporary emotions to be the best you must be able to handle the worst as long as you are alive no obstacle is permanent you'll learn nothing from life if you think you're right all the time stay patient the best things happen unexpectedly never regret a day in your life good days give happiness bad days give experience worst days give lessons and best days give memories life is a one-time offer use it well be yourself people don't have to like you and you don't have to care free yourself from society's advice most of them have no idea of what they're doing first it hurts then it makes you stronger normalize walking some paths alone because goals are personal the family you create is more important than the family you come from life is short live it love is rare grab it anger is bad dump it fear is awful face it memories are sweet cherish them
Channel: Quotes
Views: 2,136,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hCqqTAv_Z8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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