The MISSING Content in Tears of The Kingdom!

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[INTRO PLAYS] Hey folks! Tears of The Kingdom is a genuinely jam  packed experience that is extremely overwhelming   in the very best way. It builds on what Breath of  The Wild created for open world 3D Zelda games and   expanded on that massively. There is so much to  do and experience. From the interview story to   the fun side quests. Exploring new and old areas  is exciting and I am still often discovering new   things that I haven't already seen. Like when was  somebody going to tell me you can dye Link's hair   with certain armor sets and let him live  his emo phase just like I did. Hey mate,   let me guess? You're not okay? Got a Black Parade  to attend to? I love this look honestly. There is   just so much within this game and I am genuinely  blown away with the size of the game not just in   terms of scale but also content. But yet, there  is still stuff missing. Tears of The Kingdom is   actually missing some content. But what exactly?  What on earth is this game missing? Well I   put out a Tweet recently asking what is one thing  that you wished was in the game but isn't, and you   replied. I've gone over as many replies as I can  and compiled a list of all of the content you feel   is missing from Tears of The Kingdom. This video  won’t contain any heavy story spoilers by the   way but will of course touch on some stuff that  isn’t present both in a general sense but also   in relation to the story. Feel free to come back  to watch this at a later date if you want to play   some more before watching. So let's talk about  this missing content and if there is potential   room for them to make it into the game in the form  of future DLC packs. There are some pretty juicy   ones on the list by the way, you don't wanna  miss them. But first be sure to go and grab   yourself a snack or drink and send them in to get  featured right here and let's get into this one. The first thing I’d love to talk about is  the fact that Darknuts are missing from   the game. Now I should mention that technically  speaking anything not in the game is missing by   this definition but as mentioned in the intro,  this is focused on the biggest missing pieces   of content in the eyes of the fans. Just so that  it doesn't become confused at any point. So where   are my nuts? In the dark perhaps? Darknuts are  one of my personal favorite enemies throughout   the series with a specific love for their  appearance in Twilight Princess. I really felt   going into Tears of The Kingdom that Darknuts  would add an awesome piece of enemy variety,   likely as an overworld boss. And now knowing  that the depths exist as it does, I can’t help   but imagine how cool a Darknut depths boss would  have been. The only new Depths exclusive boss is   the giant Frox. Other than that it’s just regular  overworld enemies but with gloom smeared all over   them. Oh and Master Kohga of course. They’re  essentially large knights that fight similar   to Link. Providing very epic sword duel for the  hero to take on. It’s feeling less likely to me   now but I am hopeful that in an eventual  DLC for the game that Darknuts could be   re-introduced to the series and welcomed  to the modern era of 3D open air Zelda. A fan favorite character from Breath of The Wild,  the prequel to Tears of The Kingdom is missing.   Kass, the musical master of the Rito, has  just disappeared in this sequel? Why? There   is no explanation provided by anyone as to his  whereabouts or even hints at him being missing   or gone. Where on earth is Kass? I’ve seen a lot  of you ask this and I am just as confused as you   as to his whereabouts. He is a Rito who can fly,  so it’s obviously not out of the picture that he   could have simply just flown away to another land.  We know there are new characters who even mention   being from different lands and I plan to discuss  this in depth in its own video at some point but   for this video's sake, I’m mentioning this as  it could be that Kass has simply just left for   a different settlement or even Kingdom. As to  why we cannot tell right now. An idea I had and   discussed a bit with friends is that I think a DLC  pack revolving around Kass and his speculated new   adventure could be incredibly cool. Yes I know  he got a DLC pack with a focused role in Breath   of The Wild but this could be so much better.  I’m talking about Kass returning all of sudden   to kick off the DLC questline and him inviting us  to explore distant lands and or Kingdoms outside   the Hyrule we’ve just gotten used to again. A  new area to explore, new questline to follow,   side quests and adventures to pick up  and lots of new faces to meet. Perhaps   even new enemies. It’s a very out there  shout for a DLC idea but I think it would   be awesome personally. Just imagine after  downloading the DLC data that at some point   whilst traveling Hyrule you just start hearing  Kass playing a familiar tune in the distance,   you find him and then talk to him in order to  kick off a big adventure in a different setting. Both literally and figuratively, the majority of  Sheikah Tech from Breath of The Wild is missing.   Without any explanation as to where it went? The  main things talked about here by the majority   of us are the Divine Beasts and Sheikah Towers.  You’d think at the bare minimum somebody in the   game explains or even just hints at what happened.  It’s an explanation that’s missing and it feels   very odd to not know considering this game is  a direct sequel and takes place around 5 years   at an educated guess after Breath of The Wild. I  could understand the towers being played off as   something like they were returned underground and  sealed away. That's fine, but the Divine Beasts.   Nah mate. Where on earth have they gone? Were  they buried once again? Were they disassembled?   Were they destroyed? We don’t know and it’s  so odd to me that such a massive part of the   past game is just left unanswered in this game.  I love a Zelda mystery, I really do but this is   one I don’t quite understand why it’s been  turned into one. Perhaps in future DLC some   story and lore will explain it but I honestly  feel like this will just remain a mystery. Now for a very personal one to me. Tears of  The Kingdom is missing a proper fishing rod.   Now I know I could just shock the fish, I know  I could bomb the fish and I even know I could   now create a fish trap with ultrahand and catch  tons all at once. That’s great. But not what I   want. Ever since playing Twilight Princess  and experiencing the fishing in that game,   a Zelda game which actually introduces a  fishing rod with a fully functioning reel,   I have been in love with that mechanic. It may  just be a bit on the side compared to the rest   of the game but as a massive fishing fan in  real life, this all felt like a dream to me.   My favourite video game combined with one of  my favourite things to do. Just sitting out   on the water catching some Hylian Pike. Having  good conversation with my fishing friend Hena   and spending my days here whilst Ganondorf  wreaks havoc across the rest of the Kingdom.   It’s been missing for years and I was really  hoping to see it or even just a fishing mini   game return in Tears of The Kingdom. Sadly that  didn’t happen. Whilst unlikely, I will have a   glimmer of hope within me that in a future DLC  pack we are blessed with some proper fishing. Despite very confident speculation prior  to release, these terrifying creatures   are actually not Redeads. Rather they are  Gibdo. To explain the difference shortly,   Gibdo don't scream. Redeads do. I felt  like including redeads as a piece of   missing content not only because many of you  replied with that answer but also because of   how confident many of us were when we saw them  in the trailers, myself including. Thinking   they are definitely redeads. It’s extremely  unlikely now in my opinion but you never know,   the screaming sibling of the Gibdo, redeads  could make a return in the future via DLC. [PLAYS OCARINA] Yup, a playable instrument. Or even just a  musical element to the story. I can’t lie,   this isn’t really something I thought about all  that much but it turns out that many of you did   and that is very fair. There isn’t a playable  instrument like past games such as Ocarina of   Time and Skyward Sword. Not even one just for  leisure. Personally I think that is because   they’ve already done that very specific mechanics  a few times now but at the same time, I wouldn’t   say no to Link whipping out a little flute or  say an energy Zonai guitar and jamming out in   order to open doors and explore Hyrule. It would  have given Tears of The Kingdom a very classic   feel but it might have been a bit too much with  everything else in the game. Perhaps that would   require its own story to not overshadow the whole,  you know, plot with Link's new arm. So perhaps in   a future separate storyline via DLC this could be  applied. Perhaps even tied into that Kass DLC idea   I mentioned earlier. He is a musician after all.  What if we were given his instrument and that is a   key mechanic in that storyline. Gotta say, that’d  be pretty cool. But we gotta find Kass first. Underwater Exploration is without a shadow of  a doubt one of the biggest wants myself and   many fans had going into Tears of The Kingdom.  Not only would it have been a brilliant way to   further expand and freshen up the same Kingdom  of Hyrule a few years down the line but also   open up room for a ton of new puzzles, enemies,  settlements and more. And it’s just bloody epic   exploring beneath the waves. This ability was so  awesome in past games such as but not limited to,   Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword. The  former even included a fully underwater   boss fight which was extremely epic in terms of  its setting and visuals. This current Kingdom of   Hyrule has a lot of water, from Lake Hylia  to Lake Kilsie. To the shores of Lureline   to the waves of Akkala. So much of this could  have been opened up. Just imagine underwater   caves as well as the regular ones. There is so  much potential with this and all we needed was   some armor or an ability to allow us. Maybe  when DLC comes for Tears of The Kingdom this   is added but I do understand it is asking a  lot in terms of space. The game is already   massive in terms of storage and this might be  pushing it. Who knows, I’d really love for it   to happen and honestly if this did come with  a future DLC pack, I’d be incredibly happy. Durians have not returned… but why? Why  of all things to be not only missing in   a general sense but missing in the having  not returned from Breath of The Wild sense,   why have Durians been removed? Were they too  overpowered for us? If so, why not just tone   them down a bit. What good reason is there  for removing them? I do not understand and   I want answers from Nintendo. Dammit why’d you  remove our Durians? I want a DLC pack focused   on Durians and how Link will return them to Hyrule  following this great Durian Disappearance mystery.   I'm very passionate about this. We want answers  Nintendo, what did you do with our Durians? A recognizable sound and motion that many Zelda  fans will know by heart is Link's iconic forward   roll. In pretty much every single game prior to  Breath of The Wild Link could roll to speed up,   bump into things and even dodge attacks. However  this was removed when the series went into the   open air 3D style. Focus shifted to being able  to jump and sprint. Funny enough in all the games   that Link can roll, he cannot jump. It’s not a  majorly missing thing but something some of us   feel is missing. Unfortunately I couldn’t see a  future DLC just being like “hey, Link learned to   roll forwards again”. It just wouldn’t really  make sense in my opinion. I do miss it though. The cute and miniature Minish people from the  Minish Cap have been desired for a return for   quite a while. Especially given there was concept  art from Breath of The Wild showing us the idea of   what was likely to be the Minish returning.  It didn’t make the final cut of the game in   either of the two most recent instalments  but hope is not dead. Like many of these,   DLC could be the answer. If this was to happen I’d  imagine it’d be through exploring a new area as   I’m not quite sure how they’d suddenly just appear  but then again this is a video game and that can   just happen. I love and adore the Minish and  the Minish Cap as a whole. However I personally   cannot see them actually returning in the form of  DLC. I’d love it but just don’t see it happening. The new fusing system is in a sense weapon  crafting but on a more simple level. In the   build up to release the idea of item crafting  and repairing was being discussed heavily by   fans and it didn’t quite turn out to be a full  on crafting and repairing system but rather   something much more simple, whilst also adding  in elements of what a full on system would be.   However something many of us feel is missing  is the usage of blacksmiths. We know Hyrule   has them but they have no involvement with our  items. I think that’s a real shame because we   can still use octoroks to polish weapons and  even separate fused items with the help of a   very clever NPC. But why was this not expanded  further? What about the Goron Blacksmith of Goron   City or even just adding in some new ones across  Hyrule to add to the new gloom damaged weapons,   fusing to improve them and the general item  upgrade and repair system. I honestly doubt   we’ll see a new addition to the system via  blacksmiths in future DLC but it would be cool. A playable Princess Zelda was an idea that had  many of us dreaming prior to release. It didn’t   happen but the idea still lives on. I wanted to  include this as a missing piece of content due   to how widely discussed it was before release.  There were so many different possible ideas as   to how a playable Zelda could work. From full  on being able to switch between her and Link   whenever. To segments of the game where the  player would take control of Zelda. However   none of it happened and the dream died. Or did  it? DLC can often hold a big surprise or change   that you don’t expect. It’d be very out there and  likely require some altering to the story already   set down but introducing a DLC that takes us on  an adventure as Princess Zelda would be insanely   cool. Perhaps we could play out her adventure  through time back in the era of the first King   and Queen of Hyrule. Fully seeing what Zelda saw  following the opening of Tears of The Kingdom. Not   just bits and pieces through memories. But  rather the entire thing. We’d have quests,   side quests, extremely fascinating new pieces  of lore and much more. Is the dream of playable   Zelda still alive or should it go to rest and  wait for the next new instalment to the series? The lore of Zelda games is extremely important  for multiple reasons. And one extremely important   relic in Zelda lore was missing once again. The  Triforce. The holy grail of the Zelda Universe.   In Breath of The Wild we got a slight glimpse as  the powers of the ancient relic when Zelda used   her sacred powers. However outside of that all  we see of it is old depictions and carvings. But   it itself is never seen or really mentioned. The  same has happened again in Tears of The Kingdom   and it’s becoming more apparent that this is  actually quite odd. Why has the Triforce suddenly   became less apparent and significant in the lore  of recent games? Are the developers trying to move   on from what they set down as the holy relic of  this universe? I don’t know. But it’s a fact that   the triforce is once again missing from the game.  It’s a little bit sad that the triforce hasn’t   been as important to the story as it once was in  recent games and I was honestly hoping for it to   be tied into Tears of The Kingdoms story in some  way. The secret stones are very cool, don’t get me   wrong or confused there. I just wish the Triforce  was a part of it as well as the stones. I hope   the Triforce isn’t gone and is going to become a  long forgotten relic rarely ever seen or mentioned   anymore. Whilst it might take until the next  mainline game is out to actually see it, I do have   a bit of hope that a DLC pack for Tears of The  Kingdom could be a massive triforce quest line.   That’d be an insanely massive thing to do for  DLC but it is possible. I guess it really depends   on what the developers have in mind for adding  more to this already massive game and its story. A fan favorite and also fan least favorite  Revali, obviously didn’t return. None of   the past champions did and I’d say that was  expected as we saw them essentially rest in   peace at the end of Breath of The Wild.  However a big point has been made online   at Revali's Gale no longer being in the game.  This one isn’t so much that it’s missing and   more just us getting used to not being able  to cheat climbing whenever we like. But hey   I thought I’d mention it for all the Revali fans.  Though I doubt it will return via DLC personally. Before getting to the grand final piece of  missing content, which is bloody massive by   the way. Here are a few honorable mentions that  myself and many of you feel are missing from the   game. The hookshot is a classic Zelda item that  has been missing for many years now and with the   breathtaking traversal in this game it could have  been an awesome addition for exploring the new   Sky Islands, Caves and Depths. As well as parts  of Hyrule. Wolf Link was a neat companion via   amiibo in Breath of The Wild but in this game  you cannot get our wolfy boy Link. Tingle also   continues to be missing and only found in the form  of his outfit which Link can wear, and traditional   dungeon items are still missing as well. We again  got a companion like ability as our reward for   completing dungeons which is still very cool but  if I’m being honest the only one who is constantly   used is Tulan, sometimes Yunobo for mining. In  future DLC, perhaps these could be added in. And now for the final, absolute most important and  to be quite honest with you downright shambolic   that it is missing, piece of missing content.  That being, the fact that we cannot pet dogs   nor have cats to also pet. Why on earth was  this left out? Eiji Aonuma himself literally   said in an interview following Breath of The  Wild that he knows fans want to. But yet,   it didn’t make the cut for Tears of The Kingdom?  Also not being able to pet them aside, why are   cats not even in the game from the beginning?  Why? Why? Right guys time to take down those ten   out of ten review scores and dock nine points  for this. It’s truly heartbreaking. However,   there is an opportunity to fix this  mess. We’ll just have to wait and see. Before wrapping up I have something very  important to say about all of this. None of this,   absolutely none of this video outside of the  dogs and cats points, is supposed to come off   as this game actually missing stuff in a bad  way. The game is genuinely phenomenal and if   anything I think this video highlights that  as it is so damn amazing without having the   thing on this list. That is how I am viewing  it, the game is still sensational even with   having missed on some awesome things that could  have been in the game, and possibly might still,   in the form of DLC. I hope you enjoyed  watching and if you have anything that   you feel is missing please do leave a comment  down below and let’s get a conversation started. If you enjoyed then be sure to drop a like  down below and consider subscribing to be an   absolute legend and make my day. I really  appreciate you all, so so much. A massive   shoutout goes to my channel supporters as you help  to make these videos possible week in, week out,   all month long 365 days a year! Thanks a ton.  If you’d like to join them and get yourself a   shoutout upon joining, a cool badge next  to your name in my comments sections,   access to exclusive channel emotes if you join  via YouTube, as well as your name at the end   of every video then consider supporting  via the links below. Thanks for watching,   I hope you all have an amazing day or night  and until the next time I’ve been Hyrule Gamer. [OUTRO PLAYS]
Channel: Hyrule Gamer
Views: 82,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zelda, Tears of The Kingdom, Zelda Tears of The Kingdom, Totk, Zelda Totk, Zelda Theory, Mystery, Lore, Analysis, Gameplay, Link, Princess Zelda, Rauru, The Great Sky Island, Ultrahand, Recall, Fuse, Ascend, Master Sword, Discussion, Zeldatube, Zeldatuber, Cave Boys, The Depths, Zonai, Hyrule, Darknuts, Triforce, Fishing, Tingle, Hookshot, Petting Dogs, Petting Cats
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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