100% Efficient Heavy Modular Frame Factory - Satisfactory New Player Guide EP26

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well hello ladies and gentlemen you're welcome back to another little satisfactory video we're back in our little Factory and I did post a little quick video about basically uh which video you would like to have next and we didn't get a good clear answer from that please so uh we are going to it was it was one of those Story videos so I guess you only see the like oh list Story video and then the like new current Story video isn't shown until like it's too late or something but in any case this time we are going to set up how to make heavy modular frames something we need for future project and I bought myself a little Factory cart and because I thought that would be really handy and then I remembered that um I'm using like what they call inverted mouse or inverted a y-axis and that doesn't translate to Vehicles come on satisfactory fix this it's excruciating to drive vehicles anyways a factory card is great if you want to transport yourself on flat surfaces but as soon as you come to something not flat oh my god oh that's so hard you don't believe how hard that is it looked easy um and that's because I've driven a few couple of times so basically we are going to do cool stuff like that we just have one tiny issue and that is that we have started to use the power of the biomass burners what what I'm going to do before we continue with the video is making this God damn it I missed kind of all of them kind of this but again so uh yeah I'll just show it I'll just show it to you when it's finished because it's not that it's interesting is it but one of the issues uh that we actually have because of this is actually that this production is full which has made it so are existing uh power plant doesn't get all the energy so that's something that can happen because our power plant that's ugly and temporary and hidden behind here it's actually running from that the plastic production is actually going so what we can do is we can we can do a little ugly hijack thing God damn it that's the wrong come on mate I'm going to add some more temporary TM connections oh God that looks awesome not awesome what's the opposite to awesome that's how it looks anyways all right we're just gonna insert this extra coal here I'm just going to update this power production a tiny little bit just some temporary stuff so that we can continue with the video because this new part this new project will actually take a lot of power so what I wanted to say with this was that make sure your power is actually working when starting before starting to make a new big project otherwise you might run out absolutely wonderful so we have some of that there oh my God and let's see if everyone and remember this should be temporary this is a temporary solution of the permanent solution please don't get into the habit of uh having this as some kind of permanent solution because that is bad ah let's see here according to the calculations we should actually be able to use more uh petroleum Coke than we even produce now so I guess that's good and the power issue has been solved TM let's go and make the actual heavy modular frames instead so basically you probably need a new Iron source for this and you probably need to check on your races or your resources and see how much of the existing production you can actually reuse my guess is that you will not be able to reuse your modular frames or The Versatile or what is it called they're actually called modular frames yeah I don't think you'll be able to use the modular frames you have unless you make a lot of them because to make heavy modular frames you actually need to produce a lot of modular frames so let us check the recipe so to make one heavy modular frame which is of course made in the manufacturer you'll need 10 module frames per minute 30 steel pipes per minute 10 encased industrial beams per minute and 200 screws and here is where note come in handy notes uh we before we wrote down that we're using 30 per minute so that now we know that's why we'll write that down you should always keep track of how much you're using because otherwise it will be very hard to keep track in this area we are receiving 15 encased industrial beams per minute and so far we haven't been connecting up the encased industrial beams to anything so we can just take from this source to fill that need so basically we have the steel pipes here we're going to use all we got so we are not going to generate any extra which can be a little bit of a problem but uh trusting that everything won't run 100 efficient all the time we will probably have a couple of Steel beams over otherwise we'll fix that later but basically we got enough that's the important part now we got uh we need 10 in case industrial beams per minute we've got 15 so that's no problem when we come to the modular frame frames however we are not as lucky here we can see we got the modular frames and we're making 0.5 per minute which is enough to fulfill our usage our personal usage but it's not enough to do anything with really we are making 120 screws per minute so that's not really enough especially not when we need to make the modeler frames so that's something we'll have to fix we can use some of this Source but we'll need to make a lot more so we basically need to uncover a new Iron source which I guess you could already imagine and fortunately we have a new Iron Source right down here that we haven't used anything for now if you have a lot of Mark one miners you can also go to your existing miners and just upgrading them and stealing the output because as you can see here we go to mark one minor here and we can use that extra output to well fuel some more stuff but for this particular project we're just going to use a new output look I accidentally created the back rooms here so we shouldn't get lost in here but I don't think there is a big risk anyways we'll need to slap together a couple of miners because of course we'll need some Mark too and there's our Miner so basically just a recap here we have the heavy modular frame we'll need we'll need 30 steel pipes per minute already got that we'll need 10 encased industrial beams already got that and if you're lacking your beams industrial encased industrial beams and your steel pipes please check my earlier steel tutorial I have a first steel tutorial that's a little bit more popular and then I have a second steel tutorial which is a lot better I think it's less popular but it's a lot better because it shows you how to like output the maximum around all the steel from one little Factory so I recommend you to check that out if you need help to getting up those steel numbers to enough and I go to Dedicated encased industrial beam Factory because that's something complex that you probably need a dedicated tutorial to build in a good way now for this project I'm going to use two basic alternate recipes now you don't have to do that you can do it regularly it's just I'm going to build my Factory on top of the roof up top here basically on this flat surface we already have a factory and that will mean that well I don't want to be broadened out too much so basically what we need here if we're going to make 10 modeler frames per minute we need to use well we need to build modular frames and that means we'll need five machines making modular frames this means we need 15 reinforced arm plates per minute and we need 60 Iron rods per minute so if we just go in here you can see that each of this takes well 30. iron plates and gives us well five reinforced iron plates per minute so we basically need three machines making reinforced iron plates to cover for all or five machines and five assemblies is pretty big right so we only need three machines to cover for our five assemblers making this right there is however another little recipe and there is an alternate bolted iron plate and this is pretty basic a lot of people unlock this and the only difference is that this does the job that three machine does so only one of this machine can do the entire job and you might wonder well that's great it's also slightly more expensive so it's slightly less efficient so here we can see it requires 30 iron plates per minute but it requires 60 per minute so if we go here you can see that three times 30 is 90 so that's cool but what is 60 times three well that's 180 as you can see right here and that means we're wasting a lot of screws by actually having this alternate recipe but we're also saving a lot of space now the other thing we're going to do we're going to use another like I don't like to use a lot of exotic alternate recipes for my tutorials but there is one one recipe I have requested to you to unlock so many times and you'll need to do that of course early in game I guess you already have it and everyone uses that and that's cast screws so that lets us skip a big portion and just make cast screws which would be absolutely beautiful and then we can make 50 screws per minute instead of having to make iron rods and then have to make screws from those rods now that method is more efficient so we're wasting some materials yet again by using this but cast screws simplifies our life so much and again it's entirely possible making exactly this setup but we'll just a little bit more space and you're there the components like the the main components for these alternate recipes are basically the same just in simpler ways so some of the alternate recipes like copper rotor suddenly requires copper and that's weird and that's another material so yeah we'll skip those alternate recipes for sure so basically now we need to do some more calculations if we go here we can see that right we need 10 waterframes per minute and we need 200 screws if we go to the modular frames here and well we're using that a little bit more expensive recipe for the alternate bolted plate to make the reinforced iron plates uh in order to use them to make more reframes but for this and we only need one of this otherwise we'll need three normal machines making reinforced iron plates but with this recipe we'll need one machine for the entire facility and that means 90. iron plates and 250 screws per minute right and if we go here to the molar frame and remember we need five machines doing this assuming that the none of them are over or underclocked and the 5x12 equals 60 which means we'll need 60 Iron rods per minute now I wrote this down and with the screws extra from there we have an amount of 90 iron plates per minute 250 screws per minute and 60. iron worlds per minute and to calculate how much iron we actually need for this well we basically need to do some math so we take 90 divided by uh well divided by 2 and take it times three so here we have it we'll just go 90 divided by well 20 because that makes more sense to Mu Maybe so we got 4.5 4.5 times 30 so we have 135 and this is how many ingots we require to make the arm blades now the arrow rods they're much more straightforward one Ingot is one rod so you can just take 135 plus 60 which is 100 and 95 all right then we'll have the 450 screws and I'm going to I'm going to use the cast screws so here we have 12.5 and we'll need to take this value so we first need to take the coastal production so 450 divided by 50 equals nine so it's basically 9 times 12.5 which is 112.5 cool and well 195 plus 112.5 is 307.5 and that's a little bit problematic because as you might remember our conveyor belts Mark II have a limit of 270 resources per minute this means that we are required to Outsource some of the production to another source and we have one close by this is a Mark 1 Miner so we're going to use some of this iron in order to uh well make it up for shortcomings and as you can see here pretty handily if we just remove 60 per minute which is the iron rods we go to the number 247.5 so we could just slightly overclock this facility 247 yeah and we are up to a standard and we can actually write it in here by the way there we go now you have to click enter that's that's that's the annoying part that is the annoying part there we go so if we are going to Outsource the road production we of course need to insert it into this facility here now this is running uh it's producing h90 I think it only requires actually 90 parts per minute but who knows maybe it's perfectly set up we're just going to not mess with that and just add or basically what we need on top of this number and what we need is 60 to be exact and we're just gonna say plus 60 and 100 and 53.6 is our new output we should have so what we basically do is we take a mark 2 Miner slap it on top of here and I hope it is connected up with power and it is and it starts to Output we should of course upgrade the throughput of this conveyor to something that is higher than it was because I don't think that would have been enough and what we're going to write in here well that's 153.6 153.6 and there we go beautiful now we're also more efficient by the way we need to increase the output to be exactly 60 more per minute and this thing is a little bit underclocked which is great so we can do like this we just hold Ctrl and click on the shorts to fill it up here and we can then write in well it should be 60 more so 63 per minute and enter and then we'll have a 212 overclock now of course I would advocate for not using a lot of power shards but all of my power shorts is and the temporary cold production by the way but sometimes you can as well use them otherwise why should you collect them so I'm taking this opportunity and using my power shards here now we also need to make sure that this belt can output the added load and of course it can't really now so we'll of course need to make sure that it goes quickly all the way in here so we can see this is likely to be a little bit slower belt in here so we could remove stuff and place it here um we'll probably need to remove this machine and check if it's a mark one belt inside of there but instead of that we can do something else and it's as simple as this how about we write in 13 here so we we subscribe we subtract 30. like that beautiful then we go to this machine and we insert third inside of here there we go why we did this is that the input speed may be limited by 60 and now it's maximum 60 which makes it A-Okay very nice so of course the output needs to be Mark 3 as well as 4 as we are going to build we're going to connect up some more machines so let's let's just make it Mark 3 all the way through here just gonna get some steel beams and yes then we can build some roads so excuse me if there is so much math in this episode uh but making heavy model frames in an efficient way is hard and I must say I think this is the smarter way to adapt our old machines to produce some extra stuff for us and we can basically get some production for free which I think is smart but you may disagree in the future when we have unlocked loads of more stuff and we don't have any limitations of how much we can use how much we can build how large we can build and especially what type of conveyor belt we're limited by well then I can show you how to basically build like Optimal dream factories that are just producing things at ludicrous rates at perfect efficiency but when we're playing Survival actually playing at the level I am showing to you a lot of other tutorials or like show you how to build basic iron stuff when you are like at level 8 basically and that's really not what this series about this series is uh hand in hand walk through through the game showing all the aspects uh at the time it's appropriate so uh well that's the style anyways but in any case future tutorials yes we can do more other than stuff but as you understood we were actually limited here a little bit by the output speed of our belts so we couldn't use one source so I thought that's what this was a good solution and we didn't need to add a lot of new areas to do this and remember the fewer areas you have the less your game will lag which can be useful if you don't have a spaceship for a computer so basically here we have it this thing is of course a splitter which means that we can just connect up the output of our excessive um or excessive stuff to there so now I have the means to make rods up there too isn't that quite nice now when we're going to use this overclocking unit I know already that I actually in the future will need even more screws because later on we're going to do a screw Factory so um I'm going to make some calculations here since we're already overclocking it for extra 50 screws per minute we need 12.5 so we can just do an experiment here and just add 12.5 260. oh well we can add 50 more screws per minute in this facility so we can have an excess of screws we can use for later projects good we can't add another one at 100 percent but we can add one at a lower percentage so you can see we're slightly over here so this is the maximum output of the belt if we make a screw Factory that uses exactly 10 per minute so at 80 percent we get 40. so we can have 90 extra screws well I think that's a good deal 90 extra screws we can have and then we can have this at well the maximum output of 270. come on now 270 enter thank you very much good right so then we have the arrow record um we can now start making the factory so additionally to what we have mentioned we should have already we should basically have another little screw Factory so I write it up here Plus 50. and this is a 80 so plus 40 there very nice all right I've set up this little thing here um I basically made a design I thought was pretty cool since we're having a just a add-on Factory on top of here I used these gate holes to kind of get an open type of design um and they are of course now producing an output of totally sixteen sixty uh arm rolls per minute and I also totally realized that yeah it's Mark it can actually Mark Mark one the entire way here because the input is also 16. I should have thought of that but anyways um whatever doesn't make much of a difference but we have solved the iron Rod issue completely officially all right so we need to Output the iron and I have started to work in a little solution here so basically as I said we're gonna over produce some screws for later projects so we have a production rate of 270 per minute which is quite nice so we of course need to just connect the TF2 power and when we done that you can see I have conveyor Mark III belts because that is the necessary required speed we need to input into this facility and this is basically eight smelters and two episodes ago we made these two for this melting facility and this is exactly the thing I've spawned in and if you want to have a closer look on that well please check the earlier video two videos ago basically so we go in here and what I did was overclocked two machines because it's originally designed for uh 240 but these two machines combined produce 90 instead of 60 and that's of course 40 50. 60 70. yeah and now we should have an output that matches that so I connected it up all the way we should just be able to connect this up to power and we should start producing the iron we require for this project and there we go iron is being produced iron worlds are being produced too and we should now have 270 ingots per minute in a very tiny moment quite splendid this must be like the worst power grid ever with a temporary production you can see it sometimes dips down and then our these have to jump in you can see when it crosses the line these jumping it's oh God damn it I'm longing to upgrade to some fuel generators because when we do that the problems will go away it's pretty crazy like I'm doing the smaller variant of the factory here and now we are basically putting down the amount of screws we can produce which is cast screws this particular unit is set to 80 because that's what we calculated the rest of them should be cast screws and it's like 11 machines in a row oh my God that's so much and now we're doing the like small version of the factory so I hope you kind of understand why we actually cut down on the size a little bit here just using this alternate recipe like early in game you can unlock the basic um the basic alternate recipes I just well it might be a little bit too late by now but seriously unlocking the cast screws you you will want that you will want that it's 50 times 10. and it's gonna be plus uh is it 40 there so 540 screws we actually need only uh 450 of them so we have some spare ones in any case there we go as soon as they're connected to power well as soon as they are we are going to produce screws to that number so of course we can't fit we can't combine the output into a single output that would be quite impossible we have to divide the output dependent on where it goes all right and when building remember to line up and get the straight 90 degree angles it's one two and if you don't know that you should probably check out some of the earlier tutorials in any case like the the really early one in any case uh we need to check a little bit here now you can see I added some stuff and I'm going to explain it momentarily so instead of having three reinforced iron plates uh manufacturers I'm gonna use my alternate bolted iron plate recipe it's a pretty normal one by the way so it's not exotic we still need 90 RM plates and we need a little bit more screws with our eyes need 180 I think it was but in any case this means we need 250 screws per minute that's one 200 so so two that's 100 150 200 250. so I added this little small concrete block to know that the other ones are going elsewhere but we have now combined up 250 screws per minute here each their output is 50 screws per minute so a mark well one belt suffices and we combine it up to Mark III beautiful so we have that and we have connected data so what we basically need to do now is to also connect up some power to this one so now we have power in any case that means we're producing all of them or starting in unison isn't that quite beautiful and these should now be outputting screws that goes into there very nice so as we go on here you can see that the screws output is being combined into this little line that will go into this machine which will require exactly 250 screws per minute into and 90 iron plates per minute in order to make a well 15 reinforced iron plates per minute so here we can see the screws started to come here very nice indeed it's filling up pretty quickly of course so now we need the arm plates and I have extended the output of the screws because remember these should cover all our production except the roads which is over there and they are into here there's just a manifold setup going into the outputs of each of them so this is iron plates arm plates iron plates and this one the first one here is actually an iron plate that's overclocked to 50 percent now uh I was just lazy and didn't want to expand the factory more sideways so I didn't want to move anything but actually you could just have this machine add another one and have that at 50 instead of just wasting one of the power shards but I haven't been using them all games so I'm not feeling like wasting so anyways what we basically need to do here is I've seted up this conveyor line here so we're just going to add some mergers here in order to uh have have an output and make them go into the machine here here I added one two three four five and they're going to be making modular frames of course and remember as with any manifold setup it takes some time for it to actually be efficient because basically these machines need to fill up first so yeah before the iron starts to come reliably over here but we're making some plates and we need to set up an input connection to these ones and we should of course set up them to produce modular frames so there we go one here is my little tip by the way on how to align uh conveyor lifts so we're selecting the height one two three beautiful then we spawn a splitter just beside the input right so one two three just to know where it goes and then we take this and connect it into this one then we can remove this one and we can start adding so what do we want here is uh we want Splitters right so we'll just add the Splitters in front of each of the connections and last one here and there and then we can use the conveyor lifts and if you just have your sound on you can hear the little tick and little tick means it will connect beautiful like that and there we go now these are connected so this is perfectly aligned we can now remove this part and of course this little alignment splitter I think that's pretty useful at least and the reason to do this of course that well the conveyor lifts shouldn't interfere with the belts on the ground which we just did a simple manifold connection to get the rods in the right place so basically there is an input here and this one is supposed to go there and remember to always check your outputs 15 per minute having more than mark one doesn't really make sense and there we go connected and fine this should now be a nice little setup here that works and well it's a manifold setup but it should eventually give it to all the machines and of course if you haven't set that power do that I didn't show each and every detail just because this uh making heavy modular frames just have an insane amount of Parts this is not the easiest thing to craft in the game if you have noticed maybe oh my God just look at this that's so much so basically what we have to do now is we will need to um combine the modular frames combine that with some more screws so to be specific 200 screws per minute which is four of the machines and drag here some encased industrial beams and steel pipes and also update the uh the output input data out there so we know how much we're growing at that particular moment all right so I have been leading some stuff here to the production and as you probably know we already had an output of the steel pipes as well as well the steel Pirates we had an we had a line for that already connected up so I added a new sign that gives the output of these units so 60 steel parts per minute which is our input as well so we're not accumulating more basically but we added a new line and we're using the existing steel pipeline because the factory that makes Motors does only use 30 per minute so we didn't even need to upgrade the belt we could just add a splitter add a belt that goes here and then just add this encased industrial beams on top of it continue of course adding a continuation of this steel pipeline so we basically have everything that goes to over here in this little in Factory bus we have here which is of course the ceiling mount for the conveyor belt which is very handy and nice to use and we're just going to drag down this materials to input in the factory so that's what we did there we go we're making the output of the modular frames so there they are now we should have 10 per minute I plopped down a manufacturer right here I think that will be a decent place to have it we're going there and select heavy model frames so 200 screws per minute that means four machines indeed so one two three and four they are going to be connected up via a little merger setup and inputted into one reports and there we go so mark one from each output and going to a Mark 3 and it should be nice and balanced now the heavy more a day modular frames are going into here which means we only basically need to drag these components over here into the other ports and we're good to go and there we go we have them there just a little bit more and there we go finally they are connected up and I as you probably know I really like to build my factories on the ground level and this makes it so that they are less walkable however there is a little fix you can do to make them walkable uh that's very very easy and that's actually to just add some some of these some walkways using the connection points on top of the factory so you can kind of easily walk around and I find this is kind of helpful because I feel that I really like to build my factories on the ground level here we are we'll need some power though and there we have it we are officially producing heavy industrial heavy modular frames I mean yes it's running the manufacturer is doing Advanced manufacturing duties that doesn't look at like a nuke at all no ignore that so we'll just go in here and you can see yep there we have it we have an industrial module frame and we should of course check the production to see that everything is running at good efficiency now we do have some extra screw potential screw output here and that's cool and all but that might mess with the numbers a tiny little bit but any case that's going to be used later on anyways and yeah not an easy thing to do like a look look at this facility we'll just have to take out a look out Tower this is so large oh my God I want jet packs like now ladies and gentlemen look at this and now we even didn't like we already had the uh encased industrial beams given and we had the steel pipes given and we still need this kind of setup to make one part efficiently it's just insane yeah I think this is one of the most complex little builds we have done so far I hope you have been able to follow with us in this little tutorial and uh I'm already a little bit tired from building this um I am not going to decorate this facility now we're gonna save that for the making aesthetic cool looking decorative factories episode instead sometimes satisfactory's connection points are really weird you can see this apparently isn't connected to this merger so always when building your factories make sure that everything is working just let it run for a while and then check back here you can see what's happening here it's not getting in there so we obviously have some sort of mess up here and here you can see it's once again that the merger's output is simply in the wrong direction so it doesn't work so we'll just add a new merger here and we add it on the line so it is absolutely sure that it's the right direction and now you can see yep they're going in there so check the stats on all the machines make sure that their input is actually correct because it's easy to make a small mistake like that but detrimental to your Productions well well well the factory has been running we added some walkways here and there so we can have some easy access above well I would I will admit it doesn't look the most perfect but we can get around pretty easily and the efficientness the effectiveness of the facility is closing in on 100 takes a little bit time especially for this uh five assemblers here but really we did the calculations before it should be completely uh balanced and 100 efficient so there we have it we are making heavy modular frames now with that I guess we'll gonna say thanks a lot for watching and I'm gonna be seeing you in the future videos um hope you can get your heavy model reframe Factory working we made a couple of them we want to reach 100 so that we can unlock some if you will next video please do give me some comments about what you want to see next I'm thinking we're gonna do some decorations or we're going to make some computers or we're going to get into fuel generation in any case this was a project hope you enjoyed it if you did leave a like and huge thanks to the commissioned officers in the army of geminism who are supporting the channel over at patreon see you next time this is your host Jim medism or signing out bye bye foreign
Channel: GMODISM
Views: 2,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmodism, satisfactory, satisfactory update 8, satisfactory tips, satisfactory beginners guide, satisfactory gameplay, satisfactory update 8 tips, satisfactory tutorial, satisfactory tutorial 2023, satisfactory tutorial update 8, satisfactory guide, satisfactory game, Heavy Modular Frame Factory Tutorial, satisfactory Heavy Modular Frame, satisfactory Heavy Modular Frame setup, satisfactory Heavy Modular Frame efficiency, satisfactory Heavy Modular Frame guide, Heavy Modular Frame
Id: d6hbtr9xJW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 23sec (2603 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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