100 Drops - [Vending Machines]

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what's going on for tonight fans my name's Luke the notable and in this video we're gonna be dropping vending machines one other times you may be wondering why I dropped vending machines 100 times and it's because this video is sponsored by Mountain Dew amp game fuel they sent me this mini-fridge it's very full of Mountain Dew and if you'd like to try out some Mountain Dew in-game fuel right now they're running a special promotion using the Amazon link in the description you can get 20% off by using code 20 ltn and because it's Amazon it'll probably get here before you're done watching the video now let's just get in to game number one here we are game number one got the soccer skin on we ain't messing around I think it's probably best to go over the rules first before we start talking strategy you are watching the vending machine 100 drops in this video I can only loot out of vending machines if you haven't played fortnight before vending machines are all pretty much the same they give you three choices of any gun you want but you only pick one that's not all I can farm as many materials as I want because without materials there's no way you're gonna win a game a fortnight and also because vending machines are a little bit stingy on ammo I can pick up ammo off the ground in from ammo boxes so long as I'm careful not to touch any guns we're not talking strategy just yet but ballers and other vehicles are valid but again any loot guns yield health gliders anything must come out of vending machines and that's pretty much it we'll talk specific strategy in game 2 but for now I have a flu grenade launcher purple minigun and gliders while looking for more vending machines my baller was destroyed time to fight with these guns I guess left on one help i spammed my grenade launcher and it ended up hitting a player figured it was time to pull out the minigun but only ended up destroying my own structure then died alright now we're on game 2 we're gonna talk a little strategy I knew this was gonna be a pretty nasty challenge and mountain dew was involved so I did my research you see there's vending machines all over the fort night map literally everywhere but they're kind of rare so if you're gonna drop on only vending machines do you want to drop on the most vending machines possible there are three possible vending machine spawns and frosty flights and to help the amount of ballers after looting frosty flights vending machines I'll then use a baller to move along the southern edge of the map looting more vending machines happy Hamlet happens to be right nearby and also spawns a total of three vending machines using the baller I can check over ten vending machine spawns along the southern edge of the map which is why I'm after you the baller this would be impossible on foot though this game happy Hamlet wasn't too happy I was attacked tried to kill him but still died and in Game three I was able to get the shotgun but also got shot huh I know I said I dropped mostly frosty flights in these hundred drops but sometimes they go with her spots here I would paradise bombs just like my forefathers while looting the vending machine I was shot and with three guns low health and a tiny bit of mats I died tragically and I unlocked the sea moat I think fortnight might be mocking me a little bit here whatever back to frosty flights in Game five I got a vending machine at least hey I was able to find some health than a happy hamlet vending machine and more health in another one so later on I was approaching the end game with a blue rifle purple pump and full health oh and a baller of course you're about to witness my first kill of these hundred drops pay attention it's a quick one might as well go over player looting here I haven't gotten any kills so really haven't had a chance if I kill a player I can keep his ammo and his materials nothing else no weapons no shields nothing this means if I take damage it hurts real hard it's already pretty difficult to get my health up in the first place while fighting this other guy we both damaged each other I took the high ground and he took the low really didn't want to drop these minis could have been useful but I had to the other player had better guns and more of them but in these hunter drops that's probably just a theme I'm gonna have to get used to game six I ran into a llama I took the mats in the ammo that's it here I'm dropping into the jungle where there's only one vending machine and it didn't spawn so now I have to go all the way around the map looking for a vending machine I found one it produced a gold scarf not bad I made it down to dusty dividend gained some shields the old-fashioned way when I got too salty Springs I was attacked by a player on a quad crasher he died quickly but without a shotgun so did I started off Game seven with another gold scar I was going for a vending machine and happy hamlet when this default stumbled across my path and even with my gold scar is 200 health with too much for me game eight I dropped lucky landing and got a drum gun getting lucky fortnight's a lot about luck to begin with but this strategy just turns that up to 11 I mean fortnight's hard enough as it is even if you have a full inventory of great weapons but when all you have is a long-range rifle and the other guy is a shotgun not much you can do I dropped paradise again in game 10 and got shot before I hit the ground I ran to the vending machine it was a sniper and I sniped that filthy battle pass boy I didn't end up finding any other vending machines but when I dropped down on this one a default was already there I used my one gun to kill him even if I could loot him he didn't have that much stuff still got a heal up the old-fashioned way I made it to the end where I was of course attacked by another player I built pretty well keeping the other guy under my stairs I was even able to get away man get the high ground but I wasn't able to keep it and I died got a sniper out of the vending machine in game 11 and sniped a guy at the other vending machine as you can tell by my inventory I was very lucky this game I even found a vending machine that was 100% minigun my favourite I pretty much just hid the rest of the game no point in me shooting guys I'm just gonna end up getting hurt despite my solitary ways I was still attacked I used my gas grenades to make him flee the structure but I didn't think he would die now I'm on foot in the final circle and this one just turned into a one verse one my instinct was minigun and I almost got him no really that's one minigun bullet in game 12 aya Dooley's a shotgun and Rockets not been part of the reason I have to use the ballers again you have to be quick a lot of times in the endgame I don't find any vending machines they're just taken yes really wish I could open the Supply Drop but I can't caught smell of another player and somehow didn't murder myself trying to kill him there was also this wit last show I trapped in but also didn't trap in and then once I killed him the game was over I didn't even realize game 13 in the end I had one gun for a circle closing around neo tilted obviously with one gun in a hundred health I'm no match for anybody so I was just hiding the only way I'm gonna win in this game is by dropping into the last second choosing it circle was getting small and with a little bit of spring I turned it into a one verse one other guy was above me but I spent half the game destroying neo tilted so I had tons of metal I built so much then I ran out of metal but that allowed me to take the high ground other guy was coming and I knew I was only gonna have one more chance so I sprayed all right sprayed hard [Music] what gun that's it that's all I need still only on one gun in game 14 but my have full health and shields thanks to the coconuts in Paradise Palms I lost full health and shields with his default attack me but I killed him someone heard the commotion this is not looking good for me trapped at the top of this structure without gliders in the storm encroaching I'm surprised I made it this long drop him with big jungus in game 15 I found a player without a gun and I killed him what do you think was gonna happen in this one I had Dooley's a shotgun and a slurp oh also a destroyed ballin ball or got destroyed 9 to shoot my way out of his final circle tried to build over this player but the tree got in my way then had to drop down to his level and he killed me I learned a lot about the fortnight map with these hundred drops you just have to be resourceful when all you have is a couple guns this crown of rvs near Paradise Palms is a great spot for mats wood stone metal everything mostly just rolled around in this one made it to the end again but not in the best of situations while running towards safety I was shot I tried to get away with the launch pad but was unsuccessful game 17 just cuts out I ran out of hard drive space so instead watch me drink some Mountain Dew and game fuel as you can probably tell I don't last too long in game 18 but I'm doing what I love I was only able to find a sniper in game 19 I was attacked by a player in a drift board the ballers natural enemy I even hit my one shot but the default still killed me in game 20 I pretty much just run around helplessly until I die of course game 21 I was looking around for some loot the only thing I had was a rocket launch oh there's a guy there let's just back up I waited for the perfect moment to sneak up behind him and kill him but I was a little out with my faller and blew myself up Haley the amount of banana cosmetics in this game is quite surprising started off this game with a sniper rifle but that's about as far as I'd make it I played his toxic trooper in game 23 and use my bow to kill this fish I did absolutely nothing else and then was killed by this default he won though so good for him game 24 I dropped as a default named neo tilted it was over very quickly in game 25 I had a drug gun and only a drum gun still got one kill though it did made me severely man as you can probably bet I didn't live much longer I had a grenade launcher in a shotgun in game 26 and I used the shotgun for one kill oh I thought the medkit 7hp isn't technically dead so i nutted up and moved on it looks like someone else knows about the coconuts near Paradise Palms I fired wildly into the structure and got one kill all the other guy was definitely scared I never did end up finding healing but do this enough times and you don't need to if only I could have looted those players hey a game 27 we got some pretty decent stuff I will say the coconuts were a little dry this game next to the coconuts you will find a timepiece clock watch whatever it's on top of the mountain tons of different mats here it's cool this guy was in a bush and I killed him ran out of mats in the final circle and died next game for game 28 I was untouched all game until the moment I got sniped panicked and died it was so sad and in game 29 I died to a soccer skin with 16 17 kills next game I died wow so funny started off game 31 by getting a rocket out of this vending machine didn't get much else also what's the deal with Ford fights huh I was attacked and he obviously had a shotgun I know it doesn't look like it buy this footage but I tried I had three different shotguns and gas grenades in game 32 I picked up that drillin by accident despite my entire economy being invested in shotguns I'm pretty bad with it and honestly I have no idea what happened here after my baller broke I jumped out with a glider for some reason trying to build over the guy but didn't end game 33 ends pretty quickly I had a hunting rifle and nothing else in game 34 I scoured the map only found one vending machine and it produced a minigun however while I do praised the minigun daily it's not good in every situation in game 35 if you slow the footage down you can see that this vending machine had gliders don't know why I took pulse grenades trying to push into this players box for like three years eventually the fight was drawn out into the open and I sloppily got the kill though I was severely injured made it to the end but with a sliver of help and while flying through the final circle I was shot down I took impulse remains because I already had gliders just realized I made it to the end of game 36 as well wouldn't be one final circle I only had a spray but also full help I gave it a go but came up a little short and I lost the footage for game 37 so I'm just gonna drink more mountain dew amp game fuel dropping in with mater in game 38 this strat can be pretty hard with a duo there aren't that the vending machines game 39 I had a shotgun Mader had a grenade launcher somehow we use this wonderful combo to make it to the end game though made it went down I rushed in to find his card and ended up taking up the squad that killed it later on I got trapped at the top of the map without gliders I tried to get down but couldn't however in game 40 we did both have shotguns it was gonna get a little dusty outside dusty divot and right as mater went down I dropped onto another player whom I killed pretty quickly but that storm was right behind me then I didn't make it to safety I'm just glad that this default had a good day game 41 you can tell I was very stressed out being trapped in this hole probably shouldn't hit down there to begin with come on we got a win game 42 look at us were sweating so hard no we didn't make it that far back two solos in game 43 farming Matt's for what seemed like an eternity I did end up finding a bow and used it effectively to kill this baller and the player inside but even in fortnight season 9 without a shotgun you don't have much hope balling around in game 44 until I came across his bunker Jonesy whom I killed what someone heard the commotion and sprayed me down pretty well game 45 started with the killing of this innocent Jonesy and frosty flights I spent the rest of the game in my fishbowl by watching the kill feed I could tell a soccer skin was killing everybody and now he was upon me I used destiny to distract him they bought me enough time to do some damage and get to my baller I cocked some high ground and when he tried to push me I killed him with my tactical shotgun yeah that's the name of a sweat for sure last guy and the match was in the open so I popped out and shot at him and bravely hopped back in my baller and stood it towards the best position from there this rock said to run headfirst into my rifle bullets probably wasn't gonna work out for this is not a fish skin it is a shark skin and in game 46 I made it to the end again with better weapons and more health but still no gliders and I think it'd just be better if we got on with game 47 I don't really like it I did have to rely a lot on building in these hundred drops and that definitely taught me how to build better and building better make skills easier even if in this game I didn't win game 49 I was just looking for more vending machines but only found Payne and in game 50 I set down my controller to pee I had been drinking quite a lot of mountain dew left on auto run number one changed to number two then I clogged the toilet and died it's game 51 and I have an announcement definitely notice the first 50 drops that wasn't really fighting players there wasn't really a point to so in the second half of this hundred drops video I'm going to be treating enemy players like human vending machines if I kill another player I can choose one item off their person this guy had a nice stack of minis which I took didn't help though cuz later instead of just shooting this player I tried to place a trap on her floor which wasn't valid and I died so just so we're clear game 52 started by me killing this player with my pickaxe he dropped some minis so I picked them up but nothing else just the minis one item each player I think this is a little bit more fair as it gives me a valid reason to defend myself but of course even with this little buff this challenge is still incredibly hard not sure why game 53 looks like this but it does we'll still love him shotguns scar and gliders in game 54 which is pretty much all you need no baller in the end but I did have a sky base fate of metal I do love dropping down with the combat shotgun and firing it's terrifying this player missed all of his shots and allowed me to win the game and I swear I really won game 55 you got to believe me this is all I have ah I guess we'll just have to go for three wins in a row for you to trust me as you can probably tell in this one I employed a lot of weapons which meant quite a lot of options I was approaching the final circle with my bow a couple kills and flesh wounds one verse one in the final circle and I was determined to use my bow to win this game but when the other player pushed out just a little too long I poked him enough to win god I wasn't expecting it honestly but in game 57 what I thought was going to be an easy shotgun kill turned into an embarrassing pistol death and in game 58 I tried to spray my best with a gun that doesn't spray game 59 I had a rocket launcher and was ready but not ready for that yeah he really caught me by surprise game 60 I could feel the John wick euphoria as a hunting rifle this player in the body but because he had a shotgun he became pop a victory I kept my nose incredibly clean in game 61 until I snagged this player from like a mile away moving on into the final circle with two guns one mini and a ton of Matt's I even killed a second player but because I had to spray her down I took some damage then saw my one chance on the last rocks in the game with the shotgun easily would have had him but because I had to spray I was lost to the storm in game 62 I only had a shotgun and gliders it ended badly I had to resort to the Polar Peak vending machine in game 64 there's a reason I don't come here it never ends well I had a shotgun in a star in game 64 which is enough I also baller bombed this default who was just trying to make his way in the world kept the baller alive to the end in this one honestly I'm getting better with my baller skills this game turned into a one verse one and I pushed the other player with everything I had left wasn't that dumb got a little lucky in game 65 didn't have much except my baller and the ability to spray wildly the first guy I killed dropped a jug jug but before drinking it I made sure to kill this banana by shooting him in the toes didn't have much loot but despite my lower status in this society I still made it to the end where I found a default who totally destroyed me wasn't even close I'm missing game 66 again good thing I got plenty of mountain dew amp game fuel game 67 I had a rocket launcher and if you didn't know I'm pretty good at using those things to blow myself up game 6 8 you know we already out here ballin like normal I had no shotgun so I was forced to spray down this man to his eventual demise and I didn't win even though I did find a shotgun do I even have to say what game it is I'm not going to in this one I have a gold pump gliders and way more hope for this game no shotgun in game 70 just automatic rifles spray my way downtown I made it to the end of this one pretty injured but also pretty arm and I had a metal sky base so I had that going for me yeah I was injured enough that when I dropped off the metal sky base I died started off game 71 with a bow nice and while I wasn't perfect I did use the bow to secure some kills I also had a shotgun for once which is always welcome but like a lot of these games I never really found any healing items and died I wasn't very well armed at all in game 72 but my building skill allowed me to tower over this other fish I maintained high ground long enough to watch him disconnect from the match in the water must have felt at home there I picked up his gliders even though he dropped minis I figured I could get some shields with coconuts and trusting in coconuts ended up being a horrible mistake for me in game 73 I had two rocket launchers and managed not to blow myself up but I didn't have a shotgun that's okay in game 74 I had a shotgun and a drum gun did the bananas worst nemesis played pretty well in this one upgrading my shotgun to gold tragically though when I killed this player is loot floated into the storm final circle and I had a scoped assault rifle wow I'd probably have never used this thing this late again without healing items gliders or any of the amenities that I normally enjoy this is gonna be a tough one my only hope was that I could get the first shot and he would be apps Leeloo I did but he wasn't game 75 the first vending machine I looted had a shotgun and that would be the only gun I would get all game but as you can probably tell I did have quite a lot of metal the plan was to somehow find a way to cheese it at the last second I got a quick pass and kill on a player just running by then walk going to loot I was shot from above he saw that I was on low health so he pushed down at me but unfortunately he didn't know I'm no fish I'm a shark just a shotgun I never really used that infantry rifle but I don't really know what I was doing in game 76 and game 77 just cuts out ran out of hard drive space again now to do amp game fuel game 78 I got pretty lucky and looted quite a few vending machines I also took my luck into my own hands running into the storm to push a player with my gas grenades and get more loot so by the end of this one I wasn't fully stacked but I had everything I needed to win and even though in the end I ran out of materials the other player was lost in the storm and I won game 79 starting off with just a little bit less just a shotgun in a sniper but as long as I have a baller I can use the element of surprise to kill any enemy I choose this was definitely not a quiet game that defaults twin-brother wanted revenge and I sent him to the glue factory I made it to top 10 where I found a player trying to loot a Supply Drop I said trying I did say this was a pretty crazy game but thanks to my gold combat shotgun I won and I had just bought this dance so now I'm breaking it in oh yeah game 80 was fine started like any other normal game only I was only looting from vending machines moving through the area with my baller and saw player in the open and was a little eager to get out and shotgun it I'm sure that wick was very confused in game 81 I had really good guns and didn't run into anybody unfortunately I never did find shields and I looked for a while later on I took refuge in one of the old pirate camps I'm being honest I didn't notice that default there until I did he didn't put up a fight anyway I played pretty well never did find shields it was gonna be a hot drop in frosty flights this game so I just went straight to happy Hamlet not much in this game drum gun and a minigun I was still only on 100 health and it didn't help that I got shot in the leg the other player did end up chasing me down and killing me but I've got a trap off and he died too we're gonna try out a game with hazard agent for game 83 everything was going normally until I fell into a player's box that I probably shouldn't have fell into wait wait is that a Facebook gaming promotion yes game 84 die we all will one day I found a llama in a tree in game 85 I actually ended up leaving him there I very well attempted to overcome the spring of this man's drum gun with all of my building might I tried but I wasn't able to he got me out in the open took me out with a shotgun I found another llama in game 86 how lucky I made it too salty Springs and kill the player with the shotgun with nothing but a rifle don't worry I didn't use that medkit was just in my inventory I was engaged in a fairly confusing bill quite near salty springs and I lost the other player for just a second and he killed me in game 87 I didn't find anyone not a soul until I found this default skin just wandering around lost I really didn't want to hurt him but I probably had to hey he was carrying some nice little trinkets made it to the final circle in this one man I still had that default medium shield on me I had to drink the default soul but it's a one verse one now let's do it drop down from the top missed my rocket and missed my shotgun that was a close one I posted this shot from game 88 on Twitter it was nice though while obeying the rules of this weird strategy I was shocked however these hunger drops have taught me to be incredibly slippery this player never touched me I still died but it was by the storm my fine stop - game 89 hey final circle with a decent chance this time spring into another players box and I got sniped and then I got sniped again last 10 games these are for all the marbles even though I'm not really competing and no one should ever use these strategies wait to check my second vending machine and I found that a default had already taken it so I used my deagle from the first vending machine kill him later on I bought a bomb to player in fatal field going for a vending machine that's my property I took him by complete surprise he had no idea I was low and he had no ID I had two guns I also found a default friend who put up zero fight literally I gotta say I travelled a lot in this game Here I am lazy lagoon killing news I was moving into the final circle with a lot of good stuff and a good chance to win until I hit the ground in game 91 night a shotgun scarf and a bush I found I didn't have a ton of Madsen only 100 health so I pretty much just laid low even in the final circle can this one I was able to hide all the way to second place started off game 92 with a shotgun out of a vending machine near frosty flights I was also able to find some help in a fatal fields vending machine and that was it shotgun gliders and a ton of mattes one verse one in this circle and I had to make sure to get up close this man was no pushover he was an incredibly fast builder and with no spray that was gonna be difficult it's possible to win just a shotgun but not probable going for three second places in a row in game 93 I was having a little bit of fun with Easter with killing defaults in game 93 I made it into the final circle with my baller and bravery as you can tell the end of this one got pretty hectic I wasn't even killed by the guy I was building on I was killed by someone else entirely we can put on fire week in game 94 I checked probably 10 vending machine spawns and the only thing I found was this blue a K and I would take that blue a K all the way to my grave that's okay because in game 95 I was able to loot a lot more vending machines I also farmed Matson neo tilted for a while I talked about it earlier in this video it's great for strong max like stone in metal I saw that this player had the Cincinnati Bengals NFL skin on so of course he was incredibly easy killed final circle was on top of a mountain and I held the ultimate high ground and using my boom bo got some kills 1v1 and I could tell that the other player in this match had a very expensive phone this time we were backwards I had health but no materials I hid behind this glorious tree and let the storm overtake me the other player didn't see this coming and I wanted you know I need a bad win total especially for only looting out of vending machines well let's see if we can add to that wind total in game 96 probably not cuz it's Hazzard agent but I can keep the mystique going yeah I never ended up killing anyone until someone killed me game 97 was pretty quiet didn't kill anyone until I snipe this guy I didn't have to get up close and personal with his bunker Jonesy but because I had good loot he was no match and ran away another player had just rifted to the top of this structure I tried to fall her bombs but it didn't work frosty flights was pretty packed in game 98 there was a player in the hangar and the player shooting at me from the side I was able to hammer out some good damage with the only gun I had I let him have it until I ran out of ammo once I ran out of ammo I ran away luckily I found a chug-chug in a vending machine man healed completely near fatal fields I was engaged in the spray battle without a shotgun this was my only option and when my spray ran dry I went for my pickaxe and died game 99 we're getting there I was involved in a pretty nasty build fight with this player in forward beat I had no materials and I lived with one health oh yeah and default danced on him I also made acquaintance this boat for Jonesy he didn't hit me once and I killed him after that it was mostly just baller footage I was just hanging out in my box waiting for the circle to get smaller and I gots nice good job you made it in the video game 100 this was definitely a tough one this was obviously a hard challenge but it did teach me a ton about fortnight I had to drop in and use nothing but the weapons I found in vending machines to get some wins of course this forced me to rely on building for the most part which made me better at building but I said that before let's just get on with it I was farming mats on the top of polar peak when I knocked my baller off the structure I thought it was the end of the world until I saw a player moving down below and I used my bow to kill him rollin around to the final circle and saw an empty baller so I decided to hide by it no no kind of blended in I guess it worked I made it to the end and my hopes were high now what's the one-on-one despite my horrible injuries and being a fish I came flying down at the other player but didn't stick the landing considering my situation I'm okay with that that is it for the video do want to remind you about the special mountain dew amped game fuel promotion happening right now for a limited time if you click the Amazon link in the description bye some Mountain Dew amp team fuel and use code 20 ltn you'll save 20% Amazon sells a variety pack of mountain dew amp game fuel which is perfect for trying all the flavors and that's pretty much it thank you mountain dew amp game fuel for sponsoring this video and thank you for watching please stay notable I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Luke TheNotable
Views: 4,399,359
Rating: 4.8753924 out of 5
Keywords: luke thenotable, luke, the, notable, fortnite, fortnite battle royale, I Dropped Vending Machines 100 Times And This Is What Happened, Fortnite Vending Machines, 100 drops, fortnite tips, fortnite gameplay, fortnite funny videos, luke thenotable fortnite, fortnite 100, fortnite drop 100, fortnite drop, luke the notable, 100 drops guy, fortnite drops, i dropped salty springs 100 times and this is what happened, luke thenotable 100 drops
Id: Cyqy2iALKck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 35sec (1475 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2019
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