100 Drops - [The Arena]

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this is the arena a place for some of the best fortnight players in the world to Duke it out and I Luke the notable in dirt the intensity of arena for 100 games so grab your baller and hide behind the nearest tree because I dropped the arena 100 times and this is what happened this is it game 1 I wanted to keep the intro short because I wanted to do a lot of explaining with actual gameplay here this is not normal for tonight this is the arena completely different but to sum it all up it's essentially just way harder fortnight because everything matters notice how there's a 1 next to my shields in health after I got that kill in the arena you get points for basically playing fortnight whelmed getting kills placing higher that sort of thing so here I was hanging out defaulting around and got to top 25 so I got an extra 3 points the big catch which the arenas that you play people around your point total so here with 6 points the competition wasn't then steep that's ok though cuz I'm a level zero this is my first game I have no points it should be this easy tell you the truth he won looks like pretty much every other game of fortnight that I've played for people left in this final circle and as the circle started to close it got pretty hectic and I added to my point total but now it's a one verse one let's get it gathered the soul of that guy I killed and found that the other guy was in a sky base I know I didn't look at him I could just hear him up there turtle beats but I realized I had little materials too late and I died for second place still got a ton of points though dang I'm also a part of the open League which is when you first start out in the arena if you're in the open league there's no way to lose points between games so even if I drop in and nothing happens I stay at 11 points so I dropped into salty springs looking for some easy kills and I got a few easy kills remember this is still pretty low point gameplay here I also had a rocket launcher which can help when you need to kill people but remember we're in salty sprinting so while looting I was shot with a grenade launcher from there I was chased incessantly until eventually a trap got me still in the open League though and it lasts for a while you need 125 points to get out of the open League so in game 3 I decided to have some fun in paradise bombs like a banned sequel in game 3 I was also shot while looting got away this time though but not for long it's fine though remember open division you may have seen my video on fortnight's gauntlet tournament one of the things about that tournament is you start every game with minus 2 points and that's gone in the arena at least for the open division it was still competitive fortnight in the open division but people were numbers my pressure because when you die you don't lose points these early games were some of the most fun I've ever had playing fort knife just good clean sweaty fortnight fun without really any consequences I got a lot of points this game just by keeping to myself I was looking for top five if I could grab it I did an extra three points but I got tonight but it's totally fine remember we're in the openly live dive doesn't matter looking back it's a nice transition into the super sweaty stuff you'll see later on in the arena even in the open league you're gonna play high-level players but if you die it doesn't matter so even after a John wick boogie bombs you and deletes your entire health bar you're not really that mad so later on in the match when I was sniped for second place I wasn't mad at all I'm showing a lot of gameplay of me killing guys but what's cool in the arena is you can get points just from placement to I'm fairly certain you could cruise to the entire open league without getting a single kill cuz even if you make top 25 and miss every single one of your shot to get embarrassed by this guy with numbers in his name taint you know you don't lose points oh and what's real nice is like Game seven I was dropping in and my food got delivered so I quit out with the zero consequences I played another game seven made it pretty far in a box while eating these ain't even near what you're gonna see in the final circle later on I laugh at this this is newbie stuff they ended up running out of Matt's news my mini guns almost kill this fish and still died open League who cares though I have not yet won a game so in Game eight I whipped out the baller from a utility standpoint the ball is probably one of the best vehicles in all of fortnight no fall damage you don't take shots of anyone shoots at you a pretty good amount of health I mean look at this I can swing through trees and while the baller isn't needed to place higher in win in fortnight it does help a lot little old controller player like me needs every advantage against these PC sweats yep this is probably the best strategy in all of fortnight still a pretty normal final circle looks like any other game except I'm in a baller sky base using the baller I was able to conserve tons of materials so I was able to hop out into this final circle with over a thousand from there I used my minigun magic to confuse scare and ultimately destroy the other players in the match for my first ever arena win as you can I was quite happy game 9 I died without a lot of kills but I got a lot of points just for living socialism game 10 dropped a hot bus into Paradise Palms and make sure this default would never get out of the open division but then his little cousin Jonesy showed me what was what game 11 did not end well this clover player got in and killed me but since I got the trap off he took a little bit of damage and then died in the storm and I got fifth place so still pretty good points most the time you lose a game a fortnight you walk away with nothing but in the arena it's kind of nice if you just get top 25 you walk away with at least three points sure not as glorious but it feels good don't even care that I died to a default skin in any level of the arena you gotta have nice spots to hide I would come in here the private island seclusion tons of trees and a nice little shack of shame with a rift in the bottom inherited fourth place with 0 kills then shot this guy in the back down to a one verse one in the final circle and I'm out of materials I mean you know what you think was gonna happen still in the open League cruising up the divisions pretty quickly we'll be out of this pretty soon well not if I die like this any time I used the same strategy in game 15 and died again game 16 I dropped fatal with all the other noobs I could smell a guy hiding in the cornfield I dropped fatal 100 times and you have no idea how much this happens I think at this point I could get top 25 even top 15 pretty easily but top 5 was pretty contested and hard to get for me at this time I was getting very close to the contender League and players were definitely contending this one here was even able to resist my minigun might I know I should be playing it safe but I dropped a paradise hot again I can't help it no I definitely deserve to be dead here for sure game 18 is already over okay no kills in game 19 but I almost got top 5 then I had quite a pleasant game in game 20 hello good sir don't mind me you can see the absolute craziness of the final final circles really starting to take form here now remember this is only with six people we're all gunning for top 5 after top 5 gets awarded the only other way to get points is by killing her winning most people choose killing but I've played pretty safe in game 21 I needed 125 points to get to the contender League and as you can see I meant 126 but then this guy found me and he was obviously way better hurray I contended big difference here in The Contender League at the start of every game you're gonna lose one point points are earned exactly the same way you just start negative one rolled around in game 22 made it pretty simple okay cliff is from the intro I lost the baller after that there wasn't much hope also if you haven't noticed I've been dropping into the jungle quite a bit in this video the jungle is the newest biome in fortnight there's tons of materials loot everything if you know where to look and the massive trees were great for arena not only because you got a lot of materials from them but the canopy just hid you from tons of players trying to drop in there's also tons of ways to easily leave the jungle like geysers and ballers so I was able to cruise into top 25 in this one pretty easily even got a kill on a guy injured and scared I used the balloon to get down the structure I'm a humble man but maybe I should have got some of them fancy gliders game 24 I came in 21st place again it was pretty bad but in the contender League coming in top 25 is really all you have to do you actually profit two points or you know you can kill one guy which is what I did in this game dusty dip then someone killed me we will all be dusty in the end this is pretty much all that happened in game 26 yeah I'm getting pretty good at the baller didn't have to hop out until it was a 1 verse 1 the counter says 3 but that's how fresh it is I had 1500 mats no gliders and one chance but I still lost got a lot of points though yep we back at it in the arena I found saving yourself for the end Circle is where you're gonna get the most kills that's where players are gonna get to third party they're gonna be below already you can spray into a box like this and maybe get lucky there's a definite strategy to playing conservative at the start of the game and then hyper aggressive at the end especially if you've already got placement points don't be afraid to go for kills they're probably as low as you are but this time the soccer skin wasn't game 28 handled 1 player and sunny steps to get my bus fare back I think I played a little better once I got my bus fare back I wasn't afraid to lose everything I could play a little bit riskier which sometimes can help but it didn't help this time of course if you really want points in the arena it's best to ball her up see didn't that look easy I could avenge should have stayed in the baller here but I smelled this default around the corner I was 90% sure I trapped him in here but he was able to get out and once I got out he trapped me and I don't think he was a real default ok I'm done with getting pooped on I'm on PC sorry it looks terrible the arena's cross-platform so playing on Xbox I was already at a disadvantage my biggest disadvantage was my framerate it was locked at 60 on Xbox but on PC I can get up to 240 I'm still playing on controller I'm just way better at 240 frames per second everything about fortnight's easier in 240 frames even rina I got top five and even two kills here so when I died I got a lot of points pretty good game same thing in game 31 made it to the end with my ancient box technique then I got killed by a guy with really good internet still in the contender League moving up the divisions and will be in this one for a while you need 300 points to make it to the Champion League and slowly but surely I was getting there one ninth place game at a time I don't know how many more times I have to show the baller before you can just assume I made it to the end with the baller this one was gonna end on top of the volcano who's gonna be a little tricky I maintained high ground and kept myself in the literal perfect position for this circle three left one in the sky had to handle my gas grenades and couldn't and then the other one was low on health I had 200 health so even though he was a good shot I still lived I could tell by the way he absolutely panicked that he must have been on supremely low health and I won don't worry guys I remember to hit the default dance though that win led to some overconfidence which caught up to me in game 34 stuck to my spherical roots in game 35 high ground is really important in the final circle is it's basically the best strategy against anyone in a box and because everyone's in boxes it's the best strategy it also allows you to drop in at the perfect moment and miss your game ending noscope it's fine I got the shotgun and then sprayed them down with my rifle until he died but it would have been nice to end that with conozco wasn't recording in game 36 so we'll just skip to 37 why did you expect die bollard made it to a one verse one with a minigun this is my element we were both low health whittling each other down as the storm overtook us and I didn't win but he didn't have to take the El on me I started off game 38 with a very nice knife then made it to top 25 and got killed by someone better then in game 39 I probably should have lived way longer but I missed all my shots then died forgot to record this one so just to have the end screen I played okay fourth place two kills to the final circle was getting increasingly packed by game 41 14 people were in it but I had fancy gliders and high ground so I had a good chance of winning just kidding I'm trash even the baller strategy was getting a little bit more difficult in these later games yeah game 42 was where I found out the baller can't save you every time also forgot to mention I am in division 6 that is one away from the top division champion so now I'm losing 2 points at the start of every game yeah 2 points though luckily and this one at the start of the game I got two easy kills bollard my way to the endgame and instead of fighting over top five we were fighting over top 25 that's the big difference with High Point arena I made it not much further though same thing in game 44 that circles getting real small still over 25 people left found a guy in a box healing so I harassed him until he came out shot him with my shotgun and secured top 25 in an extra point at this point my sights were on anyone running out in the open remember you can get some free easy points in these final circles when the storm starts to move but you remember how I said you want to keep the high ground that's why game 45 started okay I got half my points back and that was all the points I'd be getting that game game 46 I got top 25 in the storm and that was it it's easy to see that the arena was getting harder but I can still compete got pretty lucky in this game killed two guys with almost nothing to get my points back but with just two kills I'm still netting zero points for the whole game and because I got killed my profit was nothing but in the arena I'd say nothing's better than negative two this is where the arena lost a little bit of it's fun for me every game was just more and more depressing depressing isn't the right word but it was hard everyone felt better than me and that's frustrating especially if you got to play a hundred games here's game 50 sorry I normally wear a soccer skin that's okay we'll get over this one quickly found a guy in the fatal fields Barney cone to be in from here you could pretty much tell how it was gonna go dropped enough of my points to make it to the end in game 51 with a baller of course I already secured top 15 so here I was just going for kills maybe get an extra point or two but you all know that it's easiest to get killed when you have the high ground wasn't recording for game 52 lost my points gained 53 started great I got a rocket launcher out of a vending machine then blew myself up with it I was headed for top 15 in game 54 then I got sniped it happens more than you'd think like I said earlier this level of arena it's harder there's less points on the table here we're barely fighting over top 25 with this tiny tiny circle it's so dangerous it's great practice though I don't play too well in these final circles just cuz I haven't been exposed to them that but I'm getting better for sure game 56 there were 31 people left I had no kills and I saw someone leave the private island so I tried to get there with my baller but my rope failed and I dropped into the ocean game 57 shot at this baller and what popped out almost killed me but didn't I'm getting better especially if boxing you have to do if you're playing in the arena but as a controller player I feel so disadvantaged playing in the arena because I'm going up against PC players they're just so much faster wasn't recording game 58 but you can see they are faster so in game 59 I dropped in as a default to remind myself not to fight too many guys everyone's just better than me I guess and I did it I stuck to my box and stayed in the game a lot longer than I have been lately I said earlier you want to wait to the end game to go for kills and I stand by that look I got a really lucky one right here however while running towards safety I was attacked from behind but luckily we both died still need 300 points for champion and while the arena was definitely getting harder I was definitely still determined to get there though in this game despite my best efforts I died in the storm sort of kind of died by a fall whatever broke even yeah lost two points in game 61 and 62 ballin and sniping in game 63 made it to the end of this one by drinking 8 gallons of Mountain Dew no gliders but I got this nice little wound somehow a player was able to shoot up my structure and balloon at the same time I tried to get it back out but couldn't game 64 is pretty short didn't get the gun you defaults out there know what happens next maybe I'll be able to protect myself with a lava moat and a baller of course nope I didn't even make it to top 25 and the guy that killed me had 12 kills team 66 I had a baller and a llama still died without points that's ok came back in game 67 and was successfully able to hold down the private island with a baller I hadn't come in top 5 in a while this was gonna be my chance but unfortunately I'm not playing on hyper stretch treads so it's hard for me to see in these final circles I was still playing ok though making it to the end with my boxing also my use of this tree I wish I knew what to tell you in these final circles but I just don't know what to do most of the time I just play on my arms sometimes go for kills but almost always die it's game 69 but I'm a mature adult I kept 68 on my skin I just forgot to change it who cares I harnessed the unstoppable force of the minigun to take top 25 with three kills and like a lot of the other games I was shooting at ballers and got shot from the high ground game 7d is labeled appropriately one of the most important things in this game is being able to smell out the weak and vulnerable then kill them sometimes you got to be honest with yourself though here I'm twelve people left I've already got five kills I'm not gonna get top 5 I might as well just go for one more easy kill even if it kills me you just never know in the madness of these final circles one minute you're shooting a baller next minute you're dead I got a ton of points in game 70 so in game 71 I went straight to losing them in game 72 why war 70 on my skin again I don't know why as much as I gripe about the arena you got to remember that it does make you a better fortnight's player you just got to keep grinding in it and eventually you'll get there you got to remember I said at the beginning of the video that this is not normal for tonight it is way harder I had amazing loot in this one and probably should have lived a long time but when my structure came crashing down so did I in order to make sure I don't mess up the number on the back anymore I'm just gonna put 0 on it I like playing with the soccer skin makes me better for some weird reason however the soccer skins powers didn't come to me in game 73 in game 74 I'm gonna show you what not to do in the final circle I say final so this isn't even really that final it's just the arena anyway pretty simple situation here if you've been in arena 25 plus people left and that storm is moving I ended up getting top 25 in this clip so it's a little bit victorious but I could have gotten way more points in this game and I'll show you why and you're seeing it right now I'm trying to go for kills when the storm is moving why am I doing this I'm just gonna get shot from the side like I did here and eventually done sometimes it's hard to wrap your head around exactly how big the game space you're in is and right now the circle is not very big and because I took so many bullets coming in I didn't make it to safety I'm just gonna skip straight to endgame in game 75 because that's the most important thing right now I got 34 people left myself included for a pretty small circle at this point in the game just assume you have 34 guns trained on you at all times also don't blow yourself up with your rocket cuz someone's gonna here and shoot you and they want the points I was able to rift away from that guy but was of course attacked by another oh so upset I had Rockets I shouldn't have been in this spot to begin with I think if anything the end game of fortnight is something you have to prepare for fall game in every game of arena you're gonna want something to move fast so you definitely don't want to get out of your baller on a hill too the guy yes it rolls so now I'm stuck without a baller on the fringe of the cirque and there's 34 people left and i got a build fight this guy that's probably playing unstretched resident yeah i should have never got out of that baller I've kind of been on a string of bad games and game 77 added to it oh yeah so did game 78 I even add Rockets if you have a lot of bad games like this in a row just take a break please so yeah I took a break this is a regular old solo game Justin hooks still use my arena strategy which is essentially just romp around in the jungle with a baller notably easier coming from 260 silver arena points to regular old solo matches after 80 arena games I couldn't remember the last time someone rode up to me on a drift board and let me kill them like this I attacked everyone I saw without question hiding in boxes all that time made me something inhuman so yeah sky base with six make that seven kills went down to kill the last piece of public trash and he actually was decent at the game almost killed me but you know did I'm still a certified bot though don't get me wrong back to the grind play non-stretch cheer you know how it is JK's stretched res is illegal I played game 82 but wasn't recording but don't want to cheat you out anything so I'll just play it again this is actually one of the rare times where I noticed I didn't record as it happened wow look at me look at this circle still super small 26 people left soccer skins everywhere I did what I had to do got top 25 with one kill went for the second kill but didn't get it as the circle was starting to close in game 83 I was in a pretty good spot baller with mats of course nothing lasts forever so now I'm here with no mats in one balloon I had a chug chug I just had to get to safety but couldn't I should have learned this by now the high ground is king should have put a pyramid on top of my structure I'll be quick with game 85 because it's a quick game to begin with in game 86 I tried you know what do you want to try probably should have taken another break but I was determined with bot rage here I thought I found a new way to store the baller but when I got in and out it destroyed the baller oh you can you can see the depression and just how I don't move I got top 25 but now I'm looking for top 15 and know you're not gonna get it jumping into random strangers boxes I thought this John Wick's three storey tower a fortnight you'd be no match for mine gun I was wrong seems like I just can't stay out of trouble while I am getting better I end up killing myself most of the time editing this video I can see that most of my deaths in this series are preventable and yeah after 90 games of the arena I was a little bit burnt out honestly dropping Tilted was easier but hey I got better way better and that was really the whole point of hundred drops to begin with so success even if game 91 wasn't a success at all game 92 I dropped the pirate ship as John wick didn't get a gun and died wasn't recording in game 93 didn't come in top 25 either but I got four kills so I profited points game 94 I was met by a player with a really expensive phone obviously he was way better at the game than me got the soccer skin on in game 95 and let me just spin around here so you can read that number on the back played pretty well for once probably because I've been losing so many points I really shouldn't be attacking this man it never goes well this time it actually did go well but I probably should have just went to the safe circle seriously I can't help myself even on 9 health I'm going for kills which of course got me killed game 96 is just dumb this bunny moon stuck me with her clinger so I got out and let the cleaner explode on me then I got shotgun in game 97 I don't know what compelled me to drop Pleasant park but I did who cares I mean most of the match was spent in a baller anyway I got two kills in Pleasant Park but after that didn't kill anyone even in the final circle you know what with a gold scar and a gold pump this is where you're gonna get the most kills in an arena match when everyone is running towards the storm and it's crazy once you got high ground more than often you can get lucky with some easy kills like I am here most of the guys on the ground are gonna be worried about the other players on the ground not you in the sky and in game 97 with three people left in the high ground I used my gold star to spray down the competition and win the game like I said certified bot dropped back into the jungle for game 98 never found a shotgun then died game 99 don't worry I play well here my baller was on a sliver of health from an incident that we won't talk about here for insurance reasons found a nice young player with a fresh baller though so I borrowed it I made it to top 15 with the baller but I still had two rifts in my inventory plus a rocket launcher I mean anything an admin would that thing I used both rift two goes to make my way into the craziest of circles I dropped in with my rocket to secure top 5 aren't you proud of me okay well it's been quite a hundred games these have been very difficult they've taught me a lot at the end I have 274 points even if I go home at the end of this game with nothing and since my dad works at Epic my first chest was a bow and a jug jug I kept to my box and was able to get two kills so at least I'd go home breaking even no baller but it's not that necessary I make jokes about it in the video but you know you can get to the end baller did a little bit more fighting than I should of in an area I shouldn't have been fighting in why am i fighting in this valley game 100 is very similar to a lot of the other games in these hundred drops I played very well but I could have played much better that's it the drops are over and I think I did okay in the end this graph is a running total of my points in arena soloing you can see it started pretty good but then kind of they hit a plateau I found my level I matched players of my own skill and that's the point of ranked fortnight so if you hit a plateau just keep playing that's how you get better the arena is not going away ranked fortnight is here to stay and I'm happy about that I'd also be happy if you used my supporter creator code Luke - the notable in the fortnight item shop do it or I won't love you and that's it for the video fortnight fans if you want to see another one well you're gonna have to subscribe and wait for the next one or watch all the other hundred drops that I've done thank you all for watching I want you all to please stay notable and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Luke TheNotable
Views: 9,822,924
Rating: 4.8527069 out of 5
Keywords: luke thenotable, luke, the, notable, fortnite, fortnite battle royale, luke thenotable optic, luke optic, optic, optic gaming, i dropped, 100 drops, fortnite 100, luke the notable, luke thenotable fortnite, fortnite optic gaming, luke the notable optic gaming, fortnite 100 drops, 100 drops in fortnite, tilted towers 100 drops, salty springs 100 drops, The Arena, Fortnite arena, arena 100 drops
Id: uT0-2Q--KUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2019
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