I Played Hardcore Minecraft in The Poisonous Potato Update for 100 Days And This is What Happened

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for April fools 2024 Minecraft gave us the potato Dimension an entire Dimension made entirely of potatoes ruled by the potato boss and I Luke the notable will be living in this potato world for 100 days so yeah enough of this intro let's just get to day one I'm warning anyone with a fear of potatoes poan phobia panophobia don't watch this video because it's all potato you're in potato World potato land potato Universe here we are potato land you can't spawn right in it it's this whole thing that's why I've got some surface loot when I say potato land I really mean potato land everything is a potato the floor the sky the Sun the clouds it's all potato well one nice thing is I'll have no shortage of food now where am I going to live well it's getting dark don't have much of a choice here I just burrowed into the potato I don't know what the heck's out there and I'm not trying to find out it seems like I've picked an okay spot let's get to living first things first I've got to find some trees along the way I picked up any Lantern I saw it's my only light source found a couple trees infested with potato Creepers with the trees I made charcoal and then fire if I'm going to eat potatoes for 100 days they better at least be baked potatoes food and shelter acquired potato land conquered see you in the next video no no no no remember the intro there's a potato boss I can't just live I've got to get strong I found a village that might help if I could get down there so I don't know why I'm I'm probably just going to stop asking questions at a certain point potato land has no bottom it's just an empty void and of course of course the village is just right in a sea of nothing I'm going to try to Tunnel my way there I'd like to meet these potato people potentially exploit them found some potato iron on my way it's exactly the same just in potato plus this yellow stuff I'm not really sure what it is toxic resin huh sorry Minecraft I don't Vape just really working on my trees at this point as far as I can tell there's no potato coal so this is my only source of fuel oh yeah I have no idea why but the monsters they just keep spawning it's daytime and now I'm placing po Stone over the poay void to get to the poay Village oh look some poay Vines are in my way I don't know if you've noticed but I've been mining with a hoe it's kind of cute actually Village right there over the potato void why I really don't like bridging over a void it's just unsettling it's the voices they tell me to jump all right I made it but I'm not entirely sure that fall won't kill me oh well I got distracted in a potato cave and found potato diamonds wao I got to say it was not that hard to find them I did not have to dig down that far huge day I also found a zombie spawner regular zombies not potato zombies feather falling book dude maybe this potato land ain't that bad no no there's bars on the windows it's not a good place here I come a super smart guy who plays this game for a living I put down water to break my fall and fell anyway well glad that didn't kill me I guess oh oh no I want two hearts I one in half oh sweet potatoes Village was kind of cool they they had so much potato paraphernalia the people themselves are pretty Uggy though I don't know what these ones are supposed to be uh you know it's a village so I basically just stole everything they don't care for trading it looks like they deal in something called Amber fairly certain I get it from the resin somehow the Fletching table has a spot for resin mine doesn't go in oh well no capitalism I guess well that zombie spawner I found earlier should give me plenty of power just got to clear out some pay gravel and Pay Dirt I don't remember the actual name so I'm just going to say pay in front of everything oh nice a patthy peod all righty now that's done should be free XP and maybe someday a carrot those are illegal here I farmed zombies all of Day N I can sell their flesh in the town which I should have been going to anyway so before I go back to town I went back home cuz I want to really try to figure out how this resin thing works I uh I think it's supposed to be confusing maybe even borderline dysfunctional day 11 had a buttload of rotten flesh to sell and got some poisonous potatoes I can find those on the ground it looks like Amber is going to be a necessity at least if I want to actually trade oh bro just imagine imagine if they bought potatoes oh they do you get poisonous potatoes well it's day 12 and I kind of don't really know what to do and when you don't know what to do in Minecraft that means it's time to mine oh easy potato Diamond who needs the villagers not me yeah man the potato caves are just busting with loot it's everywhere however I can confirm there is no po it just doesn't exist thankfully there's normal trees here so I can just make charcoal but that is annoying every couple of days I'm going to have to take a day and just chop potato trees po ey potay want potato two poay mine potay Mo potay diamonds poo poay I pot spending po a poate few potate days potate getting potato coal yeah yeah is it getting annoying me saying poate in front of everything well imagine living here randomly threw an egg that day I guess now I have a pet Pate chicken okay full of coal time for a diamond trip iron resin it's all down here in the potato I just ran out of caves so I'm going to try my hand at strip mining I don't really like doing it but I have a feeling it might be good nice didn't take long and I found a huge vein of diamonds amethyst too I could really use a telescope right next to the village is a minine shaft I mean it's not really a mine shaft it's it's all open more just a platform looked around and can see that there's nothing here except death for me so I'm just going to leave that no chests or anything just platforms of wood that I'm going to die on all right back home oh wait hold on is that Redstone nice I hadn't seen any of this stuff yet I don't know if I'll use it but I'll grab it all right I made my telescope it's time to go up I did it but now it's dark I'm going back home ah the open air the world is my potato oyster I'm not going to stop uh it is that what I think it is is that is that ancient debris well that's worth checking out yep no that is right there that's a whole pile of ancient debris the stuff that makes netherite I have so many questions but it's raining and going to be dark soon so I better get back day 20 I decided to spend some of my potato diamonds I made a sword and a hoe I think most of us probably would I know it's weird but I definitely took my meds this morning this is ancient debris it's just sitting there it's in this whole poisonous biome I'm not sure exactly what it's called but it's making me nervous ah sweet more reskinned enemies never thought I'd be happy to be back in my corner of potato land but here I am little more Min in day 21 got to be honest this diamond hoe just doesn't seem that much faster if this was normal Minecraft I would just go enchant it but no I'm in the potato land it's going to be a journey got a few more diamonds today not many while mining day 22 I found some real blocks yeah that's that's Cobblestone I know better than to ask questions in potato land mining has been a bit dry and there's nothing worse than a dry potato you know what though being down here with my thoughts in the minds has given me an idea for all this potato Stone but I need to do some more tree farming first I need a bunch of it for this next idea I'm going to build a monster Farm day 25 uh sorry sorry a potato monster Farm just like a standard one you know nothing special the ones that have been around for like 20 years it shouldn't take too long to build I just really hope it works hopefully this will let me Farm monsters and the biggest thing I want out of this Farm is arrows there's no poate Flint down here so I think this is the only way I'm going to get ammo so I sat inside all day with my growing family of potato chickens waiting for mobs to spawn okay yeah a couple did not many that's more than I had day 29 is missing I did the exact same thing thing is day 28 I went back to potato Town day 30 cuz I haven't been here since I got my telescope and I'm very certain that's a sunken ship yep 100% that's what it is a sunken ship there's good loot on those things at least for potato land oh yeah I smell Adventure so there's a bit of a mind shaft between here and there it looks like I'm going to have to go over look at this my journey is blessed on the way over I found diamonds all right just uh one little Bridge here I was very worried here if a skeleton spawned on on one of those ridges and shot me well that'd be it I think it's going to be okay I don't like this at all though going to have to jump down but for the loot in there it should be worth it all right some iron some lapis it's fine chest two ooh oh paper paper guys I can enchant I didn't think I was going to be able to without paper but I can do it out of the bed villager I got much bigger dreams than you oh it ain't going to be easy finding all that PO paper I've got to find poay ships out in the poay world but I laid out some diamonds I'm fairly close to full armor I also took some time to look through everything I could craft in this potato World apparently I can make an elytra potato battery um fine there it is it looks like a daylight sensor but it's a potato battery it makes a redstone signal when you click it so it's kind of just like a button this is a dumb joke about potato clocks isn't it you know what I like it just don't step on it it hurts kind of good though o seriously though I got to make an elytra come on I need Phantom membranes and a potato that's pretty pretty cheap going to have to do some fighting so I made what diamond armor I could I don't know why or how any of this works but Phantoms seem to spawn in potato trees normally you have to not sleep to make this happen but they just spawn here all the time every single day should be nice for getting elytras these things also drop something called a potato lash which I can use to make a grappling hook very annoying to kill they've got Thorns they poison you they wither you just annoying not like this innocent sheep no they go down easy I don't even really know what to call them I got myself the whip okay let's try this thing out baby steps I'm not trying to die grappling hook is probably the best description of what this thing is yeah you got to be careful I think this will really come in handy the potato land is very vertical some really tough terrain I've been just scraping by on tunneling but I think this is really really going to change my life I'm glad I practiced cuz this thing is dangerous but it's also good I mean look at that oh I don't really feel like using it to swing across the empty void or anything like that but you know hey for getting around this Beats everything else it just has me wondering what that potato elytra is like so I'm going to try to get that now first step though is cut a little poay house right by the poay forest now I won't have to run home every night after fighting poay Phantoms it's also probably a decent idea to collect more of those lashes I didn't know that was such a good item more of that the next day it's a job these things are annoying to kill and don't drop the stuff that often while exploring I saw a potato Cloud that's fairly reachable I harvested it because I'm sure it will be a giant waste of my time looks like I can make something called a flotator I just need something called a hot potato so that's potato and lava time to go find oh well there's lava all righty there's my hot potato of course of course it it burns when you touch it it's a hot potato oh the silliness is starting to get to me maybe it's just cuz I've had potatoes for the last 37 Days okay here's the flotator I'm really not sure what it's supposed to do I tried putting potatoes in it that didn't seem to do anything then I went to break it and it broke completely well that was a waste of lava I found some more nearby lava I'm going to make that flator even if I don't know what it does and my lash is already almost broken I feel my dependence growing on this thing got home took a break and totally forgot about the flator I'm on to something new well not exactly new I'm going to make my monster Farm bigger it's really the only way I'm going to get arrows barring finding an actual skeleton spawner I guess maybe I could figure out Amber and trade with the Villagers but I don't think that's going to happen I can't tell you how bad I wanted to leave potato world just for a couple different things in regular Minecraft it would make this video so much easier you know what though it's a challenge so I'm getting used to it if it was easy you probably wouldn't even watch all right Layer Two done and I'm going to do more because I really need arrows get out the farm creeper I'm trying to milk you would you like to know how to make one of these Farms go look up a video at first it looked very nice it was all one type of block pot stone but it's uh starting to mix and match a little it'll still work it's just going to be kind of ugly but hey I'm in potato land it's all a bit ugly if I do too many Monster Farm layers in a row I'm going to die so today we're looking for Treasure yeah you remember that sunken ship it had a treasure map I'm very very skeptical but this time I do have a grappling hook so getting round should be a little bit easier yep I knew it it's right next to the void I did my best to kind of dig in here but I'm fairly certain this map is lying to me there's no treasure cuz I've done these before right and it's just not working the same as a normal treasure map there's a bunch of monsters down here this is just a good way to end up dead my grappling Hook's about to die and if that thing dies I'm dying so at the time I gave up and went home but I just had a thought like right now as I'm making this video going to load up a creative world and see if they actually was Treasure there yeah it uh took some digging but there was Treasure I feel bad for giving up now but it's too late I think most of the reason I was given up was my lash was about to break and that was just making me nervous it's a mashed world out there hey chickens let's see if you get a new friend today nope well anyway I got to do more exploring and that means charcoal and look my Birch batch is grown you know there was a time where I would never grow trees like this that was before the potato monster Farm's working pretty good it's primitive technology but I'm getting decent arrows I imagine there's a ton of dark spots around here and that's what's hurting me nothing more layers of the farm won't fix that's how I've always done it frying two ters with one uh oh man I'm running out of potato puns I'm over here getting poay trees and poay Phantoms at the exact same time I still don't have that PO elytra potra a I'm not sure and now I pretty much have to kill whatever these things are every couple of weeks to get a new lash I'm planning a massive adventure and I'm starting to stock up on gear now wasn't recording day 47 I was just doing this building up the monster Farm three layers now that thing puts in work I'm still trying to find the sweet spot for farming every Farm has one and if you can find it you get so many monsters to spawn for now I just sit in the house that works good enough all right I know you're probably sick about hearing about this monster Farm but one more layer and then I can't fit any more in I'll be done yeah it's 17 different colors but it gives me arrows so I'm happy with it I did a little lighting too that always helps the monsters spawn in the farm and not on the outside also a good excuse to slay potato verman that never got old I turned down the render distance and sour cream it's creepy seems to make my farm work better though when I need arrows yeah a few days I'm going on my trip and I got to be strapped just going to grab a few things in town here day 52 but I want you to look at the screen here just just look at it see if you notice anything cuz it's been 52 days I've been to this town several times and I didn't notice the thing I'm talking about if you see it comment what it is yeah sunken ship right in this house generated right on top of it all right let's see what we got here emeralds wow they're useless I'm here to grab books that's what my adventure is for I need paper to enchant to get stronger cooking up some you guess iters I need a bunch for this adventure I did have a thought in my my poay head what if poay cows don't drop poay leather so I grabbed two of them and they made a poay baby congratulations Dad a he only dropped two skin I wanted four skin oh you know what they only Dro four skin if I have looting three which I don't have that the max is two skin oh it's called leather oh got to get some charcoal don't want it get in dark on me when I'm out in the Tater of all the woes of potato land this one's probably the most annoying how hard would it be to make pot coal come on guys come on more prep cooking the Tates but I think by tomorrow I should be ready after all those days of prep this poay adventure on PO day 56 is going to be poay amazing if you remember I'm looking for sunken ships and here's one I really really could care less about these emeralds iron and gold I'm just looking for paper to me that's like Diamonds oh oh yes paper sorry sorry just excited at the thought of getting stronger I need that paper to enchant found a potato Monument that's not what I'm looking for but inside the chest check this out I found an axe with potato fication it turns stuff into potatoes which are everywhere I don't know why it exists why does any of this exist bro like what am I doing what am I what am I doing I'm grappling with a potato time for bed s like a poay rat I just dug my way into the potato and I'm going to sleep here night night still I really don't understand why this whole land has to be over a giant void it makes things so difficult Maybe maybe that's why they gave us this op potato grappling hook cuz without it you'd probably end up dead another ship let's see and paper oh yeah oh wait a minute oh are those are those carrots you you didn't see anything hi villagers I'm an out of towerer here to steal oh nice you have potatoes so do I that was a great day potato scope is essential those potato ships hide well in the potato you want to see the best part about the Lash that I figured out on this journey no fall damage never as long as the Lash is going you just you can hit as hard as you want doesn't matter let's see how we did on chest number one H just more useless emeralds I still picked them up though I can't help myself chest number two had books awesome got another Village too time to steal we El bi e Los libros EO Mi Kaka nluo slept indoors last night that was nice big old potato Forest nearby I'm still trying to get that potra I wish the potato lash was in regular Minecraft this thing is just so good if you trust it found another ship this one had nothing I'd say the adventure is going well though I'm not dead that's all I really wanted that in paper sometimes rarely there are pretty views if you like potatoes nothing day 60 just me and the spuds potaters the Murphy's I'm Googling these the spudis the tubers the pomat tears the tatties the Earth apples kind of like that one the Spud nuts the Tater top dos I mean that's just a food the Idaho steak that one's fun again nothing day 61 but I did see a dark ship in the distance near the end huh pumpkins are these like uh like a weird potato relative or something or did someone mess up cuz I don't feel like there should be pumpkins here no I just educated myself pumpkins are from the dirty gourd family apparently potatoes are part of the nightshade family that's just metal killed poay Phantoms in the poay rain that day I need that Petra all right I got myself one I can fly I I think I don't know this thing's made of potatoes going to take this first flight test slow I have a feeling it's going to work for three ft and then die all right clench the cheeks and jump oh all right thankfully just like a normal elytra just made of potatoes for some reason seems to be flying great oh yeah so nice there's some gaps you don't want to use your lash and that's where the potato elytra comes in nice I figured this out on accident but if I combine the two items the Lash and the elytra I can zoom around the world I use the Lash to fling myself and it's so fast oh wasn't recording I'm home now it was pretty simple with that elytra plenty of books now for an enchanting room I just need one diamond and with my luck I hope to get one today the potato worked my hoe all day till she broke no diamond I'm so sorry I don't know why but I didn't record this one either here's the diamonds now I just got to figure out where in my poay hole I can fit an enchant panting room I'll just dig it randomly in the side of this wall who cares it's all potato this is a clash of two different types of blocks and you know I kind of like it it took 66 days but I'm enchanting look at me I got Fortune but on a pickaxe and it doesn't seem like that can knock out potato Stone tried holding the pickaxe in my left hand but that did not work oh well Journey's not over in reality it's just beginning I made the enchanting table and now I just want to make myself stronger good thing I've got this monster farm for easy XP built a little fence I just felt uneasy having my back turned at the monster farm all day the area hasn't had any problems but I bet you that's what the guy that gets creeped on says right before he gets creeped on a lot of my day right now is spent farming monsters in the farm so I'm trying to have a little fun when I'm waiting so I spent some time looking at the different stuff I can craft golden poisonous potato Eh this better not be dumb let's see what these things do of course I'm poisoned very cool I get extra Hearts just for them to instantly be destroyed by the poison looked through my achievements day 69 and apparently there's a lot more potato food I can make I'm missing cooked potato stone that let me make the potato cutter now I can make sticks and slices but I want fries okay going to use a little bit of logic here here's a frying table I'm going to put the Potato Sticks oh you can't you can't uh put Potato Sticks in the fryer yay just cook them in the furnace that's pretty boring despite that french fries is kind of notable I'm making a full stack it's really good food actually then I went to the rotten lands to hunt these things I still don't know their names for whatever reason the Bow's really good against them I don't really love wasting the arrows but I'd rather have potato lashes it ain't that bad of a hassle now that I can fly I can pretty much get anywhere I want in about a minute and I'm kicking myself I wish I knew I could had that lash ltra combo by like day 20 I bet this may sound troubling to hear but there's a shortage of potatoes specifically poisonous potatoes I didn't know they were so important for so many different builds in this world every lash in a light was going to need one and the flotator which I forgot about until this very moment so hey the villagers turned out useful I can convert potatoes to poisonous ones I find myself enjoying my time here I feel accustomed to the potato land at first surviving here was a struggle a struggle born of ignorance I just didn't know what to do but in time like pretty much all of my other Adventures I've learned to thrive out here I'm proud of myself yep nothing really left to do but get stronger that potato boss is next on the menu I'm confident I think I'll be okay I think put Smite four on the sword it's the poay Phantom euthanizer made looting much better was kind of hoping Smite worked on the eyeball things it did not oh by the way I got a better hoe it's worth it just looking for a few more diamonds don't mind me there we go really they're not that hard to find in the potato you just got to go looking I think my old zombie spawner might be better for raw XP but I'm not sure I don't get arrows which I don't really like yeah more XP farming it's a bit of a grind but you got to do it I need my helmet Enchanted final day of it here on day 81 and sure my enchantments are a little bit Jank but I've got full enchanted diamond armor day 82 and I got to tell you I have a confession this is really day 100 yep day 100 the end let me explain you see this isn't my first time in potato land no that's what you're looking at now day 14 of my first run is that uh is that is that too much sepia I don't know I I feel like it looks good in this update there's a potato you put on your head he was telling me what to do and on day 14 he told me hey go check out the Big Potato thing so I was like all right it's fine potato voice in my head let's let's see what this is all about and that's when I first saw the potato balls and with my gold armor I got nearly one shot so I was just trying to scope the place out you know get a feel for what I was up against and while looking at him he vaporized me guess I learned my lesson the Spud is good there were four other days of attempts this one ended on day one when a flaming baby zombie came up from behind I didn't even make it to potato land here I was in potato land and thought that water there on the ground was a little closer than it actually was and then finally another day one potato land where I slashed the Golem yeah that was instant so anyway yeah it's day 100 I'm going to fight the Big Potato I think I can do it I'm pretty strong last time I had gold armor now I've got enchanted diamond I should be fine there he is there he is it's time for Redemption for a while I just tried to smack the Fireballs back at him luckily they do far less damage this time just about too heart or so not bad and I don't mean to sound mean here but he's just a dumb potato if I hide he won't shoot me I probably could have done a better job at noticing his shield here though see those white lines that's a reflecting Shield any damage that's done to him is reflected back to me and I do a lot of damage I'm pretty strong lost like four Hearts there to get rid of The Shield you just got to destroy the henchman he spawns it's not difficult at a certain point I just let him have it with arrows it seems to be the best way to do it he's so big you can't miss but I really should have been more careful with that reflector shield here a stray Arrow hit him and killed me that's Hardcore Minecraft for you never feels good to die that's it Dad's getting his belt I'm going to fight that potato boss with my absolute full power probably could have done this to start so I knew what I was up against but whatever here we are I threw in a beacon too I've got like 30 of them on my main world all right Spud you're going down with my armor I just eat the Fireballs they do nothing and I think for sure this fight really just boils down to having enough a all I did all I did was shoot arrows at the thing and it's so big you can't miss you know and then it spawn its little underlings and you shoot those first even with all my armor and gear though that reflector power does not mess around I can see how that instantly killed me here I got down to three hearts while being a little bit careless but if you know to watch out for that the Fireballs don't do that much damage even if you don't have fully kitted netherite gear like okay yeah it spawns a bunch of pigin brutes but it's such a large area and I'm so up high they're never going to even know where I am it's like shooting fish in a barrel no it's like shooting piglin brutes in a large room where they can't see you and there's water everywhere okay there was a gas wave that was a little Mei and it did get me to fall down I didn't plan for that but it wasn't exactly hard gas aren't tough the only tricky part is later in the fight when the potato shrinks down this might make it a little harder to shoot arrows at him just means you got to fight him in Poison water it's not that bad though I will say uh whatever these things are are a bit scary ah as Minecraft bro you hide behind a wall and then everything forgets you exist I think this could easily be done in a fully potato world if you just had two things good food and an Infinity bow I haven't counted and I'm not going to but I've probably shot 300 arrows at the different waves of this boss it has quite a lot of Health I got to say I thought these Giants were really cool I've always thought those should find a way into the game but of course they're big and dumb they never even touched me I fought some with melee I didn't have to that was straight up just me being cocky the last phase of this fight is kind of tricky he's small and kind of fast meanwhile you're being poisoned though I will say the poison damage isn't that bad but you got to know with my full power the potato boss was slain good game for taking them down you get potatoes great staff of the peasant and it just lets you make potato portals wherever you want did you doubt me I mean come on man I'm Luke the notable maybe someday soon I'll revisit this land and take out the potato boss again but I'm kind of burnt out on potatoes after a while they get stale plus I'm certain before we know it there'll be some other wacky update that I'll have to conquer so thank you for watching I appreciate you being here stay be notable see you in the next one
Channel: Luke TheNotable
Views: 672,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: luke thenotable, Minecraft, 100 Days, minecraft hardcore, hardcore mode, minecraft hardcore mode, hardcore minecraft survival, hardcore survival minecraft, minecraft hardcore survival mode, i survived hardcore minecraft for 100 days and this is what happened, 100, 100 days, 100 days hardcore, minecraft, minecraft potato dimension, minecraft potato, minecraft 100 days, minecraft 100 days survival, minecraft april fools 2023, minecraft challenge
Id: QNPH6-vH5Lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 0sec (1620 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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