100 Days of Hardcore Minecraft In A Fantasy World

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hey everyone how's it going guess what you're a wizard lagundo you might not know this about me but i'm a big d d nerd i make dice and everything it's so cool but i thought you know what why don't i get some magic in my minecraft so i put together a brand new custom modpack which you're gonna be able to download a link will be down in the comments turning minecraft into a fantastical magical world and you know what if you like magic there's a whole different kind of magic over on the deceit smp you should go check out the videos i've been doing on that server also if you want to be able to get my world for this modpack instead of just having to play with your own why not go check out my patreon anybody who supports me over there helps me make awesome content like this and you get to download my maps and if you want to support me in other ways just subscribe to the channel like the video share it and leave a comment something along the lines of what happened on day 50 was a joke and shouldn't count that will make sense later trust me but now the story of my 100 days multiverse adventure continues it's time to get magical [Music] but before the challenge even started i had to pick a background and i mean come on you all knew exactly which one i was going to pick right my wings on my back and empty pockets i spawned into the world day one i spawned on the coast on the side of a spruce forest and this world looked similar but different there were small details that just made it look unique i was able to quickly jump up to the sky and realized i was gonna be able to fly for this entire hundred days where i wasn't able to at all in the desert all of the mobs looked just a little bit different and the terrain underneath the water was just something magical but we start as we mean to go on with basic wooden tools and just getting the very first few resources that hurts that hurts a lot oh my goodness that hurts so much okay never fall never fall is what i just learned there i bumped my head on a tree and realized ooh fall damage would be bad coming down into a little cave to get a little bit of stone and using my glide ability to fly around and grab food but as the night started to set and i hadn't set up any semblance of a shelter i was surrounded by mobs including a desert husk with a trident that's scary i did the bravest thing i could and ran away jumping from tree top to treetop till i found an isolated island torching it up to at some semblance of safety going into day two where i went underground to mine coal and this is something that's important you see up in the top right i'm gonna have weakness and slowness basically whenever i'm indoors which is gonna make looting and mining pretty difficult i'm born to fly and only fly i went back along the route of where i had explored previously finding this grave that i almost immediately looted for just a few bits of surprise but it turns out since i need to fly i can't wear heavy armor anything better than gold is locked away to me so i put the boots back inside the grave i don't want ghosts getting too mad at me now day three i really just flew around and kind of forgot to start recording right at the beginning so right near the end of the evening i made my way towards a desert village where after sleeping on day four i looked around and saw what they had to offer there's a waste stone in the middle of the town meaning i could warp here whenever i wished later and a guild master who had quests and jobs for me this is starting to feel like d d but i needed emeralds you need to spend money to make money i continued searching around seeing a haunted forest with vex just floating around inside uh no thank you for making my way towards a pillager tower not too far off from the town i glided up to the roof of that found this strange silver eye and that's gonna be really important i also found a balloon which looks ridiculous in my inventory but gives me an awesome soft jump and lets me float down to the ground nicely and that combined with my wings i can really catch some distance with that little bit of an extra flight boost i found another village registered in at their waste took out a few of the zombies that were ravaging the town and jumped in one of the beds just crashing on top of the guild masters house on day five i continued soaring around looking for a really ideal place to put down roots i don't want to just stop anywhere this time around i found this interesting tower and since i'm able to get to the top it's kind of like cheating i can unlock all of the top tier loot really early and instead have to work my way down i used the crossbow that i got from the pillager tower to fight some other pillagers while looting all of the things and finding his book that was starting to talk about spells the weakness effect though made this pretty difficult so with the shield in hand i just had to bop them far more often than you would think to eventually break them all down i grabbed all of the books that i could so i'd be ahead on enchanting whenever that time would come and slept here going into day seven lighting up as much as i can and breaking all of the spawners that i can actually clear this tower out i don't think i'm going to live here but there's so much here including another portal that's almost completable right on the fourth level there was also an iron golem and i'm afraid of iron golems in minecraft hardcore so i just happened to kill it while leaving it in its cage no no right the next day i continued my search for a place to put down a proper base when i saw this giant moth just chilling in one of the swamps i was afraid it was hostile so i threw it some bread do moths like bread do both even like bread i don't know if moths like bread before sailing over another pillager tower and then just spontaneously starting a raid out in the middle of an open field i had no idea why this happened until i found this lit well in the middle of the woods going down the bridge i found an underground city with villagers and golems and shops and everything this might be what strongholds are in regular minecraft worlds i slept here and then got far away from the right i have literally just a pair of shoes on so there's no way i'm gonna be taking on evokers in my current state i found a nice clearing on the side of a mountain right next to a river and thought this is as good a place as any to call home started putting down roots with some barrels for storage and a little bit of farming from the river to be able to plant crops and keep myself alive going into day 10 all of the crops were starting to go down all of the basics with some bone meal to give me just that little bit of a jump start before finding a crack in the mountain and starting to mind my way down with the roofs high enough that i wasn't getting woozy so i started grabbing some copper and then working on some small details to make this place feel a little bit more like home into day 11 as i was flying from treetop to treetop and mountain to mountain i stumbled across a different kind of village a tradesman town with all sorts of different workers with all of the jobs preset all around and a lot of loot in their chests this is awesome but also right next door was a much more interesting kind of abandoned mine shaft but this is underground and i don't like being underground and i have no armor so i was at half a heart as i was just running my way up here and trying to escape and i thought nope nope we should head home so on day 12 as i was continuing to explore my area i found yet another of these towers with all of the rooms set up one level down there was witches and i already had weakness and poison and these things are terrifying i used several golden apples and a good chunk of my food reserves just to stay alive only clearing about two floors of this space poison gets you down to half a heart it won't kill you on its own but considering that witches throw harming potions which cover a huge area they are almost certainly going to end up killing me on this run on day 13 i flew towards the tower to approach it from a different angle working my way down along the outside of the space to break spawners and find tnt having been hidden in different positions i went to open up one of the trapdoors and it went badly so a little bit of loot was lost but i continued working my way through to all of the books and the knowledge you know the things i really wanted but as i was fighting the witches looking level down there was another wart down there which could lead to potion brewing which is a huge step up so early but the witches and the weakness are just debilitating so i had to run away again at the end of this day after being poisoned multiple times and on day 14 in studying all of those tomes i learned how to craft a wand and this would be my primary tool for this entire playthrough but i needed to figure out how magic worked because you're a wizard lagundo just didn't quite happen so i spent the whole day just testing out all of my different spells and seeing exactly what they would do feeling a bit prepared and emptying my pockets to make space for more loot on day 15 i headed back over to the tower clearing out all of the rooms and making a little bit of space to jump in and grab the netherward with emeralds from the tower in hand i grabbed my first guild charter and took a look at the jobs that they wanted me to do with no limit i claimed all of them and then immediately accidentally used the item and left the guild so on on day 16 i picked up two additional guild charters and then immediately went to work and this magic with the wings on my back i'm able to fly around and explore the world freely less than a fifth of the way through this hundred days this is my favorite mod pack yet i landed my way back home placing out and banking a lot of the hay bales that i had um acquired from several of the villages that i had visited since arriving in this reality and used the moss to make the place just look a little bit more interesting a drowned attacked me out of nowhere and there was another one waiting underground turns out my magic doesn't really work well in water i'll have to remember that and i can run out of mana which means i won't be able to cast spells until it can recharge something else to note as well i went back to that moth and threw it a little bit more bread hoping that we could be friends right clicking it and jumping on his back and oh my goodness could i fly on top of this thing but it never moved on the way back home i found an abandoned nether portal grabbing a few blocks of gold as well as some gear that i could actually use and stumbled across a giant spider's nest i'll come back to that when it's not pouring rain i encountered my first mini boss in the world mobs that know the ways of magic as well and either have protective wards or offensive spells that they can cast against you this one took almost the full night to get but you get greatly rewarded when you're able to take one of them down and they dropped a pickaxe with silk touch an enchant that i was very happy to have at my disposal ended the night by jumping down that well thinking it would be another underground village and it wasn't it looks to be some kind of dungeon i'll come back to this i promise on day 19 i'm taking advantage of my mobility searching around for more of those towers to be able to loot a lot of the chests near the top of them as well as taking on the quests for the guild killing whatever mobs they want dead i'm starting to get a hang of my strengths and my weaknesses and clearing the towers is becoming a little bit more straight forward i found another birch colored village just something that felt much more real and alive with its surroundings grabbed anything that wasn't nailed down and then slept in one of their beds for the full goldilocks experience on day 20 back to the tower since magic wasn't really doing the trick i resorted to some more conventional warfare but still basically tried to fight the witches at range i know they're just kind of an average mob but for some reason in this world they just crush me finally able to clear the tower making my way into the library and finding another spell book this one telling me that there's no place like home and that spell would come in so handy in the future so since there's no place like home i went back to it and started doing some work banking all of the resources that i had collected so far growing the netherwart and checking my fit i can't wear diamond armor so gold is the best i'm gonna get i started building a bit of a tower so that i wouldn't be sleeping down on the ground and would have an elevated safe position to camp out in i always love working with the different blocks that you get from these mod packs and the fur wood and the rope just make this look interesting i went to sleep but a blood moon had risen and that meant i was camping out and staying in the tower for tonight there were a bunch of mobs that kept spawning so i did a little bit of work towards one of my guild professions and just killed everything that i saw thankfully being able to fly out of the situation is a good way to stay alive after that very offendful day day 23 was actually somewhat quiet i cleaned up the last few mobs that were stragglers around the base did a little bit of breeding of the cows and started building up an enchanting setup so that i can make myself a little bit more easy to survive also the base needed some work so i'm not having to jump everywhere but as soon as it turned night today i instantly slept and kicked it over to day 24 because i had work i wanted to get done first up let's go clear that spider spawner i need a lot of wool and string for a few of the things that i want to set up as well as some experience for the job balancing exactly where to stand so i don't get the weakness is tricky but i'm starting to get the hang of it and then back in on day 25 i cleared the main chamber and then found a different kind of dungeon just adjacent to it separated off by a single open block at the ends of most of the tunnels are these chests with a decent chunk of loot inside so this raid was definitely at a profit but the watering trader out front wanted me to buy a slab for 33 emeralds and you know what i killed their llamas just to make a point 26 it's more base work i set up all of the bookcases to get the enchanting up towards level 30 almost there and more stairs and slabs and using the moss blocks that i had to just give some life and vibrance to this little cove of what i had set up on day 27 i forged a new set of armor did a little bit of tinkering with the netherward and then peeked my head down into the dungeon that was right there next to my base until i get in chance i'm not ready to take this on i don't know why i have a bad feeling about this place on day 28 i once again checked in on that wandering traitor and yes they're as crazy as they were before before going to finish clearing out the spider dungeon it led into an abandoned mine shaft so i had multiple different things to worry about and as i was running out of food that dream warp spell is chef's kiss perfect returning me back to my bed safe and sound i forged a really awesome looking diamond sword and then flew around to find the one final spider that i needed to kill to complete my next guild quest on day 29 it was rainy and i wanted to fly so i sailed around checking out all of the different landmarks and little structures that dotted the world there was portals with ok loot that i wasn't about to put on hot air balloons that unfortunately didn't have anything inside and then this structure where i dug into basically the end of one of these dungeons i went the mumbo piece of implant sort of route since i have constant weakness in being inside these structures and lava doesn't care about weakness and will burn things just the same i saw this series of pressure plates on top of sand and i thought hmm okay this will almost certainly kill me accidentally tripping one of them but i was able to get away before it actually went up i got to the point where i started to hear witches and nope found my way to a small little hovel that was dug into the side of the mountain that had nothing inside and spent the day sailing over glaciers until i hit a desert directly adjacent to it with an ocean monument hidden underneath the ice that's something to remember for later on day 30 i checked in at the waystone to register myself to this town and then started finding my way towards an inn yes this is absolutely d and found something that let me summon sheep whenever i wanted don't worry nothing happened to them in a nearby ravine was another enhanced abandoned mine shaft with a huge pile of emerald ore just sitting here i used the way stones to warp from village to village just to see how that actually worked and it cost levels so that feels pretty balanced i headed my way south through the desert and found a desert pyramid which had an old eye another piece to the puzzle as i did that a blue moon started to rise and i was feeling lucky punk and i'm feeling lucky i realized that i had found an invisibility cloak at one point in time and this thing is just super useful on day 31 i had to update a few of the mods and my sword disappeared so i forged myself a new iron battle axe that some diamonds just wasted as i was working on my gear i heard a random explosion underground and having just cleared a dungeon with a similar explosion yeah i think i knew what had happened so i went down into the dungeon to look around and i really gotta thank mumbo for this strategy until i made my way all the way to the end to find a somewhat underwhelming but nice bit of loot i continued into day 33 and i realized just how massive this dungeon complex actually was there is a puzzle that i solved by just breaking the wall and a piece of tnt that was waiting for me before making to the library and having to burn a good chunk of it down to fight witches as i started to run out of resources i headed back to base and that's when i realized that the bookcases had also gotten deleted in the update that's unfortunate but thankfully i had rated enough libraries that i was basically able to get myself back up to full enchanting almost immediately on day 34 i chopped down a few trees to get the enchanting all the way up to level 30 and enchanted my first piece of gear fire protection isn't ideal but i've dealt with a lot of lava so far but since i'm preparing for the first big build that i actually want to do in the world i spent a lot of the day just farming and collecting wood before calling it a night early before i start on the build though why don't we go explore the nether as i popped in i realized just how much fuller and more robust the nether is in this reality there is all sorts of skeleton riders and a ton of different variants of blazes right away i'm gonna be fighting fire almost constantly in this world and these soul fire blazes are absolutely no joke taking the under half health without even breaking the sweat do blazes even sweat so the first one i killed i grabbed a blazer on and immediately popped back over to the overworld realizing i had accidentally started a forest fire while brewing up some fire res potions or at least i would have if i had magma cream didn't think that through so i returned to the nether the next day and started hopping between structures there's these little black stone outposts that had bastion maps that would lead me to their headquarters as well as a ton of gassed tears and a piglen spawner just chilling there there's also ponyta who had made their way apparently this is a pixelmon video now and i found a stronghold and several awesome looking blaze statues overall i just spent the time running around grabbing a bunch of awesome looking blocks and getting a lay of the land i'm not gonna be actually searching for blaze rods until i have a fire resistance potion on day 37 standing on top of a piglet pillar tower yeah that is something that exists i realized oh i could get fire rest from trading so i grabbed a few piggy friends and lured them into a hole with capitalism and spent the time trading for all the resources that i could unfortunately while there was a bunch of good stuff it wasn't the one thing i was looking for i landed on top of this blackstone structure half sunk into the lava and realized that the flaming horses were passive which is pretty convenient they're terrifying before making my way into this large gauntlet space with this glowing pixelated eye which i just could not break even with diamond tools something about this is strange and i'll have to check it out later on day 38 i used the brazers and statues and a few of the nether blocks to decorate my home base before returning right back to the nether just trying to search around and see what i can see i tried a few other things to activate that eye block but nothing seems to do the trick so i ran around grabbing some wood from a small little idle spot and landing on top of a bastion and using magic which they don't really seem to notice or understand to work my way over to the chests for some basic loot i just broke the chests and ran i had no idea what i even got i just wanted to get out of there and as it rolled over to day 39 i landed on top of a ship and oh boy the loot in this thing is astounding three fire rest potions is exactly what i needed and i finally finally was safe from the flames and the chests in here so much gold and a pair of amazing netherrite boots that i just can't wear that was the most heartbreaking thing i had to deal with the entire playthrough on day 40 it was time to raid the fortress now that i had fire res in my pocket i could safely make my way through and get blaze rods now what i need them for is a little different than what you would need in the normal world i'm mainly getting this for promotion brewing because the eyes are a little bit more involved but i caught my way through the hallways fighting off wither skeletons as well before also dealing with the gigablaze or the mega blaze the inferno the extra blaze the the shielded blaze the thing that lost to phantoms that i'm very upset about looting the chests around the fortress and finding several nether eyes which was the next step in my journey towards the end of the game and with my real target complete it was time to head home day 41 it's time to get my gear enchanted i am a magical man and i need magical tools and you know what goes great with magic a bunch of amethyst and a bunch of emeralds so i went over to one of the abandoned mine shafts to just go get as much of that as i could as i was looting this abandoned mine shaft however it crossed through to a skeleton fortress of some kind with a lot of enemies but a lot of loot inside i found an enchanted golden apple just sitting in one of the chests and while that was cool it wasn't worth dying over so i warped out with the amazing loot in my pocket day 43 those barrels on the coast are both heavily insecure and not enough to hold everything anymore i'm getting so much good stuff from my exploring and acquisitions of chests laden throughout the world so i started to work on an actual proper base built into the side of the hill not a hobbit hole more like a bird's nest which continued into day 44 as i started setting up a proper storage room on one of the walls and inventory management literally took all and i might be one of the most disorganized hardcore players in the entire world because it took me another day to finish building the remainder of the chests and to get all of the items moved over to this instead of the barrels down on the coast into day 46 where i finally had something that i was happy with as it became night i took on my guarded duties and was fighting creepers and endermen and spiders just to rack up the kills so i could earn more emeralds for the job flying from place to place finding another village and sleeping there on day 47 i eliminated the last few stragglers which was just enough to complete my guild contract before landing at another inn grabbing anything that wasn't nailed down i found a pillager patrol just camping out next to the river and was quickly able to eliminate them flying around and seeing where they had come from there's this huge manor and graveyard that was established here and i was not prepared to be jump scared by a vindicator out of one of these tents i was at two hearts that is terrifying on day 48 i turned in a few of my quests reaching level three in the guard profession meaning they really trusted me to be good at murdering stuff but with bad omen on i thought maybe i should upgrade my gear and i started looking at getting enough ammunition and better weapons and utilizing that invisibility cloak because i had a plan for what to do at the midpoint of this adventure and i'm not doing the raid just for fun i need eyes which are only dropped by evokers the source of their power i flew over to a desert village that if something happened to it boxed a few of the villagers into their homes set up some very basic rudimentary offenses and got to bopping i ended up relying a lot on the whole put them in lava to kill them strategy because that really is just efficient and the first wave of pillagers also included one of the mini bosses who had this constant drown effect on me in the middle of the desert which did no damage but freaked me out as it rolled over into day 50 we were into wave 3 which meant i would start to dealing with ravagers and witches and we all know how much i've been having trouble with witches so far but my main strategy was basically keep distance blast with magic and then ax anybody who comes close if they want to die see what i did there i was able to burn one of the evokers using the most lethal weapon that i had grabbing one of the magical eyes as well as a totem of undying which is huge flying away to avoid vex and on the way back finding somebody who thought this was a good time to be buying stuff from everyone but the battle continued into the night with me primarily relying on my magic to defend me and then this shenanigans happened [Music] okay [Music] what there's no way that counts right there's no way that casting a spell suddenly chunks off seven hearts and you're killed instantly that feels unfair who adds that to a mod to just spontaneously kill a player so i'm casting transmogrify memory on you and you're gonna forget that that happened just leave a comment that says wow that was weird i can't remember day 50. but the next day i crafted the backup wand and started flying to the village and since i had what i needed i declared a truce all right you can have this village okay we'll call it even this is this one's yours i i don't need this okay i got i got what i came for i got my eyes you all have a wonderful day you have a great day okay do me a favor and no no no no personal space personal space personal space oh no no no are they still following me they're still following me okay so they're just are they still following me ow oh i'm taking damage from being on fire okay that's it i cast transmogrify memory again day 51 also does not exist with another type of eye in my possession day 52 was pretty easy i mainly focused on repairing and replacing a bit of my gear and some items that had mysteriously disappeared from my pockets cleaning up a few mobs that were just wandering around haven before calling it a night and getting some rest in the day 53 my next target is under the sea don't worry you'll that joke will make sense in about two weeks so i went fishing and immediately got the ingredient that i needed and was able to craft up some water breathing potions these are gonna help immensely as i go to take on the elder guardians for their eyes as well in that ocean movement i found a while back and i gotta say this being in a really cold climate didn't help that i was constantly taking frostbite damage on top of everything else and having to keep track of the damage the beams and the underwater breathing was really stressful also remember magic doesn't work well underwater so i had to rely on my axe a lot more to take out all of the elder guardians day 54 i'm continuing exploring around just trying to find more landmarks so i can find all of the different types of eyes i stumble across what very much looks like a cult house with skeletons and cobwebs and i'm pretty sure i heard some screaming coming from the basement caught my way in through the roof and oh yes this is totally a cult of some kind grabbing a wither skeleton that was just sitting on an armor stand that will come in handy later i worked my way through the house killing cult members and freeing a few villagers that they were torturing in the basement so look at that i'm the good guy on day 55 continuing my loop i found my way into a desert pyramid and while i really only broke one spawner and looked in one chest i was i was starting to panic so i just dream warped myself home to get myself out of a sticky situation i'll do that a lot i banked all of the resources that i collected from several of the houses planted some drip leaf just to make the base look a little bit more inviting then flew over to the nearest town stole their waste stone and brought it back to haven officially naming my foothold in the world if anything this is more important going outbound than inbound so it's a quick start on any adventure i need to do day 56 i literally spent all day looking up all of the different enchantments that were available through all of the different mods figuring out what would be good and what i could potentially get and crafting up and enchanting a new set of armor it's a really quiet day they can't all be winners day 57 i flew back towards the village that i had done a raid in and since it was completely abandoned and no one was here and everyone was dead i grabbed their way stone to return slash replace the one that i had borrowed from the town that just happened to be the closest to my home i fought my way back to the pyramids there were two actually pretty close to each other grabbing a bunch of loot primarily gold and diamonds filling out my collection quite nicely as the sun started to set instead of using my mana i spent one level at a waste stone and tested the incoming portal and it works beautifully on day 58 i was going through some of the loot that i had found at one point and realized that the ukulele would give me random potion effects if i used it so power of music and i crafted a diamond longsword just something that would look intimidating and hit pretty hard and look at me i'm a bard now i use some of the blocks that i had acquired from the cult house as well as a few other sources just to continue spiffing up the base and making it look a lot more interesting before returning the waste stone that i had gathered from the other dead village back to the original village that i had borrowed it from from there it was out exploring again i'm so glad i have the magic and my wings because there was no way i'd make it to the end without having to cover this much distance on foot the air is the only way to travel i made my way to a giant spruce forest which was honestly kind of intimidating before stumbling across a pillager factory where they build their war machine instead of just stand out and wait to threaten everybody there were villagers less than 100 blocks away they don't have the best choice in real estate and there was another one of those underground cities about 200 blocks from that this one was more fully prepared with farms and false workstations underground but also kind of creepy because they had another portal that was built up in the middle of their town that they had caged off for some reason likely because something dangerous made its way through i was able to mine the portal to repair it to head to the nether and see what i could find on the other end but i didn't have a flint and steel and i ran around the town for a good chunk of the day just trying to find a flint and steel as i was sailing though i found another bit of stone ruins and landed and saw a reference to something that i immediately knew would be terrifying if you get what's going on on this day please leave a comment because i don't want to date myself too hard i jumped down into the structure opened the book and saw the riddle you see me in ore lakes tube coral and orchids blue is obviously the answer so i flipped that and was escorted down into the layer of the killer bunny there's also zombie spawners on here which i did my best to just lava as much as i could and stand in a way where they couldn't hit but this bunny was super fast and i'm pretty sure it would kill me in a single touch so i had to resort to catching it in lava to burn it alive on the way out i wanted to see what would happen if i had flicked the other lever just for fun and [Music] but as i continued my adventures out into the world i found another tradesman tower another village another waste stone and from there i headed home on day 62 i put my new farming staff to the test and wow it does make things so much easier cooked up a full snack of baked potatoes mumbo would be proud and headed off in the opposite direction just trying to cover distance to see what the world had in store for me there was another tradesman's tower on an isolated island along with a dirt igloo is that a digloo a dug trio that's what you'd probably call it right day 63 was kind of more the same just flying around i am super spoiled with having wings and being able to just elytra fly wherever i want i am i'm gonna really regret the next hundred days when i can't fly from day one but on day the best console ever created it's time to find the stronghold i grabbed the nether eyes out of one of my chests and threw them being pointed in a direction and instantly sailing in the sky that way took me over glaciers underwater and above mountains that were practically to build height caves and cliffs is going to be amazing y'all as i looted everything that i found in my way there's awesome desert islands and savannah villages where i would sleep to just continue sailing away during the day finding a new cult house and grabbing their wither skull because this is way faster than killing them in the nether the eyes eventually started pointing downwards where i saw shafts of sand just fallen away to stone underneath now i don't do well in caves so i had to utilize the lava bucket to do a lot of this i just don't have enough torches to clear it so i used a way stone to get home and on day 66 and on day 66 while i was playing everything stop everything halo infinite released on day 67 once i've gotten my taste of the multiplayer beta it was time to come back to minecraft i warped to the waystone at the town near the stronghold and stole it i need to put it somewhere more important making my way down into the stronghold itself was pretty easy i was actually really close with my cave before now this place has several different traps and tricks and puzzles a lot of redstone goes into making this a little bit more interesting and complex then again sometimes all you need to do is place blocks in digging through the last little puzzle room i made my way in towards the enhanced end portal and this is where things get interesting see i have a lot of eyes in my inventory but you can only put one of each type into the portal meaning i have some exploring to do and it's time to get grinding on day 68 i realized i could craft an additional one the witch's eye which i got from killing witches with that in i was halfway done now is where exploring comes into play the next i am targeting is the black from pirate lore and legend which means having to find a sunken ship with a treasure map inside it took the better part of day 68 just to find one and the first treasure map that i searched well didn't have it inside which continued in today haha funny number where i searched another three shipwrecks and came up empty-handed i was starting to think that black eye might just be a myth doubly so on day 70 where i'm not even sure that sunken ships are real and i really stopped finding basically anything i've explored most of the western sea at this point day 71 as i started hitting the first inkling of a new continent i found other treasures just not the thing i needed late in the evening i found a drowned spawner with a bunch of interesting loot inside which was cool but found another treasure map and finally after three days of searching saw the black eye sitting in the corner of a chest lucky for me that last sunken treasure was somewhat close to a jungle and mushroom combination island which looks amazing i found a mooshroom pyramid that didn't have any tnt but had some decent loot inside but thankfully there was a jungle temple with a treasure hidden deep inside hmm i wonder where you could watch a video where somebody would make a better version of this but with two more eyes in my pockets i heated myself over to the closest town slept there and continued the search on day 73 having a map that would point me to an underground bastion and i didn't know what that was but it sounded interesting i followed along on the map until it basically looped me back over home so i stopped here banked the resources and the additional eyes into the portal so i was that much closer slept through the night and on day 75 remembered i knew where a mine shaft was and i need to find an eye in a mine shaft as well using the powers of thor despite being underground i was able to take on a few of the skeletons and loot every chest in the mine there was nothing here there was however an invisible zombie which was just an absolute nightmare to fight thankfully they weren't immune to the sun once back inside the mine shaft i was reminded of that skeleton fortress that was just a few blocks off of it and i thought you know what let's loot this while we're here i had to run back to base to get a couple more torches so i could fully secure the structure warping back and jumping back down underground using the glow sticks and more traditional torches to just clear everything there's a bunch of tipped arrows and different enchanted books for bows and projectile weapons on here which is really gonna make me a lot more powerful in non-magical combat day 77 i used the waste stones to pick up where i had left off searching on that bastion map route because there seemed to be a lot of frozen stuff ahead of me i found a huge frozen tower with another enchanted golden apple on the roof and not too far from it a giant pirate ship filled with strays i was tempted to burn the whole thing down but just tried to magic a few things away and looted what i could from the local chests from there i continued following that map heading into the night and using lava to keep myself warm to avoid frostbite i found a massive igloo filled with witches and zombies and multiple spawners and just was hurling magic in through the door while breaking the spawners sneaking in through the walls this took the whole day to clear the whole night and unfortunately there was no eye inside but just as i started to fly away on the morning of day 78 a somewhat familiar shape caught my eye so i went in and it had a basement and it had two villagers waiting there for help but i really only wanted this blue orb that was sitting in the chest so i immediately warped home and then worked to the end portal and slotted the eye in three to go next up it's time for a change of scenery i've been in cold climates for way too long so i went to the nether because i need to get some ore from bastions for the next eye and there's a lot going on in the nether with all of these little sections and this desert pyramid which had a bunch of loot in the chests but i don't think i'm allowed to get it i flew over to the closest bastion pillaring up so i wouldn't be targeted and using magic to back down all fruits just getting revenge for my first life i dug in through the walls making sure i was always isolated just trying to loot just trying to root around and either find the ore that i needed in a chest or embedded into the structure somewhere making sure that i could never be caught off guard from brute and there was always a block between us but i didn't get much luck going into the next day i went into the second half of the bastion working my way down and still being very careful having to deal with blazes so i used my final fire rest potion i eventually started making my way down to the chests which had again great loot in it and you'll see that this bastion took me three days trade because i've made mistakes in bastions before and i wanted to take my time i was in the structure for maybe 45 minutes total as i started making my way down to the central lowest level gold area so i could just grab a ton of loot and a bunch of diamond armor that i can't use there was a magma cube which was a mini boss which had all of these different effects which were really causing me to panic i flew up crashing into the ceiling and then falling down into the lava and i'm sitting here thinking oh no this could be really bad i'm on fire so i just dug through the wall blocked it off behind me and decided you know what this is a silly place let's go check out another bastion instead i flew around looting a soul sand jungle temple that had another eye not very helpful and eventually coming across another bastion that had the distinct pink ore that i was looking for with fortune i was able to break only two pieces of it to get everything that i needed and i wasn't gonna press my luck love stealing [Music] so once i had what i needed i dream warped my way home the next morning i used that ore with an eye of ender to craft the next eye that i needed and now there are only two to go i still have to loot mine shafts and i have to kill the wither i was racking my brain trying to remember any mine shaft that i had seen in the entire playthrough i went back to the one that i saw that was right next to the first tower that i raided and struck out there then remember that i thought i saw one underwater over by the ocean monument all the way over in the frozen lakes but then i remembered that this is underwater and i can't breathe underwater so i worked back home and the next day with some water breathing potions actually in hand you know being prepared can help i searched my way through this aquatic aquatic-themed mine shaft struck out on the first chest but on the second i finally saw that dark blue sphere that i was looking for and the next eye was mine i spent some time just swimming around bopping drowned that i was finding but once i got hit in the face with the trident and it did four hertz of damage i panic warped back to base no way i'm dying at this point day 86 knowing that the next thing i was gonna have to do was fight the god of death i spent all of this day preparing my gear reinforcing it adding additional enchantments prepping additional potions and ending the day by slotting in the next to last eye into this portal if i was gonna die i was gonna die getting as far as i possibly could i did some looking on my map for a good place to spawn the weather in isolated controllable situation and big open space so i wouldn't get caught by surprise this island with the tradesman tower is great for me not so great for them as i spawned in the wither and watched it immediately obliterate a chicken rip but this is going to be no ordinary wither fights no this fight i'm just kneading myself through it repeatedly you see i found out through some accidental damage that the dash spell doesn't only throw you forward it damages anyone that you come through meaning that i can just constantly zip zap my way back and forth and anime style slash my way through the wither every time i went by it counts as a melee attack so it works for both phases this might be a little anticlimactic but you know i know magic so killing gods is a common thing in dnd this is fine i grabbed the wither eyes and another star running back to my base and using all of the iron that i had graphing up a beacon and setting my home as a literal beacon of light in this world i rested easy that day knowing that i only had one major challenge remaining on day 88 i started putting together a bow and a little bit of gear to prepare myself for the final battle the final challenge but as i got that together and i flew into my storeroom i realized that this place is not fitting of a person who had just killed a god so it was time to invest a little bit more into the base itself i expanded out the floor replacing it with actual wood instead of stone and worked on the back to create a little smeltery slash potion brewing area that fit the vibe of what i was going for ran out of wood so i spent day 89 going over to the fur forest and just felling trees from top to bottom going back into the first tower that i had originally looted to just grab a few miscellaneous blocks and see if i had missed something when i was early and much weaker spent a little bit of time just sailing my way through the caves but despite setting up all this amazing cave generation i'm here to fly and i want to soar in the clouds and a view of the clouds is what i want from this tower i want to immortalize and memorialize a few of the things that i've accomplished along the way and build something that's not huge but dense i'm somewhat inspired by looney's luxurious loft in deceit season 2. i spent a couple days just throwing kind of random elements together to come up with something that i really really liked at the end of it with the tower expanding out and becoming somewhat crooked with fences everywhere and then a stone roof and then trapdoors on the walls and the exterior to give it a little bit more dimensionality and a roof that's not entirely solid which meshes with my need to be always available to the open air this tower took three days to build but in all honesty is something that i really like but i want to make sure that it's filled with things that are worthwhile and i want to flex on this world before i potentially leave it so i crafted up all of the ores into emerald blocks and just left them sitting on a mountain because who would rob a wizard using all of the nether blocks that i have to make the portal entrance make it a little bit more imposing that place is scary after all did a little bit of decorating around the waste stone since that should look magical too and took a look at my haven from across the river on top of one of the trees for one final time before warping towards the end portal room slotting in the final eye igniting the portal and jumping in once in the new dimension i took to the skies space and stars around me to see a much more intricate and involved and fight with this being remastered there was no chance of it my magic didn't seem to affect the crystals and they needed a good old-fashioned projectile to hit them but in the moment i kind of forgot that i had a bow and arrow so i'm using my best pvp strats and blowing up the end crystals manually knowing that i could stand underneath them and take literally zero damage i flew from tower to tower to do this making sure that i caught these awesome blue bars when i blew up this one those will come in handy to decorate my base later blasting all of the crystals sending the dragon into a rage once she was mad at me i remembered oh yeah that's right i have a bow so i pulled that out of my pocket and started slinging arrows in her direction also when she perched i stabbed her in the head a lot until she eated me up into the sky but i have wings too so that really wasn't too much of a threat flying around and flinging arrows and magic at the dragon the main thing i needed to do was not make a stupid mistake and crash into her having her obliterate me in a few hits thankfully i did i knocked the final arrow sent a flaming projectile in her direction and freed the end [Music] i gathered up all of the experience which put me up so many levels and went to get the egg with it falling into the portal back to the overworld i followed spawning at haven knowing that i'm gonna have to go all the way back to the world spawn to pick up the egg so i flew over the mountains retracing my steps to the very beginning of this journey and they are sitting on the beach almost exactly where i started was the egg with a little bit of effort and a single torch i was able to get that into my pockets and returned back home using those bars to do a little bit of decorating like i said i just wanted it to look good this place needs to be worthy of a grand master wizard so i bred the cows and thought there's a few more things i can go get from the end before i'm done main thing i wanted to do was check out this boxy structure which was right next to the island i tried slotting an eye of ender into it that didn't work i tried putting the egg on to it that didn't work and it cost me a minute to break for obsidian to get that back so i thought instead let's put the egg on top of the tower that i wanted to memorialize my successes that looks good and as long as we're talking about making memories it's time to hang up my first set of armor that stuff had gotten me through almost the full 100 days and it was on its last legs i did this for 1k days as well so it made sense i crafted and enchanted a full set of armor because you know i had the levels setting up an armor stand to let my original armor rest in the tower i returned back to the end and set myself towards the end gateway seeing a giant space whale floating underneath me i had no idea if it was friend or foe but i warped through the gateway to a much more expansive and alive end instead of endless wastelands there was forests and fields and black stuff that made you go blind which was a little unsettling i flew into a house of purple wood and found some cool cosmetic blocks sailing into the first ncd that i uncovered grabbing the multiverse's most useless elytra as well as a bunch of gear that i can't use this almost feels wasteful i want other people to be able to get this stuff getting into day 96 though i wanted to fly through the end and see just what was here to offer if this could potentially be the site of a future chapter there's these huge mushrooms and these glowing crystals which i can use for light another one of those strange structures that uh didn't take the crystals and in searching my pockets were getting full so i crafted up my first shulker box dropping in a lot of the loot that i had found and finally having a bit more inventory space when an enderman just came out of nowhere and decided to buy me i flew away half health dropped a bucket of water and stabbed it from inside going haha you can't catch me grabbing a bunch of this wood that looks far more magical than anything i found in the overworld this fits my vibe a lot better i grabbed a lot of the flora from around the end hoping i would be able to plant it in my own magical grove with lily pads and glowing trees and just massive structures throughout all of the end as i sailed my way back towards the end gateway through a pearl and returned home and on day 98 some of the things that i found in the end look really great in my base some of them i can't plant unfortunately the glowing spore blocks those are awesome and i threw a few of them around to replace some torches give it a more magical vibe set up the elytra as almost a crest on the back of my base built a glowing crystal because everything magical needs glowing crystals and finally made a netherite ingot that i've had the resources for sitting in my chest for almost 40 days making my pickaxe be the best that it could be i sailed back towards the bed and started to prepare for the final little bit of a challenge that i wanted to do in this world when i woke up it was still night the sun was nowhere to be seen i flew out into the distance a crescent moon in front of me and something felt off there's this tingle in the air something that felt familiar and dangerous and then i saw it oh not again and it seems like my journey through the multiverse is not yet over i don't know why the spires are following me or where it's going to take me next but that next chapter will be coming soon i hope you all enjoyed the video if you really liked it and you want to support me patreon is the best place and you can get early access to other videos behind the scenes clips and have your name included in the credits like the people you see here i have more videos including behind the scenes of how this was made and also the deceit smp coming up very soon the next hundred days chapter will be sooner rather than later all my social links are down in the description please go check them out be good to each other everyone and i'll talk to you soon bye-bye
Channel: Legundo
Views: 1,357,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days hardcore, 100 days, 100 days of minecraft, minecraft 100 days, legundo hardcore, minecraft hardcore survival, legundo minecraft, minecraft hardcore, hardcore minecraft, 100 days in minecraft, minecraft hardcore mode, 100 days ocean, minecraft magic mod, minecraft magic kingdom, 100 days magic, minecraft D&D, minecraft dungeons, minecraft dungeons and dragons, i survived 100 days, 100 days modded, 100 days hardcore minecraft, i survived 100 days in minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 38sec (3278 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 21 2021
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