$100 BUDGET CAMPING! | Walmart Edition...

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today i'm going to show you guys how to camp with just 100 the walmart edition [Music] what is up everyone back with another episode of stuff and things before we get into this i'd like to say thank you guys for watching the recent videos van camping truck camping all these videos i love to make and i read every single comment i don't always have the chance to reply to all of them but i do read every single one including the criticism and that's kind of what we're talking about today occasionally i will get some comments saying things like oh dude when you're camping in your van that's not even camping you have all this gear in your truck and all of these amenities that's not even camping if we check out the true definition of camping from two different sources here you can pause and read those if you feel like it i would say that it's kind of debatable as long as you're outside enjoying the outdoors spending the night many little vacation getaway from reality i would say it counts as camping no matter how you're doing it i also get a few comments saying things like hey man this is great you're inspiring me to get outside but i can't afford all of that gear i can't afford a hooked up vehicle rooftop tent i can't afford to actually do a lot of this stuff and i hear you i get it it's super expensive i put a lot of money into the things that i'm into hence the truck and the van and all of the camping gear and stuff that you guys see throughout my videos so today i decided to take both of those criticisms too expensive and this isn't really camping and combined them into one today i'm going to show you guys how to camp with just 100 the walmart edition so i of course got this idea from reading all of your comments and i decided to first find a camp spot that i can get to with just two wheel drive i was in two wheel in the truck the whole time i would say almost any vehicle can get up to this spot where i'm at right now i'm on national forest land where it is free to camp and speaking of being free to camp i'm gonna kind of talk about all the prices for everything that i picked up from walmart first up on the list while not a complete necessity i think having a camp chair is gonna be nice so right here i picked up an ozark trail camp chair for five dollars and ninety-eight cents now i haven't actually took any of this gear out of the packaging i haven't tested any of it which i tend to do before camp trips especially when it's gear that you kind of rely on ozark trail is kind of a brand name walmart brand name and surprisingly i've bought ozark trail stuff in the past and it's honestly not that bad so here's a little camp chair holds 250 pounds a little drink holder it's gonna be the first piece of the camp next up is something that i kind of consider a necessity a tent this is supposedly a two person tent there's no name brand on it it was 20.97 so don't have high hopes for this thing but hopefully it will get me through the night some people would rather just like throw out a tarp and sleep on the ground and you could do that it would be way cheaper so this to me is a necessity some people may consider it a luxury hopefully it's not too hard to set up next up to make that tent sleeping a little bit more comfortable we have a little sleeping pad here this is from a brand called kakagu or something like that it is 24.45 i don't think it has an included air pump or anything like that so hopefully i can just blow this up with my lungs which is gonna kind of suck but we'll see how it goes now for some warmth i think this one is going to be a necessity tonight hopefully it's not going to get too cold we got an ozark trail sleeping bag i mentioned that i bought some of their products in the past and one of them was actually a super lightweight sleeping bag which was rated down to believe 32 degrees might have been 40. so this one right here is a little bit bigger this is a cool weather sleeping bag comfort level 35 degrees really hope it doesn't get that cold up here tonight six feet five inches long by two feet nine inches wide should be able to sleep pretty comfortably in that and now for some of the extras in the county that i'm in in colorado right now currently sitting in pikes national forest i believe there's a fire ban so really can't have any like fire pits which would be nice to cook over so i'm not gonna dabble with that tonight instead this is a luxury for sure a little coleman camp stove this is actually very similar to the one that i use in my normal setup i use a little gas one stove this one right here was even cheaper you simply throw a little butane canister in there and you've got a little cooktop this thing's actually kind of nice i could actually see myself using this more in the future so with that we will make some dinner i did also get a pot not this exact pot the one that i ordered was 9.99 and it was not delivered don't know where it's at it may show up later this week i'm not sure but i just brought another one to substitute from home this is just a super cheap little pot to boil water in to cook dinner with and it has a little lid and a carrying case as well and then to top it all off i've got a little camp light here this is also coming from ozark trail this is the tumbler camp lighting 180 lumens didn't even check to see if this thing like had batteries or it does three a's i think that'll come in handy tonight so here's a look at all of the camping gear i'm limiting myself to using only this stuff for the night we're looking at a total of 105 and 32 cents sorry i went a little bit over budget but i tried the best that i could so 100 bucks camping gear let's see if we can set this 10 up [Music] and there we have it the 20 tent is set up says two person i mean i guess he could sleep two people in here it's just like a tarp bottom the only window i guess would be right here by the door the zippers on it are really bad as you would expect now the top of this thing has some mesh but there's no way to close that up because there's no rain fly i guess i could stake the tent to the ground ah this guy right here and boom protected from the elements minus bears there's definitely bears around here next up this little sleeping pad this is going to be interesting because there's definitely no pump i'm gonna start with this end and actually the main selling point i wanted a pillow and this thing inflates a little bit more than the rest of the pad so this will essentially act like a pillow [Music] oh yeah checking out the accommodations hopefully i can sit on this pad without it blowing up last but not least the sleeping bag i've lucked out on the weather so far i think they were calling for a little bit of rain but it doesn't seem like it is going to at this point this combo of the sleeping pad with the sleeping bag on top of it it's honestly pretty comfortable i've actually thought about getting a sleeping pad for the inside of some of the rooftop tent set i test out from time to time just make it a little bit more comfortable and they fold flat so curious to see how this little 24 sleeping pad does tonight so there we have the whole walmart budget camp setup going from that all the way to this the whole point of this video is to really show you guys that you can camp on a budget and it's not all about the gear and stuff that you use it's all about the places you go like this right here [Applause] i should just move my tent over here to these trees right on top of a rock get a nice view i love it [Music] [Music] all right we're back and my campsite has moved a little bit i decided that up in like the parking area didn't really feel like camping so now we're under a little bit of a pine tree that way in case it does rain hopefully it will give me a little bit of shelter i think this tent's gonna do fine and the weather right now is pretty beautiful it's about eight o'clock at night unfortunately the days are starting to get a little bit shorter as we're approaching fall but at least we can still get outside and enjoy the weather while it's still nice now it's time to fire up this little coleman butane stove since we're camping on a budget we are also eating on a budget got some cup of noodles right here just gonna simply boil some water the reason i brought this is because i really didn't want to buy like a bunch of cooking stuff because that would put me over the 100 budget so just a bottle of water 75 cent cup of noodles now if you guys haven't seen the normal cooktop that i use when i'm out camping this one's very similar i use a gas one this is a coleman version so i got my water in the little pot throw the lid on one thing that i like about this coleman version over the gas one version is that you can actually keep the butane in here so just close that up once it's in place push this down to engage it the footprint of the gas one is a little bit smaller which i like but i also really like that i can just kind of keep the butane in here so they each kind of have their own pros and cons to turn it on you simply turn the dial until it clicks and now we have flame [Music] [Music] all right chicken noodles should be done now we are ready to feast feast on a budget in reality a lot of the food that you see me cooking in basically any of my camping videos it's really not all that expensive some of the craziest stuff i'll do is just like steak and shrimp maybe and even that if you're just getting it from a normal grocery store really isn't all that expensive maybe this is the way to go this could be better than steak and shrimp [Music] [Applause] [Music] cup of noodles from a gas station i'm just getting a little chilly out not too bad all right guys it is a little after nine o'clock at night now and the moon is coming up looks kind of funky around here cause like the sun has been set for a little while now but you can still see the sunlight now the moon is coming up even brighter over here so this little lantern is insane this is on the low mode right now and i have my camera set so that it like automatically adjusts here let me change this a second all right there we go the camera is going to look like it's flickering a little bit but that's just because this is led this thing is a good buy actually it was four dollars and 44 cents it does take triple a's i'm not sure how long it will last but hopefully at least until i go to sleep and it has these little hooks on it too so i should be able to hang it up inside my tent here in a second right now i'm just putting away the stovetop and also putting my food inside my diamondback i'm not going to count this as cheating if you are out in the wilderness and there are bears around you should always lock your food in vehicles now while i was eating my ramen i was kind of thinking about my decision of getting that little coleman cooktop it's super nice and i got it because it was relatively cheap and it's something that i'm kind of used to already i definitely could have come in well under 100 though if i found just one of those little propane tanks like you would put on a jetboil and just a little burner top but i searched on walmart's website i could not find that so there's definitely an even cheaper way to do this with the same amount of gear too all right so the unfortunate news about this tent is that there is no little hook up here for a lantern which would be so cool if i could just put this thing up there plenty of light this thing looks insane from the outside too just because everything's all lit up i guess this technically is a two-person tent because i have enough room here and then i have plenty room over here for another sleeping bag but tonight i'm just going to be throwing all my gear over here it does feel a little claustrophobic not having any windows on a tent other than the door but hey it was like 20 bucks so as long as i stay relatively warm in the sleeping bag and dry in the tent i think it'll be a win what if we get some mood lighting ooh that's nice strobe mode and all 180 lumens yeah this little lantern is definitely the best buy so far now although it is fairly early i'm camping by myself can't have a campfire no one else to talk to other than myself and the camera really don't have cell reception either so i think i'm going to go to bed soon the sun's going to be rising at 606 here tomorrow morning which means this tent is going to be super bright very early in the morning there's a good chance that i'll be waking up even before six o'clock because it's gonna be so bright but hopefully with this little mattress sleeping bag the built-in pillow hopefully it'll be a good night's sleep i guess i will talk to you guys in the morning good morning it is a little after 6 a.m right now and i'm happy to report that i slept pretty good in this tent the sleeping pad did not lose any air this pillow i kind of like doubled over onto itself like that so i had a little more like neck support slept on my back slept on my sides i think i even slept on my stomach there for a second so i was kind of rolling around but i feel like i slept pretty good this sleeping bag was plenty warm it was actually even a little hot at some point last night but i wanted to sleep with my hoodie on because laying on this material it's like plasticky kind of feeling it would not be nice sleeping pad was good sleeping bag was good this tent is not bad there's actually not much condensation in here but it is a little bit short when i would kind of lay flat and like stretch my legs out whenever the wind would blow this would hit my head and then down here on this end all of these zippers here coming together in one spot there's one two three four five six seven eight zippers it made noise all night but it wasn't too bad i would just kind of like stretch out and like put my feet on them because it worked out there's a little bit stuffy in here oh yeah that's what i'm talking about [Music] [Music] [Music] well guys there you have it 100 well spent at walmart got some gear that did its job i got a good night's sleep got to hang out outside in this beautiful spot i would say some of the better items out of this whole group was probably the stove the light and the sleeping bag sleeping pad combo the tent could use some work the chair just a chair but overall i'd give this whole walmart gear experience probably like a 4 out of 5 stars so far none of this gear has failed me in any way i think the tent would be the first thing to fail but it packed up decently and nothing was broken on it so i should be able to get at least one more night out of that but what it really comes down to is how you treat your gear as long as you treat your stuff okay then it's going to last you a while i bet i could probably camp maybe like 10 nights in a tent like this before it really starts to degrade and maybe break or get moldy or something maybe rip doing this little challenge also really made me appreciate my setup for camping because i can get set up in my truck in about 30 seconds whereas this took like at least 10 times as long rolling up the sleeping bag the sleeping pad the tent breaking all that stuff down takes a bunch of time so if you like to get into a spot quickly set up camp and then also break stuff down and get out of there quickly this is probably not going to be like the camping method for you but in the end we're still out here about to enjoy a beautiful sunrise [Applause] oh yeah give me some warmth please before we leave though let's get one last look at this view oh yeah so that is going to be all for this budget camping video let me know what you guys thought about this in the comments down below there are a bunch of other places where i could spend a hundred dollars and get camping gear like amazon so maybe if we get say a thousand likes on this video we'll come out here and do this again but with all products from amazon so that is all for today if you guys are new to this channel consider clicking subscribe i make new videos every week as always thank you for watching i'll talk to you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Talon Sei
Views: 61,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: $100 Budget Camping, Walmart Camping, overlanding, budget camping, ozark trail, cheapest camping gear, cheapest tent, cheap camping gear, walmart
Id: bHAmOXzroR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 2sec (1262 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 11 2022
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