100 Astonishing Facts About Everything and Anything

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if you're struggling with opening a container or a jar don't exert yourself too much just run the lid under hot water for half a minute and then dry it for a better grip and see how it magically opens if you're following a recipe that calls for both garlic and onions add onions first when you see they're almost translucent that's the perfect moment to add garlic garlic will cook faster than onions so if you put both of these products in a pan at the same time the garlic will burn and your meal won't taste as good you're a fan of avocados here's how you can easily check if one is ripe or not just take a look at its tail if you can pull it out without any difficulties the avocado is good to eat if you can't do it easily better leave it for a couple of days since it's not ripe yet here's how you can tell if an egg is fresh or not break it and check the yolk if you can see that it has a clear circle of white surrounding it and is located in the middle you have a fresh egg the yolk is supposed to be voluminous too if it's flat it's better not to eat the egg if you see that the white part doesn't have clear borders and your egg spreads around the chances are it's spoiled to tell the quality of your eggs put a raw one while it's still in the shell into a bowl of water if the egg remains on the bottom you're good to go if one of its sides comes closer to the water surface your egg is not fresh but you can still eat it but if it floats it's not fresh enough to consume brushing your teeth in the morning and before you go to bed doesn't have to be the same process it's important to brush your teeth in the morning but more so that you have fresh breath but in the evening you should brush your teeth more thoroughly because that's how you can prevent bacteria from breeding and protect your gums and teeth speaking of bad breath want to know a good trick to fight it in no time cucumber slices if you don't have a mint Within Reach simply eat a slice of cucumber to fix this problem [Music] when you buy natural peanut butter store it upside down that way it won't separate into solids and oils as much and you'll bring the oils to the top which is why the peanut butter will be easier to mix when you put something down for a while comment it out loud for example I put my phone on the floor right next to my bed when you do this you engage multiple parts of your brain including the language centers and create a more vivid memory that way you'll be less likely to forget about it you can do the same when you for example blow out a candle unplug your hair straightener turn off your stove burners or take your keys wallet and other stuff when you leave the house you'll get rid of many of those moments of doubt that make you wonder if you really did those things if you visit your friend and bring along something you don't want to forget when you leave just put it next to your car keys that's something you definitely can't leave without if it's hard for you to make a decision flip a coin it's not really about letting it decide for you but while you're waiting to see the result your mind will automatically start thinking about the outcome you really want but perhaps can't admit out loud you're in the supermarket and want to know if the pumpkin you're holding is good or not just knock on it does it sound as if it's empty inside that's a good sign meanwhile on the outside it should be solid [Music] sometimes we dispose of foods that are still good to consume like yogurt that's become layered you know that layer of liquid on the top that's just whey that contains nutrients stir your yogurt to make it smooth because it's still good to eat when you're buying chicken check if there's liquid around it it's better when it doesn't have it for instance if you take some frozen chicken out of the freezer and see a lot of ice around the piece it's better not to eat it you're moving into a new apartment or house set up your bedroom first buy a bed before anything else when you're exhausted after carrying your stuff around and cleaning the whole day you'll just want to have a comfortable place to rest [Music] here's a trick that will help you figure out if your coconut oil is adulterated leave it in the fridge for a half an hour coconut oil becomes solid at low temperatures adulterant oils detach and you can see them as a separate layer when you want to check if an onion has some mold just take a look at what's under the first layer of peel the do you see stains that look as if the peel has faded mold better avoid buying this vegetable or make sure to remove all that mold if you've already got it you can determine whether a lemon is ripe or Not by eye if its skin is smooth and has a rich yellow color it's ripe a greenish tint as well as a pale yellow color tells you it's ready to be used yet this one's for coffee lovers if you really want to enjoy your overall coffee experience it's way better to buy beans and grind them yourself or ask if a salesperson can do it in the store when you buy your coffee that's the best way to make sure that the product is really made without any extra additions that can be present in a regular ground coffee if you're looking for a simple way to separate yolks from egg whites try this take a clean and empty plastic water bottle crack an egg into a bowl squeeze the bottle over the yolk and slowly release it this way you'll create a vacuum which will make the yolk slide into the bottle ta-da it's separated from the white just like that let's say you lost an earring or some other small item in the house a vacuum cleaner will help just don't forget to pop a stocking over its head this way the item won't get lost in the dust and dirt inside the back's bed you want to take your favorite lotion with you on a trip but it takes up too much space try using a contact lens case it doesn't need a lot of space and it's a perfect solution for short trips a hair straightener is a surprisingly good tool when it comes to ironing collars especially if you're not a fan of regular ironing when you want to check if your batteries are good or bad just drop them on the table from approximately 6 inches if they bounce once and fall right over they're good to go if they bounce around more than that they're either done or on the way out if your razor doesn't have a plastic cap just use a binder clip to cover it and to protect the rest of your stuff if you're packing it with some sensitive items or materials nail polish is a simple yet effective way to differentiate your keys especially if they're all similar finally you don't have to try each of them before getting to the right one when you're reheating leftovers in a microwave space out a circle in the middle of your dish this way your food will heat up more evenly [Music] straw is a cool tool to remove strawberry stems don't you think a muffin tin definitely comes in handy when you want to serve different condiments for your barbecue plus it will save you some time with the dishes later that's it for today so hey if you pacified your curiosity then give the video a like and share it with your friends or if you want more just click on these videos and stay on the bright side you're walking down the street and hear a familiar buzzing you're so scared you sweat and stop the next second you notice a yellow Beetle with black stripes the smell of your sweat attracted this bug it's like nectar to it no worries though it can't bite you the only thing this bug can do is lick you and no it's not a bee this is a hoverfly a kind of flies unlike bees bumble bees and wasps it's harmless but this is not the only reason why you shouldn't squish it supplies pollinate plants around them just like bees they are crucial for Nature's life cycle the larvae of these beetles are indispensable helpers in any Garden they feed on aphids and other flower pests when still a larvae one hoverfly can eat about 400 athletes imagine how many parasites thousands of larvae can destroy these kind and harmless insects have no chance of resisting their enemies birds in predatory insects so they developed an amazing deceptive way of Protection cover flies are actors in the world of bugs they learned to mimic the appearance of bees and wasps to instill fear in those who want to eat them many animals and insects know how painful a wasp can bite so they are wary of them when a spider a mantis or a bird notices hoverflies they are afraid to approach because they think it's a bee but appearance alone is not enough so these amazing flies can move like bees some species imitate a bite flying towards the enemy pretending they have a beat some hoverflies also raise their front paws above their heads to make them look like their behavior is sending a clear message to prospective enemies don't get closer I'm a wasp and I'm going to sting you but the coolest thing about rare types of hoverflies is their annoying hum they make a sound resembling the buzzing of bees and scare away foes more effectively bees don't fight Harbor flies they pollinate flowers together in drink nectar so don't squish it it's not going to do you any bad by the way even if a bee or a wasp are flying nearby don't try to hit them most likely you won't catch them with the first hit which will make the Bugs angry just be calm and the bee will fly away another insect you shouldn't crush is the ladybug first it's beautiful and it can be yellow orange red gray and black not all of them have spots second it doesn't pose any danger to you but the main reason to keep ladybugs safe is that they feed on aphids in many other soft bodied insect pests so they can be a great help in the garden the Green Lace Wing is a tiny fragile insect with transparent wings that resembles a miniature alligator because of its green color adult lace Wings aren't that useful they feed on nectar and make your garden more beautiful with their good looks but at an earlier stage of life these insects are effective acid exterminators that's why lace Wings larvae are called acid Lions they also eat ticks in eggs of other insect pests fees are considered to be the most useful bugs in the world according to some studies they pollinate about 80 percent of fruits vegetables grains and nuts in the U.S in one day one bee can pollinate a huge number of flowers and trees they also produce honey according to research honey is a product with an unlimited shelf life scientists have discovered an ancient Egyptian tomb and found plates with edible honey in there bees are absolutely necessary for our planet about a third of the world's food production requires bee pollination cows eat vegetation that bees pollinate and if there were no Bees it would greatly affect the health of all the world's cattle a lot of fruits and berries would lose their taste if the bee stopped fertilizing them we get most of the cotton on the planet thanks to pollination by these insects there would be a shortage of genes if the bees disappeared the taste of many products would deteriorate in the food would likely lose its useful properties so think twice before swatting and a bee these bugs look like huge mosquitoes they have long Paws and a thin proboscis don't squish them they are crane flies some of the most harmless and gentle insects on the planet they mostly live near water and close to large vegetation in moist places they don't bite anyone with their long proboscis but use it to feed on the plant's nectar some species don't have a mouth in proboscis at all they don't eat anything and live a short life they use fat reserves they have accumulated while they were larvae some people believe if you see this insect it's a sign the frosts are over and spring will come soon you shouldn't catch them because they are an important element in nature many frogs Birds spiders fish and insects feed on crane flies it's better to let a crane fly be someone's lunch then crush it a house centipede is a pretty terrifying insect to encounter this long creature with 15 pairs of long legs can live in your bathroom or even bedroom but don't touch it a centipede is a helpful neighbor it preys on small insect pests controls the population of cockroaches midges flies termites and other bugs a centipede won't appear in your house just like that it comes only if there's some crawling food for it in the room you can squish it and relax for a while but then small pests will arrive at your house if you give a centipede a chance it will destroy all unwanted guests and leave these creatures are solitary predators and won't start a colony or build a nest on your bed they don't carry any diseases either and of course they won't be the first to attack you most likely they'll just run away if you scare them by the way they run fast other friendly but scary looking neighbors you might have are spiders they catch bed bugs mosquitoes flies and other small insects if you have a black widow or some other poisonous species in your house it's better to call a pest control service to get rid of those monsters mantises are quite helpful creatures they hunt insects that spoil your flowers and do it so effectively they can exterminate entire colonies they can control the population of some bugs many people buy mantises and release them in their Gardens a brown marmorated stink bug isn't helpful or too friendly so you'd better not touch it these bugs emit an awful smell when they sense any danger squishing them has the same effect this is a pretty effective way to defend against enemies for these creatures stink bugs are pests and aren't welcome in any home to get rid of them use a vacuum cleaner or a bulb of soapy water throw a bug there and the soap will stop the unpleasant smell and minimize damage to your smell receptors earwigs are not as nasty as you might think and no they don't crawl into your ears to lay eggs there this is a common myth that turned them into dangerous enemies for many people in reality they're your friends and helpers earwigs have forceps but they use them for defense not attack don't touch this insect if you see it in your garden because it helps to dispose of rotten leaves herbs and plants earwigs are scavengers if you found them in your apartment then carefully use a piece of paper to throw it outside you're unlikely to see peacock spiders in your house because they live in the forest of Australia but if you happen to run into one don't try to squish it these tiny creatures are the size of a grain of rice they are poisonous but their jaws can't fight through human skin so they are harmless they have a multi-colored pattern similar to peacocks they use it not to scare some enemies but to attract female spiders they dance to mate and have Offspring in total there are about 50 species of peacock spiders and they all dance differently they lift their buttocks shake them and tap their paws on the floor they are some of the cutest spiders in the world they belong to the jump spiders family which means they don't spin webs instead they stock their prey like a leopard then jump on it and inject Venom they can attack a prey three times bigger than their size are getting more sophisticated in their attempts to get closer to you and use their skills to scam you they use strange things like envelopes in the car and other weird stuff on the hood to Target everyone regardless of their age and background let's see how you can recognize the red flags and know what to do it's late evening you park your car in the supermarket slot lock it and go shopping when you return you see someone has wrapped a shirt around one of your windshield wipers don't pause to get the piece of clothing off your windshield if this really happens to you instead get into your car as quickly as possible and drive away find a well-lit spot preferably with other people around and only then stop and toss the shirt out it's a relatively new trick criminals use to distract lonely drivers attention the shirt or other sizable piece of cloth makes you stop and pull it off while you're doing this they can sneak up on you and who knows what happens then if you have shopping bags on you it's best not to open your trunk either as it also makes you vulnerable to Prowlers and prevents you from acting fast toss the bags into the car and sort them out later when you're safe what might be sending even more shivers down your spine is finding an envelope inside your car when you return to it you definitely locked it so someone was able to break in first of all remember basic security and drive off immediately then best toss the envelope without opening it there might be something nasty inside for all you know but suppose your curiosity took the upper hand and you still opened it in that case you might find a message inside that says something like Dear Sir Madam we've tested your car security and found it unsatisfactory as you can see your car can easily be broken into we expect you to pay us for this test and in return we'll make sure to send someone to help you install a better security system well it's good they've taken nothing so toss the envelope away and disregard the message if you pay scammers they're likely to do it again or even try something worse the best you can do is go to a trusted car service and check your security system on your own or even replace the one you have if you're not sure of its capabilities anymore a water bottle on your car's hood is a sign you're in grave danger like a clothing item on your windshield wipers it's meant to distract you and make you get out of the car but this case is even worse even if you don't go out to remove the bottle or any other relatively large and distracting object and drive home immediately you might be up for something terrible people who put the bottle on your car's Hood might have installed a GPS tracker on your car so driving home puts you at risk of them following you there you should either find a safe spot with many people around and check your car for the tracker or go straight to the nearest police station and ask them to do it for you When a Stranger asks you to take a picture of them and gives you a phone don't be too quick to take it look at them first if they look suspicious or unfriendly it's better to refuse the request nicely this might be a fraud they give you the phone you turn on the camera and see that it's broken the image in the photo is damaged you give the stranger their phone back and they accuse you of breaking the phone they demand money and start making a scene in such a situation it's better not to panic and not to be provoked calmly leave make it clear that you won't fall for this and if they behave too aggressively then call the police thieves can put an advertising flyer a newspaper or a sticker on your house or apartment door you can find a piece of paper or a thin strip from a plastic bottle in the doorway if you don't remove one of these items for a long time then the thieves understand that you're not at home this way thieves Mark buildings and apartments that are easy to get into after all getting into an empty apartment is much safer so as soon as you see a foreign object immediately get rid of it if a flyer or bookmark hangs on the door for one or two days it tells the thief that no one's home of course these can be real advertising stickers but you still don't need them in addition to Flyers there may be strange labels on the house or apartment door numbers crosses or other symbols it's how burglars Mark houses they're about to break into if you see such a sign it's better to call the police you're driving home from work and suddenly notice you're almost out of gas that's weird because you recently filled a full tank you go to the gas station and to the car repair center to check if there is a gas leak in the vehicle meanwhile robbers can take things out of your house they deliberately drain the fuel from your car so that you'd go to the gas station they detain you and buy time to clean out your home if you're sure that you refueled recently and the gas was drained from you you should call your neighbors and ask them to monitor your house or apartment burglars might stage some accident to lure you out of your house please don't fall for it if there is actually some accident it's always better to call 9-1-1 also beware of weird calls when someone calls you and keeps silent if they started bothering you quite often it could be a sign that your house is now a burglar's Target and they want to check if you're home always make sure that the taxi meter is working when you get into a cab if you take a seat and the driver tells you the meter is broken you'd better get out at once and call another car you could get charged much more than the regular fee without the meter especially if you're not a local cars broken down in the middle of an interstate so you call a towing service but in less than five minutes a tow truck stops by and the driver offers you help it's best to reject the offer politely granted you'll have to wait longer but at least you won't be overcharged there are towing companies that take advantage of unfortunate drivers stranded in the middle of nowhere this kind stranger might take your car prisoner until you pay double the regular charge if you're not sure the tow truck that's arrived at your help is the one you called for call the service again and ask for the number on the license plate when you choose a parking spot it's best to avoid those next to larger Vehicles than yours they block your line of sight and you can quickly become the target for someone with bad intentions hiding behind the van or truck next to your car when someone calls you and says they're representing your bank be aware that Bank employees will never ask you for your account information including your PIN or a one-time code sent to your phone if someone asks you for that best hang up and call the bank on your own just use the number on its website thank you paying with your bank card or through the e-wallet Via a trusted service is the only safe way to pay online if a company asks you specifically to pay in an unusual way such as a gift card a voucher or a transfer to another bank card through your online banking app market as a huge red flag for scammers a real company wouldn't make you do that and they'll also provide you with an electronic check afterward that's it for today so hey if you pacified your curiosity then give the video a like and share it with your friends or if you want more just click on these videos and stay on the bright side road trip you and your best friends are rushing down the highway suddenly One turns off the AC and puts the windows down they wanted to help you cut some gas costs and just made one of the classic mistakes turning off the AC and opting for a natural Breeze helps while you're stuck in traffic while you're driving with your windows down on a highway you're creating unnecessary wind resistance your car now needs more energy to move forward and you end up burning more fuel per ride while you're struggling through traffic inside the city limits though turning off the AC isn't a bad idea it might not be the most comfortable ride on a hot day but you're here to save some money right now a quick Common Sense test you have two routes to choose from one is shorter and another looks longer on the map What's it gonna be common sense is screaming the first one duh but in fact the shortest route isn't always the best choice in terms of gas usage you gotta pick the one with the least stop signs traffic lights and traffic jams this route will require less speeding up and slowing down both major gas heaters so plan your route wisely you can consult apps that show real-time traffic data or interactive maps with stop lights do you also have a bag of sand your old inflatable bed a pair of shoes and five water canisters in your trunk or is it just me well you gotta declutter if you want to save some cash losing a hundred pounds that you carry around in your vehicle will decrease your gas usage by up to one percent per gallon relative to your vehicle's weight more weight means more fuel used that's some simple traffic math brake and accelerate less driving at a steady speed above 50 miles per hour helps you save some gas costs every time you hit the brakes or take off at a rocket speed at the stoplights you're making your engine work hard and it feeds on fuel you know plus aggressive driving is bad traffic etiquette so speed up slowly and Coast to a breaking stop smoothly don't go zero to 60 or floor the car until you have to break abruptly cruise control can help you with that drive calmly and steadily when you're on flat terrain like the highway once you approach some hills or mountains cruise control will make your car eat too much gas for no good reason so turn it off and let the speed go down a bit as you ascent and then slowly speed up as you go down this will take some workload off your engine Park your vehicle a couple of blocks away from your destination the next time you make the seventh trip driving around the block searching for a parking spot it will make all perfect sense when you sum up the frustration your time spent on those searches and of course extra gas costs you'll be okay settling somewhat further from a busy shopping area Business Center or your favorite popular restaurant don't wait until the last minute to refill your tank make it a habit to do it once it's three quarters empty or whenever is more comfortable for you this way you won't have to frantically stop at the gas station nearest to you when it's time to refill instead you'll have your time for some research there are special gas finding apps to help you find the best deal in your area sometimes it can be across the state or region border and it's never ever by the highway once you're ready to settle down with one gas brand don't hesitate to ask for something in return sign up for their loyalty program save an app get a card whatever it takes to get a discount cash back extra points and other perks from them some grocery stores partner up with gas chains letting you use the points you earn at the store to get a discount on gas even 5 cents per gallon can make a difference so inquire about those hybrid vehicle owners this one's for you try turning on the AC while your car is still plugged into the charger it will help extend the vehicle's range when you get on the road which means less money spent on gas if you're driving one of the newer model cars your engine must automatically stop when you idle your car if that's not your case avoid idling to save fuel waiting for the traffic lights to turn green takes 45 to 120 seconds and starting your car requires only 10 seconds of gas so if you have to stop for more than 10 seconds turn your vehicle off if you let it run it can eat up to an extra half a gallon of fuel per hour now in case safety isn't one of your primary concerns at least take good care of your car for reasons of economy check if your tires are well inflated at least once a month when under-inflated they wear out quicker drag and waste gas check your car's manual to see how often you should tune up your engine it depends on the age and model clean the filters to keep the car going while eating less gas use the right motor oil otherwise your car will have to work harder than it should and waste gas there's no need to play it cool and fill up with premium fuel unless you have a high performance engine that really can't run on anything else that will cost you much less in the long run and won't make your vehicle go faster cleaner or get better mileage if your car's manual recommends but does not require premium at least go with lower grades for extra savings gas chemistry has advanced over the past decades so don't worry about the quality of regular gas it's all good if you have an older car check out your gas cap seal once it weakens it lets oxygen leak into the gas tank when that happens gas Burns way faster you can replace the gas cap but be prepared that the sensors might not recognize the new one unless it comes from the manufacturer or authorized supplier if you have a manual transmission you're in luck you have complete control over your RPM that's revolutions per minute lower gas means higher RPM the higher the RPM the more torque the engine produces and the more fuel it's using so shift into the upper gears quickly it differs from car to car but an optimal solution would be to change to Second by about 15 miles per hour and move to Top Gear by the time you're going at 30 to 35 miles per hour that cargo container and the bike rack you have on the roof of your vehicle will have to go they increase your car's wind resistance so the engine must do more work to maintain the speed it could mean up to 20 percent extra fuel consumption on the highway and up to eight percent in the city if you do need that extra storage opt for rear mounted cargo boxes [Applause] for those in car buying mode right now look into a hybrid electric plug-in hybrid electric or all-electric one I mean you'll definitely cut gas costs with an electric car suppose you aren't ready for that much of a change in that case many popular models actually come in hybrid form Toyota RAV4 Hyundai Sonata and Volvo XC90 are all yours to go and here comes the bonus tip that will help you cut driving costs by 100 are you ready for it don't drive okay okay let me explain don't drive whenever it's possible walk or bike to work or use public transport if that's too much for you at least swap driving responsibilities and gas costs with colleagues living in your area do you know any other tips to save gas maybe you have personal favorites do let me know in the comments below that's it for today so hey if you pacified your curiosity then give the video a like and share it with your friends or if you want more just click on these videos and stay on the bright side you're in the heart of the Sahara Desert you're going to take part in a marathon from this point you need to walk 600 miles east to the meeting point you want to prove yourself that you can survive in any conditions open C the icy lands of Antarctica the Amazon jungle you've been everywhere and now it's the turn of the hot desert the key to success in any journey is preparation you take a large backpack filled with necessary stuff a small Hatchet for chopping off dry branches a compass a sleeping bag you can't rely on GPS as the connection may be lost in the desert matches a first aid kit water purification tablets a flashlight also you need a scarf a bandana sealed glasses that will protect your eyes from Sand and light clothing that can cover your entire body a raincoat or a tent will also be useful you need all this to protect your body from Sand and sunlight for the same reason you pack gloves too you can't eat highly nutritious food to digest it your body needs a lot of energy and liquid and those are the most important and sparse things in the desert diet bars or dried fruits are great options also you need a lot of water a lot of water it's safer to take several smaller bottles than one large container if this container gets damaged you'll be left without water and when you have several bottles you reduce this risk the back filled and you're ready to start your journey a helicopter takes you to the middle of the desert first of all you lubricate your nostrils with a moisturizing cream this is necessary to prevent the mucous membranes from drying hot air can burn your nose and you can't breathe through your mouth not to lose valuable moisture you walk a few feet and stop it would be a mistake to travel through such a high place during the day you'll start sweating and lose a lot of liquid but your water reserves are limited the ideal time for traveling is in the evening and during the night at this time it gets cold you'll need to move more to keep warm so you find an old fallen tree and tie an awning to it you've created a shadow which means your sleeping spot is ready it's important to move as little as possible to save your energy you open the map and pull out your compass then you check the route look around and study the desert landscape so you can navigate it more easily you want to drink some water but you stop yourself it's better not to drink for 24 hours to make your body go into survival mode you close your eyes and fall asleep sand is blowing in your face you get up and see a sandstorm approaching you the Tree near which you've been sleeping seems too fragile it won't withstand the storm you urgently need some shelter you put on your glasses tie the scarf around your head and moisten it to make breathing easier if you didn't have a scarf you'd need to cover your face with your hands all parts of your body must be protected with clothing tiny grains of sand collide with your skin at great speed despite the protection you'll feel some of them on your face there is no shelter where you can hide nearby it could be a large Stone a tree but nothing now you need to find a hill during the storm the greens not only fly but also bounce off the ground and one another when you're on a hill most sand grains fall down its slopes and you remain more or less unscathed you need to get to High Ground as soon as possible since it's hard to move in such conditions you're losing too much energy you even have to walk backward with your back turn to the wind to protect your face the storm is getting stronger but fortunately you're already Rising you find yourself on a small Sandy Hill you wrap your tent around your body and wait tired you fall asleep again a couple of hours pass you open your eyes and hear silence the storm is over you remove the tent shake off the sand and inspect the territory the evening is getting closer the sun is no longer warm you take out the compass with a map to check the route but in the next moment you find out the sandstorm has completely changed the surrounding landscape it's difficult to navigate using the map when there are no familiar landmarks you can easily stray off course and get lost so you're not sure where to go but you have water and food and other people know approximately your location in this case it's better for you to stay where you are they will start looking for you and eventually find you you won't waste your energy in reserves but you look at the compass at the map and decide to go East you're here to complete the marathon whatever it takes the night is quite cold but constant movement helps you stay warm you check your pockets and find out that you've lost your matches during the storm then you see a dry tree ahead you chop off some of its branches and tie them to your backpack while walking you leave markers on the sand those are branches with pieces of cloth tied to them stuck in the ground this way you can help Rescuers find you if you don't get to the meeting point it's Dawn the sun is scorching you find another tree create a shade using the tent drink some water and fall asleep at night you cut off the branches of the tree and again wander through the desert it seems that you're lost your water is running out faster than planned you're snacking on an energy bar and your body demands even more water the most important thing in this situation is to stay calm fear drain your energy you try to imagine the desert as your home and you know it perfectly this gives you strength and confidence you find the ruins of an old building and hide in its shadow after that you put the branches in one pile and set them on fire with a mirror you need the fire so that Rescuers notice the smoke unfortunately there's no helicopter flying in the sky you continue on your way the next night and discover that only one bottle of water is left you try to eat as little as possible so that your body doesn't waste energy on digesting food it makes you weaker now your goal is to replenish your supplies to do this you need to wait for Dawn then you'll look at the sky find the clouds and go in that direction where there are clouds there should be life and water but very soon you understand that the sun is too hot you make a Shadow again exhausted you lie down and quickly fall asleep the sun has changed its position and is now shining straight on you its heat wakes you up you don't have any water left you get up and look for some rocks or vegetation you can get some liquid from grass plants or bushes after rains moisture remains under stones for a long time pick them up and check but carefully scorpion snakes and spiders can hide there also you need to look at the sand to find some animal or insect traces animals always go toward water sources and you need to follow them but be very attentive those can be traces of cheetahs or African wild dogs you're too weak to defend yourself against them you need to spot the animals from afar and wait for them to drink first you find some Footprints a group of spotted hyenas is walking in the distance you slowly follow them they lead you to an oasis you wait for a couple of hours for them to get enough to drink finally they leave the place and you can quench your thirst don't forget to throw purification tablets into the water but even if you don't have them you should drink anyway in any case it can't get any worse also it's important not to drink a lot at once your body is exhausted and can't process a lot of liquid quickly you drink slowly in small sips it feels as if you can do this for hours then you eat and pour some water into your bottles no longer hungry feeling satisfied and happy you fall asleep again Some Noise wakes you up a helicopter it's flying right over you you scream and wave your hands but The Rescuers don't notice you it's too late to make a fire the helicopter is leaving think think you take out the mirror catch a Sunbeam and direct it at the helicopter ah The Rescuers have noticed you you're saved you can turn ordinary matches into waterproof ones apply a thin coat of nail polish to the mattress and let it dry once they're ready they'll stay dry enough to start a fire even if you drop the matches in the water if you get lost somewhere during the winter and need a drink then don't eat snow it has much more air than water so you won't even feel much more hydrated your body also wastes a lot of energy trying to eat it even worse you might lower your body temperature and could even get sick if you find yourself face to face with a coyote or a wolf don't turn your back slowly Retreat while facing the animal this might only work for a single animal though if you meet a pack then the most important thing is to make sure that they don't surround you back away towards a tree and pressure back against it then choose the right moment and climb it as quickly as possible several layers of clothing will warm you better than one warm fur coat or down jacket air will be trapped between the clothing layers insulating you and keeping your body warm if you get lost in the woods always try to sleep a little above the ground you can lay on a layer of branches and leaves as a makeshift bed or stretch a hammock out between some trees at night the temperature drops and the ground becomes cold even if you build a fire it could go out while you sleep and the ground will be sapping your body heat you're in a boat in the middle of the sea no food no fishing net and you're hungry it was supposed to be only a three hour tour well guess what you can catch fish with the help of shoelaces and any object phone watch or Keys the shadow casts by the boat in the sea can attract fish and a reflective object can work as bait tie your keys to your shoelaces and use them as a fishing rod even if a fish doesn't bite activities like this are a good way to maintain a healthy mind on the Open Sea a short meditation can save you from a panic attack you need to focus on your breathing and try to slow it down your brain will quickly calm down and turn its focus away from the panic oxygen mask in airplanes work on the same principle when you control your breathing your attention is redirected away from whatever bad thing is happening you can make a torch out of a lot put a small log vertically make a deep star-shaped cut on the top put dry grass leaves in sticks inside once you're done Set Fire To The Log and watch it burn for up to three hours this should work the same regardless of the size and type of wood now if you meet an angry grizzly bear never try to run away because the bear can easily outrun you instead lie down and don't move Grizzlies only usually attack when they see a threat so they'll often leave you alone if you show them that you won't cause them any problems this only works with grizzly bears though if a confrontation is unavoidable back away slowly and use bear spray if you don't have any pepper spray will work similarly and should disorient the bear and scare it away or not don't eat berries or mushrooms in the forest if you don't know exactly what they are they could be poisonous if you have no other option eat the inner bark of Maples Birches and pies to fill your stomach use a knife to cut away the rough outer bark and get to the softer white stuff you can boil it to make it even softer or cook it over an open fire to make a crunchy snack and if you're really starving you can look for ants they might not be the most appetizing but they're pretty nutritious if you don't have a watch you can use your fingers to find out how much time is left until sunset raise your hand so the inside of your palm is facing you your fingers should be between the Sun and the Horizon lot see how many fingers can fit in this space the thickness of one finger equals about 15 minutes so you can calculate the time left Before Sunset if you're lost and need to build a fire to attract attention throw in a lot of pie Cedar branches Collins and any unnecessary rubber objects your fire will emit more black smoke which makes it visible from afar if you have no water in the desert but have some food try to avoid eating for as long as you can the more you eat the more thirsty you'll get the body needs liquid to digest food so it'll use up what little you have a person can live much longer without food than without water so don't be afraid to stay hungry hey you found a huge puddle of dirty water in the forest if you're desperate for a drink you can fill your bottle and filter it into drinking water to clean it make a rope of gauze or clothing put one end into the dirty bottle and the other one into the empty one before long the clean water will flow into the empty bottle through the Rope while the impurities are left behind [Music] hiking replace your regular shoelaces with paracord shoelaces if you don't have enough rope these laces can give you a few extra feet in a pinch if you're lost in the forest and have nothing to warm you then take dried leaves and grass from the ground and put it between two layers of clothing this will help you stay warm for a long time when you're lost in the desert try to move as little as possible during the day find a shadow or create it from improvised materials and sit in the shade until dark at night you'll spend much less energy and use up less fluid while you want this will help you to avoid the risk of a heat stroke if you fall through some ice don't try to get out like you would in a pool if you put your hands on the ice and try to push yourself out with your arms it could crack and make you fall back into the water you need to stretch your arms parallel to the ice surface and stretch your legs way back so they float in the water in this horizontal position start waving your legs as if you're swimming move your arms carefully without putting too much weight on the ice and you should be able to escape if you need to build a fire while it's too windy here's what to do dig two holes next to each other and create a small underground tunnel between them make a fire in one of the pits the wind can extinguish it and the Fire gets its air through the second pit this method is also useful if you need to build a fire without drawing attention in the dark this kind of Fire won't be visible don't throw away or pop bubble wrap take it on a hike with you it will protect you from the cold better than even a thick blanket would those tiny air bubbles are perfect insulation just put it in between layers of clothing and it'll stop any warmth from escaping the plastic it's made of is also waterproof so it can stop you from getting wet too swimming in the sea not far from the shore you can easily get swept up in rip currents if this happens the most important thing to remember is not to swim against the current this will only waste your strength and sap your energy and you're unlikely to ever overpower an ocean current Instead try to swim sideways along the shore sooner or later you should get out of the current and then you can safely swim to the beach if you're stuck in a falling elevator don't try to jump at the moment of collision don't take a sitting position or stand either you need to lie on the floor facing the ceiling spread your legs as wide as possible cover your face with one hand and put the other hand behind your head for protection you reduce the pressure on your body in this position when you fall oh you're lost a rescued helicopter flies over the forest but you don't have a flare and don't have time to build a fire use a small mirror or phone screen to reflect the sunlight aim the light beam towards the helicopter Rescuers should notice the glare and fly over to save you that's it for today so hey if you pacified your curiosity then give the video a like and share it with your friends or if you want more just click on these videos and stay on the bright side if you're struggling with opening a container or a jar don't exert yourself too much just run the lid under hot water for half a minute and then dry it for a better grip and see how it magically opens if you're following a recipe that calls for both garlic and onions add onions first when you see they're almost translucent that's the perfect moment to add garlic garlic will cook faster than onions so if you put both of these products in a pan at the same time the garlic will burn and your meal won't taste as good you're a fan of avocados here's how you can easily check if one is ripe or not just take a look at its tail if you can pull it out without any difficulties the avocado is good to eat if you can't do it easily better leave it for a couple of days since it's not ripe yet here's how you can tell if an egg is fresh or not break it and check the yolk if you can see that it has a clear circle of white surrounding it and is located in the middle you have a fresh egg the yolk is supposed to be voluminous too if it's flat it's better not to eat the egg if you see that the white part doesn't have clear borders and your egg spreads around the chances are it's spoiled to tell the quality of your eggs put a raw one while it's still in the shell into a bowl of water if the egg remains on the bottom you're good to go if one of its sides comes closer to the water surface your egg is not fresh but you can still eat it but if it floats it's not fresh enough to consume brushing your teeth in the morning and before you go to bed doesn't have to be the same process it's important to brush your teeth in the morning but more so that you have fresh breath but in the evening you should brush your teeth more thoroughly because that's how you can prevent bacteria from breeding and protect your gums and teeth speaking of bad breath want to know a good trick to fight it in no time cucumber slices if you don't have a mint Within Reach simply eat a slice of cucumber to fix this problem when you buy natural peanut butter store it upside down that way it won't separate into solids and oils as much and you'll bring the oils to the top which is why the peanut butter will be easier to mix when you put something down for a while comment it out loud for example I've put my phone on the floor right next to my bed when you do this you engage multiple parts of your brain including the language centers and create a more vivid memory that way you'll be less likely to forget about it you can do the same when you for example blow out a candle unplug your hair straightener turn off your stove burners or take your keys wallet and other stuff when you leave the house you'll get rid of many of those moments of doubt that make you wonder if you really did those things if you visit your friend and bring along something you don't want to forget when you leave just put it next to your car keys that's something you definitely can't leave without if it's hard for you to make a decision flip a coin it's not really about letting it decide for you but while you're waiting to see the result your mind will automatically start thinking about the outcome you really want but perhaps can't admit out loud you're in the supermarket and want to know if the pumpkin you're holding is good or not just knock on it does it sound as if it's empty inside that's a good sign meanwhile on the outside it should be solid sometimes we dispose of foods that are still good to consume like yogurt that's become layered you know that layer of liquid on the top that's just whey that contains nutrients stir your yogurt to make it smooth because it's still good to eat when you're buying chicken check if there's liquid around it it's better when it doesn't have it for instance if you take some frozen chicken out of the freezer and see a lot of ice around the piece it's better not to eat it you're moving into a new apartment or house set up your bedroom first buy a bed before anything else when you're exhausted after carrying your stuff around and cleaning the whole day you'll just want to have a comfortable place to rest [Music] here's a trick that will help you figure out if your coconut oil is adulterated leave it in the fridge for a half an hour coconut oil becomes solid at low temperatures adulterin oils detach and you can see them as a separate layer when you want to check if an onion has some mold just take a look at what's under the first layer of Peel do you see stains that look as if the peel has faded mold better avoid buying this vegetable or make sure to remove all that mold if you've already got it determine whether a lemon is ripe or Not by eye if its skin is smooth and has a rich yellow color it's ripe a greenish tint as well as a pale yellow color tells you it's ready to be used yet this one's for coffee lovers if you really want to enjoy your overall coffee experience it's way better to buy beans and grind them yourself or ask if a salesperson can do it in the store when you buy your coffee that's the best way to make sure that the product is really made without any extra additions that can be present in a regular ground coffee if you're looking for a simple way to separate yolks from egg whites try this take a clean and empty plastic water bottle crack an egg into a bowl squeeze the bottle over the yolk and slowly release it this way you'll create a vacuum which will make the yolk slide into the bottle ta-da it's separated from the white just like that let's say you lost an earring or some other small item in the house a vacuum cleaner will help just don't forget to pop a stocking over its head this way the item won't get lost in the dust and dirt inside the back's bed you want to take your favorite lotion with you on a trip but it takes up too much space try using a contact lens case it doesn't need a lot of space and it's a perfect solution for short trips a hair straightener is a surprisingly good tool when it comes to ironing collars especially if you're not a fan of regular ironing when you want to check if your batteries are good or bad just drop them on the table from approximately 6 inches if they bounce once and fall right over they're good to go if they bounce around more than that they're either done or on the way out if your razor doesn't have a plastic cap just use a binder clip to cover it and to protect the rest of your stuff if you're packing it with some sensitive items or materials nail polish is a simple yet effective way to differentiate your keys especially if they're all similar finally you don't have to try each of them before getting to the right one when you're reheating leftovers in a microwave space out a circle in the middle of your dish this way your food will heat up more evenly [Music] straw is a cool tool to remove strawberry stems don't you think a muffin tin definitely comes in handy when you want to serve different condiments for your barbecue plus it will save you some time with the dishes later that's it for today so hey if you pacified your curiosity then give the video a like and share it with your friends or if you want more just click on these videos and stay on the bright side you're walking down the street and hear a familiar buzzing you're so scared you sweat and stop the next second you notice a yellow Beetle with black stripes the smell of your sweat attracted this bug it's like nectar to it no worries though it can't bite you the only thing this bug can do is lick you and no it's not a bee this is a hoverfly a kind of flies unlike bees bumblebees and wasps it's harmless but this is not the only reason why you shouldn't squish it supplies pollinate plants around them just like these they are crucial for Nature's life cycle the larvae of these beetles are indispensable helpers in any Garden they feed on aphids and other flower pests when still a larvae one hoverfly can eat about 400 affix imagine how many parasites thousands of larvae can destroy these kind and harmless insects have no chance of resisting their enemies birds in predatory insects so they developed an amazing deceptive way of Protection cover flies are actors in the world of bugs they learned to mimic the appearance of bees and wasps to instill fear in those who want to eat them many animals and insects know how painful a wasp can bite so they are wary of them when a spider a mantis or a bird notices hoverflies they are afraid to approach because they think it's a bee but appearance alone is not enough so these amazing flies can move like bees some species imitate a bite flying towards the enemy pretending they had some hoverflies also raise their front paws above their heads to their behavior is sending a clear message to perspective enemies don't get closer I'm a wasp and I'm going to sting you but the coolest thing about rare types of hover blocks is their annoying hum they make a sound resembling the buzzing of bees and scare away foes more effectively bees don't fight Harbor flies they pollinate flowers together in drink nectar so don't squish it it's not going to do you any bad by the way even if a bee or a wasp are flying nearby don't try to hit them most likely you won't catch them with the first hit which will make the Bugs angry just be calm and the bee will fly away another insect you shouldn't crush is the ladybug first it's beautiful and it can be yellow orange red gray and black not all of them have spots second it doesn't pose any danger to you but the main reason to keep ladybugs safe is that they feed on aphids in many other soft bodied insect pests so they can be a great help in the garden the Green Lace Wing is a tiny fragile insect with transparent wings that resembles a miniature alligator because of its green color adult lace Wings aren't that useful they feed on nectar and make your garden more beautiful with their good looks but at an earlier stage of life these insects are effective acid exterminators that's why lace Wings larvae are called aphid Lions they also eat ticks in eggs of other insect pests fees are considered to be the most useful bugs in the world according to some studies they pollinate about 80 percent of fruits vegetables grains and nuts in the U.S in one day one bee can pollinate a huge number of flowers and trees they also produce honey according to research honey is a product with an unlimited shelf life scientists have discovered an ancient Egyptian tomb and found plates with edible honey in there bees are absolutely necessary for our planet about a third of the world's food production requires bee pollination cows eat vegetation that bees pollinate and if there were no Bees it would greatly affect the health of all the world's cattle a lot of fruits and berries would lose their taste if the bee stopped fertilizing them we get most of the cotton on the planet thanks to pollination by these insects there would be a shortage of genes if the bees disappeared the taste of many products would deteriorate in the food would likely lose its useful properties so think twice before a swatting at a bee these bugs look like huge mosquitoes they have long Paws and a thin proboscis don't squish them they are crane flies some of the most harmless and gentle insects on the planet they mostly live near water and close to large vegetation in moist places they don't fight anyone with their long proboscis but use it to feed on the plant's nectar some species don't have a mouth in proboscis at all they don't eat anything and live a short life they use fat reserves they have accumulated while they were larvae some people believe if you see this insect it's a sign the frosts are over and spring will come soon you shouldn't catch them because they are an important element in nature many frogs Birds spiders fish and insects feed on crane flies it's better to let a crane fly be someone's lunch then crush it a house centipede is a pretty terrifying insect to encounter this long creature with 15 pairs of long legs can live in your bathroom or even bedroom but don't touch it a centipede is a helpful neighbor it preys on small insect pests controls the population of cockroaches midges flies termites and other bugs a centipede won't appear in your house just like that it comes only if there's some crawling food for it in the room you can squish it and relax for a while but then small pests will arrive at your house if you give a centipede a chance it will destroy all unwanted guests and leave these creatures are solitary predators and won't start a colony or build a nest on your bed they don't carry any diseases either and of course they won't be the first to attack you most likely they'll just run away if you scare them by the way they run fast other friendly but scary looking neighbors you might have are spiders they catch bed bugs mosquitoes flies and other small insects if you have a black widow or some other poisonous species in your house it's better to call a pest control service to get rid of those monsters mantises are quite helpful creatures they hunt insects that spoil your flowers and do it so effectively they can exterminate entire colonies they can control the population of some bugs many people buy mantises and release them in their Gardens a brown marmorated stink bug isn't helpful or too friendly so you'd better not touch it these bugs emit an awful smell when they sense any danger squishing them has the same effect this is a pretty effective way to defend against enemies for these creatures stink bugs are pests and aren't welcome in any home to get rid of them use a vacuum cleaner or a bowl of soapy water throw a bug there and the soap will stop the unpleasant smell and minimize damage to your smell receptors earwigs are not as nasty as you might think and no they don't crawl into your ears to lay eggs there this is a common myth that turned them into dangerous enemies for many people in reality they're your friends and helpers earwigs have forceps but they use them for defense not attack don't touch this insect if you see it in your garden because it helps to dispose of rotten leaves herbs and plants earwigs are scavengers if you found them in your apartment then carefully use a piece of paper to throw it outside you're unlikely to see peacock spiders in your house because they live in the forest of Australia but if you happen to run into one don't try to squish it these tiny creatures are the size of a grain of rice they are poisonous but their jaws can't fight through human skin so they are harmless they have a multi-colored pattern similar to peacocks they use it not to scare some enemies but to attract female spiders they dance to mate and have Offspring in total there are about 50 species of peacock spiders and they all dance differently they lift their buttocks shake them and tap their paws on the floor they are some of the cutest spiders in the world they belong to the jump spiders family which means they don't spin webs instead they stock their prey like a leopard then jump on it and inject Venom they can attack a prey three times bigger than their size are getting more sophisticated in their attempts to get closer to you and use their skills to scam you they use strange things like envelopes in the car and other weird stuff on the hood to Target everyone regardless of their age and background let's see how you can recognize the red flags and know what to do it's late evening you park your car in the supermarket slot lock it and go shopping when you return you see someone has wrapped a shirt around one of your windshield wipers don't pause to get the piece of clothing off your windshield if this really happens to you instead get into your car as quickly as possible and drive away find a well-lit spot preferably with other people around and only then stop and toss the shirt out it's a relatively new trick criminals use to distract lonely drivers attention the shirt or other sizable piece of cloth makes you stop and pull it off while you're doing this they can sneak up on you and who knows what happens then if you have shopping bags on you it's best not to open your trunk either as it also makes you vulnerable to Prowlers and prevents you from acting fast toss the bags into the car and sort them out later when you're safe what might be sending even more shivers down your spine is finding an envelope inside your car when you return to it you definitely locked it so someone was able to break in first of all remember basic security and drive off immediately then best toss the envelope without opening it there might be something nasty inside for all you know but suppose your curiosity took the upper hand and you still opened it in that case you might find a message inside that says something like Dear Sir Madam we've tested your car security and found it unsatisfactory as you can see your car can easily be broken into we expect you to pay us for this test and in return we'll make sure to send someone to help you install a better security system well it's good they've taken nothing so toss the envelope away and disregard the message if you pay scammers they're likely to do it again or even try something worse the best you can do is go to a trusted car service and check your security system on your own or even replace the one you have if you're not sure of its capabilities anymore a water bottle on your car's hood is a sign you're in grave danger like a clothing item on your windshield wipers it's meant to distract you and make you get out of the car but this case is even worse even if you don't go out to remove the bottle or any other relatively large and distracting object and drive home immediately you might be up for something terrible people who put the bottle on your car's Hood might have installed a GPS tracker on your car so driving home puts you at risk of them following you there you should either find a safe spot with many people around and check your car for the tracker or go straight to the nearest police station and ask them to do it for you When a Stranger asks you to take a picture of them and gives you a phone don't be too quick to take it look at them first if they look suspicious or unfriendly it's better to refuse the request nicely this might be a fraud they give you the phone you turn on the camera and see that it's broken the image in the photo is damaged you give the stranger their phone back and they accuse you of breaking the phone they demand money and start making a scene in such a situation it's better not to panic and not to be provoked calmly leave make it clear that you won't fall for this and if they behave too aggressively then call the police can put an advertising flyer a newspaper or a sticker on your house or apartment door you can find a piece of paper or a thin strip from a plastic bottle in the doorway if you don't remove one of these items for a long time then the thieves understand that you're not at home this way thieves Mark buildings and apartments that are easy to get into after all getting into an empty apartment is much safer so as soon as you see a foreign object immediately get rid of it if a flyer or bookmark hangs on the door for one or two days it tells the thief that no one's home of course these can be real advertising stickers but you still don't need them in addition to Flyers there may be strange labels on the house or apartment door numbers crosses or other symbols it's how burglars Mark houses they're about to break into if you see such a sign it's better to call the police you're driving home from work and suddenly notice you're almost out of gas that's weird because you recently filled a full tank you go to the gas station and to the car repair center to check if there is a gas leak in the vehicle meanwhile robbers can take things out of your house they deliberately drain the fuel from your car so that you'd go to the gas station they detain you and buy time to clean out your home if you're sure that you refueled recently and the gas was drained from you you should call your neighbors and ask them to monitor your house or apartment burglars might stage some accident to lure you out of your house please don't fall for it if there is actually some accident it's always better to call 9-1-1 also beware of weird calls when someone calls you and keeps silent if they started bothering you quite often it could be a sign that your house is now a burglar's Target and they want to check if you're home always make sure that the taxi meter is working when you get into a cab if you take a seat and the driver tells you the meter is broken you'd better get out at once and call another car you could get charged much more than the regular fee without the meter especially if you're not a local cars broken down in the middle of an interstate so you call a towing service but in less than five minutes a tow truck stops by and the driver offers you help it's best to reject the offer politely granted you'll have to wait longer but at least you won't be overcharged there are towing companies that take advantage of unfortunate drivers stranded in the middle of nowhere this kind stranger might take your car prisoner until you pay double the regular charge if you're not sure the tow truck that's arrived at your help is the one you called for call the service again and ask for the number on the license plate when you choose a parking spot it's best to avoid those next to larger Vehicles than yours they block your line of sight and you can quickly become the target for someone with bad intentions hiding behind the van or truck next to your car when someone calls you and says they're representing your bank be aware that Bank employees will never ask you for your account information including your PIN or a one-time code sent to your phone if someone asks you for that best hang up and call the bank on your own just use the number on its website paying with your bank card or through the e-wallet Via a trusted service is the only safe way to pay online if a company asks you specifically to pay in an unusual way such as a gift card a voucher or a transfer to another bank card through your online banking app market as a huge red flag for scammers a real company wouldn't make you do that and they'll also provide you with an electronic check afterward that's it for today so hey if you pacified your curiosity then give the video a like and share it with your friends or if you want more just click on these videos and stay on the bright side road trip you and your best friends are rushing down the highway suddenly One turns off the AC and puts the windows down oh they wanted to help you cut some gas costs and just made one of the classic mistakes turning off the AC and opting for a natural Breeze helps while you're stuck in traffic while you're driving with your windows down on a highway you're creating unnecessary wind resistance your car now needs more energy to move forward and you end up burning more fuel per ride while you're struggling through traffic inside the city limits though turning off the AC isn't a bad idea it might not be the most comfortable ride on a hot day but you're here to save some money right [Music] now a quick Common Sense test you have two routes to choose from one is shorter and another looks longer on the map What's it gonna be common sense is screaming the first one duh but in fact the shortest route isn't always the best choice in terms of gas usage you gotta pick the one with the least stop signs traffic lights and traffic jams this route will require less speeding up and slowing down both major gas heaters so plan your route wisely you can consult apps that show real-time traffic data or interactive maps with stop lights do you also have a bag of sand your old inflatable bed a pair of shoes and five water canisters in your trunk or is it just me well you gotta declutter if you want to save some cash losing a hundred pounds that you carry around in your vehicle will decrease your gas usage by up to one percent per gallon relative to your vehicle's weight more weight means more fuel used that's some simple traffic math brake and accelerate less driving at a steady speed above 50 miles per hour helps you save some gas costs every time you hit the brakes or take off at a rocket speed at the stoplight you're making your engine work hard and it feeds on fuel you know plus aggressive driving is bad traffic etiquette so speed up slowly and Coast to a braking stop smoothly don't go zero to 60 or floor the car until you have to break abruptly cruise control can help you with that drive calmly and steadily when you're on flat terrain like the highway once you approach some hills or mountains cruise control will make your car eat too much gas for no good reason so turn it off and let the speed go down a bit as you ascend and then slowly speed up as you go down this will take some workload off your engine Park your vehicle a couple of blocks away from your destination the next time you make the seventh trip driving around the block searching for a parking spot it will make all perfect sense when you sum up the frustration your time spent on those searches and of course extra gas costs you'll be okay settling somewhat further from a busy shopping area Business Center or your favorite popular restaurant don't wait until the last minute to refill your tank make it a habit to do it once it's three quarters empty or whenever is more comfortable for you this way you won't have to frantically stop at the gas station nearest to you when it's time to refill instead you'll have your time for some research there are special gas finding apps to help you find the best deal in your area sometimes it can be across the state or region border and it's never ever by the highway once you're ready to settle down with one gas brand don't hesitate to ask for something in return sign up for their loyalty program save an app get a card whatever it takes to get a discount cash back extra points and other perks from them some grocery stores partner up with gas chains letting you use the points you earn at the store to get a discount on gas even five cents per gallon can make a difference so inquire about those hybrid vehicle owners this one's for you try turning on the AC while your car is still plugged into the charger it will help extend the vehicle's range when you get on the road which means less money spent on gas if you're driving one of the newer model cars your engine must automatically stop when you idle your car if that's not your case avoid idling to save fuel waiting for the traffic lights to turn green takes 45 to 120 seconds and starting your car requires only 10 seconds of gas so if you have to stop for more than 10 seconds turn your vehicle off if you let it run it can eat up to an extra half a gallon of fuel per hour now in case safety isn't one of your primary concerns at least take good care of your car for reasons of economy check if your tires are well inflated at least once a month when under-inflated they wear out quicker drag and waste gas check your car's manual to see how often you should tune up your engine it depends on the age and model clean the filters to keep the car going while eating less gas use the right motor oil otherwise your car will have to work harder than it should and waste gas there's no need to play it cool and fill up with premium fuel unless you have a high performance engine that really can't run on anything else that will cost you much less in the long run and won't make your vehicle go faster cleaner or get better mileage if your car's manual recommends but does not require premium at least go with lower grades for extra savings gas chemistry has advanced over the past decades so don't worry about the quality of regular gas it's all good if you have an older car check out your gas cap seal once it weakens it lets oxygen leak into the gas tank when that happens gas Burns way faster you can replace the gas cap but be prepared that the sensors might not recognize the new one unless it comes from the manufacturer or authorized supplier if you have a manual transmission you're in luck you have complete control over your RPM that's revolutions per minute lower gas means higher RPM the higher the RPM the more torque the engine produces and the more fuel it's using so shift into the upper gears quickly it differs from car to car but an optimal solution would be to change to Second by about 15 miles per hour and move to Top Gear by the time you're going at 30 to 35 miles per hour that cargo container and the bike rack you have on the roof of your vehicle will have to go they increase your car's wind resistance so the engine must do more work to maintain the speed it could mean up to 20 percent extra fuel consumption on the highway and up to eight percent in the city if you do need that extra storage opt for rear mounted cargo boxes [Applause] for those in car buying mode right now look into a hybrid electric plug-in hybrid electric or all-electric one I mean you'll definitely cut gas costs with an electric car suppose you aren't ready for that much of a change in that case many popular models actually come in hybrid form Toyota RAV4 Hyundai Sonata and Volvo XC90 are all yours to go and here comes the bonus tip that will help you cut driving costs by 100 are you ready for it don't drive okay okay let me explain don't drive whenever it's possible walk or bike to work or use public transport if that's too much for you at least swap driving responsibilities and gas costs with colleagues living in your area do you know any other tips to save gas maybe you have personal favorites do let me know in the comments below that's it for today so hey if you pacified your curiosity then give the video a like and share it with your friends or if you want more just click on these videos and stay on the bright side you're in the heart of the Sahara Desert you're going to take part in a marathon from this point you need to walk 600 miles east to the meeting point you want to prove yourself that you can survive in any conditions Open Sea the icy lands of Antarctica the Amazon jungle you've been everywhere and now it's the turn of the hot desert the key to success in any journey is preparation you take a large backpack filled with necessary stuff a small Hatchet for chopping off dry branches a compass a sleeping bag you can't rely on GPS as the connection may be lost in the desert matches a first aid kit water purification tablets a flashlight also you need a scarf a bandana sealed glasses that will protect your eyes from Sand and light clothing that can cover your entire body a raincoat or a tent will also be useful you need all this to protect your body from Sand and sunlight for the same reason you pack gloves too you can't eat highly nutritious food to digest it your body needs a lot of energy and liquid and those are the most important and sparse things in the desert diet bars or dried fruits are great options also you need a lot of water a lot of water it's safer to take several smaller bottles than one large container if this container gets damaged you'll be left without water and when you have several bottles you reduce this risk the back and you're ready to start your journey a helicopter takes you to the middle of the desert first of all you lubricate your nostrils with a moisturizing cream this is necessary to prevent the mucous membranes from drying hot air can burn your nose and you can't breathe through your mouth not to lose valuable moisture you walk a few feet and stop it would be a mistake to travel through such a high place during the day you'll start sweating and lose a lot of liquid but your water reserves are limited the ideal time for traveling is in the evening and during the night at this time it gets cold you'll need to move more to keep warm so you find an old fallen tree and tie an awning to it you've created a shadow which means your sleeping spot is ready it's important to move as little as possible to save your energy you open the map and pull out your compass then you check the route look around and study the desert landscape so you can navigate it more easily you want to drink some water but you stop yourself it's better not to drink for 24 hours to make your body go into survival mode you close your eyes and fall asleep sand is blowing in your face you get up and see a sandstorm approaching you the Tree near which you've been sleeping seems too fragile it won't withstand the storm you urgently need some shelter you put on your glasses tie the scarf around your head and moisten it to make breathing easier if you didn't have a scarf you'd need to cover your face with your hands all parts of your body must be protected with clothing tiny grains of sand collide with your skin at great speed this by the protection you feel some of them on your face there is no shelter where you can hide nearby it could be a large Stone a tree but nothing now you need to find a hill during the storm the greens not only fly but also bounce off the ground in one another when you're on a hill most sand grains fall down its slopes and you remain more or less unscathed you need to get to High Ground as soon as possible since it's hard to move in such conditions you're losing too much energy you even have to walk backward with your back turn to the wind to protect your face the storm is getting stronger but fortunately you're already Rising you find yourself on a small Sandy Hill you wrap your tent around your body and wait tired you fall asleep again a couple of hours pass you open your eyes and hear silence the storm is over you remove the tent shake off the sand and inspect the territory the evening is getting closer the sun is no longer warm you take out the compass with a map to check the route but in the next moment you find out the sandstorm has completely changed the surrounding landscape it's difficult to navigate using the map when there are no familiar landmarks you can easily stray off course and get lost so you're not sure where to go but you have water and food and other people know approximately your location in this case it's better for you to stay where you are they will start looking for you and eventually find you you won't waste your energy in reserves but you look at the compass at the map and decide to go East you're here to complete the marathon whatever it takes the night is quite cold but constant movement helps you stay warm you check your pockets and find out that you've lost your matches during the storm then you see a dry tree ahead you chop off some of its branches and tie them to your backpack while walking you leave markers on the sand those are branches with pieces of cloth tied to them stuck in the ground this way you can help Rescuers find you if you don't get to the meeting point it's Dawn the sun is scorching you find another tree create a shade using the tent drink some water and fall asleep at night you cut off the branches of the tree and again wander through the desert it seems that you're lost your water is running out faster than planned you're snacking on an energy bar and your body demands even more water the most important thing in this situation is to stay calm fear drains your energy you try to imagine the desert as your home and you know it perfectly this gives you strength and confidence you find the ruins of an old building and hide in its shadow after that you put the branches in one pile and set them on fire with a mirror you need the fire so that Rescuers notice the smoke unfortunately there's no helicopter flying in the sky you continue on your way the next night and discover that only one bottle of water is left you try to eat as little as possible so that your body doesn't waste energy on digesting food it makes you weaker now your goal is to replenish your supplies to do this you need to wait for Dawn then you'll look at the sky find the clouds and go in that direction where there are clouds there should be life and water but very soon you understand that the sun is too hot you make a Shadow again exhausted you lie down and quickly fall asleep the sun has changed its position and is now shining straight on you its heat wakes you up you don't have any water left you get up and look for some rocks or vegetation you can get some liquid from grass plants or bushes after rains moisture remains under stones for a long time pick them up and check but carefully scorpion snakes and spiders can hide there also you need to look at the sand to find some animal or insect traces animals always go toward water sources and you need to follow them but be very attentive those can be traces of cheetahs or African wild dogs you're too weak to defend yourself against them you need to spot the animals from afar and wait for them to drink first you find some Footprints a group of spotted hyenas is walking in the distance you slowly follow them they lead you to an oasis you wait for a couple of hours for them to get enough to drink finally they leave the place and you can quench your thirst don't forget to throw a purification tablets into the water but even if you don't have them you should drink anyway in any case it can't get any worse also it's important not to drink a lot at once your body is exhausted and can't process a lot of liquid quickly you drink slowly in small sips it feels as if you can do this for hours then you eat and pour some water into your bottles no longer hungry feeling satisfied and happy you fall asleep again Some Noise wakes you up a helicopter it's flying right over you you scream and wave your hands but The Rescuers don't notice you it's too late to make a fire the helicopter is leaving think think you take out the mirror catch a Sunbeam and direct it at the helicopter ah The Rescuers have noticed you you're saved you can turn ordinary matches into waterproof ones apply a thin coat of nail polish to the mattress and let it dry once they're ready they'll stay dry enough to start a fire even if you drop the matches in the water if you get lost somewhere during the winter and need a drink then don't eat snow it has much more air than water so you won't even feel much more hydrated your body also wastes a lot of energy trying to eat it even worse you might lower your body temperature and could even get sick if you find yourself face to face with a coyote or a wolf don't turn your back slowly Retreat while facing the animal this might only work for a single animal though if you meet a pack then the most important thing is to make sure that they don't surround you back away towards a tree and pressure back against it then choose the right moment and climb it as quickly as possible several layers of clothing will warm you better than one warm fur coat or down jacket air will be trapped between the clothing layers insulating you and keeping your body warm if you get lost in the woods always try to sleep a little above the ground you can lay on a layer of branches and leaves as a makeshift bed or stretch a hammock out between some trees at night the temperature drops and the ground becomes cold even if you build a fire it could go out while you sleep and the ground will be sapping your body heat you're in a boat in the middle of the sea no food no fishing net and you're hungry it was supposed to be only a three hour tour well guess what you can catch fish with the help of shoelaces and any object phone watch or Keys the shadow cast by the boat in the sea can attract fish and a reflective object can work as bait tie your keys to your shoelaces and use them as a fishing rod even if a fish doesn't bite activities like this are a good way to maintain a healthy mind on the Open Sea ah short meditation can save you from a panic attack you need to focus on your breathing and try to slow it down your brain will quickly calm down and turn its focus away from the panic oxygen mask in airplanes work on the same principle when you control your breathing your attention is redirected away from whatever bad thing is happening you can make a torch out of a log put a small log vertically make a deep star-shaped cut on the top put dry grass leaves in sticks inside once you're done Set Fire To The Log and watch it burn for up to three hours this should work the same regardless of the size and type of wood now if you meet an angry grizzly bear never try to run away because the bear can easily outrun you instead lie down and don't move Grizzlies only usually attack when they see a threat so they'll often leave you alone if you show them that you won't cause them any problems this only works with grizzly bears though if a confrontation is unavoidable back away slowly and use bear spray if you don't have any pepper spray will work similarly and should disorient the bear and scare it away or not don't eat berries or mushrooms in the forest if you don't know exactly what they are they could be poisonous if you have no other option eat the inner bark of Maples Birches and pies to fill your stomach use a knife to cut away the rough outer bark and get to the softer white stuff you can boil it to make it even softer or cook it over an open fire to make a crunchy snack and if you're really starving you can look for ants they might not be the most appetizing but they're pretty nutritious if you don't have a watch you can use your fingers to find out how much time is left until sunset raise your hand so the inside of your palm is facing you your fingers should be between the Sun and the Horizon lot see how many fingers can fit in this space the thickness of one finger equals about 15 minutes so you can calculate the time left before Sunset if you're lost and need to build a fire to attract attention throw in a lot of pie Cedar branches cons and any unnecessary rubber objects your fire will emit more black smoke which makes it visible from afar if you have no water in the desert but have some food try to avoid eating for as long as you can the more you eat the more thirsty you'll get the body needs liquid to digest food so it'll use up what little you have a person can live much longer without food than without water so don't be afraid to stay hungry hey you found a huge puddle of dirty water in the forest if you're desperate for a drink you can fill your bottle and filter it into drinking water to clean it make a rope of gauze or clothing put one end into the dirty bottle and the other one into the empty one before long the clean water will flow into the empty bottle through the Rope while the impurities are left behind [Music] hiking replace your regular shoelaces with paracord shoe laces if you don't have enough rope these laces can give you a few extra feet in a pinch if you're lost in the forest and have nothing to warm you then take dried leaves and grass from the ground and put it between two layers of clothing this will help you stay warm for a long time when you're lost in the desert try to move as little as possible during the day find a shadow or create it from improvised materials and sit in the shade until dark at night you'll spend much less energy and use up less fluid while you want this will help you to avoid the risk of a heat stroke if you fall through some ice don't try to get out like you would in a pool if you put your hands on the ice and try to push yourself out with your arms it could crack and make you fall back into the water you need to stretch your arms parallel to the ice surface and stretch your legs way back so they float in the water in this horizontal position start waving your legs as if you're swimming move your arms carefully without putting too much weight on the ice and you should be able to escape if you need to build a fire while it's too windy here's what to do dig two holes next to each other and create a small underground tunnel between them make a fire in one of the pits the wind can't extinguish it and the Fire gets its air through the second pit this method is also useful if you need to build a fire without drawing attention in the dark this kind of Fire won't be visible don't throw away or pop bubble wrap take it on a hike with you it will protect you from the cold better than even a thick blanket would those tiny air bubbles are perfect insulation just put it in between layers of clothing and it'll stop any warmth from escaping the plastic it's made of is also waterproof so it can stop you from getting wet too swimming in the sea not far from the shore you can easily get swept up in rip currents if this happens the most important thing to remember is not to swim against the current this will only waste your strength and sap your energy and you're unlikely to ever overpower an ocean current Instead try to swim sideways along the shore sooner or later you should get out of the current and then you can safely swim to the beach if you're stuck in a falling elevator don't try to jump at the moment of collision don't take a sitting position or stand either you need to lie on the floor facing the ceiling spread your legs as wide as possible cover your face with one hand and put the other hand behind your head for protection you reduce the pressure on your body in this position when you fall you're lost a rescue helicopter flies over the forest but you don't have a flare and don't have time to build a fire use a small mirror or phone screen to reflect the sunlight aim the light beam towards the helicopter Rescuers should notice the glare and fly over to save you that's it for today so hey if you pacified your curiosity then give the video a like and share it with your friends or if you want more just click on these videos and stay on the bright side if you're struggling with opening a container or a jar don't exert yourself too much just run the lid under hot water for half a minute and then dry it for a better grip and see how it magically opens if you're following a recipe that calls for both garlic and onions add onions first when you see they're almost translucent that's the perfect moment to add garlic garlic will cook faster than onions so if you put both of these products in a pan at the same time the garlic will burn and your meal won't taste as good you're a fan of avocados here's how you can easily check if one is ripe or not just take a look at its tail if you can pull it out without any difficulties the avocado is good to eat if you can't do it easily better leave it for a couple of days since it's not ripe yet here's how you can tell if an egg is fresh or not break it and check the yolk if you can see that it has a clear circle of white surrounding it and is located in the middle you have a fresh egg the yolk is supposed to be voluminous too if it's flat it's better not to eat the egg if you see that the white part doesn't have clear borders and your egg spreads around the chances are it's spoiled to tell the quality of your eggs put a raw one while it's still in the shell into a bowl of water if the egg remains on the bottom you're good to go if one of its sides comes closer to the water surface your egg is not fresh but you can still eat it but if it floats it's not fresh enough to consume brushing your teeth in the morning and before you go to bed doesn't have to be the same process it's important to brush your teeth in the morning but more so that you have fresh breath but in the evening you should brush your teeth more thoroughly because that's how you can prevent bacteria from breeding and protect your gums and teeth speaking of bad breath want to know a good trick to fight it in no time cucumber slices if you don't have a mint Within Reach simply eat a slice of cucumber to fix this problem [Music] when you buy natural peanut butter store it upside down that way it won't separate into solids and oils as much and you'll bring the oils to the top which is why the peanut butter will be easier to mix when you put something down for a while comment it out loud for example I put my phone on the floor right next to my bed when you do this you engage multiple parts of your brain including the language centers and create a more vivid memory that way you'll be less likely to forget about it you can do the same when you for example blow out a candle unplug your hair straightener turn off your stove burners or take your keys wallet and other stuff when you leave the house you'll get rid of many of those moments of doubt that make you wonder if you really did those things if you visit your friend and bring along something you don't want to forget when you leave just put it next to your car keys that's something you definitely can't leave without if it's hard for you to make a decision flip a coin it's not really about letting it decide for you but while you're waiting to see the result your mind will automatically start thinking about the outcome you really want but perhaps can't admit out loud you're in the supermarket and want to know if the pumpkin you're holding is good or not just knock on it does it sound as if it's empty inside that's a good sign meanwhile on the outside it should be solid sometimes we dispose of foods that are still good to consume like yogurt that's become layered you know that layer of liquid on the top that's just whey that contains nutrients stir your yogurt to make it smooth because it's still good to eat when you're buying chicken check if there's liquid around it it's better when it doesn't have it for instance if you take some frozen chicken out of the freezer and see a lot of ice around the piece it's better not to eat it you're moving into a new apartment or house set up your bedroom first buy a bed before anything else when you're exhausted after carrying your stuff around and cleaning the whole day you'll just want to have a comfortable place to rest [Music] here's a trick that will help you figure out if your coconut oil is adulterated leave it in the fridge for a half an hour coconut oil becomes solid at low temperatures adulterant oils detach and you can see them as a separate layer when you want to check if an onion has some mold just take a look at what's under the first layer of Peel do you see stains that look as if the peel has faded mold better avoid buying this vegetable or make sure to remove all that mold if you've already got it determine whether a lemon is ripe or Not by eye if its skin is smooth and has a rich yellow color it's ripe a greenish tint as well as a pale yellow color tells you it's ready to be used yet this one's for coffee lovers if you really want to enjoy your overall coffee experience it's way better to buy beans and grind them yourself or ask if a salesperson can do it in the store when you buy your coffee that's the best way to make sure that the product is really made without any extra additions that can be present in a regular ground coffee if you're looking for a simple way to separate yolks from egg whites try this take a clean and empty plastic water bottle crack an egg into a bowl squeeze the bottle over the yolk and slowly release it this way you'll create a vacuum which will make the yolk slide into the bottle ta-da it's separated from the white just like that let's say you lost an earring or some other small item in the house a vacuum cleaner will help just don't forget to pop a stocking over its head this way the item won't get lost in the dust and dirt inside the back's bed [Music] you want to take your favorite lotion with you on a trip but it takes up too much space try using a contact lens case it doesn't need a lot of space and it's a perfect solution for short trips a hair straightener is a surprisingly good tool when it comes to ironing collars especially if you're not a fan of regular ironing when you want to check if your batteries are good or bad just drop them on the table from approximately 6 inches if they bounce once and fall right over they're good to go if they bounce around more than that they're either done or on the way out if your razor doesn't have a plastic cap just use a binder clip to cover it and to protect the rest of your stuff if you're packing it with some sensitive items or materials nail polish is a simple yet effective way to differentiate your keys especially if they're all similar finally you don't have to try each of them before getting to the right one when you're reheating leftovers in a microwave space out a circle in the middle of your dish this way your food will heat up more evenly straw is a cool tool to remove strawberry stems don't you think a muffin tin definitely comes in handy when you want to serve different condiments for your barbecue plus it will save you some time with the dishes later that's it for today so hey if you pacified your curiosity then give the video a like and share it with your friends or if you want more just click on these videos and stay on the bright side you're walking down the street and hear a familiar buzzing you're so scared you sweat and stop the next second you notice a yellow Beetle with black stripes the smell of your sweat attracted this bug it's like nectar to it no worries though it can't bite you the only thing this bug can do is lick you and no it's not a bean this is a hoverfly a kind of flies unlike bees bumblebees and wasps it's harmless but this is not the only reason why you shouldn't squish it hoverflies pollinate plants around them just like bees they are crucial for Nature's life cycle the larvae of these beetles are indispensable helpers in any Garden they feed on aphids and other flower pests when still a larvae one Harbor fly can eat about 400 athletes imagine how many parasites thousands of larvae can destroy these kind and harmless insects have no chance of resisting their enemies birds in predatory insects so they developed an amazing deceptive way of Protection cover flies are actors in the world of bugs they learned to mimic the appearance of bees and wasps to instill fear in those who want to eat them many animals and insects know how painful a wasp can bite so they are wary of them when a spider a mantis or a bird notices hoverflies they are afraid to approach because they think it's a bee but appearance alone is not enough so these amazing supplies can move like bees some species imitate a bite flying towards the enemy pretending they have a b some hoverflies also raise their front paws above their heads to make them look like these antennas their behavior is sending a clear message to prospective enemies don't get closer I'm a wasp and I'm going to sting you but the coolest thing about rare types of hover blocks is their annoying hum they make a sound resembling the buzzing of bees in scare away foes more effectively bees don't fight Harbor flies they pollinate flowers together and drink nectar so don't squish it it's not going to do you any bad by the way even if a bee or a wasp are flying nearby they'll try to hit them most likely you won't catch them with the first hit which will make the Bugs angry just be calm and the bee will fly away another insect you shouldn't crush is the ladybug first it's beautiful and can be yellow orange red gray and black not all of them have spots second it doesn't pose any danger to you but the main reason to keep ladybugs safe is that they feed on aphids in many other soft bodied insect pests so they can be a great help in the garden the Green Lace Wing is a tiny fragile insect with transparent wings that resembles a miniature alligator because of its green color adult lace Wings aren't that useful they feed on nectar and make your garden more beautiful with their good looks but at an earlier stage of life these insects are effective at exterminators that's why lace Wings larvae are called aphid Lions they also eat ticks in eggs of other insect pests fees are considered to be the most useful bugs in the world according to some studies they pollinate about 80 percent of fruits vegetables grains and nuts in the U.S in one day one bee can pollinate a huge number of flowers and trees they also produce honey according to research honey is a product with an unlimited shelf life scientists have discovered an ancient Egyptian tomb and found plates with edible honey in there bees are absolutely necessary for our planet about a third of the world's food production requires bee pollination cows eat vegetation that bees pollinate and if there were no Bees it would greatly affect the health of all the world's cattle a lot of fruits and berries would lose their taste if the bee stopped fertilizing them we get most of the cotton on the planet thanks to pollination by these insects there would be a shortage of genes if the bees disappeared the taste of many products would deteriorate in the food would likely lose its useful properties so think twice before swatting at a bee these bugs look like huge mosquitoes they have long Paws and a thin proboscis don't squish them they are crane flies some of the most harmless and gentle insects on the planet they mostly live near water and close to large vegetation in moist places they don't bite anyone with their long proboscis but use it to feed on the plant's nectar some species don't have a mouth and proboscis at all they don't eat anything and live a short life they use fat reserves they have accumulated while they were larvae some people believe if you see this insect it's a sign the frosts are over and spring will come soon you shouldn't catch them because they are an important element in nature many frogs Birds spiders fish and insects feed on crane flies it's better to let a crane fly be someone's lunch then crush it a house centipede is a pretty terrifying insect to encounter this long creature with 15 pairs of long legs can live in your bathroom or even bedroom but don't touch it a centipede is a helpful neighbor it preys on small insect pests controls the population of cockroaches midges flies termites and other bugs a centipede won't appear in your house just like that it comes only if there's some crawling food for it in the room you can squish it and relax for a while but then small pests will arrive at your house if you give a centipede a chance it will destroy all unwanted guests and leave these creatures are solitary predators and won't start a colony or build a nest on your bed they don't carry any diseases either and of course they won't be the first to attack you most likely they'll just run away if you scare them by the way they run fast other friendly but scary looking neighbors you might have are spiders they catch bed bugs mosquitoes flies and other small insects if you have a black widow or some other poisonous species in your house it's better to call a pest control service to get rid of those monsters mantises are quite helpful creatures they hunt insects that spoil your flowers and do it so effectively they can exterminate entire colonies they can control the population of some bugs many people buy mantises and release them in their Gardens a brown marmorated stink bug isn't helpful or too friendly so you'd better not touch it these bugs emit an awful smell when they sense any danger squishing them has the same effect this is a pretty effective way to defend against enemies for these creatures stink bugs are pests and aren't welcome in any home to get rid of them use a vacuum cleaner or a bowl of soapy water throw a bug there and the soap will stop the unpleasant smell and minimize damage to your smell receptors earwigs are not as nasty as you might think and no they don't crawl into your ears to lay eggs there this is a common myth that turned them into dangerous enemies for many people in reality they're your friends and helpers earwigs have forceps but they use them for defense not attack don't touch this insect if you see it in your garden because it helps to dispose of rotten leaves herbs and plants earwigs are scavengers if you found them in your apartment then carefully use a piece of paper to throw it outside you're unlikely to see peacock spiders in your house because they live in the forest of Australia but if you happen to run into one don't try to squish it these tiny creatures are the size of a grain of rice they are poisonous but their jaws can't fight through human skin so they are harmless they have a multi-colored pattern similar to peacocks they use it not to scare some enemies but to attract female spiders they dance to mate and have Offspring in total there are about 50 species of peacock spiders and they all dance differently they lift their buttocks shake them and tap their paws on the floor they are some of the cutest spiders in the world they belong to the jump spiders family which means they don't spin webs instead they stock their prey like a leopard then jump on it and inject Venom they can attack a prey three times bigger than their size scammers are getting more sophisticated in their attempts to get closer to you and use their skills to scam you they use strange things like envelopes in the car and other weird stuff on the hood to Target everyone regardless of their age and background let's see how you can recognize the red flags and know what to do it's late evening you park your car in the supermarket slot lock it and go shopping when you return you see someone has wrapped a shirt around one of your windshield wipers don't pause to get the piece of clothing off your windshield if this really happens to you instead get into your car as quickly as possible and drive away find a well-lit spot preferably with other people around and only then stop and toss the shirt out it's a relatively new trick criminals use to distract lonely drivers attention the shirt or other sizable piece of cloth makes you stop and pull it off while you're doing this they can sneak up on you and who knows what happens then if you have shopping bags on you it's best not to open your trunk either as it also makes you vulnerable to Prowlers and prevents you from acting fast toss the bags into the car and sort them out later when you're safe what might be sending even more shivers down your spine is finding an envelope inside your car when you return to it you definitely locked it so someone was able to break in first of all remember basic security and drive off immediately then best toss the envelope without opening it there might be something nasty inside for all you know but suppose your curiosity took the upper hand and you still opened it in that case you might find a message inside that says something like Dear Sir Madam we've tested your car security and found it unsatisfactory as you can see your car can easily be broken into we expect you to pay us for this test and in return we'll make sure to send someone to help you install a better security system well it's good they've taken nothing so toss the envelope away and disregard the message if you pay scammers they're likely to do it again or even try something worse the best you can do is go to a trusted car service and check your security system on your own or even replace the one you have if you're not sure of its capabilities anymore a water bottle on your car's hood is a sign you're in grave danger like a clothing item on your windshield wipers it's meant to distract you and make you get out of the car but this case is even worse even if you don't go out to remove the bottle or any other relatively large and distracting object and drive home immediately you might be up for something terrible people who put the bottle on your car's Hood might have installed a GPS tracker on your car so driving home puts you at risk of them following you there you should either find a safe spot with many people around and check your car for the tracker or go straight to the nearest police station and ask them to do it for you When a Stranger asks you to take a picture of them and gives you a phone don't be too quick to take it look at them first if they look suspicious or unfriendly it's better to refuse the request nicely this might be a fraud they give you the phone you turn on the camera and see that it's broken the image in the photo is damaged you give the stranger their phone back and they accuse you of breaking the phone they demand money and start making a scene in such a situation it's better not to panic and not to be provoked calmly leave make it clear that you won't fall for this and if they behave too aggressively then call the police can put an advertising flyer a newspaper or a sticker on your house or apartment door you can find a piece of paper or a thin strip from a plastic bottle in the doorway if you don't remove one of these items for a long time then the thieves understand that you're not at home this way thieves Mark buildings and apartments that are easy to get into after all getting into an empty apartment is much safer so as soon as you see a foreign object immediately get rid of it if a flyer or bookmark hangs on the door for one or two days it tells the thief that no one's home of course these can be real advertising stickers but you still don't need them in addition to Flyers there may be strange labels on the house or apartment door numbers crosses or other symbols it's how burglars Mark houses they're about to break into if you see such a sign it's better to call the police you're driving home from work and suddenly notice you're almost out of gas that's weird because you recently filled a full tank you go to the gas station and to the car repair center to check if there is a gas leak in the vehicle meanwhile robbers can take things out of your house they deliberately drain the fuel from your car so that you'd go to the gas station they detain you and buy time to clean out your home if you're sure that you refueled recently and the gas was drained from you you should call your neighbors and ask them to monitor your house or apartment burglars might stage some accident to lure you out of your house please don't fall for it if there is actually some accident it's always better to call 9-1-1 also beware of weird calls when someone calls you and keeps silent if they started bothering you quite often it could be a sign that your house is now a burglar's Target and they want to check if you're home always make sure that the taxi meter is working when you get into a cab if you take a seat and the driver tells you the meter is broken you'd better get out at once and call another car you could get charged much more than the regular fee without the meter especially if you're not a local cars broken down in the middle of an interstate so you call a towing service but in less than five minutes a tow truck
Views: 57,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bright side, brightside
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 55sec (7255 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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