100% Accurate Fox

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[Music] yep the game today in smartest add to the entire experience oh god please no I feel like this whole video just gonna be a lot of us just complimenting how it's sick each other are that kill I really can't believe all rivals needed put such to add Fox and Falco why do you take them so long to do such a thing I was telling about the entire time oh that still works how'd it feel different engine sing same stuff roll this video mine suck because a lot of people might not care about Fox and Falco but this is gonna be the most fun I'll ever have in will video you know you you're onto something right there I don't think I was but this kill it's here hey you were at zero okay so real [Music] yeah that just kills them feel like Meili you got grabbed sunshine so sick though I mean it felt like falco because well you did SD oh yes the classic triple shine yeah yeah uh-huh it's just called pressure look it up yep I deserve that oh I forget that rivals has this stage change God's gonna stick yo clean clean oh I'm pretty insulted that they keep taking us back to the character select screen yeah you know I get that they think that were cowards but we're not broke you can chain grab I don't know what else to do about this be honest I don't think you do I like how we're not even going for the easy kill confirms we're just trying to see how much we can get out of so lil yeah yeah I just realized this stage is on fire do you know that someone wanted pump into this game and she's the only character can grab the ledge yeah some men just want to watch the world burn Rosie dude [Music] that's sick I'm sure the site be you too I had to return the favor man I like how we both accepted a we're both dead down there's a thing yeah I know one of us was gonna take the other down oh you got me you got me oh no I've seen how these in Oh I'm living oh okay okay wait wait that was badass thanks man when I T pose in the middle of the combo yo that was not very hype at all okay that works yes I'm so good how did you know yep hey min I had to read uh-huh I was studying the vod's I assessed what have you recovering are you trying to approach or we trying to kill hey get it sooner huh go I can't see I can't recover when you do that damn yeah that was a good let's say I feel like you're just kind of down airing yeah a little bit yeah I can I see me dying here [Music] while I was in hit son yeah I guess you just got outplayed huh don't you hate it when that happens what good platform platform save me you bounce me off of it what good game that just kills ya you're in hit stun you should have drifted towards the stage I was holding towards the stage because the most wild I don't know what just happened there but does that work with yours but now it's mine cuz I'm Fox probably you know how it is what's that I think we grab each other the Ganges didn't know how to process it did you grab [Music] I'm holding away game seems to disagree with I was only perfectly right yeah I agree like I feel like you keep doing this thing where you trying to think and then you start losing and then you just go in down air mode and then everything's okay for that how the punish game of ppmd and the neutral machine Falco falls so bad yeah I know it really feels like you're controlling some rocks you eyelids well present - oh no I'm gig down here yeah but that was a I'm getting down in a moment like you can see it more than I can see it yeah no I got hit from center stage and I was like oh yeah I know where this one ends I almost died it's okay go down [Music] of course that's what I wanted oh my god we talked about my text down there though ya know they were nasty oh yeah hello exactly is TP would have done oh the text over Oh the text oh oh oh the text though I don't know what it is about that laser right there but it just feels so sick okay oh I thought being carry off the top I [Music] did the long way around on that one I couldn't do anything about it though whoo FD come here come here come here I got a new trick to show you I got a new trick for you it's called counterplay why does that just kill me I'm joking you just said you like it can't be so wishy-washy with things like this [Music] like the entire time okay but I understand that that's completely [ __ ] but like can we acknowledge how sick that one I got sick but it's like kicking a dead horse as I'd ever stopped us before fair you try to shine you out of that yeah I kind of felt that one pump I now shine mode do your worst okay [ __ ] that's whack now sick which one was it he can be post it give me lame as hell and cool where am I all right why did you go down I guess so my up be strong for your spikes for some reason yeah just go down there and just like streamside Viet legs whenever I'm trying to recover and then like that yeah you've mastered not what Falco is but two hundred percent accurate Falco yep yeah I get them to back here put the turn around Becker yeah you're right give yourself credit I know I thought I was you know yo wait that's it no no no no no no no no no yeah sure I got shine spike I just got signed once and I knew who is going don't wanna play anymore I really don't feel like there's everything you follow in these games I feel like it's just non-stop action yeah which I can appreciate I got a double bond in there really really mixing it up come on man hey man I'm just trying to play an honest game of Falco honesty says so on is dude put a lie detector I think you got the kill there yeah okay so just make sure uh-huh Oh Oh sick belt that was sick wallet pain but like ER kind of sick like a $13,000 ambulance right cuz America I deserve to be down there there I knew it Oh yep meant for that definitely nice to see another - tack I think you learned a new trick on accident then Oh be cool and you be cool fins back away sir huh that's a little brother bullet like that was just don't know hot look man I'm not gonna lie this is more of like apple juice or glue that I'm sippin on like this is very low IQ stuff Oh bad I just want to kill you with that I wanna kill you I wanted to be cool I want you to respected know I was say was it I can't tell I'm the one who did this everything looks sick I know that feeling actually yeah which like oh you just chain grab someone you're near poppin off cuz you're like bro you see how I got that graph mmm yeah scared of my talking is the T posing the dominance oh my god I started then to block it oh no just muscle Mary okay - you know that just look like you were playing a Falco alright just gonna shine the braid if I've been do it oh there Jeanne Lee I think that the people that made this father couldn't stop at the Cramton yeah III think Spacey's are just fine without perhaps I mean usually the pressure like you were if we're really trying to win I can't just do this you know yeah and then nobody gets to have fun yeah I have one option I can do alright so what you do is you do this mmm-hmm yeah and there you go if only there was a way to fix that Jacob we just talked about this [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Alpharad
Views: 1,898,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alpharad, super smash bros ultimate, smash bros, not, not alpharad, alpharad smash, nintendo, nintendo switch, rivals of aether, roa, rivals, fox, falco, melee, smash melee
Id: -4ooIDDHo7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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