10 WWE Wrestlers Who Clearly Lost Their Physique When OFF 'ROIDS!'

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deny it some of those fantastic physiques they flaun aren't just from taking vitamins or the benefit of good genes when Superstars obtain better physiques Through Chemistry what happens when they stop getting artificial assistance join us now as wrestle lamia looks at what happened when 10 wrestlers appeared to get off the juice But be sure to subscribe and hit that notification bell for daily wrestling videos you've been open that you took peeds throughout your career now we'll note when wrestlers admitted using Peds and when it just seems they did but there's no conclusive proof number one Hulk Hogan some wrestling fans always found it hard to believe Hulk Hogan when he bragged about getting his undeniably awesome physique through the prayers the training and the vitamins thus it was no surprise when fans joked about Hulk Hogan's injectable vitamins and while rumors circulated for years it wasn't until the hulkster appeared on the arino Hall Show to discuss the allegations and this was around the time the WWF was under heavy scrutiny for its Restless steroid use claiming he'd only taken them once in his life but the things that I am not is I'm not a steroid abuser and I do not use steroids Hogan took a sabatical from the WWF and when he returned in 1993 he was clearly less bulkier than fans were used to seeing a transformation that astonished many WWF fans the hulkster has since stated he took steroids at various points in his career but long before he admitted this it was clear to sum that the hulkster got an official boost to his Mega muscles number two the Ultimate Warrior while many of the wrestlers on this list have denied using steroids or other peeds The Ultimate Warrior was a proponent of using it when used correctly however when he returned to the WWF in 1992 at WrestleMania 8 his leaner look in different hairstyle led to the bizarre claim that this was a different man portraying The Ultimate Warrior the reality was likely due to the growing steroid Scandal of the early '90s as former doctor to the WWF Superstars George zahoran was indicted for the illegal sale of them the warrior would endorse the peed during his life as seen in a 2007 interview with Fox News personality Sean Hannity when you talk about Roid Rage Roid Rage for me is a pie in the sky Theory that's sted up by people who have no business is discussing the frame of mind of an Elite Physical athlete you're trying to say that taking storage is bad I don't think that it is I'm all for personal freedom I'm tired of having my intelligence insulted number three armed Johnson the wwf's first African-American Intercontinental Champion boasted the kind of physique that sends Vince McMahon into a state of ecstasy one story has that Johnson's push would eventually seem crowned WWF Champion and while that remains a rumor there's no arguing he was getting a serious push up the ladder up until last week I respected you however there's no denying that at some point Johnson's physique seemed to deflate as if someone had let the air out even worse when Johnson began gaining back his weight with some fans noting that he's unrecognizable in his later years number four Triple H Triple H has always maintained an impressive looking physique there's no denying that cereal assassin has worked hard in the gym nevertheless his 2002 return from his quad injury so I'm looking more impressive than ever as his muscles seem to have muscles Helmsley had reportedly been prescribed them to help recover from his first torn quad and if so he made the most of the situation however over time the game seemed to lose mass and at times even sported a bit of a GT a rumor has it that trips may have gone off the gas when he and Stephanie McMahon started a family Through The Years helmsley's physique has varied it's still incredibly impressive nonetheless there are fans and wrestlers who question how he maintains such a superhero like frame during his podcast conversations with the big guy Ryback asserted Hunter there's no way and if he is he'll do one as a publicity stunt Hunter's whole career has been made on steroids I grew up watching the guy without them he doesn't exist in pro wrestling and I grew up loving him as one of my favorites and that's what it is it is very biased what they do there and all that but the policy in itself and of itself I love it I wish they had strict drug testing policies in all of wrestling the WWE wellness policy has come under Fire before and as long as active competitors continue boasting phenomenal physiques there will always be claims that wrestlers are on the gas number five Chris Masters Chris Masters was a wrestler with an impressive physique who received a strong push as the Masterpiece Chris Masters a contemporary take on Lex Luger's shortlived narcissist character in the WWF Masters challenged opponents to break out from his submission finisher the masterlock a submission that Masters used to win many matches in 2006 Masters took time off to undergo rehab and when he returned it was clear he'd lost much of his muscle mass while the WWE announcers tried to spin Master's new look as Al lenina Mina Chris Masters Triple H wasn't so sympathetic during a backstage segment involving Degeneration X Masters and Eric Bishoff Masters was able to regain some of his muscle which suggest he may have had some artificial help number six China wrestling's ninth wonder of the world was a big woman to begin with but her alleged use of roids made her physique even more impressive according to a report by Dr Gabe mkin they affect women differently than men when men take steroids they developed exaggerated male characteristics but when women take steroids they develop characteristics that they would not normally have female athletes whose bodies naturally produce the largest amounts of male hormones are usually the strongest athletes however when women take high doses of anabolic steroids they can develop strength and muscle size that women cannot gain without the drug further evidence of China's past steroid abuse was seen in their autopsy is according to a report at radaronline.com during China's autopsy the medical examiner identified nephrosclerosis in both of her kidneys a condition which can be caused by steroid abuse number seven Lex luga wrestling's total package may not have lived up to his nickname at times but his incredible physique often made for his moderate ring and microphone skills with luga holding the WCW World Championship as well as various tag team and singles belts several times there's no doubt that Luger used medication to enhance his physique as he discussed this in his Memoir wrestling with the devil Luger explains how he felt that storage's benefits outweighed the risks and that he later found HGH to be an even better way to maintain his physique unfortunately in 2007 luga suffered a nerve impingement in his neck that led to Temporary paralysis he also suffered a spinal stroke which put Luger in a quadriplegic State having no movement in either his arms or legs however in 2010 luga stated in an interview that he was able to walk more comfortably and is now able to drive number eight The Dynamite Kid despite extraordinary Talent as a technical wrestler and highflying [Applause] performer The Dynamite Kid AKA Tom Billington felt he needed to put muscle on if he was going to succeed in the big man world of the WWF sad muscles came in a bottle and The Talented performer claims he took steroids from doctors from friends and even steroids that were allegedly meant for horses the dynamite kids later years saw him suffer from a rash of health problems confining him to a wheelchair and likely shortening his life Bellington would pass away in 2018 at the age of 60 he blamed some of his health problems on his steroid use and looking at him after he stopped using them fans can see just how much muscle mass they added to his small frame number nine Scott Steiner Scott Steiner's mind-blowing transformation from the bulky Collegiate style wrestler into the ripped Big Papa Pump is still talked about as one of wrestling's most marvelous metamorphosis Diner has managed to stay looking good to safe but he's not using PDS and if he is it's infrequently as he lost his chisel definition he was famous for in the late '90s in WCW and his later run in the WWE and number 10 Kurt Angle wrestling's Olympic hero likely didn't need Peds to perform in the WWE but as fans know a more muscular body rarely hurts in the WWE and angle proved no exception when he was caught up in the Scandal reported by Sports Illustrated that revealed a so-called Wellness Center actually being a means of illegally Distributing steroids the WWE suspended him for a wellness policy violation angle protested claiming he took the medication for a neck injury in a 2009 interview with the Philadelphia Inquirer he came clean when asked whether he'd ever taken them have I used ARS before four yes I have after I broke my neck and lost 3 in in this arm and 21 and two in the other form loss of circulation but I paid the price both financially I got fined $125,000 and reputation wise I was a pure athlete an Olympic champion and all of a sudden I'm like cut angled a cheater it really sucked you can test me right now I'll come up clean but there was a time when I did it angle's muscle loss was evident even if it wasn't as pronounced as some of the names on our list thankfully angle seems to have a avoided some of the steroid related issues that wrestlers on our list experienced but there you have it guys wrestlers who lost their physiques when they went off the juice be sure to leave your comments down below subscribe if you haven't already follow us on Instagram and Twitter and I'll see you next time with some more wrestling content
Channel: Wrestlelamia
Views: 12,749,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WWE, world wrestling entertainment, wrestling, wrestlelamia, Triple H, HHH, Scott Steiner, wrestling videos, Roman Reigns, Brock Lesnar, wwe 2020, Ultimate Warrior, Hulk Hogan, Wrestlers Who Clearly Lost Their Physique, 10 WWE Wrestlers Who Clearly Lost Their Physique When OFF 'ROIDS!', wrestling transformation, Raw, Smackdown, Wrestler, WWE Wrestlers, Chris MAster, Chyna, John Cena, The Rock, Stone COld Steve Austin, wrestler, superstars
Id: r51ieYHvro4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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