10 Weird Things an IRISH Person Noticed visiting AMERICA for the first time

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so my first trip to America was right after I finished school I was 18 and up until then I'd really only seen it on television and in films and as you guys know a lot of that stuff is embellished to me America was all high school cheerleaders jocks obesity but it also represented a hub of the Western world to an 18 year old Irish girl the United States represented this huge place of possibility it's where a lot of the celebrities live and a lot of global politics stem from the United States I was super excited and here's ten weird things that was surprised to learn when I did get there the crazy people I crazy the other crazy people in Ireland who do have crazy people by crazy people I'm not referring to people with mental disorders but rather people who fall outside of the social norms what I'm saying is if you want to be extra in America you have to be super extra for example I met this one guy who plays golf on a pogo stick and it turns out there's a whole community of people who play golf on a pogo stick so I guess in order to stand out from the other people doing an unusual thing this guy had chosen to wear a purple wig and Wellington boots and some chaps that were athletes that's what each chose to do and you know more power to him and water is normal anyway although if they're all extra extra nobody actually be extra because actually be the norm so maybe don't everybody be extra next up area segregation in Arlen there are certainly different areas or communities of people live but in general there's no problem one person going into another person's area it's not a big deal now on my first day out in the city of La I ventured out from my hotel in Inglewood and jumped on a bus more on that later and me and my friend just decided to see where the city took us a pioneer not supposed to do that because we ended up in a little place called Compton and we started to go for a little walk and everybody was looking at us and suddenly a phrase from a cowboy film jumped into my head we don't like strangers and these here parts apparently Compton isn't frequented often by tourists and the more we walk the more people started to come up to us and tell us so some people were quite friendly and just suggested that our presence might not be so welcomed and maybe we should leave and another person told us they were gonna kill us if we didn't leave but actually once most people found out we were Irish they were pretty cool which leads me to my next point people in America seem to love the Irish I'm sure there are people in America who do not love the Irish but overwhelmingly I have to stay in America I just most people love more the Irish which is pretty cool it was a fairly regular occurrence to find once you opened your mouth people who would regalia with stories of their own Irishness there are a lot of American Irish because let's face it we went over there and we bred like rabbits there are more Irish people in America than there are in Ireland thanks for your laws on contraception Catholicism from what I can understand a lot of American identity is tied up in your ancestry in Ireland a lot of our historical records got destroyed so we don't get that much opportunity to investigate our own ancestry for example I look at myself and I can pretty categorically conclude I probably come from Vikings that is both cool and terrifying and onto buses or not onto buses as the case may be in Ireland the bus is a bus some people get the boss some people drive some people do both it's not really a big deal but in America apparently it is a big deal we would get on the bus and again people would look at us like we had two heads this was a while ago maybe the whole thing's changed but it was very difficult to figure out when the bus would come and where it would go when it got there and you couldn't just ask a person on the street they didn't know because everybody drives people drive when they're 16 in America which to me is kind of insane at 16 I was making some bad decisions it's just a bit mad seeing someone who to me is a child behind the wheel in Ireland we don't get to drive till we're 18 so everybody's getting the bus but in New York a lot of you guys get the subway so I guess it's different depending on each city the next one is something I never thought I would have an issue with it is very difficult to find fresh fruit and veg okay so this one may be slightly because we didn't have a car I'm not a big mud vegetable head myself but I was surprised that when we went into our local supermarket there wasn't a produce section by week three I was kind of fearing scurvy having looked into it a bit more since I think you guys generally have specific places that sell fruit and veg but it was just something I noticed in my particular circumstances when I was there and I'm the biggest junk food addict I know now the next one again could be a low specific but I noticed when I looked around something that kind of creeped me out everybody in LA has the same No irrespective of race or gender everybody has had the same nose put on their face in LA people are very focused on what they look like and I guess they all decided that this one nose was the way to go they all agreed this was the perfect nose next up sales assistants I went to LA and I went to New York and my god could there be two different attitudes to being a sales assistant so when I walked into a shop they follow me around asking did I need help never really needed help shopping before and if I just said I wanted to browse they'd stand there with this big creepy smile looking at me initially I thought everybody suspected me of being a shoplifter but then I discovered that everybody in La works on commission I have never been more uncomfortable than when one girl was following me around carrying piles of clothes she'd picked out for me and this is when I made the greatest shopping mistake of my life I kind of sort of befriended one of the sales assistants from her perspective she just wanted my money but I felt like we clicked and so I bought a pair of jeans for $200 that I never actually wore because I told her I was a size smaller than I actually was because I didn't want her to think I was fat anyway I don't know what actually happened as those jeans but I think I probably buried them somewhere because of my shame and aren't you American men oh yeah American men are super direct in Ireland typically a guy will have Matt you slag dwarf introduced you to his mommy and you'll have known him six months before he actually asks you out in a date in America a guy will literally come up to you in a shopping mall and say coffee and at first this being so alien to me I was like and he looked at me very confusingly and walked away we just don't have that kind of directness in Ireland and it freaked me out but actually it's a very practical thing the kind of ish guys in Ireland were more straight up although kind of gets rid of the courtship thing I'm feeling a little torn here so I'm just gonna say Irish men are great in American men are great and I really don't have to make a decision on which one's greater right now so I really kind of do this list without mentioning guns and I'm not gonna go into the whole Constitution where their guns are right or whether guns aren't right kind of thing what I will say is until I've been to America I had never seen a real life going up close there is a police officer standing beside me one day and I look down and I just saw his gun there and I had the strangest reaction I just started shaking and I was really freaked - and that's not something I ever thought I would feel the thing is I just never thought I'd have that reaction I was just really terrified and walking around knowing that people maybe had guns on them was quite unnerving - there's a lot more security in buildings like metal detectors and stuff but it didn't kind of make me feel safer and that's all I'll say about that but the last thing I'm gonna point to you today is the extreme body types there seems to be a category of people in America who are either on one end of the spectrum or the other and there's the people in the middle but it's no fun talking about hey we're all the same so yeah there's super skinny health-conscious people who can at times be quite skeletal or have these humongous muscles and then there are people who are so fat they're in wheelchairs we don't have that in Ireland that I know of I was in Atlanta Airport and I overheard this argument because they'd run out of wheelchairs I did kind of wonder how the people had gotten there and I can't say resolutely they were in wheelchairs because they were obese but I did see one person bringing over like five cheeseburgers to a lady in a wheelchair and I felt really sad if that was the reason she was in a wheelchair stop bringing her cheeseburgers because you're not helping her and I met this other lady when I did find a farmers market who literally just ate leaves she just ate leaves like a variety of different leaves she weighed about the same amount as chewy and he's very small and I was nearly a god when I saw her I have to stop myself going like this so anyway I made this list because somebody asked for it so if you've any video suggestions do comment below and I'll check it out I hope it's been an interesting list for you there are a lot of similarities of course too but that wouldn't really make a very interesting list so or maybe it wouldn't this is still a really small radio monetize channel so if you could like share but we struggle to find fresh fruit but we struggled to find struggle to front but we struggle to find fresh fruit and vege but we struggled to find fresh fruit that's really hard to say we struggle to find fresh fruit and vege translate it's actually really hard we struggle to find fresh fruit and vege
Channel: Diane Jennings
Views: 1,337,149
Rating: 4.7139411 out of 5
Keywords: facts channel, why i left facts, irish people, irish people try, irish people react, diane jennings, diane facts, weird irish, crazy irish, irish laws, jacksepticeye, top 10, irish list, weird america, first time, for the first time, ftft, irish person, gun law, america gun, irish ancestry, american men, dating american, ireland, first time in america, crazy america, Los Angeles, nose jobs in la, weird hollywood, nose jobs, obese america, biggest loser, diane, compton
Id: S-VLB0jhwDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 33sec (513 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 18 2018
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