10 Ways People Are Making MILLIONS In Dragonflight! Best Gold Making, Gold Farming Tips!

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hey guys Extasy here welcome back to another gold video today I'll be counting down the top 10 ways that people are making millions of gold in Dragon flight to prepare for the war within now just stick around and let's get into the list and at number 10 we have farming the siege of oramar now you can farm this on any difficulty but I prefer doing it on Mythic and the battle pets that we are after which is the main thing we're going after in this Farm are the droplet of yashar the black fuse boming the gooey shaing and kovok now wad has each of these at about a 5% drop chance so that is why these pets are expensive and compared to a lot of battle pets that you can farm for these sell rather quick so I highly recommend you guys give this a try it doesn't take more than in about a half hour or so to farm the siege of oramar and personally I like I like running it so definitely a good payout if you get any of those pets and that's why it is only number 10 due to the low Drop chance and coming in at number nine we are going to be farming Mana tombs now doing this on heroic only is the best way of making gold because we are going after the ethereum prison Keys as well as mining for corium and there's the chance of great transmog or Epic World drop patterns from the burning Crusade now to be eligible to loot these ethereum prison Keys you basically need revered with the Consortium faction and then fly on up to netherstorm and do a quick Quest or two basically you have to free this guy and upon completing that Quest you'll be able to then go into the Mana tombs and when you kill trash mobs you will have a chance to the ethereum prison Keys now that's going to be a good consistent gold income for you because they do sell uh region wide same as the materials do and it is just overall a nice extra amount of income while you're also farming for corium atam anti ore and the rare World drop patterns that's why this is number nine and coming in at number eight we have the sealed Tome of lost Legion now this is a pretty well-known one um but basically you need to have a warlock this is a warlock only farm and head over to the aisle of thunder in Pandaria basically you'll just want to run around and kill the rare spawns now all the rare spawns on the map have about a 2% drop chance of this item basically it starts a quest for warlocks only that's why it only drops for warlocks and it's a quick little Quest chain and a p completion your uh like Flames can basically become green um and a lot of people think that's cool so they will buy it now this item goes for about 20K or 30k depends on your realm could be more could be less of course and it's a quick seller it honestly sells pretty well on most Realms it's very popular now even if you don't have a warlock you can simply make a class trial Lo on every couple hours or so um and as well as that another quick tip would be to enter War mode it might help with competition if there are a lot of people farming it or camping it on your server so it's pretty solid but it's not the most expensive that's why it's only number eight now coming in at number seven is crafted mounts now I am personally not a huge fan of crafted mounts only because on my realm which is a super full pop realm it's hardly profitable uh besides like the meaners chopper I can make a few thousand off of that but essentially you'll be crafting things like the Meiners Chopper the pandaran uh Panthers and also things like the flying carpet with tailoring the flying machine with engineering those sell really well by the way and I believe that they are really slept on is the flying machine and the Flying Machine Extreme as well as the Flying Carpet so make sure to check your rooms for those so yeah not too much to talk about with this one um but just check your rooms before you craft also another one that is really good is the vial of the Sands but it requires quite a bit of vendor materials that are expensive so just be sure to check your realms for the materials before considering this now coming in at number six we have the nether dragon scale Farms this is an amazing farm I absolutely love it in order to do it just coming out here to Nether storm make sure you have Outland skinning as this is the only way you can get these if you don't have it just go to shat WTH and speak to the skinning trainer then come on over to Nether storm and fly around and just skin all of these dragons that are flying around here you will get absolutely a ton of these These are used for a bunch of Outland rare um transmogs and things like that and along with it being a material it will sell super quick on the region wide auction house and since not a lot of people farm this one it's got quite a good value right now it's about 70 to 75 gold on my realm and you literally get so many of these an hour it's absolutely amazing so highly recommend this farm and along with the nether dragon wing Farm we are also going to be highlighting the Cobra scales Farm now this is a really good material because it's used in a lot of popular transmogs such as the Stylin hats that sell absolutely crazy because they look really cool along with a bunch of other transmogs and once again it's just very quick sales since it is a region-wide price and actually the Cobra scales this is why it beat out the nether dragon wing scales spot on the list is because prices have been between 150 and 200 gold or more for each of them now there aren't as many mobs but basically you'll just be flying around this area killing the serpents here as you can see and skinning them and it's super easy and it's got really good gold per hour highly recommend this spot for you guys to give it a try now coming in at number four we have the sunwell plateau raid Farm now if you guys have seen my channel much you know how much I love farming sunwell there are a ton of great patterns and plans that are unique to sunwell only way to get him is to kill mobs in sunwell um so a lot of things we're after are the schematics for the engineering goggles they are worth a ton especially with the new achievements that came in in dragon flight one of the recent patches where they have added cosmetic goggles to people that craft all of the oldw world goggles including a bunch of these that drop in sunwell so that is why these patterns are selling like hot cakes and selling for a rather expensive price so as you can see on my screen you just run around kill the first few areas do not kill kigos or any of the bosses since this is obviously a raid you don't want to get locked out but it's super easy and I also recently posted poed a 50 runs results video on my channel uh farming sunwell 50 times so if you want to see all the crate loot that I got and it was pretty great be sure to check out my channel and that's why I love this Farm it is number four now coming in at number three we have the battered Hill Farm now a lot of people know about this Farm but it is one of my favorites now you need to farm this on heroic only we are farming the pit of Saron you can only loot The Battered Hill on heroic difficulty it will never drop on normal so what this means is that you should not kill any of the bosses in this dungeon or else you will be locked to the instance and not able to reset it for the rest of the day until the daily reset now you should definitely farm this on a tailoring character not only for the uh cloth Scavenging that will increase increase the amount of frostweave cloth so that you make more gold but only tailor can learn or not learn but they can loot a bunch of the northrend uh shirt patterns that drop from this dungeon now you have a lot of things like the Stylin shirts you have uh lumbering lumber jack shirts patterns that can drop from this dungeon that are worth like 20 to 50k gold each there's a ton of patterns there's probably like almost a dozen patterns that can drop for only tailor so that really increases the amount of gold you can earn from here not much as far as transmog goes but there are some World drop epics that can increase the gold even if you don't receive a battered Hilt coming in at number two we have Mining and herbalism routes now there are a number of great routes as far as finding which ones are the best my personal top three include oldum farming which is the whiptail pyate ore Elementium ore and volatile life farming and by the way I'll throw up the routes on the screen here so we have the olden Farm another one of my favorites is the vast year Farm now that's farming for things like the ashar's veil obsidian ore and stormvine and then coming in at my personal number one Farm will be the winter spring Farm or winter grasp excuse me winter grass Farm uh farming for things like serenite ore Titanium Ore and all of the herbs that come along with that uh personally the winter grasp Farm is my favorite because the Titanium Ore sells so well and at such a good price but there are also a ton of other good routes such as the Terra car forest and I made a video about that recently and you know just check prices often uh there are tons of good ones even mining for things like monolite ore and storm silver ore and like colas is very good still um but yeah uh as simple as it sounds Gathering is made me a lot of gold and it can easily make you a lot of gold that is why it is number two now coming in at number one we have transmog now if you've been watching any of my videos lately this should not surprise you this is absolutely my favorite way of making gold in wow and it seems to be what a ton of other people are doing in WoW as well now I play on a full pop server so you might think that the auction house would be oversaturated with transmog but as you guys hopefully have seen in my recent weekly mailbox cleanout video we made hundreds of thousands of gold only from transmog it was really insane um farming transmog crafted transmog all of it I absolutely love it and a lot of other people have made Millions it has actually been the majority of me hitting gold cap a couple different times throughout the expansion since Legion I've hit gold capap two different times and actually three and um yeah uh transmog is amazing I love the RNG of it all of the the rare expensive gear that one can go after in all the different kind of dungeons um if you're not feeling like farming one dungeon you can easily just go farm another one and see amazing results so with that being said I can personally vouch that transmog is my number one gold making and I know some people don't like transmog or doesn't work on their server but I mean just give it a try um hopefully you have some great results and that's why this is number one on this list now of course making this list is my opinion and it's what I see people most frequently saying that they do to make a lot of gold in Dragon flight obviously this is a bit subjective and I hope you guys will understand my point of view as for the ranking of this list if you think I missed anything or left anything out or if you agree with what I said on this list make sure to let me know in the comments below be sure to check my other videos out and let me know if you have any video recommendations and until next time good luck with your auction house sales and I shall see you in the next gold making video have a great day bye-bye
Channel: Extracify
Views: 49,967
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Id: 4cI9nJr9Ofs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2023
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