$10 vs. $1000 recorder! | Team Recorder

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hi everyone I'm Sarah and I'm a recorder player so for those of you who have just stumbled on my channel I am a professional recorder player that is my job with recorders you get plastic factory instruments you get wooden factory instruments that are then finished by hand and you get completely handmade works of art but how do they compare so they actually sound different I'm gonna be putting two recorders through their paces this beautiful blue plastic transparent Yamaha recorder and my wooden concert soprano ten dollars versus one thousand dollars say Yamaha Yamaha make good instruments in general I'm a fan of their plastic recorders you can see that this one comes in a very high-tech case that's already split so I love it so this is the Yamaha Y Rs 20 B for baroque fingering I've always had one of these as long as I can remember and I've paid between 6 and 10 euros so I'm ramming that up to around $10 I have to say this is already a big step up from your $1 plastic toys that aren't actually instruments at all I think this should play quite nicely but would I play a concert on it let's see [Music] it speaks pretty well I already noticed in the low notes it doesn't have that much character it sounds a bit plasticky and something that a lot of plastic instruments have the low notes can be a bit sharp the sound is fine this is why if I play plastic instruments I like to choose Yamahas this video is not sponsored by the way bit of nerdy recorder information here because I know you want it this is a pipe filled with overtones headphone users put the volume down now and if you get these overtones or resonating that is going to give a beautiful rich sound and that's something you get a lot more with wooden recorders you know plastic doesn't resonate as much and then it can sound a bit tinny I played this for about two minutes you can you see the condensation oh this is why you have to wipe out your recorder after playing otherwise it will go mouldy okay for ten dollars I'm very impressed I think it's time to compare it to my thousand dollar concert instrument so here we have my concert soprano recorder this is by Malin Hauer and it's their dinner edition concert series in beautiful hang finish satin would take a second to compare the cases this one is also in three pieces so soft [Applause] already I hear that the sound is much sweeter yet more resonant I can feel the richness of those overtones and it has a much flexible uh I feel like I can be much more dynamic and expressive with it let's do a direct sound comparison why so where is when I first played this I was like that sounds completely fine now to my ears it sounds really Schooley this one the response is so much more rounded and smooth and accurate and this one sounds like okay some Renaissance music [Music] [Music] I'm gonna test the tuning with a bit but again this is the one I always play in comparison this one feels so much more muffled it's like I'm listening to it through layers of cotton wool and sometimes the distance between the semi cones is a little bit too small let's test the response and that means can you play fast does pretty well but the tuning is a little bit ugly down I'm gonna blame that on the recorder not me [Music] [Laughter] [Music] one thing I will say hitting those high notes on a wooden recorder I always find slightly more difficult than on a plastic instrument wouldn't it's a little bit harder but the payoff is so much more because you get that beautiful sound some folk music I love these plastic lung I love these plastic Yamahas for folk music they have such a nice character and I would let this compare compare I feel like such a little old lady when I'm playing folk music on these things yeah I think in some contexts the more rough-and-ready quality of this works better and because I love contemporary modern music let's try a few of those techniques [Music] [Applause] they'll work behind the veil of life [Laughter] for contemporary music which we may think of those strange sounds it's all about the sound color the texture the interestingness of it and you can get so much more out of the expensive concert instruments so physically what makes this better well one thing is the material as I said you've got plastic which I don't think resonates as much as the wood does it's a different kind of density of the material that has some kind of scientific effect I'm not going to explain now the other thing is these cheaper plastic instruments are molded by just pouring plastic into a mold you've not got that much control over the inner workings here for concert instruments this piece of wood here is called the block and that can come out and then it's very carefully shaped by hand everything here all of those details tiny edges are minutely shapes to ensure the best sound now I know which instrument I prefer but you guys always ask me which recorder to buy is it this word or this model or this maker but I kind of think the recorder is always just gonna sound like you and I'm a professional player playing on these let's put this to the test I'm gonna ask my non-professional recorder player husband John to come and give it a try - John John John says I need to make the camera hire tall man a tall man same told mom okay John you're here for a job I would like you to play these two recorders ten dollars and one thousand how much you'll give me I'd like you to play them both yeah and I didn't there what's the point of this see if there's a difference which one what should I play whatever you like okay ready yeah it's great sounds good feels good I like it can I have it yeah yeah okay you can have it can you play some long notes on it just to get a feel for the sound [Music] okay let's compare that with the concert instrument very nice what is your non-professional opinion no professor opinion is this one projects more I would say has more range dynamically you could do different things this one just has that one thing that it can do that one's actually easier to play I think yeah hold you didn't see but I fumbled with this one admit it's this one's got kind of smaller holes and I know it just feels a bit trickier in your hands which which would you prefer then obviously I could say if I was a professional recorder player I'd want that one if I was playing actual music concerts for people who paid to listen to me yeah yeah but me personally I would much prefer this one because this is good enough for what I do I don't have to worry about busing it up sounds good looks good yeah this one's mine well that's what I well we've ended with John now owning this recording me boy thank you thank you like this like it's a scuba thing and it snorkel so that was my comparison of a ten dollar and $1,000 recorder what did you think as always you can subscribe to my channel by clicking on my face down here I even here is the team record a patreon where you can choose to support the channel thank you then up here is last week's video thanks for watching and have a great day [Music]
Channel: Sarah Jeffery / Team Recorder
Views: 1,072,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sarah jeffery, recorder, team recorder, blokfluit, blockflöte, flute a bec, flauto dolce, flauta doce, flauta dulce, yamaha, mollenhauer, review, testing, comparison
Id: MNeE8m4dblk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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