I bought recorders from WISH...?! | Team Recorder

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hello everybody I'm Sarah and I'm a record player so I was on Facebook this week and one of my friends shared a picture of these guitar finger covers with a comment like this looks terrible that is from wish calm which is that website selling all of those weird things that you never knew you needed at suspiciously cheap prices this got me thinking I wonder if wesh.com sells recorders and viewer they do so I thought I would head on over to which get some of these recorders that they have on offer and try them out for you who knows maybe we'll find like this $1 amazing instrument wish I'm having a bit of a scroll already I'm seeing a few instruments a live violin props for performance right here we go plastic instrument musical soprano record a long flute 8 hole that 2 euros and it comes in five different colors by zoom in on the mouthpiece here it definitely looks a little bit basic perfect for music amateur and professional person in the customer reviews 5 stars from Jess super sturdy and looks great on my keychain what 5 stars from Kirk plank relson broke it in a matter of days he loved it ok that's the first one in the basket 7 euros this is expensive it's called the gifts Suzuki srg 405 detachable soprano recorded German style 8 holes key of G I can't really tell from this pitch bit is that Michaela patron playing a Mullen Hauer modern recorder with a see although ok setting the standard high perfect gift sent to your children and Friends here we have a wooden recorder the yes sir the rock Maplewood soprano recorder mm-hmm Easter I don't know start instruments do any of you know II start instrument I'll be honest looking at this photo of the mouthpiece it doesn't look very refined it says extremely suitable to solo and studio recording if this is true for 22 euros I am yeah there's quite a few more so I think I'm just gonna shove them in the basket 8 euros it says the original price is 62 euros for a one piece plastic recorder this looks quite nice three parts it's the Swan Germany recorder a cross soprano record a student beginner flute but says it's high-quality it looks like it's also baroque fingering so I'm gonna put that in there it only comes in one but it says black but that's brown that does not matter at this age professional wood musical instruments clarinet this is not a clarinet hanging ring can be hung on the neck in order to prevent clarinets dropping and broken this is not a clarinet this is the original price is 272 euros we have a wooden body and a plastic head joint I'm also loving this little Photoshop this boy is holding up this giant log of a recorder it's only in German style why why all this German style one officially-licensed trolls flute recorder now I take great umbrage at the fact that this is 28 euros this thing looks like it's worth about 50 cents that is not going in the basket sorry professional barak Alto 8 hole recorder F key English style think that means barak I think it's nice to have a couple of Altos to compare so I'm gonna put this one in the basket along with our wooden one I okay this got expensive really quickly partly because you have to pay separate shipping on every item am i ready yes am I gonna regret this also yes fast forward to December and finally all of my recorders have arrived here they are all 9 recorders and that only took seven weeks I've left them in their packaging so it is a total surprise and I can't wait to start playing oh God looking at my list I think this must be the one that cost one euro 90 plastic instrument musical soprano looking at it it's extremely thin plastic kind of very crudely moulded in one piece Oh apart from this which apparently comes off it's got some kind of like sharp edges down here and I'm also seeing a nice big fat Nick in the labium here so I think I'm actually impressed it doesn't sound anything like a recorder it's a completely different instrument but what it is it's quite pleasant I could imagine if I was using it in some kind of electronic or theatrical or improvisation setting this could be really nice okay for one euro 90 I'm putting this in my success pile surprise success let's try this one actually packaged in foam very secure oh and ah so this is the Suzuki soprano this looks like a recorder to loop to do it's in three pieces I will never get used to German fingering it's alright it's basically a cheap plastic recorder there's not a whole lot going for it positive points the notes speak very nicely negative points you can't push the sound very much before it breaks and it does have that very tinny plastic equality the sam is a bit but for me the Suzuki one I'm going to put in the No thank you pile let's do an alto shall we I'm assuming the one in here is an alto this is the twenty five euro professional barak alto eight holes very nice case for a start and within the case the alto is wrapped in more plastic I obviously should not be complaining about plastic since I ordered nine recorders that all arrived separately this actually looks really nice kind of a bulbous little here that's alright the sound isn't bad it's a little bit thin but overall quite pleasant the thing that's bugging me is the tuning it's really out those very low notes are often a little bit high on recorders but this is really like oh oh I had hoped for better from this one let's try it in here shall we in this box we actually have two recorders let's go to the alto first to compare it with the one before a nice case with some faux leather detailing my first thought is this is this a sling like to support it around your neck that was very nice but this isn't also inside the wooden body of the alto we have a very attractive fluffy cleanings fluffy stick first impressions this looks and feels very nice a nice finish funny kind of curved bottom of the recorder here should put some cork grease on it Oh 33 euros and it's a very passable wooden Alto I immediately noticed you can blow a lot just to compare with the other alto which I did not like it almost blows more like a renaissance recorder because you can blow so much nice big sound pretty well in tune responds well doesn't have the most refined tone obviously but for 33 euros oh my god let's try the corresponding soprano recorder they only have this in German style and it does have a plastic head joint it was 19 euros I'm not expecting the same I'm struck again by the very nice finishes smooth and it's well done let's see how it sounds it's quite similar in tone again to this one oh no wait what huh what is happening I'm just gonna compare these with my our loss soprano my blue one euro 90 recorder it's in 466 running songs page oh wow what's happening I didn't even check the pictures it's not like a refined barak tone it's more like ah and I really like it it's such a shame it's German fingering if this was brought a fingering I would find a lot of uses for this recorder beautiful this is the H holes plastic clarinet soprano oh I just had to click the block back into place that's interesting I'm a bit concerned about that or block I'm just gonna try and knock it out to see if I can oh yes OMG the whole plastic block comes out it's quite rare that you see a plastic we're gonna wear the block can come out give it a plague shall we it's a really muffled sound I feel like I'm listening to it like this when my hands over my ears I want to try an experiment the same as we have a movable block let's move it let's see is changing the position of the block changes the sound so now I've moved the block out maybe a millimeter whoa a lot more Airy this could be a nice effect okay I mean it was four euros I don't rate it as an instrument but if you want to create some really cool sound effects for contemporary music for example or if you want to have a very breathy sound you could experiment with moving the block around alright we're getting there okay this was nine euros it's by Swan and it's called a high quality Germany style again with the German style recorders why did I buy symphonies nicely put together or pre-greased okay for one thing it's actually baroque fingering not German it has a very classical sound um quite nice actually the sound is a little bit more shrill and thin but overall for nine euros this is not a bad instrument I would still probably not recommend this as the one to go for but it's not bad this is my 8 euro soprano record a long flute from the store - in red velvet I'm inspired to check all of these blocks now no this one doesn't come out it looks a bit more rough and ready than some of the others I've tried I mean not a bad tone it's out of tune and I don't like the German fingering but which brings me to the last package so this is the ear start er s 3 1 BM barak and maple it was 22 euros I have high hopes if this is a nice wooden recorder for 22 bucks I write wooden on the inside it's a little bit rough I'm seeing some kind of wood shavings it's kind of very thick and squat Headroom let's give it a try shall we it compared some of the odd Alice I'm pleasantly surprised it has a big sound like this one that the sound is actually a lot more pleasant and refined there's a slight roughness to the sound which I think comes from the inside not being finished very smoothly if I'm a very picky in the high register that is this extra undercurrent of air okay so let's rank these recorders a bit in the pile of maybe not we have these I can't remember any more but I think the tuning was a bit off the sound wasn't quite so nice in the Oh actually I liked this with these two wooden instruments the Alto and the soprano honorable mentions first we have this bizarre one gyro 90 plastic toy that seemed a semitone higher than a normal soprano recorder but undoubtedly you could do something cool with this um this recorder its movable block in case you really want to get into some very strange sound colors I missed this one but it's also it's alone so these were my recorders from which on the whole I am extremely pleasantly surprised to be honest I had expected a much higher ratio of instruments that were just obviously shitty plastic toys um we only have one of them and it's not too sounding quite cool I'm not sure that I would recommend any of these over for example a Yamaha or an out loss or a xenon the much more established recorder brands if you do already play any of these brands please let me know and share your experiences below as always you can subscribe to my channel by clicking on my face down here in the corner down here is the team recorder patreon where you can choose to support the channel and up here is a video on the plastic instruments I really recommend you to buy oh my god really sound like I've got a cold which I have thanks for what do you have a great day
Channel: Sarah Jeffery / Team Recorder
Views: 193,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: recorder, wish, wish.com, review, testing, instrument, clarinet, saxophone, team recorder, Sarah jeffery, blokfluit, alto, soprano, blockflöte, flute a bec, flauto dolce, flauta doce, flauta dulce, internet shopping, honest review
Id: tMJccuj61ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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