10 Video Game Puzzles You Couldn't Solve (Even With A Guide)

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it's kind of crazy to believe that there was a time in the distant past where Gamers couldn't just summon an online walkthrough anytime they got stuck if you didn't know how to solve a puzzle back then you had to get your hands on a physical guide or accept the fact that you were just never complete a game thanks to the internet though this issue seems to be a thing of the past however every once in a while you still will stumble upon a section in a video game that's so complex or incomprehensible but not even the most detailed strategy guides can assist you I'm Josh from whatculture.com and these are 10 of video game puzzles you couldn't solve even with a guide number 10. the oculory Skyrim while playing the Skyrim DLC Dragonborn things probably grinded to a halt during the revealing the unseen Quest near the end of this Mission you'll be led towards an observatory Tower which contains the oculari sphere to obtain the staff of Magnus you need to press three buttons to rotate the overhead mirrors at specific points and because the focusing crystal is powered by heat you then need to keep blasting it with flames and Frostbite spells until the light reflects off each mirror and if that sounds a little bit complicated that's because it is and unsurprisingly many gamers will find this section so confounding that they won't even attempt to solve it and instead just look up a walkthrough straight away sadly though as the title of this video suggests this will not Aid you if you do follow an instruction video to the letter you'll notice the light doesn't actually reflect the same way that's shown in the walkthrough so why is this well if you're watching a video guide of someone hitting the crystal with Spells at level 70 you can't do the same thing if your spells are at level 20. unless you find a tutorial where the player's spells are exactly the same level as you you'll have to solve the puzzle yourself number 9 Anchors Away Grim Fandango in Grim Fandango's a boat section our hero Manny discovers criminals have hijacked his vessel forcing him to hide in the engine room to escape a Manny must hoist and drop the anchors at specific points and then use the lever to turn the ship at a certain angle if you do this correctly the anchors will get caught in each other and if you try to reverse at this point the ship will break into allowing you to flee now if you find this whole ordeal too confusing you'll probably consult a walk through and hey there's no shame in it however guides aren't going to cut it here and that's because every time you pull a lever it cuts to an animation of the ship moving however this footage doesn't really help the player understand if they're making any progress because watching a video of this section has the same problem then looking at online tutorials kind of want Health number it and the Condor Paper Mario origami King rather than relying on a conventional turn-based battle system each enemy encounter in Paper Mario origami King takes place in a ring-based puzzle Brawl by rotating the Rings horizontally and vertically the overall wearing plumber can line up attacks perform killer Combos and Smash Up multiple baddies at once despite the Innovative mechanics though these bouts can become incredibly convoluted especially when it comes to the bosses rather than wailing on them with your strongest attacks you need to follow a rigid set of rules to Vanquish said boss also since the battle Rings layout is randomly generated you can't just imitate the strategy that you see on an online video so if that was your plan well you're out of luck although every boss is a nightmare to fight anaconda is undeniably the worst despite kinda having the cleverest name not only does this calamitous cut out hit you with these standard attacks he'll also routinely challenge you to rock paper scissors which is hilariously titled Stony shitty Cutty in this game since there's no indication which of the three selection Anaconda is going to choose most of your fight is just left to chance rather than skill 7. the final boss's only weakness wizardy full wizardy full the return of Vern deck concludes with our hero dueling with a seemingly Invincible fall called lord hawkwind and no matter what you hit this guy with he always just shrugs it off however there is an elusive clue on how you can defeat him see if you draw out each level from a top view perspective which no rational person would ever think of you'll notice that the walls of four rooms are shaped in the letters dink that is d-i-n-k now this hint is telling you to bring a dink with you to the final confrontation and helmet at hawkwind to defeat him now first off how the hell could anyone figure this out nobody in the history of mankind would ever think to do this and as such everyone who got stuck on this section either gave up or looked at a walk through unfortunately though knowing the solution won't actually help as much as you'd think because the dink still only has a 20 chance of working number six test chamber 18 main portal if you don't know how to solve a puzzle in Portal you can be stuck for an hour but if you know what to do you can normally whiz through a section in a manner of seconds however test chamber 18 is a little different because this level is filled with turrets insta-kill slime a cube slow moving platforms easy to miss sections and shifting panels you know you'll have your work cut out for you so although a tutorial video will show you how to get out actually pulling it off is a different matter altogether in the final stages of this puzzle especially you'll need to press a button to raise a panel on the other side of the room and after that you need to teleport yourself beside the panel and crawl through it while still holding the cube the problem is the cube is so bulky that it can easily catch on this panel preventing you from passing through so even if you know precisely how to complete the task it's the one moment that she would attack even the most experienced players five or six attempts to actually complete number five shine spark in burenia Metroid dread certain upgrades in Metroid driver hidden behind seemingly impenetrable walls called Speed Booster blocks to break through these you need to press down while running at top speed to go into shine spark mode if you press jump and a directional button afterwards you'll change into that corresponding Direction breaking any speed blocks in your way however the hardest section is definitely reaching the missile plus upgrade in barania because these speed blocks here are beside the slope it's impossible to run at maximum speed so to get around this you need to go into shine spark mode in the corridor above fall down run up the slope and then charge into the blocks themselves but there's another snack see the shine spark actually Fades after three seconds and navigating through this area takes a full 15 seconds so the only way to get this upgrade is to keep pressing down to reset the shine spark while running through the corridors and if you lose your footing or bump into a wall then your shine spark does disappears forcing you to start again so if you watch a breakdown video of this section it won't really help since you'll still need fly like reflexes to pull this feet off number four the goat Broken Sword the shadow of the Templars the god section in this classic point-and-click adventure is so Infamous that it actually has its own Wikipedia pitch despite its terrifying Legacy though the premise of this puzzle is kinda simple playing as George you need to get past a goat which is blocking the doorway of a castle so how has this little conundrum caused so much frustration and smashed keyboards over the years well the only way to get past this devilish creature is to allow it to Ram you in the first place as it returns to its original position you then need to adjust the Machinery on the left and when the god charges at you again its raw for getting tangled in the Machinery allowing you to get by so once you know this solution this puzzle should be a piece of kick right well the amount of precision you actually need cannot be stressed in enough if you click on the machine one microsecond too soon or too late it just won't work so even after you figure out what to do expect to be buttoned by that infernal goat many times before moving on number three baseball zoc 2. long before Zelda Donkey Kong or Super Mario Gamers had to settle with text-based titles like the zoc 2. since this game came out in 1981 access to walk throughs were virtually non-existent which is why few people have ever completed it more specifically those who actually played zoc 2 probably never even got further than the oddly angle room although this section is Amaze you might assume that you can just get to the exit through general trial and error sadly that doesn't work here since the game keeps teleporting you to just random places however if you notice the bat-shaped club nearly diamond shaped window you might have deduced that the solution is connected to air baseball well unless you mean have no idea what baseball even it is but you know if you live in America and stuff if you do have this knowledge though you might be able to piece together that you have to run to the bases in the Maze like you're playing a baseball game and then you should find the exit unfortunately then making this baseball connection doesn't really help since there's no hint to which direction you are meant to head in from the home base number two the rotating maze The Legend of Zelda breath of the wild unless you're looking to complete every Shrine in The Legend of Zelda breath of the wild which if you've watched any while culture gaming video you'll know not to do it would be wise to avoid this one see in this dungeon you will see there's a ball inside a hovering Labyrinth by operating the Gyros nearby you can rotate the floating platform to direct the ball through the mess once the sphere reaches the end it will then fall into a slot allowing you to complete the shrine and if that sounds easy well it ain't because every time it looks like the ball is about to fall off the edge you can't help but jerk the platform in the opposite direction out of reflex so after you fail for the 50th time you might look online to see if there's an easier technique to get through this Miz and luckily there is by rotating the platform 180 degrees you can skip the mirror section entirely by angling the platform at a very specific angle you can launch the ball into the slot as soon as it drops down unfortunately though this so-called easier method isn't easier at all the amount of precision required is so unfair that this method is actually harder than the regular one number one the challenge the witness every puzzle in the witness follows one simple mechanic you need to draw a path to the exit of a grid like mares of these 650 plus tasks that the witness boss then the most challenging one is well the challenge if you choose to partake in this endeavor you must complete a dozen head scratches in seven minutes now you might be thinking well what's stopping you from looking up a walk through and just blitzing it with time to spare well the simple answer is these 12 enigmas are actually generated randomly by an algorithm so it's impossible to look up the answers because well they don't exist until the algorithm actually creates them now this is not suggesting that the challenge is the hardest brain teaser in the history of gaming but because its random nature makes it kind of guide proof it's easy to see how the witness's toughest level has maintained its infamy over the years still as frustrating as the challenge is it is deeply gratifying when you do complete it since you can't use outside help if you are one of the very few who actually conquered the challenge you know it's because you relied entirely on your own skills so that's our list I want to know what you guys think down in the comments below did you complete any of these puzzles without the help of a guide and are there any cool ones I missed off here let me know and while you're down there could you please give us a like share subscribe and head over to whatculture.com for more lists and news like this every single day even if you don't know I've been Josh thanks so much for watching and I'll see you soon
Channel: WhatCulture Gaming
Views: 135,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YH9Ej924PlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 14 2022
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