10 Unreal Engine 5 PLUGINS I Can't Live Without! PART 2

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the last time I made a video like this it got tons of views and positive reactions so just like any other YouTuber I'm going to milk this cow and cheer another 10 plugins or asset packs with you but this time we're going to take it to the next level you're going to be blown away by some of these and as last time I've got five free and five paid plugins so everyone can follow along starting with the first one which is Dash now I've just been exploring this plugin myself but it's absolutely insane what it can do and it's pretty revolutionary so let's say that you want to create an environment you just download a bunch of assets from quickel and now you're ready to build so I drag this rock onto a plane and then I look for surface scatter I set what the surface is and what the mesh is that I want to scatter and boom I get a ton of controls to organically scatter this rock across the surface I can quickly prompt to add a camera actor and easily adjust some of its most important settings like aperture and in exposure and let's color grade the scene a bit warmer let's select the surface and turn that into water now it is that easy I can scatter some trees around and add some imperfections with decals they have their own manipulation tool using your mouse so you can very easily place these decals around there's also a physics tool to populate a scene and a ton of more to explore I actually reached out to them and they were super excited that I wanted to make a video about their tool so they were very kind to give you all 50% discount using the code cicom I'll leave a link in the description down below now you might be wondering Jordy how do you do all of this in real time without lags well that is because I'm working on the MSI Creator z17 HX Studio a beast of a workstation laptop with some really cool features I'll talk more about it soon but at all time you can learn more about this laptop by clicking the first link in the description down below thank you msai for sponsoring this video as well so moving on to the next one which is a free plugin called physical layout tool it's basically the physics tool from Dash which allows you to organically Place objects in a scene very easy to stack objects make something drop or Collide in on each other next next up is another paid plugin called dragonfly if you're into virtual production this plugin gives you a ton of more control over your camera actors it comes with its own app to make your shots save them as snapshots you can bind it to a joystick for easier control and it also integrates with tracking systems such as the vi Mars there are smoothing controls for your captures slow motion playback for if you have trouble keeping subjects in frame and so much more we actually used it on a couple of shoots in the past and it really speeds up a virtual production and talking about ual production we used z17 and our moonlanding short film which was entirely made on a green screen and the background is Unreal Engine with the latest 13th generation Intel I 9hx CPU and the Nvidia RTX 470 Studio anything is possible from editing high resolution videos to 3D design or simulations and you can do all of that on a 17in quad HD resolution IPS display running at 165 htz it covers 100% of the dcip tree color profile making it perfect for color accurate tasks it has a 16 by10 golden ratio so you get a little bit more working area which is really nice it's also a touch screen which is really fun to work with actually and it supports pen touch now of course it's a laptop so Mobility is important as well it got a 99w battery giving you plenty of power two Thunderbolt 4 connections and the latest Wi-Fi 6E so even over Wi-Fi I can run Unreal Engine projects that are stored on the network server and with all that power comes heat but the uni body design and active cooling chamber takes care of that I've been using this laptop now for almost a year and I have not witnessed any heating issues right now they have a holiday promotion running so it's the perfect time for a new laptop you can get a great discount on the z17 and other MSI products go check out the first link in the description down below to learn all about it and put your money into a new laptop the next plugin is free or better yet a free assets pack the m5's viax volume 2 Fire and Flames basic basically a fire pack built with Niagra which is the particle system in unreal 5 so if you want to set something on fire this is the collection you need it's very easy to use and the fire effects look really good the fifth plugin on the list is auto note arranger it is paid but it can save you a ton of time as it automatically organizes those notes for you when creating blueprints or materials nothing more to say it's a simple tool but oh boy do I love it and the next one on the list sit in the same category Auto siiz comments but this one is free so make sure to download it no reason not to again a super simple plugin but it's going to make your Blueprinting so much easier and fun as it automatically sets the size of a common box around your notes so you're no longer losing time fumbling around with that common box number seven it's more of a niche asset but something really unique and absolutely amazing it's Machinima fractals it's basically a three-dimensional fractal which is something mathematical but you can visualize it so it's very abstract but you can create really Sun things with it really cool for sci-fi projects for instance you know it's just a blueprint with a bunch of settings to create something unique I bought it some time ago cuz I thought it was really cool but I haven't really used it in the project yet maybe something for next year all right next up is another free building plugin this one is called level design assistant now I got to be honest I haven't used it yet but it looks really cool and it's free so there's no harm in trying it out it basically helps you to quickly distribute a lot of meshes but to do that in a chosen way so you add offsets to Place chairs around the table or you can duplicate something that follows a sply and a ton more and this brings me to a very special assets pack in the previous video I put it in a free category as it was something that I created myself but it sort of was a demo I basically scanned a light fixture and gave it a bunch of controls via a blueprint I'm going to keep that one light for free so everyone can try it out and if you already downloaded it just do it again because I put a big update into it like I rescanned the fixture it's of a much higher quality now and I added and tweaked some of the settings but anyways I also scanned nine more light fixtures I call it the industrial lights pack and all of these are photos scanned with reality capture giving you the highest possible photo realistic 3D models and you can control their light change the color or even enable flickering so you get 10 lights in total for the low price of just $10 for the personal license and $14.99 for the commercial use license now it's not on the unreal Marketplace yet but I'm going to do my best to get it on there L is in the description down below to purchase it through the c.net website and this brings me to the last plugin on the list it is free and it will change your life forever behold project cleaner again a super simple tool but a lifesaver it basically keeps your project clean removing things that you don't need empty folders checks for corrupted files Etc it keeps your project lightweight and crash free so download it now now if you want to create your own photo realistic 3D models I share all the secrets how I is my lights back in the video here on my left thank you so much for watching thank you MSI for the support and as always stay creative
Channel: Cinecom.net
Views: 40,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine, unreal engine 5, epic games, game engine, virtual production, tips and tricks, 3d, UE5, plugins, plugin, dash, polygonflow, Physical Layout Tool, DragonFly, fire niagara, flames niagara, niagara, Auto Node Arranger, Auto Size Comments, Machina Fractals, LEVEL DESIGN ASSISTANT, Industrial Lights Pack, ProjectCleaner
Id: aabMeJ6n2Gk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 8sec (428 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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