10 Types of Foods to Buy At Costco!

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hmm wait wait save some for me hey guys it's joel and mary from costco daddy and in today's video we're going to be talking about 10 types of food items that we always buy at costco including some staple products that we always have in our household so let's get started i swear every time i come in here it feels like home so one of my favorite things to get here at costco are their pre-made salads they are so delicious it has everything you need including the toppings just a var variety different vegetables within a salad kit my favorite is the poppy seed kale salad unfortunately they don't have it here right now but it's incredibly delicious because it has the perfect mixture of sweet and salty with the pumpkin seeds and the dried cranberries and it's also just a really crunchy salad which i personally love so another type of food item that we always get at costco is protein cosmo carries great quality meats at such an affordable price point that you honestly you can't go wrong a couple of things that we always get is ground beef and eggs because they're such versatile proteins you can use them in a lot of different recipes and we honestly can't get sick of it we love to get the boneless skinless chicken thighs or just chicken thighs in general they are so good there's so many things you can do with them and this time it's no different we're grabbing them too you can do so much with these chicken thighs that's why we get this pretty much all the time you can grill it you could saute it you could put it in stews it's just so versatile and honestly chicken thighs is the tastiest part of the chicken so that's why we always get it another great thing to get here at costco are the pre-marinated foods and so they have chicken wings they have ribs pre-made foods like mac and cheese and i even saw some beef medallions there but overall our most favorite most bought pre-marinated meat is the beef bulgogi baby it is so freaking good i remember the first time we saw this at costco we went absolutely nuts you gotta try this stuff i mean it's really good so this is the bulgogi that we cooked on the cast iron pan and i'm gonna taste it oh my god that tastes like legit bulgogi it's like a little sweet a little savory one strawberry we like to add like a little kimchi and a little bit of rice and honestly it's just so good it's chef's kiss i also love getting the ready to eat meals that they have here at costco i mean how can you talk about costco and not talk about their rotisserie chicken i mean come on it's just so good and with that price it just can't be beat another thing i really love is their shrimp one of my favorites is the shrimp with cocktail sauce this is so good there's something else i could say it's just so good for items to get from costco are the frozen foods two of the frozen foods that we love to get is the cauliflower rice and their shrimp use cauliflower rice as a healthier and lower carb rice alternative with our meals so something you have to know about me is that i love to eat shrimp so this is why this is my favorite frozen food item from costco you can do so much with it you can throw it into your favorite pasta dish you can saute in the pan with your favorite veggies and just and with some soy sauce for a quick stir-fry i mean honestly the possibilities are endless that's why we always have to have this in our freezer we usually get our seltzers here as well because we can get so much at such a good price point our favorite is the kirkland signature saucers unfortunately they are out of stock right now and our second favorite is spin drift which is really really good it has like fresh juice in it high quality and has really good flavor unfortunately and that's out of stock as well another amazing type of food item that we like to get at costco are the frozen foods that you could just pop into the oven and eat this is one of my favorites the spicy beef patty they're so good just for lunch at elementary school and i've always looked forward to the day that they had to make a meal practice these jamaican beef patties are so easy to cook all you have to do is rip open one of the corners go to your microwave throw it in there and put it on two minutes we just took out the jamaican beef patty from the microwave and cut it in half and this is what it looks like oh wow i like to get a little bit of hot sauce and just throw it on there jamaican meat patties everyone get them at your local costco our favorite frozen food item to just pop in the oven eat are these fish sticks guys these trident ultimate fish sticks are so so good and this is actually an empty bag because we finished it all so fast uh it's a little embarrassing that's how good it is and that's how much we like it it's really crunchy and has a lot of fish specifically pollock and it just it just tastes amazing we've been using the fish sticks a lot when we want to make some fish stick tacos but we also just like to eat this on its own with our homemade dipping sauce we just take a mixture of mayo and lemon juice to make that sauce and it's really simple and really delicious together if you have an air fryer i highly highly suggest that you use airfryer to cook these it takes about 20 minutes 400 degrees fahrenheit and i guarantee you you're gonna have the crunchiest most delicious fish sticks ever another type of food item that we always get here are like coffees and teas so this is our favorite mallorca it's really like bold flavorful coffee and it just tastes amazing and then we have the kirkland green tea this is always a staple in our house it tastes so freaking good and you could do it hot you could do it cold it's amazing either way um that is so refreshing so we put this in cold water and it just tastes so good so refreshing here you want to try it uh yes yeah it's extremely refreshing and it has some matcha powder in the green tea as well which i think makes it really delicious and different from other green teas i think it's like a perfect like afternoon pick-me-up when you don't want to have your coffee or hot tea a cold green tea just like hits the spot so costco carries a lot of different spices here and they're always so fresh and flavorful our favorite ones are the kirkland signature himalayan salt black pepper and garlic powder all right my favorite spice from costco has to be the kirkland granulated california garlic powder it's so freaking good this is good another category that we love to buy here at costco are carbs of course this is one of our favorite rice to get it's a light brown rice it's like a nice hybrid between a white rice and a brown rice another thing that we like to get here is the ramen this is actually brand new and i really want to try this because i love spicy noodles and we have actually noodles from the same brand and it's one of our favorite noodles from here as you can see we have the vietnamese pho from costco we have the korean rapoke ramen from costco but ultimately this is our most favorite ramen which is the taiwanese tainan style noodle the sauce is like a sesame oil and soy sauce mix and the noodles itself are really like springy chewy and just amazingly silky hopefully you can see that that's how it looks um i don't know what i like better do i like the sauce better or do i like the noodles better the combination of each is like a nice harmonious symphony of flavors and texture it's just so so freaking good i love this stuff yeah i i love this too and my husband is the one who loves instant ramen but this for me is like i could also eat this anytime it's just so the the flavors are so simple but it's so delicious yeah it just it just works um get this stuff guys thank you so much for watching our video and if you've enjoyed our video please give us a thumbs up we really appreciate all of your support and giving this video a like really helps us out a lot and if you're living that crazy costco life and you want to see more costco videos from us make sure to hit that subscribe button until next time bye guys
Channel: CostcoZaddy
Views: 4,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: costco food
Id: nDs2s4CfDHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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