10 Transgender Celebrities We All Admire

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[Music] life is hard enough as it is for the average person but imagine how much more difficult it is for people who are transgender they have to face ignorant people go through transitioning and deal with feelings of isolation there are some transgender celebrities who really do deserve a round of applause for everything they've been through make sure to keep watching until the end to see what Minkus from Boy Meets World has to do with American rapper chanel west coast before we get started make sure to like this video and subscribe to our channel for more fun videos and if you leave us a comment below you could win a $50 Amazon gift card now here's ten transgender celebrities we all admire Laverne Cox when it comes to transgender celebrities Laverne Cox is a name that you're probably familiar with Laverne is a trans woman who first rose to fame after starring on the hit TV show orange is the new black she grew up in Alabama and was constantly bullied by others for being too feminine Laverne even had to beg her mom to let her take dance classes when she was younger her mom eventually gave in and signed her up for tap and jazz but she didn't let Laverne take a ballet because she thought that it was too girly Laverne always knew that she was a girl but pushed those feelings away because she thought that it was sinful she even once swallowed a whole bottle of pills in the 6th grade because she was so ashamed of herself Laverne is thankfully in a much better place now that she's living her dreams as an actress she even thinks that America is doing much better at accepting trans people today as opposed to how things were when she was still struggling with her identity nowadays Laverne uses her fame to fight for trans rights she is such an inspiring woman and we love that she is so committed to helping her community she even once told a young trans girl remember honey transgender is beautiful how amazing is she jazz Jennings jazz Jennings as a trans girl who first became famous after she here in a televised interview with Barbara Walters when she was just six years old since then jazz has grown up on TV with the intention of showing the world what it's like to be a trans kid ever since she could form her own thoughts jazz knew that she was a girl trapped inside a boy's body she'd always steal her sister's clothes and would even walk around the house in heels as a toddler when her parents would call her a boy when she was younger she would immediately correct them by saying that she was a girl jazz even believed that a fairy would one day visit her to change her boy parts into girl parts thankfully her family became super supportive of her once they found out that she was actually transgendered today jazz is a popular youtuber and even stars in her own TV show on TLC thanks to her celebrity she's been helping to demystify what it means to be trans she was also included on a list of Time Magazine's top 25 most influential teens of 2014 what we find most inspiring about jazz is that she doesn't care what people think about her when asked about how she feels when people judge her she responded the only opinion that really affects me is my own opinion of myself because I determined the way I am not anyone else Chaz Bono when Sonny and Cher welcomed their little girl chastity into the world we don't think that they ever thought that she would want to transition to a heat but that did end up happening and chastity started presenting herself as Chaz in the late 2000s life before the transition was so hard for Chaz that he still finds it painful to look at pictures of himself as chastity today when he was 40 years old Chaz finally went under the knife to have his breasts removed so that he could truly feel like a man he even began to receive testosterone shots to make him have facial hair and deepen his voice besides being a LGBTQ rights advocate Chaz followed in his parents entertainment footsteps and became an actor he was even the first trans man to play a mail rule in a feature film Kaz has also been lucky enough to have worked on The Secret Life of the American team the bold and the beautiful and American Horror Story but how did cher feel about gaining another son she's admitted that she had a hard time once Chad began to transition because it's a strange change for a mother to go through she even still has trouble using the correct pronouns when talking about him but one thing's for sure no one could be more proud of who Chas has become than his mother Carmen Carrera Carmen Carrera is a celebrity trans woman who became famous after appearing on season three of RuPaul's Drag Race she actually used to do drag for years before she finally transitioned after being kicked off a RuPaul show the most difficult thing about transitioning in the public eye is that people had a harder time accepting her that's because they were so used to her being a man who did drag but she hopes that her story will help to normalize transitioning these days Carmen works as a model and walked down pat walks around the world but have you heard about the drama that she stirred up with rue carmen found herself in hot water after she called out the drag race for pulling a game called female or she said that she male was an extremely offensive term and that the show should be more respectful of what trans people have to go through Carmen actually faced a lot of backlash for speaking out and some of the drag race girls accused her of biting the hand that fed her we admire her for standing up for the rights of trans people everywhere all she wanted was for people to think about the language that they use and for everyone to respect one another thankfully there is no bad blood between her and RuPaul Carmen has even said that she would still give her a hug if she bumped into her on the street Andreea page before Andreea page transition to being a woman she was known as Andre page in the fashion world Andre was one of the only male models in the world who was used on the catwalks to show off women's clothing in fact he quickly became an it figure due to his androgynous look but he underwent reassignment surgery in 2014 to finally be able to live his true life as a woman aundrea told Vogue that transitioning isn't as easy as just going to a surgeon and asking them to change your body parts she had to undergo psychiatric evaluations and strict testing before she was allowed to get surgery done she only told her menswear agency about the operation just two weeks before it was done but they were all super supportive about her becoming a female model transitioning is always hard but it's easier when the people you trust to have your back we admire andreia for staying true to who she was on the inside even if she wasn't sure how the fashion world would respond to the change she actually made history soon after as the first transgender model to be on the cover of GQ Portugal if she could have a conversation with her younger self aundrea would tell her that she will one day grow into the woman that she's always wanted to be Fallon Fox Fallon Fox is a trans woman who works in a field that has yet to show total acceptance of transgender people she is a woman's featherweight MMA fighter Fallon was forced to come out about being transgender after a reporter got wind of her life pre-transition when Fallon first told her parents that she was transgender her mother didn't respond well to the news and her dad fell to earth and that she was probably just gay she was put into gay conversion therapy so that she could be turned back into a straight man but Fallon knew felt inside was right and decided to transition without the blessing of her parents as a first transgender fighter in MMA history a lot of people accused her of having an advantage over her female born competitors but Fallon argues that she's been doing hormone therapy for so long that there's nothing male about her anymore the worst part about coming out is that the people she trained with no longer see her as a regular woman she was able to get away with being just another normal female athlete for almost six years the scrutiny that Fallon faces in the MMA world is unacceptable but we admire her for still continuing to fight she is showing the world that she will not back down because of transphobia and she is painting the way for transgender athletes everywhere Gina Rosero the 14 Aras arrow came out as transgender everyone knew her as a model they only learned that she was a boy at first when she announced it during a TED talk back in 2014 Gina was super nervous to give her speech because she knew that it would change her life forever but she also felt like she was finally about to set herself free she had gender reassignment surgery when she was just 19 years old which is something that the majority of her friends didn't even know before her TED talk her worst fear was that the media would find out the truth about her which could cause people to not view her as a real woman anymore her agents had no idea that she was transgender until her speech happened but they said that the news didn't change anything Gina decided to come forward about her past because she wanted to inspire other trans people to live truthfully without feeling ashamed she was only five years old when she first told her mom that she was a girl thankfully her family fully accepted her for who she was when talking about how she labels herself Gina admitted that she likes to call herself a trans model instead of a model because she wants to represent the trans community her hope for the future is that the fashion world will hire more trans models because their stories need to be told Erica urban supermodel Erika Ervin wasn't always known as Erika she was originally called William before she transitioned back in 2004 with an astonishing height of 6/8 she is the tallest female model in the world when erica was thinking about telling the public about her transition after bills skarsgÄrd told her that she should start by talking about it in Sweden the Swedish people are super accepting and they would help her feel comfortable about telling her story Erika is also an actress and she played the role of Amazon Eve on American Horror Story freak show since they were looking for a man to play a woman she decided to audition for the part dressed as a man it was only after she was given the part that she told them that she is transgender on Sat air Kovas co-stars with the smallest woman in the world who stands out only to one it's funny to see these two opposites together but it's even more inspiring that they get to show the world that they're different and proud Erika's height used to make her feel like a monster but she's learned to accept herself for who she is sadly her family was not accepting of her when she transitioned and she lost contact with them all during that tough period but Erika doesn't let that get in the way of her happiness Caitlyn Jenner Bruce Jenner's transition to Caitlyn Jenner was probably one of the most high-profile transitions ever documented when Caitlyn was a young boy she was fascinated by the clothes that belonged to her older sister and mom she was very confused about what she was feeling inside and didn't know how to deal with it so she threw herself into athletics and even won an Olympic gold medal in 1976 Caitlyn has two marriages that failed miserably due to her unhappiness with herself she even tried to talk to her second wife about her gender confusion but Linda wanted nothing to do with it by the time that Caitlyn started dating Kris Jenner she started the relationship out by telling Chris that she had been taking hormone pills for the past four and a half years however Chris denies this and has even written a book suggesting that Bruce married her without telling her what was really going on but the two made a good team and they raised their children the beloved stars of Keeping Up with the Kardashians it was a bit shocking for the kardashian-jenner clan to have their dad transition to a woman but they've all been super supportive of Caitlyn's journey Caitlyn had everything to lose when she decided to transition publicly but she still bravely decided to do it when she was 65 years old she is living proof that it's never too late to be the person that you truly want to be chanel west coast did you know that there's a lot of people who think that Lee Norris the actor who played Stuart Minkus on Boy Meets World became a trans woman if you don't remember Minkus he was the blonde brainy kid with the goofy glasses because of their similar features there's a rumor going around that Lee Norris became chanel west coast we have to admit that they do kind of look alike but we have no idea how this rumors started Lee Norris and chanel west coast are two separate people with separate careers in their entertainment Fitz Lee is still an actor today and was last featured on the walking dead Girl Meets World and gone girl chanel west coast is a rapper and actress best known for her role as a rapping secretary on Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory when Chanel was asked to clear up the mangas rumor by lmn oh la la she said that she feels bad for Lee Norris because people truly believe that he's transitioned into her nobody realizes that he still has a budding acting career that's because the world doesn't even think that he exists in his male form anymore this lately all started because someone noticed that the two look alike and thought that it would be a funny joke however transitioning is a very tough thing for people to go through and it is not a joking matter that's all for ten transgender celebrities we all admire if you want to watch another video check out ten labs no one knew were trans thanks for watching
Channel: TheThings Celebrity
Views: 32,398,344
Rating: 3.563802 out of 5
Keywords: transgender, celebrities, Caitlyn Jenner, Chaz Bono, Sonny and Cher, Laverne Cox, Jazz Jennings, Fallon Fox, famous, hollywood, kris jenner, 0118
Id: XvM8bgweH74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2018
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