10 Toxic Abandoned Places

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ten toxic abandoned places number ten pitcher Oklahoma not only is this place toxic it's also abandoned some people choose to live in toxic places in other countries but when something goes wrong it's best to get the heck out the Cydia pitcher Oklahoma became highly contaminated with lead teachers would report severe learning disabilities here and for a while Donal was sure why it became evident that the tap water became mixed with lead that was being mined in this town people deemed this place unsafe to live if a toxic lead contamination wasn't enough the city was hit by a tornado in 2008 and people just kind of gave up on the small city in 2009 today you might be able to walk the abandoned streets here without any problems just whatever you do don't drink the water and watch out for the mining waste number nine asbestos mine Canada also known as the Jeffrey mine it's located in a specialist Quebec and it was in operation until 2012 it's a whopping two kilometers wide and 370 meters deep check this thing out on Google Maps and you can tell how completely massive this thing is it's by far the largest asbestos mine in the world for a long period of time people would use this mineral to put in their walls and keep their homes from catching on fire but recently there's been a link with asbestos and the disease called mesothelioma which is a lung condition this is a toxic substance that people should avoid so obviously this large mine went out of business the lake at the bottom might look like an inviting blue but you can bet your bottom dollar it's highly toxic the small town that grew with the thriving asbestos industry feels like they've kind of lost her identity once the mine was forced to close but people still do live in the small town number 8 J Amana Romania a once beautiful little Romanian village was swept away by orange toxic sludge in the late 1970s and people had no choice but to abandon it the stubborn townspeople initially refused to leave their home but when large amounts of copper ore were uncovered the Soviet Union has the upper hand and what happened here the Communist dictator of Romania at the time ordered that all those who live here flee their homes so they could flood the shimano Valley with a slew of toxic chemicals if you're even thinking about taking a swim here you'd certainly be looking for a death wish the polluted lake contains cyanide lead and Mercury here you can see the steeple of the church barely popping out from underneath the toxic sludge giving you idea how deep the lake is number seven when new maust rally ax wind noon was once a farming town in Western Australia there really wasn't a whole lot going on for the town and the need of the way to make money they seemingly struck it rich when they discovered blue asbestos in a cliffside nearby this mineral is called crocodile light and it is far more deadly than they could have possibly imagined some claimed bluest pesos to be 100 times more dangerous than white asbestos it was used in just about everything including roads pavements houses and even in school playgrounds here in this photo we see two young children covered in blue asbestos in the town of Windham where they're playing around in the toxic material photos taken from here also show things like shovelling contests and apparently only one of the people who participated in this photo is still alive residents and those commonly miners of this town began to notice a severe pattern of lung diseases making them quite concerned with where they were living today the town is completely abandoned and no one is sure if they'll ever clean up the toxic mess number 6 the Berkeley pit this giant hole in the ground in Butte Montana used to be a thriving copper mine but now it's filled with extremely toxic chemicals it's about a half mile in diameter and approximately one thousand seven hundred and eighty feet deep about 900 feet is filled with acidic water that has a similar pH level as lemon juice industrial chemicals such as copper arsenic cadmium zinc and sulfuric acid are all found in this pit of this toxic lake the water of this lake is slowly beginning to rise as well and there almost seems to be no solution to fix it some residents in the nearby town are beginning to worry about one day the lake will overflow and spew into the street this unique toxic waste pit has actually become somewhat of a tourist attraction and people will pay a small fee to take a look at it from a viewing platform the lake is surrounded in barbed wire and no swimming is permitted here number five Europe's abandoned cooling towers a man by the name of Reginald van de Velde has the opportunity to explore the imposing man-made industrial structures from what's left over of nuclear power plants to supplied the controversy that comes with nuclear power these are well made modern marvels of architecture and he got a rare chance to go inside a few before they were demolished in this photo we see the inside of a cooling tower scheduled for maintenance in France vegetation at the bottom of this abandoned cooling tower in Belgium has began to grow even if it was once covered and toxic radioactive water at some point he claims that no two cooling towers are the same and that this shot from Belgium gives you an idea how massive some of these structures are these five cooling towers make up a huge part of the skyline in the countryside nearby of the UK and are the only things that remain of a nuclear power plant that was destroyed number four may lose two mines located in the country of Kyrgyzstan this is seriously one of the most toxic places on earth and it's also abandoned during the time when the Soviet Union occupied this country the region of meilu sue had a resource that was desperately sought after uranium or uranium was a key element in trying to win the Cold War in order to produce nuclear submarines power plants and of course weapons of mass destruction this mine here produced a whopping 10,000 metric tonnes of this resource from 1946 to 1968 they weren't meant to withstand some forces of Mother Nature and in 1994 the mine flooded and caused a mudslide to spew uranium all over the place the only people you might find walking around the abandoned mine are those who are trying to sell the geranium to be sold on the black market number three new it RIA California the town was settled in 1854 when pioneers began coming across cinnabar gold and Mercury the discovery of mercury was important for gold mining and this happened during a time when gold mining was sweeping through Northern California the mercury is used to extract gold from gold ore and it results in a much pure gold it became an important mining location up until the mine closed in 1972 and people began to realize how toxic mercury truly was elevated levels of mercury were found in the city's water supply and not only that but the nearby hills have also been found with pesto's making this place toxic on many different levels number two ecology Kazakhstan the town of ecology Kazakhstan isn't 100% abandoned just yet but it might as well be more and more villagers leave here each day and some claim the government is forcing them to recently gold was found in this area and villagers believe they are becoming ill from a toxic gas used by the government in order to build the goldmine here the city is left in ruins and everyone appears to be quite ill there used to be a population of about 6,000 people but now just a few hang on to life at this soon to be toxic ghost town the statue you see here is in a nearby town that's been abandoned and it looks like ecology will suffer the same fate no one rides the swings or plays on the jungle gym outside anymore others leave your rhenium mines nearby are causing the strange illnesses and number 1 Bhopal pesticide plant we've all heard of the tragedies that Chernobyl has brought to this area in Ukraine in previous videos but in all actuality the Bhopal incident was much more devastating a pesticide factory owned by a u.s. corporation and the heavily populated area of India was found to be leaking a large amount of cyanide into the air of the city of Bhopal this caused 5,000 295 people to lose their lives but many claim the number is much higher and more like 25,000 this poisonous gas Factory is now abandoned and it still certainly toxic to what degree exactly is unsure but many believe there is a huge amount of toxic waste underground as well some daring urban explorers decide to visit that plan and came across some dusty bowls with chemicals still on open the rusting chemical plant itself will prove to be an environmental issue if it's not carefully demolished you
Channel: American Eye
Views: 954,958
Rating: 4.5391469 out of 5
Keywords: toxic, abandoned, places, top, most, strange, restricted, forbidden, hidden, secret, old, abandoned places, strange places, mystery, mysterious places, dangerous abandoned places, you aren't allowed, to visit, american eye, best, list, facts, ever, in the world, on earth, world's most toxic, toxic places, dangerous places, sites, cooling towers, abandoned plant, urbanex, explained, discovered, found, explored, exploration, awesome, amazing, cool, coolest
Id: Qsi_mr8HM60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2017
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