9 STRANGE Abandoned Places Around The World

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from submerged tourist cities and abandoned castles to magnificent places hidden in mountains and forests these are nine strange abandoned places around the world number nine the Chateau Miranda location Belgium we start off our journey in the Ardennes region of Belgium where you can find this hauntingly beautiful castle construction began in 1866 and it was commissioned by the lydic Erica de Beaufort family after the French Revolution the family decided to move from its old home the vivaz castle chateau Miranda actually looks like a quite the upgrade from their previous home the family occupied the castle until Nazis took it over in their last offensive campaign of the war the Battle of the Bulge after the war the castle was turned into an orphanage in a holiday camp for sick children which is pretty cool but that did not last long either by 1991 the orphanage shut down due to high maintenance costs at that point many organizations offered to rejuvenate the Chateau but the family declined rumor has it that in October of 2016 the demolition of the castle was approved and soon enough this eerie structure will be completely erased from earth number 8 via epic when location Argentina what started off as a tourist village in the 1920s grew into a sizeable town for its area via epic Qin was located near the wonderful lake at the Qin and many people from the nearby Buenos Aires vacation there the town experienced healthy growth and a quick rise in popularity by the 70s it had a population of around 5,000 people and 25,000 tourists visited yearly unfortunately due to a heavy increases in rainfall and the rarer occurrence of a say che or a standing wave the dam and the dike protecting the village from the lake broke the water levels kept rising and reached a peak of 35 feet the amount of water proved catastrophic and the town was quickly abandoned penned as Argentina's loneliest men Pablo Novak was the only person to ever return and live in the town the last article I found on him was from 2015 and there are no news of his situation right now number seven the castle of Moreau location France hidden deep in the Amazon rainforest wait wait no no no no never mind hidden deep in france's countryside lies an abandoned 14th century castle at its height the castle of Moreau was a place owned by seven noblemen sporting its own village seven castles and two chapels the castles were heavily attacked during the Hundred Years War in 1371 and in 1574 another group occupied the castle but also abandoned it after realizing they didn't want to spend their life in the middle of nowhere well it was a bit more than that the castle had lost its influential location for the fence of a nearby trade route nowadays the castle of merle has been turned into a tourist destination by the local government the area is still as authentic as it was three hundred years ago and no flashy renovation projects are popping up any time soon number six the Coco Palms Resort location Hawaii what could have been better advertisement for a resort than a movie by Elvis is this tacky downtown Las Vegas sign reads Elvis slept here it's safe to assume a similar one was founded the Coco Palms Resort in Hawaii originally opened in 1953 the resort grew substantially going from 24 rooms to 416 all of its success can be mostly attributed to the genius manager Grace Gus Lander she applied a form of mythical advertising for the location claiming that the koi ponds around the hotel were once the royal koi ponds of kawaii rulers she also got famous people to plant coconut trees in a replenishment ritual sadly the resort suffered immense damage from Hurricane Iniki in 1992 for the next 25 years the hotel was abandoned and left to the elements in late 2016 demolition plans for the resort were initiated number five the Vance Creek Bridge location Washington State ask and you shall receive Noel there are awesome abandoned places all over the map you just have to find them Vance Creek Bridge is one of those places there are no road signs there are no travel guides there are no gift shops well that's how things were before the explosion of social media what was once a local secret became an overnight sensation since everyone wanted a selfie on that Pacific Northwest bridge just the short backstory the bridge was built in the 1920s by the Simpson investment company and was instrumental in the transportation of lumber from the area actually the railroad spanned hundreds of miles throughout the Olympic Peninsula in its heyday the bridge has suffered a lot in the last few years many of the wood boards are missing the metal underneath is covered in graffiti and of course there's tons of garbage thrown into the river below it's sad to say but sometimes amazing places can be ruined by too many visitors however not always lost the surrounding area is still breathtaking the bridge is still standing and the sky has not fallen yet but beware it is all private property and they have beefed up security number four the Sarajevo Olympic Village location Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1984 survival was the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina which was under control by communist Yugoslavia and it was also the site of the first Winter Olympic Games to be hosted in a communist country the official mascot was butch Co a playful wolf and almost everything went smoothly things didn't go so smoothly in 1992 when Bosnia and Herzegovina declared independence from Yugoslavia Sarajevo suffered the longest occupation of a capital city in modern warfare times and for fourteen hundred and twenty five days it was used as a battleground between opposing forces the Olympic Village was not spared on the contrary many parts of it were used for ammunition storage and defense there is stories of people still finding landmines in the area some of the land that was part of the winter village has been turned into a graveyard commemorating all the people who lost their lives during the bloody Kampf number three Fort Carroll location Maryland number three on our list we have Fort Carroll an artificial island built near Baltimore Maryland the project was finished in 1847 and the fort became instrumental in the defense system of Northeast seaports for Carroll was upgraded periodically but by 1950 it was rendered useless in 1958 the fort was purchased for ten thousand dollars with the intentions of opening a casino on it the plans were never materialized and the only occupants for the last 60 or so years have been various animals and the occasional urban explorer number two the Danish Cody church location India it seems like almost every place in India is tied to a legendary epic tale the palm ban island is no exception Daanish quarry is a deserted town on the southern tip of the island and in the Hindu epic Ramayana it was described as the starting point of the bridge connecting India to Sri Lanka perhaps the most interesting part of the whole town is the church it was built around 300 years ago by the Portuguese the town was a bustling community until its destruction by the 1964 Rameshwaram cyclone that hit the area in December of 2016 heavy rainfall caused the big part of the remaining wall to crumble many visitors describe the place as serene and a must visit for any adventurer as always Before we jump into number one a little shout-out to you all the awesome viewers thanks Justin really appreciate the support hope you loved this video as well and if you all have suggestions let me know in the comments below yoga dork the next video coming up will definitely deal with creepy historical locations stay tuned now for the honorable mentions first up we have the probable God for it a majestic location high up in the mountains of India it was used for the fence and it was also a system for early warning of enemy military movement in the area next we'll travel to Italy for the catastrophic Glen oh damn it's actually astounding how fast this dam failed it only took 40 days from the time its completion in 1923 the remains of the dam have been greatly preserved and is definitely a must visit place in the area and finally let's explore the sat up nuclear power plant half of the project was completed and the other half only managed to reach around 76% completion the area gained popularity is a filming location after transformers age of extinction used it for a scene number one the a/c turgon observatory location Kazakhstan it is impossible not to notice the massive influence of the USSR in the design of this run-down space observatory located in seriously the middle of nowhere Kazakhstan the a/c targeting Observatory is half abandoned and half operational the site was supposed to have two big telescopes spying on the night sky but only one was ever installed the other one has been under construction for the past few decades the situation is a bit murky and the sources I have found for this information are questionable it is almost like this is a I don't want to say it but top secret military operation pretending to be a dilapidated Observatory most people have the chance to visit the beautiful mountain side around the observatory have mentioned that the place is still strictly off-limits and there are security guards and guard dogs that are not afraid to yell or bark at you so space observatory or something more I'd love to hear what you think so comment below and don't forget to Like and subscribe to world on earth for more amazing content
Channel: World Unearthed
Views: 652,520
Rating: 4.8058252 out of 5
Keywords: strange, abandoned, places, around, the, world, strangest, forbidden, forgotten, restricted, hidden, strangest places, abandoned places, mysterious places, abandoned castles, scary, creepy, eerie, unreal, unsettling, mystery, bizarre, ancient, world unearthed, in the world, on earth, adventure, urbex, travel, most, best, top, list, ever, urban exploration, creepiest abandoned places, strangest abandoned places, secret abandoned places, you have to see, you won't believe, coco palms, vance creek bridge, cool
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 24 2017
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