South Africa to New Zealand - 20 Things to Know

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[Music] hello I'm Sam if you're a South African and you're  thinking about New Zealand then I made this video   just for you I'm going to share with you 20 things  you should know if you come to Auckland you know   geographical things cultural things social things  what to say what not to say where to go where not   to go so yeah join me for 20 things you need  to know about New Zealand number one beaches   in South Africa our beaches have like wild waves  crashing against rocks here in Auckland it's a   bit different the beaches are generally a bit  more tranquil that could be because there are   like 600 islands all around New Zealand some  say that that sort of stops the velocity of the   water crashing against the shores the beaches  have this particular type of volcanic sand it   actually almost glistens and gleans and twinkles  in the sunlight pretty cool number two houses in   South Africa our houses are made out of brick and  stone concrete and cement really strong and solid   here in New Zealand the houses are a bit different  it's more Timber and drywall we call the timber a   nog and we call the drywall GIB that's what the  are made out of drywall Timber it's basically to   withstand an earthquake you know if there's the  ground starts to shake the house must be able be   able to do that without cracking number three  the transport system so there's a pretty cool   transportation system in and around Auckland there  are trains there are buses there are fairies um   you get like a card um the a hop card where you  could just swipe on the bus's trains and fairies   you also get an app that interfaces with all  the different means of Transport so you can see   where the next bus is coming and it's pretty cool  I'd say it's a pretty reasonable transportation   system number four roads in South Africa the  residential roads the speed limit is 60 here   the residential roads uh the speed limit is 50  so we got to slow down a little bit and in South   Africa on the highway if you're driving on the  N1 you can do 120 here if you're driving on the   motorway it's not the N1 it's called the motorway  then the speed limit is anything between 80 to 100   and as you start to leave the city maybe 110 max  so if you got your BMW um you might want to floor   it but you can't so just be ready for that oh and  of course you have to put in your own petrol it's   not that hard you just go to the pump you punch  in how much you want put the nozzle in the tank   fill it up go inside and pay you know there's a  lot of honest honesty obviously so yeah you'll   have to get used to putting in your own petrol  number five places to go it all depends on what   your list for so there's the Viaduct that's sort  of like the VNA Waterfront equivalent in Cape Town   very prim and proper weighty toy very expensive  everyone parks they expensive boats there it's   quite expensive and touristy I even saw one menu  uh at one of one of the restaurants where there's   like a steak for $191 that's like 2,500 rand for  a steak so if you want to pay R2,500 for a steak   the Viaduct is all yours but it's actually quite  a cool place if you feel like you want to hit the   town then there's Ponsonby that's sort of like the  I don't know um Johannesburg Parkhurst equivalent   very uh it's like old but it's been restored  like a Soho equivalent in London it was older   than a certain type of people restored it and now  it's pretty fabulous and a lot of people hang out   there a lot of fairy lights a lot of cool pubs  and entertainment places ponen be is a pretty   cool place to go as well and then finally K road  which is short for Karangahape Road it's home to   the LGBT community it's home to a lot of rock  places if you're a misfit and you really want   to just let your hair down go K Road no one will  judge you you'll have a blast number six cars   cars are actually quite cheap in New Zealand um  there are a lot of Japanese cars so Hondas Toyotas   Nissans there's literally like this car ship that  arrives at the harbor all the time every month   and just drops off like all these 2-year-old cars  Japanese cars Hondas n Toyotas so you can get them   for pretty cheap they're pretty new a lot of them  are hybrid so fresh off the Japanese boat that a   lot of them still have like Japanese writing in  it uh look at this Toyota Hiace I climbed into you   turn on the ignition listen to this and the tire  pressure how many bars uh written in Japanese yeah   you open the fuel cap what do you see Japanese  writing if you catch an Uber you are very likely   to get a ride with a Toyota Prius hybrid with  Japanese writing I'll hold you to it also there   are a lot of EV's in case you don't know what that  means electric vehicle a lot of Teslas and Nissen   Leafs and of course charging stations are all  over the show so yeah that's that's all I have   to say about cars number seven the Maoris also  pronounced Maori or Maori the Maoris have lived   on this island for five 500 years long before  everybody else if you come to New Zealand you   will be expected to show some respect to the  Maori's everywhere on sign boards you'll see   the English writing and then beneath that there's  the Maori translation at uh train stations on the   intercom you'll hear when the next train is coming  it's first in Maori and then only in English if   you want to learn a few words of Maori good on you  I already know a few I know Waka is a car Waka can   also be a vehicle uh a canoe anything you travel  in a vehicle is a Waka ever watch that movie Moana   Moana is actually a lot of Mario, has a lot of  Maori language in it Moana means ocean Moana has   that pet that chicken called Hei hei well guess  what chicken is in Maori go to Google Translate   chicken is a hei hei, see all starting to make  sense so yeah learn a few words of Maori and   I think it'll it'll look great number eight pies  pies pies pies pies pies are big in New Zealand I   don't don't ask me why pies are like a huge thing  here everyone loves pies they worship pies they've   got like pie Awards almost every takeaway shop has  Delicious Pies let me let me show you here's a pie   I cut up for you look at all the filling inside  here is a pepper steak pie look at all that like   beef here is a chicken curry pie I also cut up I  mean look at all that sauce just dripping out of   it it's like now you can see why I look the way  I look the pies here are just like next level all   right number nine buying food if you're going to  live here pretty soon you'll have to understand   the cost of living what things cost what meat is  cheap what meat is expensive let me give you just   a quick little rundown if you are like seriously  rich you will go to New World if you really want   like the Woolworth's equivalent you will go to  Countdown Countdown is actually Woolworth it's   the same thing also very nice nice and fresh but  more expensive if you are on a really tight budget   then Pak N Save is the place where you will go Pak  n Save is like almost like I don't know Checkers   or Macro equivalent here is a quick breakdown  okay so in general beef is quite expensive   chicken is quite expensive not that expensive  pork is actually quite cheap lamb is actually   even cheaper than in South Africa even with the  exchange rate butter is like super cheap I don't   know I don't know why South Africa has to charge  these high prices for butter anyway yeah it's just   not a big deal butter is like super cheap anyway  so that's where to shop and what you can expect   to pay number 10 he has a really weird one carpets  I know right carpets carpets carpets some people   like carpets in their homes some people like tiles  for some reason New Zealand is carpet crazed they   just love carpets every in in an office there's a  carpet in a home there's a carpet okay not in the   bathroom or in the kitchen and they're sensible  they just love carpets here carpets carpets   carpets even this construction walkway at the  harbor has a a temporary carpet on it even though   it's outside just for people to walk on it's like  what's the deal with carpets get ready for carpets   when you come to New Zealand all right those are  10 things now I'm going to tell you some things   not to say number 11 here is the most important  one you must never say Shame Shame it's like it's   so easy to say shame right if like I don't know  um my daughter's not feeling well she's staying   at home what do you say a shame never say a shame  in New Zealand they're like what do you mean Shame   Shame they think like shame shame on you like ring  the bell of Shame it's like there's no shame in my   daughter staying home cuz she's sick why where's  the shame in that? we're seeing like shame like   compassion like oh I feel sorry for so never say  shame they think it's like shame on you rather say   oh I'm sorry to hear that oh that's not pleasant  oh that's very unfortunate don't say shame that   actually makes sense why do we say Shame Shame  is like the opposite of Pride like shame shame on   you it almost makes you question why we ever said  shame to begin with see yeah do not say shame or   even worse shame never say shame number 12 geyser  I'm just going to turn off the geyser never say   geyser geyser is like an old man it's a hot water  cylinder or a heat pump never say geyser it's a   hot water cylinder number 13 sarcasm um don't use  sarcasm here they just don't get it just don't use   sarcasm it's just I'll give you an example  I I went for a job interview and the person   interviewing me said like they have apprentices  and two weeks a year they go on this course where   the company has to pay them and I was like oh  wow and do you still have to pay them do you   still have to pay them for their time even though  they're at the course and the guy was like yeah   we still have to pay them even though they're not  at work and I was like M that's very nice and then   the the interviewer looked at me like what do you  mean it's nice it's not nice it's terrible we have   to pay them even though they're not at work why  are you saying that's very nice it's it's not nice   and I was like yeah I'm I'm I'm I was like that's  very nice cuz it's not nice exactly then then you   question yourself why what is the point of sarcasm  why do you say it's nice if it's not nice just   leave sarcasm out if you want to crack a joke and  you're not sure rather just don't say it at all   leave out sarcasm all right here are some things  that they say in New Zealand number 14 sweet as oh   you're going to hear this one a lot sweet as sweet  as it's almost like a sentence that's incomplete   like sweet as an apple sweet as honey sweet  as sugar but they don't complete the sentence   they just say sweet as so yeah don't think they're  saying sweet as like you've got a nice booty like   o sweet ass no it's sweet as so uh and sweet as  can also be replaced with like scary ass like I   watched the movie it was scary ass I just cleaned  my car it's it's clean ass um yeah the scaffold   is pretty uh sturdy it's safe as safe as clean as  sweet as it's like the start of a sentence without   the second half you'll get you'll get used to it  but yeah sweet ass number 50 she'll be right that   ladder looks pretty stable you think it will fall  nah she'll be right she'll be right is another one   number 16 jandals these are not slip slops these  are not sandals they're jandals so yeah jandals   number 17 this is a myth everyone in South  Africa all these YouTube videos they say it's   not a fridge in New Zealand they don't call it a  fridge they call it a chili bin never never say   where's the fridge no no no say where's the Chili  bin that is nonsense a fridge is still called a   fridge a chili bin is a cooler box so yeah cooler  box is a chili bin a fridge is a fridge number 18   a bach is a holiday house if you're really well  off you've got a bach by the Sea a holiday house   number 19 the dairy that's like the cafe the  convenience store I'm going to the dairy to get   milk and eggs I'm going down to the dairy to get  bread the the cafe and which brings me to number   20 the relationship with Australia this is an  interesting one so many of you might not know this   but New Zealand in a fun way has a little bit of a  grudge against Australia they even call Australia   the cheating Aussies I don't know maybe cuz they  felt that Australia cheated at sport a few times   also um Australia tends to poach a lot of New  Zealand's skilled workers they even have adverts   on the radio in New Zealand are you a policeman  in New Zealand come to Victoria in Australia we'll   pay you this and this and this um there's yeah  a lot of teachers have left New Zealand to go to   Australia a lot of Tradesmen have left New Zealand  to go to Australia and New Zealand's Got a bit of   a grudge against Australia for some reason but  it's like in a in a fun healthy way when you go   from New Zealand to Australia they call it jumping  the Tasmin so a lot of people jump the Tasmin a   lot of people see New Zealand as a landing strip  to get to Australia even the the weather reporter   in New Zealand takes a little shot at Australia  the weather reporter will be like so we've got a   a cold front coming in from the East coming from  Australia of course if you want to hike in New   Zealand's forests you first have to spray this  antibacterial stuff on your feet that's because   the Myrtle rust virus from Australia is killing  the Pohutukawa tree so even there you must scrub   Australia off your feet before before you can come  into New Zealand's Forest you know that sort of   thing there's always a little bit of a a diss  against Australia but I'm sure they still love   each other this Love-Hate relationship you know  well done you just made it through 20 things you   needed to know about New Zealand so I'm going to  give you five little bonus ones just because I can   number 21 rugby is religion I'm sure you know  that the All Blacks you know everyone kids go   to like rugby practice from an early age rugby  everything is like rugby rugby rugby I was even   there in a pub when South Africa won the World Cup  against New Zealand yeah we had to leave the pub   very quickly here has some actual video footage  the moment when we won we won the kiwis were not impressed and speaking of religion number 22  churches churches are pretty kitted out if you're   a churchgoing person there are some nice churches  number 23 E Scooters there are no E Scooters in   South Africa but here E Scooters are everywhere  you literally just grab one you snap it with your   phone and it takes money off your account you  can just like pick up one anywhere drop off one   anywhere and just enjoy um going anywhere on the  E scooter number 24 recycling in South Africa we   just have one big black bin we chuck everything  in there here there are like four different ones   there's like a red one for junk and landfill  there's a blue one for like recycling there's   a yellow one also for recycling I think and then  there's a little green one for food scraps I trust   they all go into a separate compartment when the  dustbin truck picks them up but yeah recycling is   a big thing here and number 25 I'm sure you  might know this but guess what no snakes no   snakes Australia just around the corner has some  of the most deadliest snakes here in New Zealand   no snakes it's just a thing so yeah you can go  out hiking nothing's going to kill you so now you   know a little bit more about New Zealand it's true  what everyone says you can literally get in your   car and drive 30 minutes in any direction and you  will see something beautiful New Zealand is full   of natural beauty and so many different people  from different walks of life living together   harmoniously it's home to civilians it's home  to foreigners it's home to a diverse society and   maybe one day if you want to live here it'll home  to you so thanks for watching my video oh I've got   another video coming out for electricians I'm an  electrician if you're an electrician coming to New   Zealand you need to know all the jargon and all  all that sort of thing um there's a whole separate   video for electricians yeah all the best wherever  you decide to go thanks for [Music] watching
Channel: Sam Jensen
Views: 166,926
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Id: w3qfJEBZZPw
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Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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