Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra Made Their Own Couple Nickname

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-Good to see you, buddy. -Great to see you, as always. -Dude, congrats. -Hey. [ Cheers and applause ] -They love you. They love you. We love you. -I love you. -I got a lot too -- I love me too. [ Laughter ] I want to get to the song. -Yeah. -But what a year you've had. First of all, can I just recap for you? -Sure. -This is what happened to you. You were in "Jumanji" and "Jumanji" made almost $1 billion worldwide. I don't know if you knew that. [ Cheers and applause ] Biggest movie. Congratulations. You were fantastic in it. -Thank you. Thank you. -Then you got nominated for a Golden Globe for your song in "Ferdinand." And then even the best news, the biggest news, the coolest news. You got engaged to our buddy. [ Cheers and applause ] Priyanka Chopra. ♪♪ I've got to say, dude, she is the most fun person. We love her so much. Priyanka Chopra. -She's the best. -How did you -- how did you meet? -Well, we met through a friend. So we got connected first over text and we started talking for a while, and it was about six months before we met up in person. And then we actually attended the Met Gala a few years ago together. -Oh, yeah. -Had a great time, but it just -- -As friends. -Just friends. And our lives were kind of taking us to different places. And the thing that was funny, is people would ask us, both in an interview setting and in private, "Are you guys seeing each other?" And the answer was "No" and people thought we were being coy. And so did we -- until we cut to now we're engaged so the story sort of wrote itself. -Yeah, like, oops. Yeah. -But you know, we then met up a couple months ago -- I think five months ago now, and it was kind of immediate and I think we just knew it was right and jumped right in and we're very happy. -Oh, that's fantastic, dude. I love that. I love her -- Please give her -- give her my best. She's one of our favorites. -She's here. -Is she here? -She's here right now. -Is she in the crowd? [ Cheers and applause ] -She's over there. -Ah! Hey, pal. Hey, how are you? Hi, hi, hi. Oh. All right. I mean -- I think. I mean, I think she's okay. [ Light laughter ] Oops. Sorry. You know I love you, pal. Explain what this is about. So, we -- Okay, so after we got engaged, we then went to India, to her home country and to Mumbai. And my parents came along and we did this beautiful Roka ceremony. -What is that? -Basically, it's a confirmation from both sides of the family that they approve of the engagement. And then there's some beautiful prayers and a connection just for the family to have a chance to meet and hang out and get to know each other. It's really incredible, and you know, we both left that ceremony so full of joy. -How did your family handle that? -They loved it. My parents were blown away by the love shared among all the people. And just the -- -a little different than New Jersey. -A little different than Jersey. [ Light laughter ] But it was really special and for she and I, I think it was just nice to be able to have that time with the family first. And have that private moment. And be able to share with the world afterwards. But it's funny that we had this beautiful ceremony, and we felt so connected, and our families all met. And it was spiritual. And then we put it on Instagram. And we were like, "Oh, my God, it's official." -Now we Instagram. Now it's real. Now they really have to do it. Yeah. Do you guys -- there's a nice picture of the family there on Instagram. Now uh, NP -- is that your logo? Is that a logo for your -- Do you guys have a celebrity nickname? -We -- -Priyanka, you can answer that. Do you have a celebrity nickname? -She likes Prick. [ Laughter ] -No, no, no. Absolute no. -I don't like that one. -Absolutely no. [ Laughs ] I have to ask you this question because it's one of my favorite stories. We were talking earlier today. Thanks for doing the bit, by the way. -Oh, it was great. I had a lot of fun. -Love hanging out with you. But you told me the story about going to the Golden Globes and it must have been exciting. -Oh, gosh. -I was like, "Was it exciting for you?" And you go, "yeah, I lost, but --" just tell the story 'cause it's great. -Well, I feel like every time I come here I tell you a really embarrassing story by the way. -Exactly. And that's why -- And I love that you keep coming back and I keep making you embarrass yourself. -But it's sad that the first thought I had when something embarrassing happens is, "I got to talk to Jimmy." [ Laughter ] -Please, always do that. Please. -So, I'm at the Golden Globes. I was very excited. I was so honored to be nominated for the song. And it was a real career milestone for me. -Yeah. -And I'm sitting in the audience with my brother who came with me. And they announced the award and we lost. Or, I lost. Me and my co-writers. And I was devastated. I was really hoping it would happen and he said, "Let's go to the bar, let's grab a drink. Blow off some steam for a minute and we'll go back inside." -Yeah. -And so I go to the bar with Joe. I grab myself a beer, and he gets one. And I'm hanging out and I've heard all this talk that Michael Keaton is arriving soon. People are whispering, "Michael Keaton's coming over. He's gonna come over." And I'm thinking to myself, "Wow, this is great. I'm so excited to meet Michael Keaton." -Yeah, I love Michael Keaton. -And I've got my beer here and there's a woman here trying to take a picture of me and Joe. And she bumps into us as he approaches. And the beer spills all over Michael Keaton just before he goes on stage to present an award. So cut to three or four days ago, we're at the U.S. Open. -This is the best. -And I kid you not. I walk in, shuffling to our thing with the beer, and I see Michael Keaton. It's like he locks eyes with me. He's like -- [ Light laughter ] "I hope you're not drinking a beer." -Yeah, you better watch it Jonas." -And I sat down. -Yeah. -I had the little bag on my lap. Put my beer on the ground, and he's right here. And the bag falls off in slow motion. [ Audience oohs ] Hits the beer. And it spills below his feet. [Laughter] -All over -- All over Michael Keaton. -But it didn't hit him. It was all over his feet and I'm wondering now if he knows that it was me and he just ignored it. Or if he was so mad that he just let it go. I don't know. [ Laughter ] But it's a theme -- -But it's a theme for you. And that sounds like something that would happen to me. -It's just so embarrassing and of all people, it's Michael Keaton. -He's the greatest. -He's the coolest. -Yeah. He's a good sport too. Congrats on "Right Now." -Thank you. -I'm excited about this. And you'll be performing for us tonight. [ Cheers and applause ] Not only are you writing and performing songs, but you're also writing and performing -- writing movies and plays. Is that true? -Yeah. Yeah. So I started writing, actually -- another connection we have, is that one of the times I came before, we were talking about gangster movies. And I'm from Jersey and I hadn't seen a lot of these classic Mafia movies. -Oh, that was awful. -So you were kind enough to get me a gift basket of all the movies. And I watched them all. Most of them. -You did? -"Sopranos." -And I got so inspired and it's close to home because it's Jersey, that I actually wrote a play about the son of a wise guy in Brooklyn, New York, named Gino Castaluccio, and we're doing our second reading of the play next week. -No way. -Yeah. And so that -- and a couple films. [ Cheers and applause ] -Dude, I love that. -Thank you. -I feel like I inspired you. -So I'm going to give you 50% once we go on Broadway. -No, no, no. -It's only right. -I just want a ticket to the show. That's all I need.
Channel: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Views: 15,601,967
Rating: 4.9265313 out of 5
Keywords: The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon, Nick Jonas, Priyanka Chopra, Made, Couple Nickname, NBC, NBC TV, Television, Funny, Talk Show, comedic, humor, snl, Fallon Stand-up, Fallon monologue, tonight, show, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, comedy sketches, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, The Jonas Brothers, Last Year Was Complicated, Nicholas Jonas, actor, singer, Nick Jonas on Fallon, Nick Jonas Interview, Michael Keaton
Id: Zag_tB4fgJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 44sec (404 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 07 2018
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