10 Things I wish I knew before coming to ARMY OCS

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you always get used to this is Dominic a KB circuit under two coming back to you guys for another video so basically today what I'm going to talk about is 10 things I was sending before coming to army ok you don't know who I am I'm currently a holdover and army OCS on the backend so that means I've completed all of OCS and I'm just waiting and hold over to get my clearance so I can go ahead and commission and ship out to my boat so if you look through a couple of my videos you be able to see that I'll be documenting all of them yes and how he felt and how much he [ __ ] line mode explaining through everything anyway here in 10 things I wish I knew before coming to OCS which would be really really helpful these are not any particular order so here I go number one your situation changes based on the company ok so you have alpha Bravo Charlie and Delta is probably going to come back in a session you have the echo on the DCCC whatever company you're in alpha Bravo Charlie of Delta let's totally change your perspective I mean I'm talking about from where you get you move an intermediate phase and you can go on pose and go eat something and not have to you know let's call [ __ ] with that black ass got on all the time to where you're just in the black black ops got until you get to senior things like it totally takes because the cadre are just like sometimes they seem like they're almost night and day between you know each company number two the packing list okay now when you're trying to buy the packing list make sure to keep your tags on everything because some stuff you will not you will not use on the packing list for example like book sharing and stuff like I bought it but don't really think I'm using it you could read once an eagle might help you we didn't need it to the last week of OCS um you could buy a camp showers when you go out to the field and you'd be able to take a shower in the field with the camp showers like 20 bucks on Amazon and you could probably return them to about a hundred six dollars worth of stuff number three the friends you make can make a world of difference if you make the right friends you kind of feel people out you programs you get along with you know could totally change your perspective on OCS late I'm not saying it's going to make or break you but like and find it half the friends I had like I've been with them always since basic one guy we've been flooring together at Metz and then we shipped out to reception together so it's pretty big difference number four squad stick squad length is really the defining moment of OCS now you have all these things on the oml that rank you and give you points to put on Oh milk what this is worth so many points that's your make or break mode if you don't do well in squad six which is basically when you go out with your squatter you perform missions squats dick squat tactics our squad lane where you want to call it you're not getting your branch I think people go from like like I think eight because it's like thirty and it was just bad because you think you know what you're about to get what you really dumb I went up from I think help is like 25 and I went up to 20 so I was like 20s in the class at squad 6 so I got basically whatever branch I wanted if you pack land a band history you're pretty much home free that's number five land and history are the biggest cash be producing weapons in OCS those are weapons Llandaff and history weapons guarantee are you going to sack those and then you left squat six less people are living with cycle out of squad six you just don't do right as well as you might want to during squad six number six having a car this source up in to come into is great you know our little dorm rooms here are like they're like kind of big and my room had actually more that's a good thing to bring up like my room had more stuff than most other people's had so most people have like a death in a closet I had desk drawers at another holes desk I had a lot of room to store my stuff it it was really good but like but this upset having a car being able to drive you know when you need to being a senior facing on the drive intermediate face being able to drop you want to go to church you could drive you know having a car when you can use it is going to be great it's company dependent but to do be great number seven coming from basic as basic I don't select and really ran a whole bunch so coming here and seeing how important PT is here and how much you run is really important as the height of Bravo I think we were running five miles at about a seven-minute 7:30 pace my boy Manny he said you did that in basic there's no way I can do that in basic there's absolutely no possible way but our fastest run and at the height of problem you at their best Tiki scores your you should be able to run five miles at about seven-minute page 7 min 30 days number eight I was just do a lot more information on my branch by honestly like if there was a way I said shadows like three or four people in a couple of branches I interested in that would have helped a lot but my recruiter's didn't know although blood so really make sure you do branch research before you before you go to basic because if you know before you go to basic when you come to OCS you have to branch there and they come to talk but you don't really know like you don't know what schools you can get breeze branch when you get your Bolden you don't know what schools are offered used for you're bowling pretty much different things number nine security clearance I'm still here at yet because of my security clearance I'm probably going to be at OCS an extra ten weeks because I'm seven on the backend and five on the front end until twelve weeks and extra twelve weeks at three months because of security clearance and now they're holding people in basic training think about this right now think about this you are going to get held over at basic training because you don't have your security plan I mean you're going to finish basic training and not come to us yet that's what they're doing now they're holding people at basic training I know it's not everybody but there you don't want to be one of those people stuck as basic training and you're done with it like it's not gonna be the best experience in the world and number 10 getting things sewn onto your uniform it's going to happen because it looks you objective when your stuff's not like messed up I wouldn't so my my rank by OCS rank on my chest or on my hat because it's not going to be perfect you're you're going to switch over and put on put on your own test anyway my name is Dominique egg Davis the kids on the tooth you guys have any questions comments concerns units always any up on YouTube comments I'm always available and snapchat Instagram look the best-laid the reason you will need to reach me you can email you have something personal but I always check my email so your best bet begins has to meet this snapchat because I'm always on snapchat people always communicate me on snapchat I have like really built up on social media so if I don't get back to you right away I will be back to you eventually anyway my name is Dominique aka mr. cutter to time up guys peace
Channel: kidthndr2
Views: 58,179
Rating: 4.9204545 out of 5
Keywords: military, officer candidate school, navy, marines
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 47sec (467 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2017
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