How Army Officers "Select" Their MOS

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what is going on guys so we are finally going to talk about the oml and the accession process for how cadets actually get selected for a specific MOS as an officer in the army so there's a lot of stuff to talk about here the oml which is the outcome metrics list is a list that you know you will basically accumulate points and stuff while you're a cadet going through ROTC you're gonna get all these points and and you know everything is gonna be calculated together and put into this list and depending on where you fall on this list will depend on you basically the odds of you getting the MOS that you want so this is an extremely important thing but there is so much to talk about this you know that I have actually shot this video a couple of times down the first time it was like well over 30 minutes I'm gonna try and keep it short you know I found the actual army documentation on the actual process and I'm going to attempt to actually make these things a little bit shorter because again there's a lot to talk about you know I can maybe do another video or so talking about these things but for the most part I'm gonna just try to to give it to you guys straight I'm going to read through the actual steps in which you're kind of going to go through and then I will try to briefly explain a few things because again there's a lot so first off I went through ROTC so this is going to be the experience of going through ROTC doing the whole oml and everything and what that process is going to be like you know if you're doing OCS it's gonna be a little bit different if you're doing West Point things like that it's gonna be obviously way different but this is an ROTC kind of thing in the ROTC a sessions video so if you're more interested in like OCS and stuff this isn't gonna be the video for you so I'm just talking about again ROTC which is where I think it's like 80% of the United States Army officers coming from so it's the majority of you guys but anyways the oml is used to decide two different things whether or not you get active duty National Guard Army Reserves and it also decides what MOS you want so if you want to go signal cyber aviation ordnance field artillery whatever officer unless you want that is going to be decided by basically this oml where you're gonna fall here and then for the fiscal year that you're actually going to be coming officer there's different requirements there's different slots and numbers and stuff on how many you know Emma how many positions are available for each specific MOS so it's going to vary your odds of getting a specific MOS every single year but those are the two things that are basically decided by this is it's going to decide whether or not you get active duty it's going to decide whether or not you get the MOS that you want now I'm going to read a few bullet points off here and I should put this up here on the screen if not I'm sorry if I forget to edit that in but I'm read off a few things so active duty and reserve files files are divided into so the oml is going to divide it into a couple different things gr FD go reserved duties a gr FD cadet is basically cadet who has gotten a scholarship and it guarantees you a position in the Army Reserve so gr FD is going to go reserves if you volunteered to do Reserve Duty you are going to go reserve do those below the active duty allocation line go to reserve duty so this is one of the major things if you're wanting to be an active duty officer and you don't basically you don't make the limit like you're just not good enough they put you in army reserves or the National Guard that's kind of how that works which is why it says here that if you want to volunteer for reserve duty you're going to get it at least 99.9% time every year there's I guess a person or two there's a few people that will be given active duty even though they requested National Guard or they requested reserves I guess that's just that's a case-by-case thing but for the most part the vast majority if you request reserve you're gonna get reserve if you request National Guard you're gonna get National Guard because the majority of people that want to be officers in the army are requesting active duty and then there's not gonna be enough active duty slots to fill so then they will fall below the line and will be given a reserve slot or a National Guard slot something pretty interesting here is Medal of Honor dependents go active duty if request is so if you happen to be like the son or daughter of somebody who's a Medal of Honor recipient then you're going to get active dude if you want it which is pretty cool that's a cool little perk even though you know that's extremely rare nurses are not guaranteed active duty and then actually the green to gold cadets must go active duty so if you are dooty you decided to green the goal which is something I've talked about in the past video you have to become an active duty officer now if you are in the reserves or the guard and you do ROTC you don't have to stay in the reserves you don't have to stay in the guard you don't have to do active duty you can do whatever you want but if you do green the gold you are going to have to become an active duty officer so the number four bullet point here is the component active duty reserve is going to be released first so around about October of the fiscal year that you are you are looking to Commission in your gonna find out what you know component that you get whether or not you get active duty reserve for National Guard you are going to find that out first if your active duty you're gonna find out your your branch later on it's gonna be probably around December January ish time but if you are reserves or in the guard once you find out that you aren't you have reserves once you find out that you got National Guard then you have one month to actually go out and find a vacancy to actually go out and find the MOS the unit and whatever that you want and then actually submit a request to actually go to that unit that's how it works and the reserves that's how it works in the guard you know and so this oml thing it's kind of just depended upon they're gonna select you know which component you get active your reserves and you have one month once you find that out to actually find the unit that you want which is why I made a video a long time ago of me actually showing you guys me picking the duty station and the MOS that I wanted but once that month is over then the oml really comes into play for these reserves and National Guard soldiers and they will then be kind of thrown into this algorithm and be given an MOS by the needs of the army similar to how active duty is now here's the big thing that I that's I guess the meat and potatoes of this video and then shortly after this I will talk about actually what goes into the oml and what actually you're you're looked at as a cadet you know what goes into this whole process I will talk about that at the end of this video but the all Mel is important because of this bullet point right here so bullet point number six active duty board branches will follow the following sequence the top 10% will get their first branch choice so if you are on the oml and you are a top 10% cadet you are guaranteed to get your first pick so it's gonna happen is when you're doing all this is sessions process you are going to number from your lease with your favorite to your least favorite mls is an officer and if you want to do infantry you're gonna put that as number one whatever in what you want to have you need to put that as your number one and hopefully you'll get one of your top three but if you're in the top 10% you're going to be guaranteed that you're going to get your number one pick so that's really awesome the way this kind of works out is every single year there's so many different slots that are available for a specific in West I will try and throw up a picture right here of some year of the slots that are available for the different MOS is it don't pay attention to much the numbers you can kind of get a gist a little bit but every year the numbers are going to change this a little bit they're not going to totally flip flop like insanely a lot but for the most part the numbers will be around about the same so you should be able to see by whatever picture I decide to throw up here which ones are more competitive because they will just have less slots available now the next bullet points here is bio mail branch up to 40% of each branch allocation without Brad so so this basically says you know you got the top 10% that gets there first pick the next forty percent of Cadets on the oml list they will try to obviously top 20% they're probably going to get their first pick - maybe their second pick but the lower down the percentages you go the more likely it is that you're going to get your second pick your third pick your fourth pick even lower depending on how you go on the oml and without Brad so Brad so is something that you can request as a cadet to help insure that you will get the MOS that you want and so the next bullet point here is talking about the 55% so from 40 percent the next 40 percent and then to 55 percent this is where the Brad stones are going to come into place so if you put on there that you want to branch and you want you really want to become an infantry officer you really want to do it you can branch with Brad so and what that's going to do is I believe at an extra two years to your contract as an officer so if you actually get branched with Brad so it's not going to matter if you don't get it so if you're in the top 10% but you go Brad so to be an infantry officer if you're in the top 10% they're not going to add that two years but if you happen to fall on this you know forty percent of 50 five percent range and they select you and you get the mos that you want solely because that you branch Brasso and you're willing to do an extra couple of years then that's gonna be where those extra two years come into play there's another thing you can do called add so which is you know selecting a duty station that you want so if you want to go to Fort Hood for some reason and you want to select that as your ads so duty stations then if you get to be stationed at Fort Hood it's going to add an extra two years on to your contract so that is kind of how the oml works just kind of the general gist of it links are gonna mean those scripts and if you want to look at more something you know whatever I can find that I think it's gonna be beneficial to you guys the links will be down below so if you really want to get some the mos that you want or whatever as an officer you know watch this video read the links in description you can look at everything that goes into it because there's a lot but what I want to cover now is actually what is on the oml so like what is all a part of this freaking thing that is gonna dictate your life and dictate what MOS you get so I have my a sessions management sheet here I'm not gonna show you guys like the specific things and I'll probably throw something up here but I'm gonna basically read to you guys you know the gist of what's gonna be on here aside from this piece of paper or these couple of piece of papers right here there's a couple things that kind of go into the accession process and the oml list and that is the your talent management so you're going to take this little test thing and it's going to decide whether or not you have all these different leadership skills and that's going to be taken into account with this whole thing and then the other thing that's going to be important is advanced camp an advanced camp is the last summer training exercise stuff that you have to go through it's about a month long and you will do this between your junior and your senior year so your ms3 year between that year and your ms4 years there's me about three weeks out in the field doing platoon exercise and everything and this is your chance to really showcase everything that you've learned as a cadet so going through ROTC your freshman year your sophomore year your junior year which is where you really start prepping for advance camp you're going to showcase your leadership skills your platoon you know leadership skills your platoon operation knowledge you know how to brief an OP order how to call for fire how to do laying that all of these different things are going to be tested on an advanced campus and there's this a little piece of a part of this kind of you know algorithm or whatever called your condo and if you're at advance camp and essentially if you get a first-time going everything so you pass you know laying now first time go and you get like all the points if you be a shoot expert at the range if you pass all the tests for first aid and call for fire if you pass all that your first time then you're going to get this little thing called a condo and it's gonna give you a couple extra points that will go on here but some of the major things again I'll throw up a picture right here on how this is kind of broken down but for the academic portion of this accessions management sheet your GPA is gonna be really important so if you want to become an officer your GPA is extremely important and remember if you want to be active duty this is even more important if you want to reserves if you wanted to do guard it's kind of important but it's not nearly as important as if you wanted to be an active duty officer if you wanted to go reserves and then all of a sudden like you you waited past that extra month after you got your your branch or your component then yours coming I guess out of luck and you're gonna have to be subject to this whole thing but if you're going again active duty this is really important so your GPA I believe it's like 25 26 percent of the calculation for this oml some of the other things are going to be on here is whether or not you have a strategic language major so if you're taking strategic language with classes that are going to be important maybe I'll have a picture right here or not but basically like Arabic some of the the things that you might actually think it's important you know if you speak like you know Spanish or something like that which is a fairly common language that's not really a strategic language and I hope that's not on this list if I put up a list here you know I would just sound really stupid saying that but you know Spanish a lot of people know Spanish it's not like a very something that we need a lot of right now in the military because we're fighting really for the most part in the Middle East kind of overseas there's not as many spanish-speaking people over there so that's that and for the leadership correct category on this holes you know a session thing there's only a couple different times where you're gonna have your leadership being there they're gonna be grading you so you're gonna have your leadership at ROTC they're going to rank you as qualified and most qualified excellent kind of thing like and then what they're also going to do on this is they're going to rank you from first to last cadet so the best cadet to the last cadet to the middle cadet so if there's 20 of you guys they're gonna rank you between 1 and 20 that's going to go on here that's gonna go into the whole calculation and everything and the the final I guess summary of how that all is all gonna go is going to be worked out somewhere on this picture that I swear I hope I put right here the other time you're going to be graded is when you're at advanced camp the leaders and advanced camp are gonna grade you so that's another reason why advanced camp is important because the condo thing and then how they're going to score you at advanced campus I'm gonna rank you between first and last year platoon and they're gonna give you an actual ranking whether you're excellent or okay kind of like a word ranking a few other beneficial things to have on this is whether or not you have a full-time job a part-time job or you are prior National Guard prior Army Reserves and or you're an SMP cadet so SP cadet is a cadet who is in the simultaneous membership program and it basically means that you know they're doing similar things to somebody who's in the reserve of the guard and they're drilling monthly with some unit that's what an SMP cadet is there's really nothing that you know special complicated about that if you are a cadet and then you want to become an SMT cadet the only difference is going to be that you will drill at a unit monthly and you know if that interferes with RTC then RTC will take precedence but that's that's the gist of it people ask me to talk about SME cadet there's not that much complicated stuff about it you know if you want to go SMP you're probably gonna get it and you will just drill monthly just as if you were in the reserves another important thing is your PT score oh my gosh what a surprise your PT score is actually gonna be important and it's gonna go into this this list so obviously you want to try to get a 300 that's going to maximize the points that you get on this because all these points are going to be you know added together they're going to be thrown together into this algorithm thing they're gonna be you know weighted differently and then on the oml you know the more points you have the better off you're gonna be so if you get a 300 on your PT test that's gonna work out really good the only difference here is they're going to take the fall PT score and the spring PG score of your junior year so your freshman and sophomore year of rqc not that the PG scores don't matter because you want to do good on your PG score because remember your PMS the professional entry science your cadre and RTC are going to be looking at you and they were going to be grading you as well they're gonna be looking at you like oh this cadet you know is terrible at PT he's never improving where she's never improving that's that's not good and they might put you as a long rank so that's important and then if you do any extracurricular activities like sports teams or you're on the varsity team community team intramural leagues things like that that's gonna give you some extra points as well now again this video did go on pretty freakin long like I said there's a lot of stuff to talk about when I when you're talking about the accession process for an ROTC cadet somebody's trying to become an officer there's a lot to talk about there's a lot of different criteria I hope I explained it in a way that is gonna inform you a little bit more than you already knew and then if you want to know more than when I've talked about this video again links in the description down below it's really the only other thing that I guess I didn't mention is the whole just remember that your leaders at the advanced camp and at your ROTC unit are going to write like a written review a written evaluation on you as a cadet but for the most part that's the gist of the oil mill that's the gist of the assessment process if you want to become an accident you officer if you want to become a reserve officer a National Guard officer that's kind of gist of what you need to know that's kind of you know just the oyamel you know you want to get the invoice and you want ensure that your top 10% some of the ways that you can do that is actually you know showing up in RTC events and actually doing good on your PT test and really just being a good soldier overall soldier overall I said that super weird but it's there's not many tips that I can give you know obviously show up to volunteer events show up to PT show up to the labs all the different things and events are going to do NROTC to put yourself out there that's going to ensure that you get a little bit of a higher ranking with your cadre that's gonna you know work into your favor for the oml you know just make sure you're studying real well especially whenever it comes time for advance camp know how to brief an OP order know how to do land nav know all these other things I made a video about advance camp a while back but you know for the most part that's the and if you made a scene in this video leave a comment down below I love it whenever I do a super long video even actually I don't love it when I do a long video but when I do a long video and you leave a comment down below that you made it to the end do it right now leave a comment down below let me know that you made it in this video if this helped you out at all that would be fantastic and let me know by hitting that like button that'll be freakin awesome if you want to tick off some more videos hit subscribe button that will be even better if you're not to follow me on Instagram and snapchat my social media links are right there I'm mumbling my words and stuff right now because I've been talking for so dang long I hope you guys have an amazingly fantastic day and I will see you later [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matt Ward
Views: 31,774
Rating: 4.9580274 out of 5
Keywords: Matt Ward, Matthew Ward, go army, Army Vlogs, army college, Army Recruiter, Army, Military Education, Army Education, Army Reserves, What is the army like, Red phase, Army Training, Military College, Army Basic Training, Army BCT, Army BCT Red Phase, Failing Basic Training, army ed, Va Loan, ROTC OML, rotc acceptance, Army officers, ROTC college, jrotc, army ROTC, Army OCS, West point, Military Academy, college scholarships 2018, Army MOS, picking an mos army
Id: sk1Ub7lyjc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 02 2018
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