10 Things I Wish I Knew BEFORE Buying a Tesla Model 3

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big thanks to skillshare for sponsoring today's video now these are the top 10 things that i wish i would have known before buying my tesla model 3. as you already know if you've seen my videos i love my tesla model 3. it's been probably the best purchase i've ever made going back if i could go back in time i wish i would have known these 10 things and hopefully i can help you if you're deciding to buy a tesla for yourself so let's jump right into this list starting with the car color okay so i have always had red cars i think i started off with a 1986 pontiac trans am and then i went to a 2007 pontiac g6 and then of course i have my red tesla model 3. now don't get me wrong the multi-coat red on a tesla is just absolutely beautiful i love it but i have gotten two speeding tickets and you've heard the myth if you drive a red car it attracts cops i won't say that it was the color that got me those speeding tickets it was obviously me but it made me wonder just a little bit if i was driving something other than red would i have gotten both of those speeding tickets but also i think the main reason why i would choose a different color you know when i got my tesla model 3 it was my dream car i was like this is the last car i'll ever buy is the most expensive car i ever thought i would buy and i had no idea i would end up with a tesla roadster through the referral program so obviously looking at the tesla roaster i mean there's only one color that you can get with the roaster the red roadster is just ah it's beautiful it's crazy and it's like i had no idea that's gonna happen so had i known that i would have probably gotten a different color because i don't want like just all red cards for my entire life i probably would have chosen silver because silver doesn't exist they took away that color with a model three so i love seeing those silver model threes out in the wild because they're like they're limited and that brings me into tesla's frequent price changes that's number two on this list i had no idea that tesla changed their pricing structure and their pricings and their offerings so much like they do for example just this past week the model y after being out just a few short months got a three thousand dollar price cut i knew that would come i just didn't know it would come so soon so tesla as a business they have every right to change their pricing up at any time they want but i wish i would have known how frequent they do that i bought a rear wheel drive single motor tesla model 3 in 2018 and i could have waited just a little bit longer and gotten an all-wheel drive dual motor model 3 for basically the same price in 2019 because once the tax credit went away completely for tesla they lowered their prices to kind of compensate for that so i was accounting for the 7 500 tax credit which i did receive but i didn't know that tesla was accounting for that and i didn't know that they were going to lower their prices as much as they did also i bought enhanced autopilot which for five thousand dollars and now they don't even offer enhanced autopilot anymore they took that completely away and now it's just you know basic autopilot is now included on all teslas for free and then also you know of course the the paint the free paint color changed from black to white so you know if white was the free option back then i probably would have just saved a thousand bucks and gotten the white and that brings me into early adopter cons now this is true with pretty much all technology if you're buying the first generation of a product which i did with the model 3 sort of um you're going to be an early adopter and you're going to kind of be a beta tester and if you choose to wait a little bit you can possibly get things that are better and improved on the product so for example the biggest thing for for my model 3 i wish i had the more comfortable version 2 back seat so my model 3 has the version 1 back seat which is very firm stiff now it doesn't bother me as a driver because i never get in the back but for my passengers i would love to have the version two backseat which they will start putting into the cars right after i got my model 3 and so you know they have some other minor improvements as well but when you're an early adopter like i was you're kind of taking that risk another thing i wish i would have known is the early release of the model y the model y was ahead of schedule i wish i would have known that so the model y came out less than two years after i took delivery of my model 3. had i known that the model y was going to be that close in the model 3 i may have waited i just did my full model y review so if you haven't seen it check it out but in my review i talk about how the model y is basically a better car for the long term if you're a family of four if you have a couple of kids it's definitely a better fit for a family compared to the model 3 just got more room sits up higher so that could have been a better long-term car for me but at the time i got my model 3 i had no idea when the model y was going to come out they've also changed the model y offering so they took away recently they said that a standard range model y is not going to be a thing it's just going to be long range model y um so that completely changed some people's buying options as well and then who knows what the cyber truck is going to do is it is cyber chart going to be released early as well is it going to be ahead of schedule i hope so we'll see now the next thing i wish i would have known is something that every single person in the world wished they would have known and that is the tesla stock gosh this is crazy because i was considering putting money into tesla stock instead of buying my car in full i wish i would have known how crazy high the tesla stock would have gone i saved up enough cash so that i could buy it in full and i paid it off and i briefly considered putting that money into tesla stock because people were telling me to they're like just put in tesla stock i was like are you crazy i would never do i'm a risk-averse person i would never do something like that put all of my eggs in one basket no matter what the company is i mean i love i love tesla i believe in them i support them however that's not enough to convince me to put fifty 50 000 into the tesla stock but if i would have put that money into tesla stock instead of buying my car in full in cash i would have made about 200 000 because back in 2018 tesla shares were around 300 a share and now they're above fifteen hundred dollars a share now of course i would have had to wait the lows out wait the dips out and i would have had to stick it out even when the the price doubled so you know when it hit six hundred dollars i would have waited out more and nine hundred 1 000 which not many people do because some people just once they double their money they're cashing out and it would have been hard for me to like wait investing into a single stock like tesla or anybody that's sort of risky it takes some guts and it takes some bravery but it also takes some knowledge and that's where today's sponsor skillshare comes into play skillshare is one of my favorite places to learn all kinds of valuable skill sets like investing skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of modern classes for creative and curious people just like you and me it's a great place to explore new skills build upon existing passions and feed creativity learning isn't just about classes though it's about community and being surrounded by other creative people right now learning about finance and investing is super important for all of us due to the ever-changing economy so i'm working my way through some of skillshare's most helpful classes about the stock market i just finished part one of a two-part series called investing 101 understanding the stock market by business casual which is also a great youtube channel the class helped me strengthen my basic understanding of how stocks work so i can hopefully be more prepared for the next big stock opportunity like tesla if you want to join me and thousands of others at skillshare the first 1000 people to click the link in the description below we'll get a two month free trial of premium memberships so don't miss out and thanks again to skillshare for sponsoring today's video now the next thing i wish i would have known was the charging at home so when i was first getting into tesla and i was preparing for my delivery i was getting information and advice from other tesla owners and everybody who owned a tesla was recommending getting a nema 1450 outlet installed in your home it's like they said it was you know the best and it cost me a pretty penny to do that it was like almost a thousand bucks to get the electricity ran to my garage because it was basically their opposite side so they had to run the cable alongside my house under the yard but i wish i would have waited until after i got my car because i probably could have gotten by just by charging on a normal outlet the long-range model 3 gets about 5 miles of range per hour of charge on a normal outlet so that's about 60 miles of of charge that i could recoup overnight my daily commute is around 80 miles so i would have been able to kind of recoup most of my daily driving miles just on a normal outlet if i charge for 12 hours each night but i would have to charge every single night but i would have saved you know a thousand bucks by not getting that nema 1450 charger even though it does come in handy when i need to charge pretty quickly because the nema 1450 charges about 30 miles of range per hour of charge now speaking of charging let's talk about the next thing that i wish i would have known and that's real life range so when you're looking to buy an electric vehicle like a tesla they show you the estimated full range on a full battery well you don't really get that full range in your normal day-to-day driving tesla recommends only charging up to 90 for your daily driving this is to preserve the battery life over the long term health of the battery so and sometimes most of the time i'll charge to just 80 if i'm charging to just 80 i'm only getting about 260 miles of range and then also highway speeds driving over 70 miles an hour that affects your range that uses more battery and when you're driving interstate speeds in the winter when it's at or below freezing you can probably assume that you're going to lose about 20 of your estimated range if i'm charging to just 80 in the winter for my daily driving and i'm losing 20 percent of that estimated range i'm really only getting about 200 miles of estimated range definitely take into consideration your weather that you're driving in you know driving in colder temperatures is going to affect your range driving fast is going to affect your range the precipitation so driving in rain or snow or heavy winds elevation all that comes into play and affects your battery range so just know that you're not going to get that full range every time you drive next up is the tesla owner expenses that's what i like to call it you know before i got a tesla i always own like pretty cheap cars so i really didn't have a lot of money that i spent on the car but when you get a luxury vehicle like a tesla you come to find out that there are a lot of things that you can spend money on up on the car after you get it so with tesla's it's very popular for tesla owners to get ceramic coating and then also paint protection film and get a wrap on it so i i didn't do ceramic coating but i did the clear paint protection film that that basically protects my entire front end of my model 3 and i'm glad i got that but it was pretty expensive it was like sixteen hundred dollars uh so that was just another added expense because you want to protect these cars also make sure you know that there is a required 1200 delivery fee for all teslas uh since it's not baked into that purchase price when you're in the configuration design center on the tesla website so make sure you are keeping in mind that it's just gonna be another 1200 on top of that price also some states will charge an abnormally large amount for renewing your plates for evs so the reason some states will charge higher to renew an electric vehicle plate is because you're not buying gas so you're not paying that road tax so see what your state does sometimes i've seen people like just hundreds of dollars just to renew their uh plates for their evs and when you get a tesla you have all kinds of cool accessories to get for it and you want to get for it you got floor mats you've got a console wraps you've got trunk coolers you have all these cool things that you can buy and it does help your experience i will leave a link to my favorite tesla accessories in the description below if you want to check those out about that's just another added expense that you don't really think about and then also you know evs with the instant torque especially teslas how quick they are they they eat up tires more quickly than a gasoline vehicle so keep in mind that you may go through tires more quickly and you may need to buy more sets of tires throughout the lifetime of the car luckily i was able to get about 40 000 miles on my original tires but i know a lot of other tesla owners they say that they they couldn't get like 12 15 000 miles out of their other tires before they had to replace them now next is what i wish i would have known once i got the car and the first thing i would have done when i got the car is i would have used the protectant spray on the surface area of the dash and the glove box because if you've seen my previous video like not too long after i got my model three i kind of had it scuffed up my dash area a little bit because of this the way that it's finished when it comes from the factory as far as well back when i got my model 3 it may be fixed but it was very easy to scratch and scuff and i wish i would have known about that because i would have used this protective spray i would have put that on first thing because what that does it gives it a nice matte finish and then last but not least this is probably my fault i'm probably a horrible parker but curb rash you know tesla model 3 curb rashes pretty easily especially with the 18 inch wheels that i found like i got my model 3 and within like the first month i was street parking and i curb rash one of my wheels and i was so angry at myself that's just something i wish i would have known because they do curb rash fairly easily i never had this problem before in any of my other cars and i guess i just really didn't even worry about it but now with an expensive tesla you kind of think about these things and i've curb rashed all four of my wheels yay found some touch-up paint on amazon that i used and it pretty much fixed fixed it cosmetically so you can't really tell uh once you put this touch-up paint on but obviously if you get real close you can see that it's been curb rashed so that would have definitely helped out with a curb rash luckily i plan to own this car for a long time it's amazing what do you think if you own a tesla model 3 or any tesla let me know if any of these resonate with you let me know what you wish you would have known uh before getting your tesla i hope this helped you out if you want to see more tesla and technology videos make sure you subscribe and hit that like button if you enjoyed this video my name is andy thank you for watching i'll talk to you in the next one
Channel: Andy Slye
Views: 215,946
Rating: 4.6108823 out of 5
Keywords: tesla, tesla model 3, tesla stock, tesla regrets, things i wish i knew before buying a tesla, tesla buyers guide, tesla model 3 buying, tesla buying experience, model 3 buyers guide, buying a tesla, should i buy a tesla, should you buy a tesla, tesla model s, tesla model x, tesla model y, tesla cybertruck, electric vehicle, tesla paint, tesla speeding, tesla autopilot, tesla price, tesla cost, tesla full self driving, tesla expenses, tesla range, tesla charging
Id: _3WPjzfIQHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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