10 Things Conan Gray Can't Live Without | GQ

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this morning i woke up decided to do my morning pee pulled my pants down and this guitar pick fell out of my underwear i don't know where it came from and i don't know how that happened but here it is up gq it's conan gray and these are my 10 essentials [Music] alrighty this is my guitar i have like seven or eight at this point i don't know why i'm not good at guitar let's get that clear i'm actually very bad at it i know like ten chords and i've written all of my songs with the ten chords it's a gibson that was given to me i started playing guitar when i was nine years old and started writing songs when i was 12 because i heard an adele song and i thought to myself i can write an adele song that's easy so i started writing songs and i don't really know what my life would be like if i didn't have guitars in it this right here is my baby this right here is my hydro flask i've had this for a very very long time if you can't tell by how disgusting it is i kind of go by the motive generally with things in my life that if you can reuse it reuse it the planet is dying as we speak so who gives a crap if something is kind of ugly this has been all around the world with me as you can tell by how banged up it is but it's really it's gone it's been on every stage i've ever played there's a lot of like stickers from my life that's conan the detective who i was named after i was also named after conan the barbarian just the most barbaric human you've ever seen right i drink like maybe 10 or 11 of these a day try to stay hydrated the only thing that's annoying about staying hydrated is you just like have to pee all the time it's it seems it's not very rewarding it almost makes it not worth it i'd rather just be dehydrated life was fine when i was dehydrated but i like this water bottle so i just drink from it if i ever lose it i think i will lose myself this right here is my backpack it's a st laurent backpack kind of just matches anything it's just a black backpack and it's very kind of classic and beautiful it has [Music] several pockets i don't really carry that much with me other than just lots of trash so i've had it for a couple years now i really can't imagine my life without this backpack it's it's kind of a buddy of mine at this point it's very very sturdy and hearty it's been through a lot i don't know how it looks normal after what i've put it through again i just kind of keep things around when i like them [Music] these are my sunglasses these are the pair that i've been liking lately but i have a lot of pair of sunglasses i kind of need them everywhere i go or else i just start crying i can't really see anything unless i have sunglasses on normal light is a lot for me i don't know who made me like this but i look outside in normal daylight and i just start crying i'm not sad most of the time i like these because kind of make me feel like an alien sunglasses are one of those things that you kind of just have to have fun with there's no point in being serious when you can't even see outside without glass in front of your eyeballs so might as well just make them kind of fun this is my sunscreen this kind of feels like a mom pick i wear sunscreen every single day i put it on several times a day because that's what is recommended i burn very very easily i'm even partially sunburned right now by doing nothing by just standing outside for like 30 seconds it's the irish in me can't help it thanks father this is a brand that i like i also have multiples of them because i'm just kind of dumb to be honest i will pack one and then i will just forget that i've packed it and i'll pack another and then i'll lose one and then buy another and then pack the other one so i have two just in case anyone watching needs one i have a lot of them i'm realizing it's probably a really lame thing to bring on here but i don't care skin cancer is not fun and if you are prone to sun damage like i am do this it'll be it's good for you do it for me some gucci clone perfume if you ever wondered what i smell like i smell like gucci guilty with a combination of human skin smell i got this i think in like amsterdam a long time ago it's very banged up like i said with all of my things if i like something i just keep it around it smells like a nice store or it smells like a like a you get in like a car that's nice or like an older car i don't know it just smells good it's like a kind of androgynous scent it's also kind of like musky and when combined with the smell of my sweat i think it smells alright it smells like me this is my jewelry i have a bunch of kind of different things kind of all of my jewelry kind of mostly has sentimental value to me so they're not like expensive things they're all just kind of things that mean something to me actually almost all of my jewelry is stuff that my friends have given me i really really care about my friends and so i kind of like to carry a piece of them around everywhere i go so like this is a little shell necklace that my friend leo gave me a ring that a fan gave me this is a ring from howl's moving castle a witch if you've seen it you know what's up i weirdly haven't gifted a lot of jewelry to my friends even though they always give me their stuff i do like i feel like i give my friends clothes a lot i give them clothes they give me jewelry it's a equal tray this is my journal i would show you what's inside but then i would have to murder you so i won't to spare you there is a lot of content in here throughout the years i have a very very very short attention span so i have like four or five different notebooks and i'll kind of just write them whichever one's closest to me i've had this one since 2019 i know because i opened it up and checked where the first entry was and it was horrifying it was disgusting it was really really gross so i won't show you what's inside but this is what it looks like i write songs in here i write like poems in here i write like random lines that i think of i generally write music kind of on either a piece of paper or like in my notes app on my phone or something like that when song ideas come i forget them really fast because like i said earlier i'm stupid so i have to kind of record it as quickly as i can somewhere so a lot of it's kind of in videos and things like that but it kind of just depends there's like also a lot of doodles in here i love to draw it's pretty gross in here this is a cliff bar i very often forget to eat it's one of those things that i just find tedious why do we have to eat all the time it's like you eat then you just have to keep eating it's ridiculous i'll just like go through the day and be like god i feel terrible i feel like i'm dying i wonder why oh because all i've had all day is like two almonds and a cup of coffee so that's why you feel like you're dying conan yeah always have something like this around this is a clif bar chocolate chip flavored not my favorite flavor i would say it's number three number one is chocolate chip peanut butter that's the good good but this is this is a great flavor obvious choice of 2021 deeply essential at the moment hopefully one day they won't be but um at the moment they are the mask i have several i have this one which is can 95 very important this is a mask that my mom and my sister made for me my sister is a nurse so she made this for me and i also have hand sanitizer i'm the friend that has some for everyone just in case they're very important lately i've been like watching tv shows and people will like not be wearing masks and i'm like where are their masks but they were filmed in like 2017 so yeah that was prior to the world ending thank you guys so much for watching that was all of my essentials i'm conor gray take care
Channel: GQ
Views: 369,799
Rating: 4.957633 out of 5
Keywords: 10 essentials, 10 essentials conan gray, 10 things, 10 things conan gray, buyers guide, conan gray, conan gray 10 essentials, conan gray 10 things, conan gray 2021, conan gray breaks down, conan gray explains, conan gray favorite, conan gray favorites, conan gray gq, conan gray interview, conan gray top 10, conan gray travel, favorite conan gray, favorite stuff, gadgets, gq, gq magazine, luxury, menswear, must have, ten essentials, want list
Id: 7vjVcMb-2to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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