10 Things The Kid LAROI Can't Live Without | GQ

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it's always nice to have a little shine you know just not enough for people to be like oh well this guy's an obnoxious kid but it's also enough like oh he's he's got he's got some hey what's up everybody it's the kid leroy and these are my essentials my first essential is actually these sunglasses right here these are louis vuitton shades i got these out here in la it's hard for me to find like sunnies that like fit my face really nice so these are like my favorite right now they're kind of like my basic like everyday type of joints shades are essential for me they make me feel a little more uh they make me feel comfortable and especially when i go into like places with a lot of people i tend to like start like freaking out a little so um yeah the shades definitely boost my confidence a little and uh yeah i love them so this is definitely an essential for me i have a lot of shades i don't wear a lot of different shades but i definitely i definitely have a lot of them at home in my closet like over over 20 pairs of shades but i mainly stick to the the louise and the and the salines to be honest these i think right now my favorite because they fit my face really good so the next essential is this little guy right here let me let me take it off this right here is a chain it's like a little baguette chain thingamajig that i got just this trip when i was in new york for snl actually i always wanted one of these chains i never had enough money to to comfortably get one i hit up elliott and this has just been a chain that i loved for the longest time i just love the style and i like how it's like not too out there because i'm not like a super out there type of guy i do like a little little ice here and there so um this is like perfect for me it still it suits me and it and it doesn't look like i'm doing too much or do something else so yeah this is definitely an essential for me i wear this like i've worn this every day i think since i've uh since i've come back from new york so yeah essential all right so next up i have this uh it's a chanel 2005 vintage sports bag designed by carl lagerfield who was uh one of my favorite designers rest in peace he was uh he was incredible i'm very like uh i wouldn't like to say cheap but i'm very like frugal with my money you know i don't like to spend my money on like on dumb stuff i don't want to be broke so i try to keep my money nice and put it in the right places and i actually have like a a picture of karl lagerfield in my room like not just like a soul portrait picture of him so i was just like you know what it's meant to be i'm gonna grab it and um so yeah here it is the chanel gym bag my next stuff is actually i put it all in this bag so um so yeah the next thing i'd like to pull out would be uh cologne [Music] this one is chanel this is actually what i got on right now the other one that i've been using a lot of recently is this like versace one just like my shades um i have a ton of cologne at home i have like hella ones that's just like sitting in the box i'm kind of a cologne freak i don't know i like i like smelling good i like you know i like that oh hey what's up hey you know they're like oh man yeah like you smell good and i'm like oh i don't know it makes me feel it makes me feel better about myself i actually have a funny story though about a cologne that's one of my favorites that i actually don't have because i ran out of it the other day it says ysl cologne i was going to my girlfriend's house one day and like she has a security at the front of her house right and the security's there and he's like he's like i'm like oh what's up man he's like um is that ysl any like named the exact cologne that i was wearing and i was like oh how'd you know and he's like yeah he's like and he told me he's like this like cologne connoisseur or some and i was like yo i don't know i just think cologne's a great thing to have i think it's always nice to smell good it always pays my next essential would have to be this book right here this book is the 48 laws of power i've actually read this book two or three times it's helped me so much just in life in general but especially in like the industry i'm in after i read it i kind of took it in as more of something to kind of watch how other people use this and how to protect yourself as opposed to like using this and like using it because it's a you can cut it's pretty evil when you get into it if you if you use this so after reading this book i pick up a lot of different stuff that people try and pull and i'm like ah you funny so the reason this book actually looks really new is because it is really new i actually don't read i actually listened to the audio books but i just thought i'd pick up this because it would be kind of weird if i was like gonna like show you my phone and whatever but yeah i read this as an audio book but uh i guess now i have the hard copy so uh yeah the next essential i have these bad boys right here tim tams this is an australian thing these are probably like the greatest thing in the entire world and i don't think like anything in america can like come close and they're actually one of the hardest biscuits to find over here because um they're so good that like every foreign or like world market actually sells out of these as soon as they come in so these are really hard to find i'm lucky i could find them for today though because i was like i was running low at the crib and i didn't want to bring one tim tam so i i was lucky to find a whole pack of beer they're chocolatey but they're kind of like a chocolate and like a like a wafer biscuit or something i don't dude i don't know all i know is that they taste incredible so if you haven't had them go and get them this is not an ad i'm not sponsored i just generally love kind of these things so yeah this is 100 an essential and it kind of makes me feel like i'm at home a little bit when i eat these next essential okay this one's pretty self-explanatory but this is a portable charging block i don't know i use my phone a lot some days i'm out and i'm not home for like hours and if my phone runs low and i need to charge it then here we go we got this and it's pretty easy just i usually put this like in my back pocket or um i'll give it to one of my boys and they'll just like hold it in their pocket with my phone on charge if i if my phone's not like at least halfway charged i feel like i feel weird like like leaving the house in the morning so i was gonna charge my phone overnight just because i like to know that if something goes wrong i'm like a really paranoid kind of kind of person for whatever reason so i always think like oh what if something goes wrong and my phone's dead and that's the only way i can get out of this something wrong and like it's dead and now like i'm so yeah i love having my phone charged the next one is uh it's like a protein shaker raps trainer is my boy who trains me he's the goat people who don't know me should know that i'm in the gym a lot i try to go every morning at least and i'm super serious about fitness i can't really go through my day without having a protein shake off to the gym i kind of kind of makes me feel weird so uh this is something like five days a week at least that i'm using this thing called high protein and this is kind of like a natural protein that is like it's made from crickets it's made from crickets so it's like it hasn't got all the there's like that whole thing about you know like regular protein shakes so like they can like create cancers and like that but i guess this is kind of like not that and uh the guy who trains me raps trainer my boy this is something that he swears by i definitely like the taste of the gnc one better but uh i i would i would assume this is better for you so uh yeah but this is something that my trainer lives by so i don't know i just listen to him all right let's get rid of this bag [Music] this bad boy right here is my ps5 my playstation 5. this is an essential for my day i mean like whenever i go home and uh and i have some chill time i'm right in my bedroom playing this i'm playing 2k because i'm trying to get really good growing up i was terrible at games and i i never really played games that much and yeah at least i i wasn't good at them at all now in my in my free time i've just become a 2k addict and now i'm like trying to be like the greatest 2k player of all time and i i don't know i'd like to think i'm on my way we also set this up in the snl dressing room i had to be there from like what like noon until like 1am and because i was like a feature and it wasn't my actual thing there was a lot of time where i was just sitting around i there was only like two hours i was actually doing something two or three hours so all that all in between there it gets boring not with this thing though we had this hooked up i was up everyone oh and this is also just like a case that i recently got for the ps5 just for traveling because i was putting this in my suitcase and it was taken up a lot of room so i was like i'll just get a case that i can carry on and like take with me everywhere by last essential um this might be the corniest essential you've ever had on your entire show but i would like to say my family it's my last essential and my mom and my younger brother being from australia coming over here to the in united states of america it's really hard and like i was over here for like almost six months by myself and it felt really lonely and i really missed them a lot so then when i finally got the chance to bring them out here it just made my life so much easier and better and yeah so i would say that's definitely my loss essential my family thank you guys for having me this is literally one of my favorite youtube shows and i've been wondering for a minute when you guys were gonna if you guys were gonna ring me up and tell me to come pause i'm happy you did thank you all right well there you go everyone those are my intent essentials i hope you guys enjoyed it and i hope you guys didn't get too bored if any of you guys want to get in school in 2k hit me in three months because right now i'm not that good but three months and i'll be off my way so yeah
Channel: GQ
Views: 3,075,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 10 essentials, 10 things, 10 things kid laroi, buyers guide, favorite stuff, gadgets, gq, gq 10 things, gq magazine, gqmagazine, kid laroi, kid laroi 10 things, kid laroi essentials, kid laroi favorites, menswear, must have, ten essentials, the kid laroi, the kid laroi 10 essentials, the kid laroi 2021, the kid laroi explains, the kid laroi gq, the kid laroi interview, the kid laroi top 10, want list
Id: TZO-jqy1IBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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