10 Things All Moms Say

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mom say the darndest things let's play a game about that good mythical morning Mother's Day is fast approaching and what by the better way or whether BAE better way to celebrate moms and to play a game about the things that mummies say now red doesn't know much about this because I have formulated this game I'm calling it all moms say the same darndest things and here's what's going to happen right first of all we're not playing for link what we're going to assume roles is the first thing good at that you're going to be a mom so go ahead and get in in mom dumb I'm going to be the kid and I'm going to present different scenarios that things that kids will say and the question is how is the mom respond so you're going to come up with the typical mom response they're not going to tell you if you're right or wrong if you get six out of ten of these correct you win the Mother's Day coupon a homemade book coupon book check that out they're good for one foot row I love coupons Elle is on our left foot reps team okay so I'm gonna put my put my finger so you can't cheat I cannot I also buy can't read with these own so it's gonna help all right just to give you an example of how this games gonna work here's something to keep I won't say that the whole delivers answering care yeah you'll be myself I look totally normal channel your mom Diane only for the answers so I'll be the kid hey mom will you give me that Lego piece way over there I'm trying to build a spaceship what would the typical mom say Legos are evil no oh I'm gonna let me actually think about it this is not the game this is an example is your are your legs broken because you can go and do it yourself that's it okay so you would have got out right but that was just an example that's not the cow how correct was I are your legs broken why don't you pick it up yourself no way that's it well my mom you say stuff like that of me my that that's the point of the game right all moms say the same darkness this is gonna be you're not that much of a genius okay okay here we go mom can I have a quarter to get a piece of gum money doesn't grow on trees am i right that's right yeah I'm molasses what do you think money grows on trees question ha ha ha ha I should have been a mom all right next question maybe you know what they can recommend pregnant now they can make men pregnant I saw it on Discovery Channel it I don't want to meet today I don't want to take a bath it's so on and so forth well if you keep crying it'll clean you like the tears have you ever heard of mom say that no but I don't you cry so much it'll be a bath yeah we'll just keep crying and it'll be like a shower from your own eyeballs the correct answer is if you don't stop crying I'm going to give you something to cry about oh yeah all right here's another one sorry mom bit of a strife sorry mom's everywhere go with me on this one hey everybody I just entered the house and didn't close the door ha ha were you raised in a barn that's good I will also accept the alternate close the door were you born in a barn how about were you raised on a submarine that doesn't work how the answer to how about that is no no about that yeah that doesn't because you keep the door closed on a submarine next time the whole point you the water from coming in mom Rhett's mom lets him burn it with a magnifying glass well if rets mom started a cult at her house and then it turned into a commune would you want to be a member of that cult because if you want to be a member of that ant burnin cult then why don't you just pack your little stuff in your bag and go join that cult that's it really yes the whole cult the whole cult lesson for moms across the world no director here says Oh Rhett's mom lets him burn ants with a magnifying glass huh fine go live with rets mom oh I'll help you pack half credit I said the packing thing I said the thing about the commune just because I made the setting oh I made a cult commune look setting did you say PAC I said pack the stuff go live with rets mom I'll help you pack yeah I'm just using cult leader I'm at the employment Ontario she's a co-lead I'm creative 0.5 all right Apple point all right here's the next one can barely see anything I was like kind of intercept my coffee cup but next one yeah hmm hmm oh you're making of things you better watch out you keep making that face your face is gonna get stuck like that and then you won't get into college because they do a facial examination to get into colleges they'll look at your ID your student ID and kick you right out on the curb I'll give it to you the correct answer technically is if you keep making that face it will freeze that way up mmm but you said stick that how many have I gotten right what's the score here three and a half you got it you gotta get hit six nobody gets any mashed potatoes they're mine my mashed potatoes all mine mashed potatoes mash in the potato if you keep eating those mashed potatoes you're gonna turn into mashed potatoes close but the answer is where are your manners were you raised by wolves so not really close what wolves on light potatoes but you weren't I didn't have manners at the table dude you I was a red herring the whole match but raised by wolves I'm in the South they don't say that they do no were you raised by wolves why can't I perform an elaborate Viking funeral for my dead guinea pig Milton because that would be against our beliefs no that was just a joke okay what's the mom answer because I said so that's why we don't do vivax if we don't do Viking stuff because I said so that's why huh three more mom I got sent to the principal's office today because I threw spaghetti on Edna's anus oh yeah I hate that Miss anus did she she flirts with Jimmy all the time I'm glad did she get upset about it Jimmy defensible office I wish I could have been there to see that little no the correct answer is your father is going to hear about this when he gets hot something about the dad and their flirting you got to boss at me you are incredibly annoying as a child I'm glad you're not much I'm not arguing with that it does that thing is I'm channeling what I was as a child oh well I'm glad we didn't meet until we were six I would have snuffed you out man this is this is my nine-year-old link Oh whoa uh bossy huh you're not the boss of me well listen I'll give you the keys to this little house and I'll let you run things for a while and after a while it'll end up being like that Lord of the Flies movie remember the little porky kid who got his head hit in with a rock and he died that's what happens when children are in control of the world so let me just try that out for a week I'm gonna go to Hawaii how right was I might like that one better the correct answer is I brought you into this world and I can take you out of it that's the correcting that's kind of what I meant all right so what's up for grabs nothing's up for grabs you don't win the coupon book but just as a consolation prize I'll give you one of the three coupons if you get this one right I want to go my playing a monkey bars all of the volume I don't move I don't want to go home you want a banana tea I don't you won't go to the zoo I'm much bars what that's your answer no that is your answer it's wrong the correct answer is if you want to act like a child I'll treat you like one cut yeah what kind of moms were surveyed for this it's what all moms say and I'd like to hear in the comments if that's what your mom says let us know what your mom always says in the comments I'll get that foot rail of anyway support the show by signing up for a hassle free mobile phone experience with use rental income sorry don't go to roundly calm unless just you're in for fun you Retton linkedin.com to get a $25 credit you know what time it is hi I'm Mitchell parsley from Columbia Maryland and it's time to spin the wheel of mythicality it's Friday and that means we've got another episode of our podcast ear biscuits this week the guest is Smosh Oh also click through to good mythical more where I share an experience that lets me know that I'm not a mom it involves me fathering my daughter uh everything link says confuses rhett rhett I have to be honest with you I really enjoyed your mom impression whoa hold on now listen don't say things like that about my mama I know that you like her and I know that you guys have been close from time to time but no I'm sorry go in there no sir complimenting you on you don't give me that kind of detail I don't like those kinds of details I don't want to know about that kind of thing keep that between you guys but I just thought you did a great job and it hello about this at all I'm just saying I connected with my mom kinda thing that's illegal in West Virginia hey kids hey Harry Potter hey mister got famous in Harry Potter and he Christie we're gonna fade what are your brothers are scars
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 3,491,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: moms, Mother's Day, Game, Moms saying, Things, Say, Shit people Say, Random, Hey, Rhett, Link, Talk, Good Mythical Morning, Mythical Morning, GMM, The Mythical Show, funny, talk show, variety show, Wheel of Mythicality, Mythical Beasts, Mythical, RhettandLink2, Rhett and Link 2, Rhett and Link, Talking, mom sayings, 10 things all moms say, gmm, good mythical morning
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Fri May 09 2014
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