10 Super Secret DEATHS in Video Games!

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hello everyone my name is james for those of you that don't know me and this is super secret deaths in video games the series that looks at secret ways to die in video games main characters that are secretly about to die dumbass and main characters that are secretly already dead dude you've been hanging here like forever oh and once again i pinned the secret code throughout the video that's made up of letters numbers and dashes and that's been split up into four segments of four and when you put it all together it should look something like this and as usual the first one to find it and then put the code at amazon.com usa will win themselves a gift voucher just before you begin the freedom fighters mission in io interactive's hitman you should make sure you have a sniper rifle smuggled away and ideally positioned at the water tower then once the task is underway you should head in the north-westerly direction through the militia compound passing the guards the orchards the fruit king building until you stumble upon the scarecrow and the skies that 47 can hop into and take with him and it's at this point that you should climb the water tower nearby grab the sniper rifle that you smuggled away and now shoot at four bells in the distance in a specific order to trigger an easter egg that will allow enemies to combust into flames and burn to their deaths graves is down excellent security alert patient leaving cell block without escort security and medical staff proceed to the cell detention area immediately as you play through we create stuffs nightmare house 2 you will often hear announcements by a woman over the pa system [Music] you are now entering the surgery department if you require any assistance please contact a nurse at the nearest nursing station for more information and since most of the hospital was overrun with ghosts monsters and one very dangerous individual it does beg the question where exactly is she reporting from and why is she still even here when i think many would have tried to run away and it is on chapter 7 of the game's final mission that if you grab the flashlight from the dying soldier and take the elevator down to the main level and squeeze through the surgery department's front desk and wander through the door that you will find your answers i do not wish for you to see me like this please leave now welcome to the football glory tournament starring crow team about halfway through the second level in crow teams serious sound four there is an optional side quest named we can be heroes and that comes with an objective to assist the italian resistance with taking down numerous waves of enemies that appear up on the rooftops and once this mission is done and dusted most would simply head back down the stairs and return to the main mission however if you're feeling rather stupid you could always just try to end sam's life by hurling him off the building where eventually you'll be greeted by the narrator from the talus principle [Music] let your will be done [Music] in rockstar's red dead redemption 2 there are quite a number of references to the first game and several of them refer to bonnie mcfarlane who becomes one of john marston's biggest allies in red dead but before any of that happens it appears at one point or another she was married but things apparently didn't go so well as it is to the south of flat neck station and upon the shore of the flat iron lake that you can stumble upon a man laying motionless on the beach next to an upturned boat and with a very sad tale to tell whoa i thought you was already tell her i never stop dear miss mcfarlane i'm sorry i said it i'm sorry you're right i do let things get out of control in my head i always have i see that but i love you we are meant to be together it is our destiny i know it is i saw us in a dream raising kids you were very happy as my wife and i was proud to be your husband dreams don't lie and neither do i i'm heading off to make my fortune and when i come back a rich man you'll see what a fine husband i will make you and a father to our children and no i won't grow up on that subject you're wrong i've got so many things to say to you i'm going to continue with the writing of this letter later but believe me when i say we are destined for a long happy life together even your father will come to believe it and accept me no matter how humble my birth [Music] dude we've got your green power armor over here ready to go power armor is for [ __ ] um well okay uh you want a gun instead over the course of the duke nukem series the developers have had lots of fun acknowledging tv shows movies and especially other video game franchises that's one doomed space marine and yeah they particularly love to poke fun of the main characters and 95 of the time they always seem to end up dead so with that in mind let's take a look at a few of my favorites [Music] we meet again dr joes now this is a force to be reckoned with [Music] terminated [Music] that's one dead space marine [Music] why so serious sam okay masks off we're clear in section three of the aftermath campaign known as dead end in gears of war judgement you will eventually reach the control room where you can head outside and help yourself to a long shot resting up against the railings which if you utilize to take out the hidden lambents on the top of the crane in the far distance then you will be rewarded with a secret message and a reaver killing itself to complete it you go squish now huh you don't see that every day well everyone once again we're at the end of another episode and i really hoped you enjoyed this one if you would like to see more episodes like this in the future then don't forget to subscribe if you're not already and if you have any easter eggs relating to death but you recommend them to check out then please let me know about them in the comments section below i hope you all have a great weekend and i will see you soon [Music] space [Music]
Channel: The Easter Egg Hunter
Views: 109,352
Rating: 4.9301157 out of 5
Keywords: 10 super secret deaths in video games, secret death easter eggs in video games, the easter egg hunter, death easter eggs in video games, easter egg deaths in video games, secret deaths, red dead redemption 2 death easter egg, hitman wickerman death easter egg, serious sam 4 death easter egg, nightmare house 2 death easter egg, gears of war judgement death easter egg, duke nukem 3d death easter eggs, death easter eggs, wackiest easter eggs, video game easter eggs, gaming, chipsturs
Id: Zr06-ahil1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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