10 STRANGEST Types Of RC Planes

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the hobby of radio-controlled aircraft as a whole can sometimes struggle to appeal to the masses I mean after all they are just toy airplanes but there are significant portions of our hobby that haven't been brought mainstream despite having such unique weirdness factors about them without further Ado let's bounce right into the weirdest aspects of our hobby number one helium RT planes you probably wouldn't think that aircraft with eight-foot wingspans could fly indoors and you wouldn't be crazy for thinking it someone out there did have the crazy idea to combine lighter than air concepts with modern radio control airplanes and the result is pretty sweet people have made everything from giant indoor airliners flying at a slow motion Pace to a significantly less intimidating than its full-scale counterpart A10 to the best of our knowledge these aircraft aren't readily available for purchase and finding one can be a challenge otherwise we don't know Fleet of them while not quite as Innovative another spin-off of helium RC planes are airships as a general rule if someone made it full scale there's probably someone who made an RC version of it number two formation Flyers these are typically disasters waiting to happen but there's also a fair amount of people out there who have managed to make some pretty ambitious projects fly Walter Colby's channel is a beautiful collection of things that shouldn't fly that do it's definitely right up our alley on it he has a few videos about a buddy's project where they hack together nine different flight test looking foamies in fluid some attempts were more successful than others but one thing is for certain it looks weird as hell in the air if we're being honest his channel should be a category of its own just take a look at this dragon how they had any control over it we really have no idea if you haven't seen any of this stuff we'll leave a link to his channel in the description below number three 4D indoor flying if you think you've mastered Ford flight there's a whole new skill you can learn which is basically backwards flying some setups range from being as simple as just using a reversing ESC all the way to variable pitch propeller systems with thrust vectoring the intimidation Factor can be prohibited for some but if you're looking to get a taste of it the aerofly RC simulator has a few different aircraft you can fly that are set up for 4D flight so you can figure out if it's your thing or not while not quite indoors others have taken giant scale aircraft like this Raven and given them variable pitch propellers for some seriously unique aerobatics number four Dynamic soaring I am speed Dynamic soaring is the name given to a flying technique used by gliders to gain energy by repeatedly crossing the boundary between air masses of different velocities the result insanely fast gliders that even Lightning McQueen would be jealous of the current world record for the fastest RC plane was a dynamic soar clocking in at 564 miles per hour believe it or not humans weren't the ones who figured out this concept it actually was first done by the world's largest seabird the wandering Albatross these Prof performance focused aircraft can cost as much as your car but once again you can fire up aerofly or real flight and see if Dynamic soaring is simulated for a fraction of the cost number five slope soaring helicopters you heard that correctly there's people out there that slopes or helicopters our friend Night Flyer on YouTube has a whole video covering this if you'd like more information on it but in his own words it essentially works like this remove the motor the motor battery and find a nice Ocean Cliff or Hill on a very windy day and give it a shot you can also alternatively take off with a normal heli and go into an infinite auto rotation but some people have even built Auto Gyros with no motor at all number six the Fai f7b class indoor blimp racing we're going to be honest here this one is about as exciting as it sounds and if you're wondering why we're only showing one video of an f7b race it's because it's the only one we could find and that's probably because not even a videographer could be enticed by a turtle race number seven control line speed come on [Music] the opposite side of the spectrum control line speed has aircraft going at dizzying and frankly terrifying speeds for the AMA the object of this event is to Simply fly a prescribed distance at the fastest speed possible with a string attached we know this one isn't technically radio controlled but tomato tomato most of these aircraft take a minimalist approach to aircraft design and are typically Nitro or gas powered but advanced classes allow pulse jet engines which can help these aircraft reach speeds of almost 200 miles per hour to keep it safe the line used to control these aircraft is routinely stress tested and measured but if we're being honest it's still terrifying to witness in person number eight combat while the flight test kids dispute this part of History the AMA was actually the organization to popularize the concept competitions are regularly held in the gist of RC combat is this you pull a 30-foot streamer in the air and the goal is to cut as much of your opponent streamers while also keeping yours as together as possible they use a point system to determine how Pilots rank other spin-offs have been inspired by streamer combat including control line combat the Kamikaze Fest held yearly known as flightfest allow along with full contact combat which is something that's more just done among friends or enemies number nine indoor pattern f3p f3p is essentially the indoor equivalent of f3a pattern flying which contrary to popular belief is not a competition of who can design the ugliest plane it's an aerobatic competition the unique thing here is just how light these planes are they look like they fly in slow motion but we promise you none of this footage is slowed down there's two main components of f3p flying a prescribed aerobatic routine in an aerobatic music section which is a two-minute freestyle to music the aerobatic music component is the most common one you'll find on YouTube and to be honest this is the closest we'll ever get to RC ASMR videos number 10 giant scale indoor Flyers this has to be one of our favorite categories of all time people design incredibly massive aircraft that are meant to be flown indoors how do they do it our favorite weight Savings in any way possible without cheating by using helium some aircraft like this Corsair even have tracks despite it weighing not much more than a feather others are powered by electric ducted fans like the santanoff so many people out there struggle to build light but the folks who make these giant lightweight models really must be masters of their Craft on to the honorable mentions remember our friend Dave of Night Flyer that we mentioned earlier he also has successfully made and flown single-bladed RC helicopters but means a balancing with a counterweight in place of the second rotor blade he has also successfully done this with multi-rotors and even fixed-wing aircraft he's got lots of unique outside the box projects on his channel including helicopter fishing so be sure to check them out Auto Gyros generally speaking the more scaled down an RC plane is the worse it'll fly anyone who's owned a small scale Auto gyro knows this concept definitely applies to them we've all seen the old HobbyKing one that was a miracle if it flew for more than the length of the runway but some people take it to the next level most notably Harold booms designed his own gas autogyro and it's pretty legit to say the least there's also electric ones out there if you're afraid of petrol monocopters yep these things fly how sorcery sort of the concept is similar to the whirling helicopter seeds we watch fall from trees as niche as this sounds there's actually tons of instructional videos and articles out there to help you make your own if that's something you'd be interested in some folks have even simplified the concept down to just Dollar Tree foam board and some basic Electronics the Magnus effect plane recently we've seen a couple videos blow up on this concept we're not even going to bother trying to explain this concept because there's so many other videos on the subject that do a better job of it than we can Peter scripple and project air are two great resources for learning more about Magnus effect aircraft powered paragliders Ben and I have a soft spot for this one because we both got our start in the world of full-scale Aviation by means of power parachutes RC powered paragliders which have elliptical wings as opposed to part parachutes which have rectangular ones have always been available in some way for as long as we personally been in the hobby but they're not common to see this is mainly because of the Need For Dead Calm air and the ability to be excited about flying a Channel aircraft at 2 miles per hour low and slow albeit sometimes with loops mixed in and night flying regardless we'll always have one in our Fleet if you'd like to see more videos like these in the future be sure to let us know down below but until then go ahead and give this video a like if you think indoor blimp racing will be more exciting if the blimps were filled with hydrogen and there is a man chasing after you with a lighter maybe even hit subscribe as you soak in the reality that the AMA endorses a competition where people can be just outside the radius of a plane flying at 200 miles an hour but won't allow you to fly fpv in your backyard with a tiny whoop unless his floam light of sight happy Landings and bounce one on for us we'll catch you next week with a new upload oh yeah
Channel: Tail Heavy Productions
Views: 487,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RC Planes, Rc plane, RC Crash, RC Beginner, How to fly rc, rc airplane, flite test, 10 STRANGEST Types Of RC Planes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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