10 Reasons Why You Should Move to Wyoming.

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what is going on everyone let's talk about wyoming and why you might want to live there as we all know people are flooding out of states like new york california and illinois illinois is only really losing people in chicago for the most part california's losing a bunch but they're still gaining new york is the only one that's losing population across the board and it has been in recent years in recent years we've seen some go back to their country of origin and the u.s residents leaving those states are heading to popular states like texas arizona idaho oregon washington things like that one state that's been moving up the list in recent years is wyoming today's list is about 10 reasons why you might want to move to the cowboy state we did this like three years ago and we felt that it needed a refresher i mean why not there's far more than 10 reasons someone might want to move to this great state some reasons are still the same that were on the list three years ago and other ones have become more relevant in recent years and stop typing i also did a top 10 reasons not to move to wyoming no state is perfect and people are different some people like the same things that other people hate just the way it is i'm just giving you things to think about and maybe research further if this is something you're thinking about doing alright let's see what we got number 10 low taxes wyoming is not big on taxing people they're considered the fifth lowest tax state in the union they don't have a state income tax no estate or inheritance tax low sales tax low property tax the average property tax here is 635 for every 100 000 the home is valued at yeah they've got some really low taxes number nine plenty of doctors to see wyoming has some of the best health care in the country one of the main reasons for that is the amount of health care workers like doctors nurses etc per capita they don't have a ton of residents so that one's kind of easy to pull off but still it's really nice you don't have to wait months to see your doctor you can get in to see your doctor in a day or two the amount of physicians has been growing since 2014 and there are 10 more primary care physicians per 100 000 residents than the national average number eight it's heaven for outdoor adventure types if you didn't know wyoming's great for the outdoor types i encourage you to do some reading or watch a couple dozen youtube videos there's plenty on the great outdoors of wyoming on youtube wyoming has cross-country skiing hiking horseback riding snowshoeing you can go climbing you can even build an igloo to hide from your wife of 27 years i'd like to do that but i think at some point she put a probe up my backside and she'd find me every type of landscape they have seems to be better than most states have mountains planes valleys with pristine rivers and streams that are filled with such crystal clear water you could see what you're fishing for that's always great every season is outdoor season in wyoming not just the cross country skiing normal skiing and snowboarding is great here number seven it's cheap when you don't have a lot of people things tend to be a little cheaper the cost of living in wyoming is only three percent higher than the national average that is outstanding for a very desirable state if the cost of living is below the national average it's normally because the state sucks arkansas and mississippi have a cost of living that is well below the national average utilities are more affordable here than any other state now health care which we talked about earlier is a little bit more expensive and i think that has to do with just how sparsely populated the place is but it is excellent quality so that's a plus apartment rent ranges from 700 to a thousand dollars and a median home value is about 232 thousand dollars this is a great state to buy a home number six they have job opportunities in 2019 they had jobs i'd like to give you 2020 numbers but as we all know the world sucked in 2020 and nothing is accurate nothing was as expected and nothing was normal other than the occasional ex-girlfriend emailing me that they hated me and i ruined their life wyoming has had have well let's hope they get back to normal and it's how it was every kind of job from forklift operator to medical transcriptionists are waiting for you to just show up work and cash bigger checks than you'll get in most other states not everyone works on a ranch in wyoming trust me they have other things to do there the unemployment rate is always well below the national average even during the height of the pandemic it was doing better than the rest of the country number five the food most people not from wyoming don't realize how good the food is here i mean it just doesn't jump out as a place that's gonna have great food like let's say new orleans or new england and their seafood you just don't think of wyoming when you're thinking of a great place for food but it is wild game grills serious barbecue and mexican food throughout the state that is outstanding there's this place called the stagecoach in wilson wyoming which isn't too far west from jackson outstanding street tacos oh my god they're so good this place is really just like a roadhouse thing it's not specifically a mexican food place it was great that's not the only tacos i had there there's a whole bunch of other places that i don't remember the names great mexican food jackson has all kinds of restaurants too and that's where most people go when they're visiting they're going to jackson jackson hole area you know what i mean if you've never been to jackson it's not some western town filled with updated saloons that try and bring in the tourists they have those and they're nice they actually kind of went heavy on saloons breweries and pubs but they have decent places to eat nice asian food places and some fine dining type places too that are outstanding number four a low crime rate people don't commit many crimes in the cowboy state a lot of people feel that it's the fact that they have more firearms per capita than any other state some feel it's great law enforcement while others feel that the state is just filled with decent people and they don't commit crimes i did find a great stat while researching this according to the firearms industry and trade report now this is great most states have like five or ten firearms per resident per capita whatever some of the more firearm friendly states have like 20 to 30 maybe per resident or per capita like arizona with 29 per idaho with 28 texas with 20 arkansas with 25 per capita wyoming 229 they're the only state that has over 50 and they come in at 229 what is going on there that's crazy if you're a firearm enthusiast head on up to wyoming it's calling you the violent crime rate in wyoming is 80 percent lower than the national average in property crime it sits around 45 percent lower than the national average everyone here is so friendly and they know each other and i think that also plays a big part you know number three the best air quality in the united states yeah wyoming has the best air quality in the united states absolutely a lot of it has to do with its low population which means less polluting cars heating and cooling lighting for buildings things like that all take up a bunch of energy which burns fossil fuels and everything else like that well they don't have that many people heating and lighting their house and driving around there's also a lot of preserved lands in wyoming that really limits the developing of the state so there's not a lot of construction going on there number two it's not that crowded now this one we talked about when we did this video a couple years ago and it's still the same wyoming is not a crowded place the population here is under six hundred thousand they have 578 000 residents are there abouts wyoming is the second sparsest populated state right behind alaska and if you know anything about alaska nobody lives there hardly wyoming is not that far behind them in the last four years there's been a one percent increase in their population each year so i mean i doubt it's gonna change anytime soon but they are gaining some people it's the popularity it's a beautiful state great people things to do people are moving in there now here's another fact about it many of the local residents longtime wyoming residents are 65 and older so i mean as they're gaining one percent they might be losing more and more as time goes on who knows it's weird but i do think that with the new trend of people working from home and working remotely places like wyoming are gonna see a little bit of an increase in population the good news is you don't have neighbors right next door so you know you could watch your uh football game as loud as you want play your music as loud as you want no one's gonna hear you probably unless of course you're living in one of the cities before we get to number one don't forget to hit that like button hit that subscribe button also if you want to ring that little bell that lets you know when we're uploading again that really helps out the channel all right on to number one and number one health well-being and happiness the research company gallup ranks wyoming as number two in health and well-being they looked at things like career natural landscape sense of community and social life when all those things are considered wyoming was number two only beat by hawaii in another study the livability score for the state is 88 89 being the best which was shared by hawaii and vermont so it was only beat by those two states the people of wyoming have a reputation for loving this state and they just are happy with being there in other words if you move to wyoming you have a really good chance of enjoying your life there talk to anyone from the cowboy state and they will tell you what a great state it is i have never met anyone that has just said it was a horrible place i know one girl okay one girl did but she was kind of weird and ran away from home and all that stuff and shaded it but i think that was her situation anyone else just loves the state you probably will too [Music] all right that's today's video hope you guys enjoyed it hope you got some information out of it now if you're looking to move to another state wyoming is a good choice do some extra research on it see if it's what you're looking for and make the move alright everyone have a great day be nice to each other [Music] you
Channel: World According To Briggs
Views: 475,764
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Keywords: Travel, where to live in America, Top 10, Top Ten Lists, Move to, best cities to live in, world according to Briggs, United States, Lists, Best States, Best Cities, Relocate, Maps, Wyoming, US States, United States of America, Reasons why Wyoming is a great state, move to wyoming, wyoming lifestyle, living in wyoming, visit wyoming, moving to wyoming
Id: P_9CmKqho4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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