10 Siren Head Sightings Caught On Tape

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like and subscribe right now or you're going to have terrible luck for the next week ghastlier than any creature you've seen or heard of siren head is back from his slumber since 2018 when the rusty looking creature was last seen since reemerging the giant monster seems to have touched a nerf but with the nightmarish monster going viral on the internet and becoming the gist of much lore recently there's been an outburst of paranormal stories telling of horrifying encounters and hair-raising sightings of the 40-foot horrid creature caught on tape i have a feeling we're going to run out of adjectives on this one number 10 run just to make it clear very early in the video there are more than one siren heads and there are many species of siren heads as well each endowed with different powers and abilities but they all have those same megaphones and they kind of have the same freakishly tall near skeletal frames covered in dried mummified flesh ew the siren heads you see here were spotted in an unknown location they don't seem to mind being filmed hey as long as you're doing it from a safe distance number nine caught on trail cam this video looks a little hazy because the dense fog in the area not only makes it difficult to see but also creates a sort of eerie atmosphere across the woods the video was likely captured by a wildlife camera also called a trail cam set up in the woods and left to film wildlife unnoticed but what the camera caught was something completely unexpected and quite startling too it was definitely a siren head even the background audio recorded was a wailing sound similar to chicago tornado warning sirens and there's only one monstrous creature that we know to blast out emergency broadcast static frequencies and other weird sounds intending to distort its victims if not to burst their eardrums and brains overall the fact that there's no obvious effort to frighten us with a jump scare in the end of the video makes the siren head sighting look quite authentic doesn't it number eight caught during youtube live streaming live from his hometown in tanyard creek arkansas youtuber dx army and a couple of his friends decided to venture into the dark woods of the state park they hoped to bust the chad jiwaki saga in which chad and a group of friends encountered siren head in those very woods on july 16 1995 and he was the only survivor determined to bust the siren head myth the youtuber and his friends proceeded to the woods knowing full wealth of the 1995 saga may just maybe have been real the bunch get lost a little but they quickly retrace their steps still streaming the whole thing on youtube shortly after they hear strange sounds coming from the woods beyond the reach of their camera and phone flashlights and that's the moment they learned firsthand that they had found or is it them that they were found by siren head i don't know number seven sighting in india we found this video uploaded to tick-tock by bilawal sidhu who seems to be going outside his house to investigate an odd siren sound coming from the nearby woodland even the crows seem to have been startled and we can see them fly off to safety the siren head you see here was spotted in india and it's unnerving how it looks nothing like what we know to be the appearance of these creatures this one does not appear to be heavily emanciated like the rest of the gang probably because it has devoured more people the rustic metal color of its skeletal frame and its signature dual megaphones head are all too familiar but there's no getting used to this creature plus you let your guard down and mysteriously find yourself in the hands of this twisted monster that honestly looks ghastlier than a thousand hang on is that ufo been up there this whole time number six hide and seek siren head that is siren head behind the electricity pole it stands still and waits for its unsuspecting victims i'm assuming that the man behind the camera is shooting from a safe distance even though the video looks like a close-up but the fact that siren head hasn't chased the crew yet they must be far from his reach you can see its long arms almost as long as its entire body and its massive bony digits hanging still as it broadcasts the fake emergency alert hoping that someone will catch the bait or perhaps it's waiting for the cameraman to let his guard down before it makes a move on him why else would he put out an emergency alert in the middle of a deserted highway number five grim and hostile siren head siren head often attacks in remote settings like the countryside woodlands deserted rural roads and it even lurks in dark alleyways of the city so it came as no surprise when we happened upon this video uploaded to youtube by paranormal world claiming to be a siren head sighting at the morocco desert i mean that's sort of the place this grim creature can be found stalking and terrorizing small caravans of people trucking on the large stretches of sand dunes although i gotta say that it's rather suspicious that the guy with the camera focuses mostly on the camel rider and ignores the towering grim siren head they're running from and it's not clear why these guys seem to be running into the direction of the siren head unless there's a chopper in that direction there's no sense running into the arms of this hostile monster attacking them number four giant siren head you know siren had to be a towering god-awful looking monster but as far as everyone knows it's only 40 feet tall so when you see a siren head that's as tall as this one the narrative changes from creatures stalking remote forests and mountains because this behemoth here can reach the very sky this is hands down the most terrifying siren head sighting that has ever been caught on tape and it's in australia these things have mysterious powers and it's not unthinkable that if such a monster was real it must have been hiding in the deep sea and this one has only just awakened still we can only hope and pray that it was just a fake and an extremely exaggerated one at that since the sighting video was first uploaded to youtube by paranormal world a channel that has categorically confessed that none of its bizarre posts are real still i gotta admit they did a darn good edit job on this one number three creepy siren head in the woods if there's one thing i know since childhood something's always lurking in the deep dark woods but this siren head caught on tape may 13th this year just looks creepy the unnaturally tall and skinny monster looks mysteriously over the forest of giant sequoia trees as if planning an attack on the cameraman by the way giant sequoias are massive trees and usually grow to an average height of 50 to 85 meters so this siren head must be a really really tall one to be able to look over those giant trees we do know that these behemoths have different strange powers and abilities including being shape shifters especially seen when they assume the shape of a street lamp to camouflage so it's possible that they can elongate their legs torso or something when they want to see over tall obstacles we can't tell from the video since the creepy siren head's lower part is not visible behind the cover of the forest it looks like the cameraman is driving away from it before we are blinded completely and the video comes to an end [Music] now it's time for today's best pick [Music] and in today's best pick we have this picture sent to us by a spook subscriber just like you are probably right now it shows a tall mysterious humanoid creature towering at the end of an empty city street it's disproportionately long arms ready to pluck its victims from wherever they're hiding number two wobbly siren head captured from a reasonable distance this siren head looks like he's just recently awakened from his slumber and he gives us the sense that he's not sure where he is we see the devilish creature staggering for a few seconds as if he's just woken up after a drunken night and he's trying to figure out the last bar he was at look at how its disproportionately long and thin arms sway from one side to the other as it attempts to master a little strength to regain its balance before we move on i've got a little challenge for you that'll take five seconds to complete so here's the deal you just leave a like on this video smash that subscribe button and hit the notification bell and you'll get 25 years of amazing luck try it it really works number one killer siren head this is perhaps the most convincing sighting of siren head caught on tape by saudi arabian youtuber x71 no off the brief encounter starts with the man behind the camera trespassing into a restricted area after hearing some spooky sounds coming from inside he disregards the no trespass sign and somehow makes his way into the compound of what has the makings of an abandoned government facility shortly he stumbles upon what looks like blood spilled on the boulder or is it a tree stump at this point he hesitates a little as if he was momentarily filled with that all too familiar feeling that something scary was about to jump out at him and that is when he saw it the killer creature was less than 30 feet away from where he was we hear those strange siren sounds getting louder and the video feed registers some disturbance what ensued was a brief chase and from the looks of things siren head didn't go hungry that day hey you made it to the end of the video if you enjoyed it make sure to smash that like icon and leave a comment your engagement is what keeps our curiosity going we have lots of fantastic videos that you will enjoy you can start by checking out the two already showing up on your screen keep it 100
Channel: 100M
Views: 2,834,615
Rating: 4.7078943 out of 5
Keywords: top, education, 100m, scary, creepy, scariest videos, caught on camera, caught on video, unsolved, unexplained, mysterious videos, mystery, scary videos, scary video, found online, analysis, internet videos, unexplainable videos, tiktok, scary tik tok videos, entertainment, siren head, sirenhead, siren head sightings, sired head sound, siren head sightings caught on tape, siren, head, siren head caught, siren head meme, siren head spotted, siren head found, siren head caught on camera
Id: j_qc1lfydnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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