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cameras all right yeah yeah cameras off you guys I'm losing believe it we just heard the same sirens that everybody's been listening to about siren head I watched a couple videos this is a massive monster that's been a roaming Auto recently and we're about to go find out exactly where he is yes the legend has it that if you could actually hear the sirens somewhat nearby there's a good chance he's very close to the house so we're in here we took a little scout outside quickly before getting the camera didn't see anything but I assume because we heard the sirens he's got to be close right well he has to be tonight we'll have boy graphics what is up jesters skies we are onto something here I'm pretty sure if we can capture our voice Ironhead on camera this is gonna be one of the best videos on my channel yet I even brought the drove because you guys have ever seen anything about the siren head he's massive guys like over a hundred feet tall so this it might be the only way we get to capture him because we get a larger view of the area right we get to look around we have a lot of forests nearby so if he's hiding in the trees we'll for sure see him for sure you guys see anything like I'm taking a look right now I don't see me much like he's big right like we should he's no simple yeah he's actually heard him so he has to be around here somewhere right this would be such a good shot bro okay I say we get closer to the forest we don't see him set the drone up fly it around maybe try catching him on that sounds good that's the best case scenario it at this point you know the cameras alright yeah yeah cameras are back that's when that's him [Music] he's like he's here somewhere let me lead it let me get into a spot and his ones property maybe right here right for these gates yeah yeah mark and get the drone out holy [ __ ] but we it's actually here it's actually here he's got to be somewhere here right I don't crazy broke let's let's get the drone except it's so loud I would have never expected to be different no I can't even tell like which direction it's coming from I think this is our best shot well I'll just put the drone down fly it up and see what we can get yeah sounds good man okay let's go let's go this is actually pretty crazy because siren head has been really really popular lately and we've heard him before but we've never actually seen him so this is crazy we could actually get him on footage okay guys so we set the drone up outside I've got it right here in my hands it's gonna be full live we're gonna go up in the sky so we're gonna see if we can find our boy Saturn hopefully we do now hopefully the drone has recovered from my last video and will not crash again hopefully minutes it's it's flying so like I promise you guys I understand how to fly the drone it just sometimes you know things happen I guess okay so from what I can see so far a couple houses yeah as expected I've seen this area before it's very we're very nearby my house still like down and pressure down this tree line is where my house is but yeah just like down there he I see some Leonard's is Leo is livestock those livestock like goats goats and cows and anything okay cool so there's a long road here I don't even know where to start cuz are we looking for something that's like in the sky big or are we looking for something I think yeah a bob that I don't know his exact scale it's like pretty hard to tell in a lot of the videos right so it's very hard to tell so we're just gonna have to roam around and see what we see great ok just pray that we get lucky I say we start maybe look at that you seen this look at this what it's like a little barn or something here looks like a little shack yeah let's see what uh I'm really benefitting this okay I'm worried I don't want to crash it again that's a pretty sketchy boat it's open do you see that it's a little like doors just like open there dude was something else dude a double feature that could be crazy we should get a little closer yeah there's no way siren head to this small though right no no no there's no way he could be in there let's get low I'm curious is it crazy matter somebody lives in there that would be freaky Oh some poor guy oh oh I'm losing signal I should go up yeah I'm gonna go back it up okay all right nothing in there there's a barbecue on the outside so free barbecue right yeah let's go let's get okay cookin let's let's let's try and search for it okay we heard the sound so you can see our car right there oh that is a car coming on the road hope Lee's not coming after us let's lift I have an idea let's get close to the forest cuz there's a good chance he is in the forest yeah exactly like the same height as trees or just a bit higher this is somewhat near our house and this is the biggest force that's actually near us so I would assume it's our probably best chance to find something like that wow this is crazy it's like it's weird how large this area actually is it really is oh by car I don't know where I'm going to be honestly I think we're going that way I think oh look look look here oh okay here let's go to start from this side I say we start on the other end and then come back into words of the arc again clearly weak we've looked around here and there's been nothing right so the house here nothing crazy about that it's just a simple house right just a simple house I don't see much bro ooh that is a nice look at pretty dude it doesn't look that cool from down here but because it's a guy are up here let have an idea I need to make sure I'm not gonna hit a tree here cuz that's my my best habit is hitting a see the trees so let me get let me get forward here get in this little crevasse and we'll get a better view and hopefully you know what wait I've heard that he's taller than trees if he's taller than trees should we get like at a level of like eye height you know yeah so then he would tower over exactly and we been affirmed I know where he is right yeah absolutely that's that's probably gonna dude just don't don't hit the trees dude no no I'm just gonna get right to this little crack that I'm seeing here and then oh see dude I'm lagging I think we're getting a little bit far out of the distance the rain the range is running out get here I think we're good let's let's just zoom up and let's see what yeah are you seeing that there's no way but that's not him guys that might be right holy [ __ ] he's huge all right he's way taller than the trees wait a minute whoa whoa what's he let me get my buddy gotta get higher he's is are you sure this is where you were lucky is he there let me get higher I'm Rob we saw him there right that was those for sure I was right in this tree line I was right over there Oh God where did he go you said he was literally in the sky a lot even kidding he was actually in the sky that's good it may be a measurement let me go look around no dude I swear to God I was looking this way I've had to have been are you AB are you sure sure in boom did you see the trees oh yeah it looks like is his but just from his body up it was that big right I didn't think it was gonna be that big okay well do you see like where what that pressures that angle this is stress that's pretty crazy man that is like I couldn't even hear anything now you yeah I'm hearing uh maybe we got we got too far from it I say we get closer to the road because I feel like if we kick a the road we have a better chance of seeing his whole body since he seemed like he was kind of like yeah I see something and I don't know he looked he was crossing the like the tree line a little bit yeah exactly but he was far so let's just let's get closer to the car okay so this way honey I pretty sure he was coming from over here so let's head towards this angle okay okay if he's there then we'll see well we'll for sure see it this is razib right can't believe how massive he is my actually I was likely I was pretty nutty okay so we're at work we're getting we're getting close to the road you see it right there yeah oh crap I'm getting close to the trees yeah be careful dude good oh oh oh oh shoot losing interference no we're getting we're kind of losing some I'm gonna get lower oh I see some treat I see some ah yeah be careful man I don't want to hit any of the wires guys I want to be careful here because we just saw siren head if I can get more footage of him yeah we don't want to get video it's gonna do good so let's let's get some more footage I'm scared okay okay okay so we're down this side of the road we saw him on the other side right yeah okay let's get down let's do a little money no I'm losing this I'm losing right here do you see him on the trail yeah but I swear I can't drive it I'm trying to go up it's literally glitching bro it literally glitching holy [ __ ] what is happening oh my god it's so close right holy crow look he's literally standing right there that's Crazy's Lily right there okay let's get closer this is insane [Music] okay wait wait wait you think he's on top of us he might be okay let me get up let me get up this is crazy where the hell would he be dude I'm freaking out you have to be close right holy Sh look it's so laggy what the hell is happening who idea okay let's get up let's get as high as we can yeah he's actually on top of us right now we're gonna end up getting really close to him right like he was used Lily right there freaking out man oh my god wait whoa whoa whoa dude I swear to god I almost feel like it's like touching it almost holy crap he's a ho well I'm not even touching her right now look look I can't even control E I think I swear to God bright think he's very touchy he might be like grabbing the mormonism like it's a siren sirens right maybe the signal he's giving is so she's like destroyed destroying the drone like it's actually destroying it Kate here let me I've got a I've got to be at a point where we're we're gonna or the hell is if I can't see I need to get higher in to get above him I think if I get any of him then I might have a better chance oh dude what the hell what the hell because I've seen this right now loading right on top look at him bro don't we are in the air oh crap no I'm losing signal again yo yo yo he hit it yeah she hit it look we're out of control come on man no crashes gonna crash it's they crashed it crashed well it keeps like glitching out with a signal is so bad he literally I swear guys he must have hit it out of the air that's it seems like that's what he did there's the only way that he fell down like that because it lost hella connect or like his signal or a signal or something something like that but wait look look look OOP it landed on the floor crap the drum landing okay dude what the hell we're the hell's going I have no idea we're down that rope while he's so big that's crazy okay guys so we're back at the house now it's been about 20 minutes or so we've been uploading all the drone footage onto the computer I just opened up that clip where we saw siren head peeking out of the forest to see how massive he truly was and guys look at this in slow motion look at that look how big he is bro isn't that insane that's pretty wild like I go up higher and look only his leg get into a tree line like it doesn't go any higher than that look how massive he is bro he's in this the cloud the sky dude like it's actually scary it's scary how big he is yeah oh oh yeah guys we did it we captured him on the drone and I don't know I don't know if you guys have any clue you think I should make videos with siren head again let me know I could try and go find him again I don't know easy it's gonna be but we got really close this time never gonna have to go buy myself another drone now because the only way having my footage was through my phone and now I have no drum so hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did smash 3000 likes master Charles my boy graphics behind the camera and it till next time guys yesö [Music]
Channel: Jester
Views: 8,096,848
Rating: 4.5441332 out of 5
Keywords: JESTER 3 AM, JESTER, JESTER 3AM, jester drone, drone jester, drone siren head, drone catches siren head, siren head drone, drone catches siren head house, jester drone siren head, siren head drone jester, jester drone catches, jester drone catches siren head, drone catches enemy, drone, drone 3 am, drone jester 3 am, 3 am jester drone, sirenhead drone, drone sirenhead, drone sirenhead jester, jester sirenhead drone, drone captured sirenhead at forest, sirenhead captured
Id: gawa8DOG7Nc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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