10 Signs You Are A Critical Thinker

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10 signs you are a critical thinker Critical thinkers, as defined by criticalthinking.com, are people who actively and skillfully conceptualize, apply, analyze, synthesize, and/or evaluate information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action. They are people who analyze facts to form a judgment. Critical thinkers are people who see things from different perspectives, find multiple solutions to one problem and solve it much quicker. Aristotle said, "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." So, how do you know if you are a critical thinker? In this video, I’ll share with you 10 signs to help you know if you are a critical thinker. This, I believe will help you become a successful person. If you’re new here, consider subscribing so that you won’t miss other interesting videos like this. 1. When people talk about views different from yours, you do not get angry Critical thinkers know that their argument isn’t them, it is only a thought that they think, which can be replaced by another, stronger version if only people would help you think more sharply about it. Hence, they do not get angry when people have a different argument than theirs. They know that just because their thought differs from yours doesn't make it bad so they do not feel the need to get defensive. 2, You are naturally inquisitive. You ask why a lot, but not in an annoying manner If you are a critical thinker, you'll find out that you are always asking questions because you want to find out as much as possible about something before forming an opinion. You are curious and inquisitive, always want to find out all the sides to a story before making a decision 3. You get news from a variety of sources Critical thinkers know that partisan politics come into play in a mainstream media outlet, so they make sure they verify any news by reading several news sources for one story. Also, they want to know what different people are saying about a particular subject matter and they want to learn about what’s going on in the world from a wide variety of sources because this will help you see things from different perspectives. 4. When you discover that you were wrong about something, you are willing to change your mind If you are not stuck to a particular thought pattern as regards a particular matter, then you just might be a critical thinker. Critical thinkers know that it is impossible to be right all the time. Hence, they are open to the possibility that they don't all have it figured out. So, when that happens, they are willing to admit it. 5. You don't like people who insult others If you dislike it when people insult others for lack of a better argument, then you can consider yourself a critical thinker. You can't seem to understand why people insult others and say mean things just because they don’t have something smart to say, or because they can’t convince others to think in a certain way. 6. You are fascinated by how things work Critical thinkers are fascinated by the way things work and because they are inquisitive people, they usually go the extra mile to learn new things. Even when people accuse them of being news junkies, bookworms and the likes, they don't bother about it (in fact, they see it as a compliment) because as far as they are concerned their curiosity is what matters a lot to them. 7. You can have rational conversations with people you disagree with Again, they understand that it is impossible to be right all the time, which is why critical thinkers can have rational conversations with people they disagree with. They welcome conversations with people that do not share the same opinion as them because they believe that any opinion worth having should hold up to scrutiny. Although they may not change their mind easily, they are usually grateful for the opportunity to learn something new. 8. You overanalyze issues that only require a simple answer If you are guilty of turning a small situation into a big one, you're likely to be a critical thinker. You process and overanalyze situations/problems in the search for complex answers, even when the answers are pretty straight forward. 9. You expect too much of yourself As a critical thinker, because you are confident of yourself and have the tendency to be a perfectionist, you usually expect too much of yourself, forgetting that you are human with flaws just like every other person. You think that you are well informed enough not to make certain mistakes, so you push yourself way too hard. However, always remember that we all have times when we make wrong choices/decision. Being a critical thinker doesn't make you an exemption. So, try to be patient with yourself and let go of that constant need for perfection! 10. You think way too much than you act Once again, critical thinkers overanalyze situation which is why they hardly go beyond the thinking stage. They hardly take actions because they feel the need to have a perfect plan before venturing out. No matter how powerful your brainpower is, if you do not do anything with the several information you have, then it is as good as useless. Yes, you like to find out all the sides to a story or a subject matter, do not get carried away trying to come up with the perfect solution when you should be acting on some of the information you already have. If you recognize any or all the traits in this video, then you can consider yourself a critical thinker. Thank you very much for watching our videos. We’ll like to give you another interesting video for you to enjoy next but before then, our team will be very happy if you can like this video and share it with your friends on social media. If you’re new here, don’t forget to subscribe so you won’t miss other interesting videos like this. Look at your screen now to see two other videos we handpicked for you to enjoy next. We love you.
Channel: Success Secrets TV
Views: 35,737
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Length: 6min 39sec (399 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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