The one habit that guarantees your success
in life Looking around me to see those we started
life together, one thing is obvious; I’m very much successful than most of them. Could that be because I work harder than everyone? No. maybe it’s because I was born by wealthier
parents? Far from it, or luck? I don’t think so. Instead, I believe that my success is as a
result of one important habit. I believe if you have this habit, your success
is almost guarantee and that’s what I want to show you in this video. If you’re new consider subscribing so that
you won’t miss other interesting videos like this. Now let’s get into it. As a young guy, I discovered one thing about
myself and that is, whatever I wanted to get, nothing in the realm of man ever stop me. That I want something means that I would go
at any length and sacrifice anything under morality to get it. You may call it stubbornness but it’s called
persistence. In my humble opinion, persistence is the single
most important attribute of anyone who has ever become successful. I think that’s the reason why Calvin Coolidge
said, “Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than
unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost
a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated
derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan Press On! has solved and always
will solve the problems of the human race.” Press On! It’s amazing how easily people give up their
dreams. Most human beings cannot even endure failures
more than twice. When they try things a few times and it doesn’t
work, they look around for who to blame. It may be the government, the economy or their
parents. Well, if you really want to be successful,
you must be willing to press on, no matter how difficult the journey is. Winston Churchill said, “Success is stumbling
from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” That’s what it is, stumbling from failure
to failure with no loss of enthusiasm. Don’t be deceived by the movies
Some movies show us wealthy people without the details of the hell that these people
went through to create the wealth. Some that try to show us the hustling parts
do so in a few scenes so we may not be able to really see and have the feel of what it
takes to achieve success. Here is the reality. It’s hell. It’s tough. It’s a long walk and you have to be willing
to pay the price of persistence if truly you want to be successful. Reason beyond the news coverage
In our society, news men don’t cover your life when you’re failing and that makes
sense because everyone is failing. However, there’s a problem that comes when
we suddenly read about a man who invented a new technology, built a great company or
become a successful human right activist. Something in us envies such men. We tend to think, “Why wasn’t that me?”. We tend to think that such men are lucky and
we’re not. Well, most times, those men were not different
from us. These men are usually ordinary men with extra
ordinary persistence. Often times, these men have spent their last
one or two decades in secret discipline. Some of these men have not being living for
pleasure for many years. Many of them have devoted their lives to crazy
studies and experiments. Many of them have failed hundreds of times
and decided never to look back. But the news media would never let us see
these, so we’re likely to envy these guys, thinking that they are successful by chance. Take for instance, Napoleon Hill interviewed
more than 500 self-made millionaires and spent more than 20 years doing so before he wrote
Think and Grow Rich which ends up becoming one of the best financial books ever. As an inventor, Edison made 1,000 unsuccessful
attempts at inventing the light bulb and to really have a clearer picture of who Edison
was, we have to remember that he acquired a record number of 1,093 patents in his life
time. Nothing is wrong with you
We can go on and on to tell the stories of people who have spent their lives and achieved
worthwhile success and we’ll come to this same conclusion; the road that leads to heaven
is as hot as hell. Success is only achieved by going through
failure after failure without losing your enthusiasm. So, when you try to pursue your goal and fail,
you dare not think that something is wrong with you. No. nothing is wrong with you. You’re simply going through the normal process
everyone who has ever achieved anything worthwhile goes through. Not only that nothing is wrong with you, you
shouldn’t blame anyone for your failures. How blaming cripple us
Let’s imagine this. I’m poor and I think it’s the fault of
the president of my country, so I blame the political leaders for my woe. What do you think I’m actually saying in
essence? Well, here are my words, “I’m poor because
the government is bad. If the government becomes better, I’ll be
rich”. Whenever you blame anyone for your woes, what
you’re saying in essence is that, when or if such people change, your life will be better. The one problem about such thinking is that,
you don’t have any control over what other people do. Take for instance if you think that the government
is the reason why you’re poor and you’re waiting for one day when the government will
change and implement policies that will make you rich, then I’m sorry because such day
may never come or it may be the next 50 years when you’re too old or dead. If it’s outside you, it’s beyond you
There are two categories of people in the world; those who look in and those who look
out. Those who look in look at whatever is in their
power to change their situations. Those who look out look at what others have
failed to do for them. Needless to say, those who look out always
miss out in the game of life because they’ll always be disappointed. You’ll always be disappointed if you look
out because nobody truly can help you solve your personal problems. To start with, nobody actually cares about
you. The simple law that may help you here is;
never depend on the external factors; do whatever you can, to change your life, no matter how
long or rough it takes. Stay focus. Be determined. Remain stubborn until you get what you want
out of life. Think about the kids
As at the time of making this video, I have a 9-month old kid. Looking at the life of this little creature
can teach all of us the big lesson about persistence. Watch how kids learn how to sit. Watch how they learn to crawl. Watch how they learn to stand, walk, talk
or write. None of these achievements come to them by
luck. None is automatic. All have to be attained by trials, errors,
and failures. Except a child persists, he would never crawl. Except a child persists, he would never talk
or write. Except for a child persists, she would never
learn or grow her mind. Children achieve all they do by persisting. If we as adults think there’s any other
way to achieve success other than by persisting, we’re simply fooling ourselves. You want success? You’ll experience several failures. The only way out is the way of persistence. Let me leave you with the quote of Roy T.
Bennett; “It doesn’t matter how many times you
get knocked down. All that matters is you get up one more time
than you were knocked down.” t
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