7 Habits That Are Important To Success Than Talent

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7 Habits That Are Important to Success than Talent William Thackeray said, “Successful people aren’t born that way. They become successful by establishing the habit of doing things unsuccessful people don’t like to do.” Success takes more than talent and Thackeray just confirmed that to us in his wise sayings. You see, like successful people, unsuccessful people are equally skillful people. They've got great talents and can do so many amazing things with those talents. I mean, haven't you seen friends or neighbors who are so good and skillful with a particular craft, yet they are still unsuccessful. Why? Look at it this way, nearly everyone, if not everyone, is talented at something. Now, if that is the case and if talent were enough to get us the success we so desire in our respective fields, then everyone should be successful by now, right? Lewis Howes said, “I have learned that champions aren’t just born; champions can be made when they embrace and commit to life-changing positive habits.” Adding this to Thackeray's saying that “Successful people aren’t born that way. They become successful by establishing the habit of doing things unsuccessful people don’t like to do.” Does this make any sense now? Of course, it does. We become successful when we have the right habits. So, what are these habits? In this video, I’ll share with you 7 habits that are important to success than talent. This, I believe will help you become a successful person. If you’re new here, consider subscribing so that you won’t miss other interesting videos like this. 1. Taking responsibility for your life You know it's very easy to sit back, relax and push the responsibilities of your life to someone else. I mean, why do the hard work when you can always come up with excuses not to be in charge? Here's the thing, if you want to be successful, you must be ready to take control and full responsibility of your life (and with time, you'll have to take responsibilities for others as a matter of fact). When you are in charge of your life, you can change anything you want at any point in time. You don't have to wait for luck or for someone to come do that for you. You are responsible. While successful people choose what they want to happen rather than merely take whatever comes their way, unsuccessful people deal with whatever life throws their way and simply hope for the best. So, to be successful, you need to take full responsibility for your life. Albert Ellis once said that “The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president. You realize that you control your own destiny.” 2. Be organized Next to taking full responsibility for your life is being organized. To be organized includes setting goals and putting plans in place to help you achieve these goals. It also includes setting your daily target and priorities. All highly successful people are intensely goal-oriented. They know exactly what they want, they have it written down. They have these plans written in order to ensure that they push themselves hard enough to accomplish it, no matter what it takes. And from time to time, they both review and work on their plans as a daily routine. 3. Learn to take action Now, you have all the plans set, it is time to take action. Most times, this is one of the most difficult stages in forming new habits, taking conscious action every day until it becomes a part of you that no longer need consciously remind yourself. Coming up with excuses and countless reasons not to take actions, according to your plan, is a habit of unsuccessful people. Do not procrastinate. Do it even when you don't feel like you can. You'll learn and grow as you proceed. Brian Tracy said, "The key to success is action." 4. Learn to network with other successful people Have you ever heard Porter Gale's saying that "Your network is your net worth?" Well, it's true. Successful people know the value of exchanging ideas with others through networking. Jim Rohn also said that “You become like the five people you spend the most time with. Choose carefully.” You see, when you surround yourself with people who are successful, you begin to think like them and act like them, which means that you begin to develop some of the habits of successful people and you can then leverage on your network for success. According to Thomas Corley, author of "Change Your Habits, Change Your Life." Corley says, from his research, he discovered that "daily habits dictate how successful or unsuccessful you will be in life.” In his discovery, he found out that 79% of wealthy (successful) people spend at least five hours a month networking. By contrast, only 16% of poor (unsuccessful) people network on a consistent basis. Wilfred Peterson advises, “Walk with the dreamers, the believers, the courageous, the cheerful, the planners, the doers, the successful people with their heads in the clouds and their feet on the ground.” 5. Read a lot Zig Ziglar said, “Rich people have small TVs and big libraries, and poor people have small libraries and big TVs.” Funny right? The irony of the situation, right? Sadly, it is true. Successful people have learned over time that, knowledge is power and power is wealth. They understand that the more you learn, the more you earn. Hence, they know better than to rely on any skill that they have. Instead, they research, find ways they can improve their talents and also discover how to create value for humanity using their talent and this is how they become successful. Dr. Seuss, an American children's author, and animator said, “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” 6. Persevere With success comes failure and lessons to be learned along the way. Hence, if you want to become successful, you must develop the habit of perseverance. Here's the thing, a lot of hard work and a little bit of talent can get you to a desirable position, but it surely won't keep you there, especially when things don't work out the exact way you want them to. When failure hits (which is bound to happen because it is all a part of the process). The one thing that will keep you going without losing your focus or your enthusiasm is perseverance. Winston Churchill once said that “Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.” However, for this to happen, you need (echo the word with me) perseverance. 7. Pay attention to your health Successful people know something. They know that no matter how much greatness they want to achieve, they can only do it if they have good health, which is why they never fail to constantly nourish their bodies with healthy meals and, exercise regularly. You need to constantly remind yourself that your health is the most important single thing you have, and it is completely subject to the habits that you develop with regard to the way you live. Hence, consciously practice healthy living by paying attention to your diet and boosting your metabolism by exercising daily. Success is achievable when you build the right habit. Remember John C. Maxwell words, “You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” Start one day at a time and my friend, the reward for your habit will be nothing but success. Thank you very much for watching our videos. We’ll like to give you another interesting video for you to enjoy next but before then, our team will be very happy if you can like this video and share it with your friends on social media. If you’re new here, don’t forget to subscribe so you won’t miss other interesting videos like this. Look at your screen now to see two other videos we handpicked for you to enjoy next. We love you.
Channel: Success Secrets TV
Views: 72,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: habits of successful people, how to be successful, motivational video, how successful people manage their time, how successful people think, how successful people start their day
Id: kTuTgDM2Vkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 31 2019
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