10 SECRETS You Need to Know in Rainbow Friends Chapter 2..

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we're back because we have even more secrets and myths to put in Rainbow friends chapter 2. [Music] myth number one you can get into yellow's Nest without dying but let's check it out so straight away we need to head over to the river area because we actually need to make our way up this bit of the mountain like so and then we can glitch our way all the way up to science area and then we can make our way over to yellows area look at this we are now in yellow's Nest but the myth actually says you can't die up here this is gonna be a waiting game but whilst we wait I want to show you guys you can actually also go over here and look at this it looks like we're flying oh oh oh oh I know it looks like we're falling and we stuck I think I might be stuck why did I do that yeah um definitely stuck oh and there we go yellow is on our way honey I'm home um that was lovely to see yellow but are you gonna kill me are we safe it looks like we're safe however I have tried this before and I want to show you a glitch that happened check what get over here so that's myth confirmed or maybe not I can't decide so I'll let you guys decide down in the comments myth number two if you get caught by yellow in Rhema races he will get stuck then you reset and he'll be stuck there for the rest of the night well let's go and check it out shall we so we can actually make our way this way jump onto this route and this is probably the easiest way to get to Rainbow races oh no I fell outside the map no um well I didn't mean to do that um where have I respawned what I am so confused right now help okay finally that was weird so we need to get caught by yellow in Rainbow races hello yellow if you just want to follow me around oh no not blue as well no what okay let's try that again shall we okay so yellow should be landing in now and are you ready yellow it's go time so let's get caught by yellow in Rhema races and if we reset oh I'm pretty sure yellow just walked out yep yellow's definitely okay so let's try that one more time what what the heck where did you what just happened seriously what just happened yellow's not even back yet look what how how am I dead and what has happened I am I am so confused right now you can see me being flown away by yellow but look there I am but I'm I'm dead and I got killed again yeah we definitely glitched the game I can honestly not explain what just happened that was weird Okay yellow let's try that again this time okay so we need to go to Rainbow races we need to get caught in Rainbow races and reset reset apparently yellow gets still okay so we're here right is yellow still gonna jump scare us okay so yellow's about to land yellow's about to land oh my goodness okay well we've definitely just found a glitch look I'm still here I can still move around whilst I'm dead this is so weird I'm not even dead this is so weird yellow's about to get us again whilst I'm so spectating look yellow's got me no that myth is not true however we found a lot of glitches whilst doing so and that was really weird myth number three if you get any items and there are one left the round never ends until you put it back this one seems like it's gonna take a while so this is the round to check it out and I feel like I might annoy a few people doing this but it's for the video okay here we go we are keeping on to this one and as you can see there is only one bulb left to find of course we don't want to be here forever so I'm going to set a 10 minute timer and see if after 10 minutes the game automatically ends or what actually happens however if the game doesn't end in 10 minutes then this is definitely misconfirmed oh this guy's angry look he knows I've got the he knows I've got the no he knows I've got the ball I'm not I'm not 100 okay hey leave me alone oh this guy is angry this guy is fuming he's like you've got my last phone put my last ball back please I'm not gonna put it in Hey look he's gonna get it he's gonna get it he's gonna get it quick no he's got it so if you're holding the item for a certain amount of time the game automatically takes it off you and puts it back so that myth is definitely false myth number four so in my previous mixed video we tried to find a message behind a sign in Origins cape well you guys left so many comments letting me know that this was only available in the role play game so let's check it out so you can see we are in the role play version now accurate rainbow friends roleplay so let's go ahead and press start and then if we press on maps and go to chapter two and make our way to Orange's cave hello blue if we follow ourselves around then apparently it's the sign before the roller coaster so I'm assuming this one and if we take a look behind it oh wait it's actually true we can see we've got yellow and orange as best friends wait orange is here hello orange you've come to say hello since yellow save me from the others he's been my best friend and has looked after me ever since I was always so hungry and it's great to have someone who can really right we both love our food and he's also more relatable than I thought it sometimes feels that we could be brothers and I hope we can stay best friends forever do you know what I feel like I could also be their best friend because believe me I am always hungry too well that's so cute and if it weren't for you guys I wouldn't have knew about that so thank you myth number five you can feed Siam of a sugar pack now I don't know about this one but of course as always there's only one way to find out so here we go we have our sugar now we just need our Scion hey Cyan here's some sugar um myth number six the rainbow friends can't get onto the rainbow races race track let's go and check it out shall we hello Okay so let's test it with blue can blue get onto the rainbow Racers race track um apparently not hello hello there are you gonna try it again okay but what about yellow oh yellow are you gonna come on the rainbow races really that myth is actually confirmed myth number seven can you run cyanova with a go-kart well after myth five I definitely want to check this one out here's some sugar [Music] let's go [Music] let's go no way we actually managed to flip it the right way however the wheels may be the problem here so now we just need to find Scion goodbye Antonio oh no luckily we can get in our go-kart and we are now Invincible we could actually use a luki in the go-kart as well don't mind me yellow just driving by hey come back here hey oh no have I got the go-kart stuck somehow I may need yellow's assistance here okay yellow perfect timing now come on okay let's move the go-kart just to there wait what oh wait what no way that has just happened can we run you over I don't think we can oh my goodness I forgot how fast you was no no no no please please but can we run you over let's find out if you just stay there Sion I have some work to do here hey get back over here hey no we cannot run side over with a go-kart although that would be amazing so that myth is false myth number eight so this next one apparently you can Crouch Behind Blue and he won't see you so let's check it out oh oh my goodness oh okay so Blue's here if we Crouch behind him he shouldn't see us apparently oh and he definitely saw me still quick quick that was close okay so if we Crouch Behind Blue he shouldn't see us oh I don't think this is gonna just get up guys I really don't it's gonna work okay we're gonna try one more time Crouch Behind Blue um yeah that myth is definitely false myth number nine say tickets Please in the ticket shop and it will say something well you know what we say there's only one way to find out oh so now we're at the ticket machine and apparently we've got to say tickets please tickets please um yeah this person's like what it doesn't seem to work and I'm out of here yellow so that myth is definitely false mid ten if he starts working at Scion he might not catch you um how do you guys even think of these okay Mr cyan where are you okay cyan is here and let's test it out oh yeah
Channel: Jake Globox
Views: 171,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jake globox, roblox, rainbow friends chapter 2, Rainbow friends, roblox rainbow friends, release date, cyan rainbow friends, the new rainbow friend, new rainbow friend, roblox rainbow firends new friend, roblox rainbow friends chapter 2, purple rainbow friends, rainbow friends chapter 2 leaked, rainbow friends leak, rainbow friends chapter 2 map, Rainbow friends chapter 2 trailer, rainbow friends trailer, chapter 2, odd world, roleplay, rainbow friends roleplay, secrets, MYTHS
Id: bOEA81kBsP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2023
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