Rainbow Friends Chapter 2, But they have VOICES! #4

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so there you go yo [Applause] rainbow friends chapter two but they have voices yo here we go it's time this is going to be fun let's go Red's talking again nice okay yo I'm so curious to see who's going to be talking today well here it is the rainbow friends has voices if you've missed any of the previous ones I'll link them down below in the description I mean unbelievable now who didn't talk the last time I think it was was it purple that didn't talk the last time yo I'm so curious about this yo I I really want to get to the point where we can get the lookies to talk that would be amazing but so far the lookies have not been able to talk so I do hope that they talk this game the The King lookie also scared me last time which was also quite uh scary as well but look everyone I want you all to make it to the end with me bouncing on the wall there a little bit all right we got six light bulbs let's do this I have not seen blue or anyone it's always like it takes a long time I feel like to find like blue green or any rainbow friend whenever they have voices okay so we know what's actually working because we oh someone just got caught no I think it was right here right it was waiting oh smelly cookie man smelly cookie man you stink blue oh my goodness Gotta Go Gotta Go Gotta Go Gotta Go Gotta Go humans oh my goodness ah that was quite a great way to start the day okay getting called smelly cookie man by Blue and also seeing green just eat someone oh my goodness go run run run yo I gotta be so sneaky oh no purple wait purple didn't talk last time I hope purple doesn't talk this time until I see you out of there in your final form won't let me live yo did purple just confirm that purple's about to be out in chapter three oh my goodness yo purple is purple might be one of the scariest ones so so far blue talks green talks uh purple talks now I don't know I mean we have cyan yellow and we have the lookies we have I think there's so many Rainbow friends I really hope we can get a game where like all like everyone actually talks okay oh normally blue always comes to there all right come on everyone we just need six more light bulbs I know we can actually find them I doubt we can find all six but maybe someone can actually place all six this would be quite cool okay you two are just hanging out on the bridge fair enough fair enough okay well zip line time let's look and see if we see anything and anything okay well wait King looky oh there's green oh okay here we go let's find these gas canisters yo that was so creepy when green just literally just got that person right there hey buddy you might want to move your feet okay the rainbow friend okay you just don't need one pick up the gas canisters I see what's going on here I see how it is it's okay oh yellow oh wait wait yellow's not talking yellow's not talking oh wait no way let's hide let's hide let's hide yellow that's what you get you can't talk today can you huh or maybe yellow doesn't want to say anything we'll figure it out we'll get yellow to talk somehow maybe I have to like annoy yellow to see if we can get yellow to talk I never actually tried that like if if like what if one of the rainbow friends don't talk what if I could do something to make them talk that would also be quite interesting like what could make yellow really really mad hmm I have an idea of what could make yellow really mad I won't try it yet because I definitely want to see if any of the other rainbow friends are talking like the lookies oh no yo oh oh oh you should have picked up those gas canisters yo green didn't even say anything just literally just oh this this is like unbelievable here oh he's looking for more humans yo good job boxing up all right we got Max gas canisters we gotta hurry up we gotta hurry up Blue's right there behind us as well oh no little donkey box ducky box wait tell you about red yo I feel like the more we do this the more they're gonna be like confessing things that are happening or something because that's like kind of like before he said he wanted to talk to me wait yellow chicken feet yeah I just say chicken feet because we did oh oh who just oh really yellow yellow you're not gonna get me okay why don't you just oh look at this I'm gonna just be me oh I want to see if I can actually get this glitch huh that's what you get yellow that's what you get come here come here I'm trying I'm trying like time this glitch but it's not really okay you know what uh I'll just I'll smell you later next time okay if you know the chicken feet meme I'm talking about with yellow uh let me know Down Below in the comments especially if you watch like the crappy crab series on the Channel all right go go go go go go go go go go go all right the moment yo yo the lookies sound a little Annoying um is not like the lookies you're welcome of course I can thank you you're welcome looky oh my yo the lookies are talking I look relax I got you the wookies are actually talking let's go that means the king looking might actually talk too yo I can't believe this yo finally it took us so long to get to the point where we've actually played a game where the lookies actually talk are your purple so angry back again yes I am back again I mean this in a nice way but you need to go you need to go to Rainbow friends therapy honestly you just so mean to me and you you got you got some issues that you need to you need to uncover [Music] yes I can bring you back to your friends you're welcome lookie okay okay you're welcome yo the lookies are kind of cute I'll be honest they actually are very very nice no kill that person okay oh my goodness hey I got you I got you yo blue just exit yes I'm gonna bring you back oh my goodness I know blue okay well thank you for telling me that blue is coming I can also hear the alert as well okay okay okay okay okay okay perfect all right honestly I can see oh oh my actual days yo that was blue right there that was close oh my well um it won't be easy it won't be hard to find the lookies because they just screaming pick me up pick me up pick me up okay easy easy yo oh there's another lookie here he's not talking right it is you're welcome okay I got you I can bring it to your friends no worries yeah he said sorry Orange wait actually what wait have I talked to any of the lookies wait what do you mean wait are the lookies saying that I can actually like talk to them but wait what is what does that lookies so noisy around here really dislikes the lookies out of my way relax of course I did oh green is well I'm sorry to hear that so look at least the lookies know that green is always angry at them too all the Rainbow friend's always so angry you're welcome wow uh we're actually doing very good at getting this right now all the lookies right now um okay we're good we're good we're good easy easy okay Gotta Go Gotta Go here's one here's one let's go let's go let's go I got you I got you I got you hey I'm running quiet oh my goodness look look yeah I can't focus right now when you're screaming at me like that all right yes we are that that's amazing okay back to your friends you're welcome there you go there you go yo we oh [Applause] my oh my okay okay [Music] I gotta get out of here oh my days yo the lookies must really like me they just sung a song for me perfect oh that was I was like oh my goodness I wouldn't be surprised if they actually alerted the rainbow friends to come and get me all right so I can kind of understand why the rainbow friends might be annoyed with the lookies a little bit but there's one more lookie out there so we need to actually find the lookie I wonder if we'll be the lucky one to actually find it though because I don't know actually how many people we have left I actually feel like it's just me a lot of people have actually been taken out got you you're welcome wait you said master I'm not I'm not your master yeah what really King lookie dad what wait what wait is the lucky crying bring it to your friends but wait what did King Loki say yo I don't understand what the king look he's saying what are you saying what is he saying is so mean what did he say I don't know yo King look he actually talked oh we could we could we could just keep quiet looking keep quiet come on come on come on come on okay well the night of the sugar packs cyan is out now there has not been a night since that cyan has not talked I think I got an idea I think I know how I want to get oh oh yellow's not talking yellow Big Bird I think I know how to get yellow to possibly say something again what could I do to possibly annoy yellow what would yellow not like probably if I got inside of yellow's Nest that's a genius idea okay we're gonna do that we're gonna get into yellow's Nest maybe if if yellow hasn't talked now we're gonna have to see yellow face to face I know yellow can hear me possibly I hope yellow can come on come on come on come on all right look don't try this glitch at home right here there it is there it is all right yellow say something you big yellow bird you want to say something yo yellow just farted is that all you gotta say yo yellow must really not like me yellow actually just farted oh gross that was disgusting are yo playing when the rainbow friends have voices right now oh no no no no go go go go go all right that person's hiding there so we do have some people left they're just actually hiding we need four more sugar packs and I have not seen cyan at all is cyan somewhere getting her hair done or something like that because I don't know where she is oh my or getting her toenails done let's just say that one because cyan doesn't have arms but wait Blue's there quick quick quick quick quick yo yo okay there it is perfect we got is someone actually coming here I don't think so yeah there's blue here's another sugar pack here come on come on I hear cyan I actually hear cyan yo where is she is she this way oh there she is yo let's see if she's talking let's be sneakers that's it yo Zion is talking oh my yo you know what I just thought about what if like we can get ours to talk Orange has not said anything either at all right so so far the lookies talked maybe orange will say something I hope okay I don't want to go on the purple's Lair but I already know that purple's gonna be very very angry with me if I'm honest purple hey oh purple's giving me the silent treatment purple's like I don't even want to say anything to you anymore yo yo yo literally all the Rainbow into right here like like what all right we're missing one more how do we actually get past that wait is that a hiding spot no way no way all right where's this last sugar pack oh wait oh oh oh oh oh we're gonna get caught we're gonna get caught oh come on really you already fought it once yellow all right well look just know that you won't get away with this for long yellow and I do apologize as well but you should also apologize for farting kind of like near me as well later yeah we we just bounced out of that like so tall that was unbelievable all right those cookies all right perfect yo no one has placed this last sugar either all right let's just go ahead oh careful yes okay we're fine we're fine we're fine yo why is this like so challenging right now like normally this night I feel like is the easiest night it's got to be in here right [Music] yo where is this last sugar pack we've checked almost everywhere I felt like hmm is it maybe in purple's lair no right wait let's think let's think where have we not checked with oh there's yellow where have we not checked yo the last sugar pack let's go choo choo where's cyan hands over there yellow's there okay we good we good we good be sneaky be sneaky all right we gotta go we gotta go for it we gotta go for it come on very very sneaky here be very sneaky all right we got it we got it let's go yes okay it's time oh my yo cyan if you call me a loser this time you call me a loser the last time yeah it's me you're not gonna eat me okay Gotta Go Gotta Go Gotta Go Gotta Go wait here comes orange though [Music] come on guys I cannot take the lookies anymore I they they talk oh my goodness yo the lookies would you just oh my goodness yo there's the lookies yo I can't believe oh no oh no I thought I could actually climb that come on yo it's just me and this other person we got this we got this we got this let's go come on quick quick quick no no no you're not getting one bite Gotta Go Gotta Go Gotta Go come on we did it we escaped that was like the most arms I'll get you next time interesting game ever but we did it looky friends looking friends all right I hope you all enjoyed that one if you did make sure to check out this one here but don't forget to leave a like And subscribe for more if you're new to the channel and I will see you in the next one bye foreign
Channel: BigB
Views: 1,069,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rainbow friends chapter 2, rainbow friends, rainbow friends chapter 2 but they have voices, new, bigb, bigb rainbow friends, rainbow friends chapter 2 voices, rainbow friends voices, cyan voice, rainbow friends cyan voice, rainbow friends but they have voices #4, rainbow friends but they have voices #2
Id: 4CzW43PcDOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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