10 Scary Games You Should NEVER Play Alone

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you know we love horror games here so today we're getting specific and talking about ten games you should never play alone we wanted to talk about fun games without right big jump scares chases or long lasting moments of scariness that leave you open to those big out loud screams this might not be like the Citizen Kane of video games but they're definitely good to scare the faint of heart let's get going and get started off with number 10 which is Petey let's just get it out of the way it's not a game technically I guess it's a playable teaser hence it being called Petey whatever the hell it's classified as this is one that you might want to avoid playing alone because it's pretty spooky especially if you're like me and you low-key believe in ghosts and by Loki I mean Heike you're wandering around a dark house while a ghost is popping up from all sides trying to creep you out and she is super creepy looking too Lisa like straight-up still gives me shivers there's a really good jump scare where you peek into a cracked open door and as you're peeking through Lisa's creepy face pops up and scares you and then slams it shut this list is focused on big scares but even the subtle dread here scores more points in almost any other horror game it's a shame this whole project got cancelled yeah man this this one is a bummer if Petey was this creepy something so short imagine how awesome Hideo Kojima's silent hill's would have been thanks a lot Konami living in bummer City population me a number 9 now slender the arrival isn't a very good video game but that sundar man gameplay though that's fun remember what started as a simple 3d game you could play in your browser you looked for the items to escape this labyrinth all the while Slenderman was chasing you and popping in at random places and you couldn't look at him or the screen would get all staticky and scary well they made a whole game on that and expand it in some places but the levels you're simply avoiding Slenderman are still so terrifying and as yell out loud as the original game that helped start the Slender Man fascination the graphics are actually pretty decent and really helped with the mood and the atmosphere feeling like he's always around and even when he looks really convincing graphically the way he appears the musical cues the sound effects if you are playing with someone watching they're probably gonna be laughing at you next up at number eight we have Resident Evil 7 a personal favorite of mine I'm a big Resident Evil fan specifically all of the pre resonable for games and I'm not throwing shade at resin before I love resin before I just prefer my resin love games more on the scary side and resin evil 7 brought the series back to that this was way more straight-up survival horror than the last few entries in the series for one you were in a crazy soldier man who punches boulders but instead a normal everyday dude who could barely shoot a gun which helped to make you feel a bit more helpless than you usually would feel in these games I mean the game opens up with uneasiness as soon as you get into the house there's some heavy evil dead vibes then you find Mia and well I won't spoil it but the people that have played it know what I'm getting at then you have Jack Baker who crashed with R walls at the kool-aid man which always made me jump a bit then there's the whole Marguerite bus fight where she's bug-like and she's just crashing through windows scaring the [ __ ] out of you in the process I'm super happy the series is back to doing stuff like this and if you've seen those resin Evil 8 rumors it seemed that the series might continue down this spooky bath at number 7 we have outlast yeah they're both scary but we're specifically talking about the first one here there's just something about one and around a dark scary Hospital it's always creepy especially when you're playing as someone without weapons whose only means of self-defense is running and hiding oh and of course you're being hunted by spooky hospital patients alas is pretty much playing a horror movie there are some classic jump scares that you see coming and they still get you anyway whether it's a body swinging from a ceiling a dude something over in a wheelchair shooting up and coming to life or having that big dude turn a corner then relentlessly starting to chase you down outlast also kills it with the jump scare music making those scares even more jumpy then you have the whole camcorder thing with batteries that die need to be replaced very much wreck inspired very very cool for the time that whole camera thing alone stresses me out yeah I can't talk about ballast anymore moving on and number six hello neighbor is a weird one it's pretty bright and colorful at times and kind of goofy-looking and sometimes controls really weird so you wouldn't expect it to be you know like scary it can really freak you out of times though and hello neighbor you're trying to make it into the basement of your neighbor's house all while he's hunting you down and trying to capture you he has really good AI too and we'll hear a window break and we'll also notice how you're breaking into the house and will start to throw down traps or block those entrances so you can't do it again your heart starts to pump a bit when he's on YouTube and then when he finally does get you he's right there like in your face and it seems like he appears had a thin air at times it's way more of a puzzle game than a horror game I say but big kudos to the Death Star making it pretty intense at times but not losing the overall vision of the game and also not making it like super scary and dark next up at number five we have alien isolation an actual good alien game and a long line of not so good Alien and Predator games this is the game you should be looking at when you talk about movie tie-in games because it doesn't write expanding the movie law and world a bit instead of trying to shoehorn something into it and making it messy here you play as Ellen Ripley's daughter Amanda Ripley who finds herself in a similar situation as her mother you know bro my honestly being hunted down by a xenomorph the name of the game here is running high you really can't fight this thing you spend most of the game using your tracker to keep tabs on where it is and as it gets closer and closer the tracker goes faster and faster as well as your heart rate and I mean your real-life hungry good to be careful of where you hide here because you can kind of screw yourself over the vents for example they're a great place to hide but you can't hide for too long and you don't want to make your presence known because that xenomorph will jump right up there with you the most terrifying thing in this game is hearing thumping and the dark vents with you then turning on your flashlight only to find a big xenomorph a few inches in front of your face not a pleasant sight to see right before you die this is a scary one for sure at number four we have five nights at freddys yep we're talking about it because before blew up as this massive thing if you just experienced that first game in a vacuum it was actually pretty spooky yeah of course it did end up becoming way more than a game well no it is a game but it blew the hell up I mean I get it I think the idea behind the game is genius a spooky ripoff of Chucky Cheese where the animatronics come to life at night and turn homicidal I guess yeah I think it's an awesome idea because I think we've all been terrified by Charles Entertainment cheese at some point in our life right so yeah this definitely works and all the characters are overly creepy even before they like become bad and actually creepy this was a huge let's play game too specifically because of how it plays I think there are a lot of jump scares in it and jump scares usually make for some really good reactions and content and whatnot so there really was more than just a game here really but really like it had a bit of a cultural impact as well it's weird that this is the game that did that is this a game for me no definitely not I couldn't care but I respect the spooky at number three do y'all remember condemned criminal origins this was an Xbox 360 launch game at the time it was a pretty unsettling game you play as Ethan Thomas a crime-scene investigation agent that works for the FBI you're investigating a bunch of murders and are trying to hunt down serial killer X your investigation will take you into a bunch of condemned and derelict buildings looking for clues and these buildings are filled with people that have just straight-up lost it and they'll pop out of corners and get the jump on you and start swinging at you with whoever they can find wrenches let pipes etc the combat here is pretty intense too first year the one around the dark then you get scared by some crazy looking dudes when you know by bat you then you acting on that adrenaline rush just have to uh well in the death before he does it to you it's pretty intense honestly there are also crime scenes where you walk around looking for clues and they're always the creepiest dingy is setting some of them look right out of saw the game totally succeeds with some genuinely terrifying environment sequences and an overall unsettling feeling of being unwelcome wherever you are almost every environment is like you know there are people somewhere in here and they're watching you and they want you out dude it's amazing if this is a game you miss I definitely recommend jumping in and checking it out next up on number two we have fear this is one I don't like talking about or looking at honestly because I really can't handle creepy black haired little girls it reminds me too much of the Ring and I'm still not over that movie and of course that's the main antagonist in the series you play as a member of the fear team which stands for a first encounter assault recon and you're trying to take down on the weight a creepy psychic girl who has become way too powerful fear does a good job of being scary and utilizes the usual but very effective tricks flickering light scary sounds catching a glimpse of something creepy real quick turning the corner and having a creepy little girl right there in front of you you know things that movies have been doing for years tried and true and fear does a great job at implementing all of that here thankfully you do play as a soldier man so you're pretty well armed which does make you feel a little less hopeless than the dude and outlast or you know any other game like that so thankfully there is that but you're a tactical badass and it's still scary good job finally at number one the now classic Japanese horror franchise is often ruled as much scarier than other games in its similar market if you think ghosts are scary well as fatal frame got some nasty scary ghosts for you from the story being genuinely unsettling to the actually pretty sickening things you have to encounter and engage in the gameplay all you really have is your camera and you have to look through it to see the ghosts and they get right up in your grille like a good old fashioned haunted house there's some good old-fashioned jump scares in here along with all of that dread it's best played at night with the lights off for sure we're putting it at number one because some people claim they can't finish it and some consider it one of the best horror games ever so much respect for that before we go we do some bonuses for you first up we have amnesia of course we have to mention the game that really started the next generation of horror games and big massive Let's Plays on YouTube incredibly scary at the time but talked to to death at this point still when it was still new the fear of the unknown in the game incredibly powerful then we have siren another scary girl Japanese horror game that had some pretty good terrifying moments that many people may have nostalgic feelings for and those are 10 horror games you should never play alone but we want to hear from you so meet us down the comments and let us know what you think I'm sure there are some that we missed as I'm sure you already know hitting that like button really helps us out and if you're new subscribing is a good idea because we put out videos like this every single day as always thank you for stopping by and hanging out with us we really appreciate it and we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 977,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary games, scariest games, scary games not to play alone, scary games don't play, scary games late night, scary games with jump scares, scary games with tension, scary ps4 games, scary pc games, scary xbox one games, gameranx, andrew new guy
Id: K1LI9kiIH4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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