10 Scary Deep Woods Stories (Vol. 16)

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[Music] deep in the woods we seem to find Horrors that we can't explain today we are once again going deep into the woods trying to find the spookiest things we can see these subscribers sent in their stories that they claim are true at the end of the day it is up to you whether you believe them or not if you have a story whether it be a deep woods exploration one or something different be sure to submit it s want willard dotnet or the email you can find in the description down below I would love to see your story and share it with everyone in the SWA it's stories like yours that keep this channel going now without further ado let's get into these creepy allegedly true deep woods exploration stories [Music] so me my friends are avid mountain bikers and enjoy biking all over the woods making her own trails and just enjoying it all together so it was the middle of the summer we had nothing to do the next day so we decided to go on a night ride we had gone and nitrides before but were usually back at 10:00 but this time we had planned on staying later we left at around 9:00 and it was almost dark at this point when we got to the trailhead we turned on our flashlights and started up the trail now at this point it was almost 9:30 so it was pitch-black out and if there was moonlight it was covered up by the canopy so we did the usual things like hit jumps and just enjoy our time for about two hours it is about 11:00 now we were a decent distance in so we decided to hit one more line and then head back I went down first and my friend following about halfway down we heard a loud pop in a course it was my friend's tire we don't carry replacement tubes so we knew we were screwed and would have to walk on was 40 minutes back this is when things started to happen not even five minutes into our walk back my friend says did you hear that I said no and he replied with you didn't hear that scream before I could reply he heard a scream again and not just any scream the scream of a man with a raspy voice probably a hundred or so feet away we started running because there was no way we could ride we started to hear rustling in the trees and bushes from both sides of us when someone yelled stop we looked back and saw about seven people step out of the treeline just standing there no they weren't dressed in all black but dressed rather normal they stared at us and we saw them quite well as they still had our flashlights on her helmet and I looked at my friend for about a half a second it looked back all the people were suddenly gone and this is when we heard more rustling come towards us but when we looked into the trees we didn't see them my friend dropped his bike and somehow grabbed into my back and we got out of there in a record time my friend and I have absolutely no idea what happened that night and it still scares us just to think about this we went out with more people the next day and surprisingly found his bike but both tires were missing I've lived in the woods of northeastern Florida for pretty much my whole life I grew up fishing and hunting during the day and playing video games and music and nights I've never really been that scared at the wilderness and in fact I would outright seek out the isolation of fishing in a remote part of the st. Johns River I'm 18 years old and I have never experienced as a strange and scary sequence of events at least so far though I never wish to go through this again a little background of my family history my mom was married to this dude from Ohio complete a whole big ego he even kind of looked like Alex Jones just to top it all off well one day something happened between my brother and one of his daughters and the marriage ended also if you've never been to Florida there are pockets of modern-looking neighborhoods in the middle of nowhere and that's where we were anyway we moved out and back into this small house for rent that was in this rural neighborhood which I was glad about what was weird about this all was that my mom had gone back to the house to get their last bit of things she told me she could see the ghost of a man who looked like my former stepfathers dead grandfather shaking his head but she could tell it wasn't at her this was especially weird coming from my mom because she's not usually the superstitious type I think nothing of it and continue on with my mundane life fast-forward a few months this is where it truly gets weird so I was hanging out with my friend be is what we'll call him we like to go climb radio towers and break into places and such so this one night we decided to climb this radio tower in the middle of a cow field right on the main road and through about two miles of woods at night so no one would see us it's not that creepy I'm used to the dark I was born in it B then tells me about how he feels like someone is behind us and like someone is watching and I see him turn on the light on his phone in the direction behind us I reassure him that it's nothing then he tells me about how the last time he was here he hurts him whispering like something was whispering his name also had he saw some flying orbs around the top of the radio tower I laugh it off it convinced him to lighten up and we continued on all goes well as we climb to the top a great view of the lights of the small town we live in in the stars we climb back down and he tells me to get down we both land right on a cow manure great he tells me that he hears something moving I tell him that it's probably a boar he then tells me that it feels like it's way bigger and bipedal I can kind of make out a skinny dark figure milling around near the entrance to the woods I'd like to think it just showed up randomly wasn't tracking us freaked out I try and rationalize it as maybe being a Florida black bear yes we have bears in Florida shocking right he tells me we need to get out of here I agree we take off this time we run a mile towards the road and hop all over some barbed wire fence I still don't know how we did that that hurt like hell as we walk back he tells me that his girlfriend at the time she's my good friend now and has verified this as being true who lives in the middle of nowhere middle nowhere even for us has seen weird stuff like that two orbs humanoid figures voices later on she even told me about an old school bus near the road that leads her to her house with old toys in it and so much more that I could write on and on about but carrying on with my story me and B hit up a friend we get some weed to smoke from sometimes we got some we wrote a joint and enjoyed a much-needed hi and talked about all sorts of things he then says that he needs to go home so we part ways my house is only three miles away short for me all goes well on the way back I listen to static-x I'm Spotify good walking home in the middle of the night in rural Florida material then my phone dies I start hearing this humming noise I chalked it up to the wind or an electric car or something Rattus I think about how weird it is that my phone died at 23% the humming gets louder I don't understand why but that sound aroused to kind of fear in me which I have only ever felt a handful of times then I see a light up the road but it wasn't like car headlights more like a train the humming gets even louder and out of primal instinct I jump over a wooden fence into another cow field and go prone call of duty style I wait there for half a minute and I glanced up over the lower part of the fence I see two guys in US military uniforms and a camo colored Humvee the driver window was rolled down and he had a flashlight and he was scanning the area it looked like the passenger had one too I don't know if they saw me or if I was what they were even looking for my mind world with questions better reluctantly resumed my journey home I walked down my street and see the familiar street names and houses I see my house facing the familiar dark woods but suddenly I felt scared like I was being watched but not like a wild animal would watch dasn't hunted I suck it up and continue on whether I see a mother deer rustle out of the bushes along with her two children I laugh relieved that it was nothing more than a bunch of cute little deer and continue walking then out of nowhere I hear a loud high-pitched sounding shriek the dieter bolted and I did the same afraid to look behind me a fumble for my house key and somehow managed to get inside of my house without waking anyone not even my dog who always wakes up in the middle of the night with her barking and cats and cars in fact she was hiding under my mom's bed I didn't sleep the next morning I heard screaming from the woods which sounded like a mixture of animal and human everyone around us was disturbed and eventually the cops were called and there was an expedition into those woods all they seemed to have found were some bones of animals and a deer corpse probably the one I saw I talked to B's girlfriend she said that she's heard the screaming - as she lives on the other side of the woods in front of my house I still lived there and I still feel like I'm being watched sometimes sometimes I hear screaming but no one does anything about it anymore I also saw a pair of dead white glowing eyes out of my window one time I think my mom is finally starting to get the message because we're moving soon I have more stories from both me and my friends and maybe I'll share those on the show someday [Music] a few years back a few friends and I went on camping to the Scottish Highlands it was tough going the weather was unforgiving in the terrain even more so but the trip was an overall success no one got hurt no one got lost nothing remotely unnerving or scary happened at all at least until the last night but the trip was overall great when we arrived back in the small Scottish village we were due to catch a bus in we were physically and emotionally exhausted by the time we arrived back in the small highland village that served as our line of departure five nights and the mountains will do that to you we had barely slept in barely eaten so the side of a small greasy spoon cafe almost brought tears to our eyes we drew stairs from the locals and to be honest I don't blame them we were a mess of bloodshot eyes and greasy hair all of our clothes wreaked of smoke from huddling around the fire at night they were curious was still friendly the owner questioned us on our trip and took a great deal of pleasure in our fascination with the highlands it always earns you brownie points with the locals when you tell them they must be tough hard-working people to live in such a barren place we left with full stomachs and headed to the nearest and only pub in the village they were equally welcoming and even stayed open for an hour or so later than usual just so we'd have somewhere to keep warm into our late night bus was set to arrive we left the pub with about 20 minutes before our bus was due having heartily thanked the bar staff for accommodating us and made our way along almost to barely lit streets toward the villages one in only bus stop now it is important to note that the bus stop is located just next to a small bridge which provides a crossing point over the river that runs through the village so in the low light of semi-functioning streetlights we knew there was a bridge we just couldn't see what was on it at the other time the minutes are ticking by him were all clock-watching we can't wait to go home and have hot showers warm beds and properly cooked food there must have been less than 10 minutes to wait when we heard something from the other side of the river a grunting sound but I think we were too buzzed and exhausted to make anything of it but the sound continues getting louder and more vocal until we realized there's someone on the other side of the bridge someone who sounded drunk someone who sounds angry I can't remember who but someone was curious enough to gather the energy to go check it out I wasn't watching but I could hear their heavy boots against the metal bridge moving slowly to the top then there was a humdrum noise they came down the stairs faster than they had gone up grab the bags now he hissed trying to keep his voice down come on move we had no idea what's going on in fact I thought it might be some sort of prank some lame attempt to inject a little excitement to the final hour of the trip but one look in his eyes told me he was serious I had never seen my friend that scared before ever as if to confirm what he was saying I began to hear the same kind of footstep noise on the metal bridge someone was moving fast across the bridge from the other side making the same angry grunting noises we've been hearing none of us wanted to take a chance so we all grabbed her heavy packs and dragged them across the road onto a small dark village street we were fairly concealed in the darkness but we still had a good look at our side of the bridge each of us wanting to see what we had scared each of us wanting to see just what it scared our maid so much that we saw it a man staggering down the bridges metal stairs was something in his grip the glinting of stainless steel in a low light Jesus Christ is that a machete no sooner had one of us exclaimed that the man honed in on the sound of our voices he raised the huge blade in his fist pointing it towards the dark alleyway that we thought was concealing us you he roared in his rough Scottish accent then began to bound down the bridges stairs towards us waving the machete as he ran we bolted hurtling down the small dark streets we had no idea where we were going but anywhere that wasn't in the immediate vicinity of this drunken blade wielding maniac had to be better whoever was in the lead must have had the presence of mind to loop it back around the block if we got too far away from the bus stop we'd miss our ride and the only other intercity bus to roll through the village wasn't due for another two days he explained this to us the first chance he got and we all rude the situation we were faced with go back to the bus stop and risk getting stabbed or stay away from the bus stop missed our bus and end up getting stuck in the middle of nowhere in Scotland it was like a military operation or something we moved in pairs covering each other's movements his church relaxed as best as we could it was about five minutes after the bus was due to arrive and we were starting to panic again some of us had gotten into their heads that we had missed the bus entirely and we better start looking for a decent place to bed down before we ran into machete will again but they didn't have to wait long as a few minutes later a familiar looking figure emerged from the poorly lit side of the street our collective hearts sank but we saw what we had in his grip it was the machete it was the same freaking guy you he roared again before slowly walking towards us this time we took a different tack I don't know if it was the adrenaline or the pure desperation to catch the bus and get her asses out of there but we stood our ground we roared back at him pulled out our pathetically small Swiss Army knives and dared him to try us looking back on it it was kind of glorious we went from terrified vermin scattering through the streets to form warriors willing to defend their ground what happened next as something out of a film or facing the dude we begin pacing back and forth in the street zigzagging around and towards us in the streets still waving his machete he obviously deterred slightly by our newfound aggression but it obviously didn't deter him entirely a horrible feeling came over me as I realized that one of us could well be about to suffer life-changing injuries but in the distance near the road pulled away from the rivers course a police van came trundling through revving towards the scene and to our rescue it was like the Calvary showing up in an old western we were saved our bravado doubled and we actually began to advance up onto him pushing him towards the approaching police that he was somehow completely oblivious of he only realized what was happening when the van skidded to a stop behind him and a trio of burly looking Scottish police men jumped out and pounced on him he got tackled hard so you heard the sickening front of his head slamming into the concrete but he had zero sympathies we cheered as the bedroom lights of nearby dwellings flickered on and faces began to appear in windows to watch the melee then as all this was happening the bloody bus turns up coming around the same corner and the policeman did we said to cheer grabbing our bags and padding victoriously towards our ride home police were to talk to us about what had happened but backed off once we explained this is our right out of town I told him we'd be in touch to make telephone statements but we never ended up getting in touch we were all just glad to be out of there in one piece what I'm about to tell you happened two days ago in Southwest's we did it was around 5:00 p.m. in the afternoon and I decided to meet up with one of my friends we both have mopeds scooters and drove to the grocery store to get a snack for a small trip after that we headed towards the beautiful sheep pasture that I had been to once and wanted to go to again it's located maybe 15 minutes away from the center of our town after a while we came to what was a narrow road surrounded by a forest since it rarely drives any kind of vehicles out there I started to drive in the middle of the road and sometimes even on the part of the road meant for approaching cars one time when I looked in my driving mirror I saw my friend driving close to the edge of the road at first I thought she was trying to make a point that I should stop telling my part of the road and be more safe but then she drove her even closer to the edge and almost went down in the ditch I stopped him wait till she caught up with me we were both laughing and I asked her what happened she answered and got distracted by something weird on the tree beside the road and forgot to turn we laughed it away and continued driving later when we sat in the sheep pasture eating her snacks we started talking about it again for some reason I asked what she saw and she described it and it was some kind of wood plank that was nailed in a tree and what looked like some type of figure maybe a person which just holds his eyes my reaction was like what the heck that sounds disturbing and she responded yeah it was kind of creepy we decided to try to locate it again on our way home we stopped by the road and I turned off the engine when I looked up I spotted it right away and it gave me the creeps it was hanging there in a tree looking all dead I decided to take a picture of it when we drove home when I saw it my thoughts went straight to Colts and murderers to pit up some kind of sign to show that they've been there or as a hint to you know maybe stay away I don't think I will ever go out there again for a while what do you guys think about this maybe and hopefully it's nothing but something didn't feel right about it [Music] so I live in the Upper Peninsula and we have something called the Paulding light it's on an Indian Reservation me and a few of my friends decided to head that way thinking it would be fun it was Ali Cara alia and myself well about halfway through the hour or so drive to get to the Paulding light I started getting a weird feeling I don't really know how to put it but it was like there was some kind of presence in the air one minute we're laughing and having a good time and the next we hit something and Ali was kind of stunned stopping the car whatever we hit it was on the left side of the car because you could feel it under the dakara tires so me and Ali got out of the car to go check on that we were trying to see what we hit while Cara in the car ahead also stopped when she noticed we did as we were walking to the spot where whatever we ran over was we completely we completely were thrown off by this foul smell like something was rotting but much worse we got to the spot where we ran the thing over and we noticed a blood trail we were feeling bad thinking he got hit and tried to walk off with further investigation the blood trail led off the road to a ditch covered in woods looking down there was a dead porcupine with no head laying on the bottom of the ditch as we were checking it we heard a very very loud scream that's what the tipping point was we got scared and started running back to the car as we were running to Cara's car about 60 feet away we saw something just standing in front of her car what got me was that it kind of looked like a naked man but looking closer something was very wrong with his legs another thing was a towered over her car like it was awkwardly way too tall this thing looked menacing once it noticed we were out of the car ran the run terrified me it's just the way it half skittered and it all seemed so unnatural needless to say we were extremely freaked out at this point so we jumped in the car as fast as possible Carl whipped around on the highway she pulled up next to our car and calmly said we need to go home now when we finally got back she sent the creature to yellow eyes a human torso and what looks to be goat legs and that it would take its eyes off her till it ran back into the woods I still get goose bumps thinking of it today three years later [Music] this happened about 13 years ago I was in Boy Scouts and on the way there my friend and I I will call Ricky for privacy reasons had her Nintendo DS Out playing Pokemon when one of the adults who were driving us to the table rock in South Carolina told us about the trail that Native Americans used to consider a very dangerous place about 45 minutes into the ride I started reading about the dangerous trail on my phone three people disappeared from there and one person barely escaped from the trail itself it had an interesting and creepy history I thought it just happened to be a coincidence but oh boy was I wrong so we get to the site at about 9:00 p.m. and I set my tent up right by that detail with some more people because of curiosity later that night we started hearing twigs and sticks break from the woods I grabbed my pocketknife and go get another scout I will call Dwayne from his tent and Eagle Scouts he's about 6 foot and I was about 511 both of us were small but when we went near the woods we saw something human-like with pale skin it made this loud screaming sound that was so unnerving it sent us running the other direction real quick I still remember the horror and fear I felt as the screaming rang out into the night air to this day when it's really quiet I still swear I can hear it needless to say when we got back to camp the Scout masters were really upset we had to be back home at 2 a.m. because of the anxiety I'm not really sure what this thing could have been but if you know feel free to share with me what you think it was I've never been one to freak out over just anything but that night I saw something that scares me until this very day part of me would love to go back but there's the strange feeling that if I do it'll end very very badly I've had several nightmares since that night and sometimes they feel so real that I swear I'm actually back in those woods when happens not only does it feel like I'm there but I can sense the thing out in the woods somewhere just out of sight stalking me I can hear this heavy breathing and with every snap of a twig I find myself jumping and sprinting deeper I tried to escape this place and the horrors that fill the forest but no matter how much I run I am always trapped there I'm not sure if the dream is just the manifestation of my deep-seated fears in the place mixed with my experience the one time we were there or if somehow there even if only in the dream and it was somehow drawn my spirit or something regardless I can say anytime I have those dreams I'm terrified and the dreams are the main reason I'm never going back anyway that's my story and I thank you for sharing it this experience happened recently it actually happened in early June 2019 I was exploring the woods with my friend Scott we did this often and we were well versed in the ways of nature and had never really felt frayed while in the woods I'd even go so far to say as we felt a certain serenity while out with nature there's definitely no feeling like it that said this time was a bit different we were on this path that looked like an ATV path we were on this path many times before but we'd never really seen anything creepy this was all about the change though in this path there were two places where there was water one was a big puddle and one was a creek we were heading towards the big puddle when we heard rustling ahead of us we stopped and scan the area closely I remember shaking a bit not so much at a fear but out of this almost uncontrollable feeling that something was very very off not terrifying just off after a minute or two we decided to keep on walking I crossed the big puddle while Scott stayed on the other side there was a clearing on the other side of the creek we always wanted to get over there but we never could while Scott was trying to cross the big puddle I was looking at the clearing in that moment I saw a black figure on all fours run across the clearing I was taken aback and I hesitated before deciding whether I was gonna bolt the hell out of there or just you know kind of played out unfortunately for me Scott was in front of me and thus was slowing me down I fell in the big puddle in my attempts to escape what I had just seen I thought it was dead my mind raced with all those horrific thoughts of what was going to happen to me now that I fell to the puddle I kept imagining this thing tearing me limb from limb perhaps it was the fact that people in horror films who trip usually died or it was simply my imagination running wild after seeing something I could not explain regardless I turned around into my shot the creature was nowhere to be this made me feel a slight sense of relief and yet there was also the thought gnaw at me that if it vanished they could still be lurking waiting to kill me I tried to shake these thoughts so I stood up and ran off the path Scott never saw this creature he must have been looking the other way when I saw it all the details I can make out was that it was skinny with skinny arms it was running on all forms and it was all black the bike was not further though it looked like skin the only thing I could think is that it might be a rake the rake is not all black though at least from what I've heard tell me in the comments below what you think this thing was I'm actually going back to this path that put a camera in it this experience will haunt me for the rest of my life I'm sure of it [Music] this took place when I was about 10 it was a warm October night in southern Ohio me and my cousin were riding four-wheelers in the middle of the night my uncle which is my cousin's dad had talked about a little girl roaming around the five acres of land my uncle owned me in my cousin didn't believe him because he would tease us a lot about creepy stuff he was notorious for trying to scare us we would take trails into and out of the woods but this time we went into the woods a slim tree had fallen but got hung up in the other tree so there was a bit of an overhang when we got close to the overhang the four-wheelers broke down my cousin was driving so he tried to restart the quad after a while of fidgeting with the key we got it to start when the lights turned we saw the little girl hanging over by the tree she fell down to the ground and my cousin tried to drive over to her she disappeared and we looked at one another in shock would question if we had really just seen this little girl disappear and why would this little girl be in the woods I asked my cousin what he saw and our story's aligned we were quite freaked out about all this and also very confused by it that said having no answers and only being left with the feeling of unease we left the immediate area to regroup and gather our thoughts as we were leaving I turned around to see if the girl was there it was then I saw her face upside down staring straight into my eyes I screamed as I was 10 at the time and told my cousin to haul it out of there the sight of this little girl made she'll run down my spine as we rode away I felt so uncomfortable and that feeling never really left me when we finally arrived home we locked all the doors I went to tell my uncle about what we saw after explaining our story to him we got food in us and tried to relax and forget about the whole adventure altogether unfortunately later that night as I slept I couldn't forget it I kept seeing that little girl's face in my dreams I woke several times to the side of that window and I kept trying to look away afraid I might see that girl again if I rolled over it didn't make it easier because then my imagination would have me thinking I was being watched since that day we never saw a thing ever again but that memory would never leave my head I will always remember that little girl and though I'm not as freaked out as much now as I was at 10 years old she will never be forgotten [Music] I live in Northeast Georgia I am a logger and enjoy hunting and camping or just hiking through the woods at times they spent a great portion of my life in the woods as my father was also a logger at a young age I started exploring and enjoying the wilderness enough at the background I'll get to the story when I was about 25 I had planned a weekend fishing trip it was late February and the weather was getting rather Pleasant not too high not too cold just right a couple of friends were going with me that Friday afternoon at the last minute unfortunately they backed out though I almost didn't go but have been looking forward to it all week and decided to go alone I packed my Jeep with the tent a coleman cook stove and a cooler and just enough food for a week just to be safe I always go heavily-armed osso because when I was 16 years old I encountered a pack of wild dogs unarmed thank God for a sweet gum tree as I climbed until I was helped anyway I set out on my journey about an hour later I arrived at a remote spot on the river and it was getting late shortly after arriving I looked around and realized I only had about an hour of sunlight left so I pitched my tent put my sleeping bag in place and built a campfire with some dry firewood I had brought along I fired up my stove and cooked bacon and eggs as I love breakfast for supper very very often after eating by the fire enjoying the peace and solitude my arsenal was still in my gene I decided to put my guns in the tent before a guy any later I brought my 357 Magnum in a mini 14 Ruger and my uncle's US Marine Corps ka-bar knife he had given me before he passed away I couldn't help but notice the temperature was beginning to drop fast as it does at night in the late winter here before a 70 degree day I was beginning to get cold that's why I decided to go ahead and bed down for the night my sleeping bag was designed for arctic temperatures so I was anxious to crawl in after falling asleep for about an hour I suddenly woke up I felt as though I had been awakened by something so I sat up and listen to the nice sounds and tried to figure out what it would mean hear something that sounded like a tarp being dragged across dry leaves I grabbed my pistol flashlight and leaned forward to unzip my tent and look out to see what it was I didn't turn on the flashlight because there was plenty of light from the moon although on a full moon yet it was a little brighter than a half moon and I could see something coming through the woods toward me what the hell is that I wondered to myself it looked to be at least 10 feet tall and was dark with glowing yellow eyes it looked like a head a long cape or something a had wings maybe yeah I couldn't really tell but whatever it was was coming directly toward me I don't spook easily so I wanted a better look at it before I fired a shot the thought crossed my mind and maybe my friends were trying to scare me but this didn't look like any costume I got the pistol ready and turned on my flashlight I thought as I looked at it in light all the time I have spent in the woods working on logging jobs and hunting I have never seen anything other than normal wildlife that said this creature or whatever it was look like something off of Jeepers Creepers I couldn't believe it was not going to back down from it but I didn't want to shoot it just yet either when my light hit his face and stopped and just kind of stared in my direction it was at least 10 feet tall it human-shaped legs but a beacon wings it looked like a giant crow almost and shellow eyes just staring at me I couldn't speak and my mouth was dry and my chest was pounding I just sat there and all of a sudden it took off in the air right above me its powerful wings parted the trees as it flew over and just like that it was seemingly was gone just sat there the rest of the night half scared but in shock and disbelief I never told anyone about this except for my grandpa and I was reluctant to tell him because I was afraid he'd think I was crazy but to my surprise he had seen the same thing I had described many years earlier close to the same spot on the river he hadn't seen his sense in either of I although I don't go back there alone anymore I may never know what I saw that night and my grandpa has long since passed but believe me it's always on my mind when we go out in those woods [Music] I come from a big family and my sisters had always heard stories about the Jersey Devil one night five of my sisters and three of our friends went camping not too close to our neighborhood my sister had just got her license and we were excited to get out and do something away from the rest of the family it was going to be an adventure my sisters and I hope to share with one another and talk about for the rest of our lives we borrowed our mom's van it was the early 90s so we did not have cell phones we did have flashlights safety kits and the like my sister had a Swiss Army knife and her friend brought mace as the day carried on into the night we sat around the fire pauley my sister's friend told us stories about the New Jersey Devil this piqued our interest and curiosity as we our horror movie fanatics werewolf's the Jersey Devil ghosts pretty much anything or got us intrigued soon after the story it was time to turn in I decided to sleep with Rosie my sister because she had a weapon I woke in the middle of the night and heard sticks crinkle I assumed it was one of the girls so I didn't think much of it at first however as time went on and I noticed it seemed as though everyone was asleep it sounded like maybe someone was sneaking around and I quietly went to open the tent I put my face out it was then I saw a shadow figure standing across from my sister's tent I quickly rushed backward into the tent as I did this I made a bunch of noise and I fell on my sister who jumped up and said hey I quickly put my hand on her mouth I taught her to keep quiet and I tried to explain the situation to her it was a full moon and I can barely see the figure heading toward our tent it was at the opening of the tent and I freaked out at this point I grabbed the mace it was a little dark but I could see the shape of its face I pointed the mace at this creature and quickly spread it the figure pulled back screaming my heart races I prepared to use the mace again if the thing tried to come into our tent and all these thoughts about if the mace wasn't effective for long it may merely just anger this thing what would I do thankfully these thoughts ceased when I realized this thing took off Rosie me and her friend sat in the tent and waited we wanted to call out to the others in the tent but we soon heard them ask guys are you ok we told them we were fine and said to stay in your tent to the morning a few hours later the Sun started to rise Rosie her friend and I decided to get out of the tent she had the mace with her she came out and called our sister and friends they came out of the tent jo-ann explained her tent mate said she woke up last night and saw something standing outside the tent she could not see their face however it was odd looking we explained we had seen the same thing as well Joann explained she had heard a noise right before headed toward our tent she said she saw the figure running in the direction of the woods shortly after being maced and pointed to where she saw it upon further investigation we saw weird looking footprints near our tents we wanted an experience that would stay with us for our lifetimes and I think we we got one needless to say we never told our parents about it [Music] thanks for listening to these creepy and allegedly true deep woods exploration stories I don't know about you but the sound of these creatures in these stories make me not want to go in the woods any time soon if you enjoyed these stories please hit that like button as a house me out of town the more likes this video gets the more you to promote to fresh new eyes if you're new to the swamp why not subscribe and turn on notifications to never miss a new video as I upload them almost every single day and all things natural and supernatural if you have a story you would like to share in a future video well there's a Deepwoods story or something completely different be sure to submit it a swamped willard net or the email you can find in the description down below i would love to share your story with everyone here in the swamp and stories like yours that keep this channel going if you're not aware you can download your favorite swamp dwellers scary stories on itunes spotify and pretty much every other major podcast provider i'll see you guys soon with another creepy video you
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Views: 25,509
Rating: 4.8693757 out of 5
Keywords: Deep Woods Exploration, State Park Stories, Wilderness Stories, Swamp Dweller, Scary Stories, Narrations
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 53sec (2693 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2019
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