"I'm The Only One In My Family Who Isn't A C*nnibal" Creepypasta

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[Music] let me introduce myself my name is Angelica and I'd rather not tell you my true last name and just call me Angie whether isn't I always liked that last name anyway and all of my family calls me Angie I'm 16 and I live in a very small farming community called olive grove I won't tell you exactly where that is either but it is in the southern United States not much happens here and the only thing that there is to do for tans is to go to school while I do live in the south sadly we do not tip tiles in our spare time like they do in the movies sorry [Music] nobody really knows who my family is simply because we live such a secluded life I have a few other siblings even nieces and nephews but we never really leave the farm because so we have always been homeschooled the only thing that Tom really knows is s we run the best pig farm in our region and the rumors they create don't even begin to come close to what really happens on a regular day I usually go help around the farm with the animals I milk the cows and the goats and I feed the few cats and dogs that we have for catching mice the only animals that I try not to help out with other pigs that's usually what my brother does but my dad decided today that it would be a good day to force me to do it Angelica and I open my eyes and I groan on my mom yelling at me for the third time and get out of bed and come down here your father said that you need to feed the pigs I swing my legs over my bed and I stretched my arms all the way about my head I really hated feeding the pigs because it always made me feel dirty afterwards I hate throwing a fit about it for years but my father finally put a stop to last night and when he said that I was either going to feed the pigs her and be fed to the pigs and to avoid being pig that I get ready in a hurry and I run down there my brother is already there waiting with the bucket took you long enough and he said what looking at me with a look of shame on his face not all of us are twisted individuals Elijah I said while snatching the bucket away from Hannah and I quickly regret snatching it when I almost spilled the contents of the bucket on my legs he Snickers I might look of disgust as I put on the latex gloves that I brought from the house make sure you don't waste it and it took dad a while to fatten up already for Amla I was hoping that we would have her for ourselves but you know how dad is the other scraps are on the table in the barn he salutes me and he walks back to the house I try my best to ignore his comment and the feeling of dread in my stomach as I feed the pigs this is normal meat nothing is wrong with this meat it's just normal food for the pigs and I repeat this mantra over and over to try and call myself down and but my hands get so shaky that I almost spilled a bucket to my legs again I stop for a second take a deep breath and I chucked the whole bucket and now I watched as the pigs fight over the scraps and then I quickly run to the water hose to scrub my hands i doused them and some Dawn dish soap that I had grabbed earlier from the house and I practically scrubbed the top layer of skin off my hands and arms I forgot to mention that feeding the pigs is a two part job but I find the second part way more enjoyable I actually try to do this part as often as I can but my brother tends to be stingy with it my dad also found it unfair that I refused to feed the pig spots I beg to do this as I told my brother but not everyone in this family is a sick and twisted individual [Music] I walk deeper inside of the barn and towards the back and I move aside the hay covering the door in the floor I grab the plates of leftover dinner scraps my brother left on the table and I had down the steep stairs I am instantly greeted by him muffled yah Xhosa and I yell a greeting towards the makeshift chain-link cells against the right wall there are three on the right wall and two on the wall directly in front of the stairs the room is longer than it is wide hey guys it's just me I wanted to bring you some good stuff this time but I'm sorry it's only scraps I turn on the overhead light and I look at the faces staring back at me from their selves three out of five cages full alex is on the left he's 23 and he's been here for almost eight months in the right cell is Miss Cora and I call her miss because she's old enough to be my grandma and she is the sweetest little black woman that's I never met she's been here the longest at about a lot of mines and I think dad has kept her here the slime because of how sweet she is the nettle cell is where Celia is she has only been here for three weeks so I don't know much about her and the others who are still trying to convince her to trust me here I walk over to Alex's cage and I take the rag out of his mouth thank God I thought if I saw your brother's stupid smirking face one more time I was going to off myself and he said while he rubs the Lions left on his face from the rag and I take miss Korres out next after Celia backs away from me now Alex honey you know you can't be saying those types of things for your safety miss Cora kind of became Alex's temporary mother figure wall they had been trapped and you get pretty close to people if you're locked in cages with them I walk toward the Caelius cage Agana and I put my hand through the small makeshift hole that to each of their cages has you can trust me here I won't hurt you like day well Alex walks towards the fence wall that he shares with her she's telling the truth she's the only one of them that actually cares about us I flinch at him including me with them but I wait patiently as Celia walks towards me I carefully take the rag out of her mouth as she stares at me though I do I promise that I won't hurt you I smile at her and and then I want to grab the scrap plate said I did set down okay so my mom made pork chops a string beans and mashed potatoes last night I tried to get you guys some good enough scraps and but you know how me and my brother can be I ramble on while I grab the plastic plates and so for I keep stashed in the shelves he fed some of it to the dogs and he wouldn't even let me heat it up in the microwave I'm just happy to have your mom's mashed potatoes again and to have them on a plate it it kind of sucks when your brother just puts it in our hands and complains Alex he can be such a dick I say as I split the scraps evenly three ways I handy to play to them along with silverware and they immediately start chowing down oh shoot I forgot to bring you guys some more napkins I smack myself on the forehead add to my own forgetfulness oh no baby and what you do for us is already enough said miss Cora I smile at her and we sit in silence for a few minutes while they eat Celia starts staring at me when she finishes eating and but I ignore her until the others are done eating - she waits until I make eye contact with her before speaking huh I don't get this oh why did you do this do what feed you my parents tell me to and I won't feel bad if I didn't anyway I just put it on paper plates because you're human oh you don't have to tell us that were humans she rolls her eyes as she says this if you really felt like we were humans but we wouldn't be latching a cage why are we even here anyway Alex looks down in the florists and this coral exactly at me and waiting for me to respond I don't know what to say however so I stay silent well are you going to answer I can't get a word out of these two about it and I know that they know am I going to die or not I'm a big girl and I can take it it's not like being here is any better than death I say the only thing that's I know to say I don't know what my father wants to do with any of you for sure there could be any number of possibilities but I don't have the heart to tell you any of them I never find out what his decisions are until they happen and I don't know how he makes them the only thing that I know to do is make you feel better about being here she laughs in my response her eyes now are far from the doe eyes yet her there feel better and look little girl I don't think that there's any way to make me feel better about being in a cage Alex quickly slams himself against the fence wall and grips at with his fingers hey leave her alone she can't help that were in here it's not her fault but she can let us out and yell Oh Sylvia and then she turns to me go on let us out all you have to do was open the cage and we can all run stop yelling at her and Alex's fingers had started to turn white with how hard he was gripping the fans miss Cora had turned away from the scream attendant was sitting cross-legged on the floor Celia continues to scream at me and Alex continues to scream at her and tears begin to flow down my face I finally lose it okay look I can't let you out and I'm sorry about that but that's just how it is why are you afraid that he's going to kill you are you really going to put the lives of three people on the line for your own safety she stares at me with her hands on her hips I reach into my back pocket and I pulled the old flip phone I've had since I was a little girl it didn't work but I kept it for one particular picture I pulled that picture up and I aimed it at Celia's face she scrunched up her nose which makes me want to punch her who am I supposed to be looking at a picture of my older sister and I an older sister that I no longer have when I was younger she was supposed to be watching me she fell asleep by accident I came out here and released everybody that we had Dinah and my father killed the people that are released along with her Celia stares at me while she takes in my story I can see some sort of remorse in her for a split second but then she goes back to Scala Hina if I hadn't come out here and released all those people I wouldn't have lost my best friend my emotion towards Alex and miss Cora and now they are my best friends I'm not releasing anyone until I know for sure that I can get them out safely and then especially goes for that Alex and miss Cora smiled sadly at me and Celia just skal's and sits down in the dirt I begin to gather my stuff up to leave Alex and miss Cora put their rags back in their mouth and i scowl back at Celia until she follows suenson I shut off the lights and I walk back up the stairs into with the real world someday I'll be able to set the people I love free but until that now I have to try to keep them alive
Channel: Mr. Creeps
Views: 180,549
Rating: 4.850493 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, reading, narration, nosleep, creepypasta reading, creepypasta narration, nosleep story, scary story, scary stories, horror stories, creepy story, asmr reading, asmr story, reddit stories
Id: SyfwhKHQ3aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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