10 Roku Tips, Tricks and Secret Menus

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whether you are brand new to Roku devices or you've had them for years in this video today I'm going to go over some tips tricks and even secret menus to show you how to get the most out of your device so stay tuned hey everybody welcome back to another video I gotta say the more and more I use these Roku devices the more they are becoming my favorite streaming devices I've always kind of been more partial to say a Chromecast but I gotta say I've really been liking these Roku devices and all the things that they can actually do which is what we're going to be talking about in today's video if you guys are into tips tricks and getting more out of your devices then you have come to the right place that is what we cover on this channel so don't forget to subscribe if you have not already we have a lot to cover today so let's go ahead and just jump right into it okay so in case you are new to Roku let's just cover a few Basics if you take a look here this is the home screen the home screen has all your apps everything that you're going to use use your remote to kind of control and go through the different apps and everything on here so if you want to install some more apps on here we're going to go over to the side you're going to click up and go ahead and click add channel so you can go through look for the different things you can either search for stuff or just look through the recommendations right here so for example let's go here I'm going to go ahead and install PBS kids so we're going to load that up and add to that channel it's going to go ahead and install it on our home screen all right PBS Kids has been added to our home screen I'm going to click on OK we're going to go back to the home screen take a look over here now unfortunately these always install at the bottom so what you can do is you can actually change this so if you go ahead and hold down on the star button on your remote that is going to bring up some options for us check for updates different things like that but I'm gonna go ahead and I'm going to click on move Channel this is going to allow me to move the channels and organize it in a way that I want it set up once I have it where I want it I go ahead and click on the OK button on the remote and it's going to set it in that spot right there now another thing you can do is you can actually change the themes of what you are looking at right here so I'm gonna go ahead and click on the home button we're going to click up that's going to take us straight to settings over and you can select different themes so you could change the look of how your Roku looks I'm going to go ahead and take a look at some of these themes right here now these are the ones that I have installed but you can go down here and take a look at a few other ones let's say for example I want to activate this nautical one right here so I'm going to go ahead and click on this set this as my theme and it will re-theme everything on my Roku so I'm going to go ahead and click back on the home button and we see that we've got this new background that we see right here it's going to change our screen saver and even the sounds when it goes through are going to sound a little bit different with this new theme pack okay so now that we've covered kind of the basics of the home screen let's go ahead and dive deeper into some of the settings have you ever been watching your show and you missed what the person said well on the Roku remote there is an instant replay button hit that button it jumps back 10 seconds you can listen to it again but what if you still can't understand what the person's saying there is a setting you can set that when it does an automatic replay it'll also turn on closed captioning which is really nice to be able to just read what the person said instead of trying to listen to it over and over again let me show you how to turn this on we're going to go into our settings over to accessibility and then caption mode here you have the option to turn the feature off you can set it to always on or you can set it to on Replay for me I like it on replay so that's we're going to leave it right there volume leveling is another cool feature that you can do with Roku this is going to allow you to set the highs and lows so that way they smooth out better and you're not having those really high action scenes but then those also really quiet Whispering scenes let me go ahead and show you guys how to turn that feature on what we're going to do is that we're going to load into the actual program we're going to do so this is a feature that is going to be per show based so I've got a movie loaded up right here and what I'm going to do is I'm going to hit the star button with the movie loaded and it is going to bring up another option menu this one is a volume mode if I'm going to go ahead and click on volume mode we have two different options here we have leveling which is going to smooth out the highs and low sounds like I said so it's not super high not super low get those a little bit more on par and then we've got night mode here now night mode here is going to set a maximum threshold for volume that way other people people in the house who are trying to sleep won't be woken up another setting that Roku has is bandwidth Savory essentially what that means is that it will turn off your Roku after a certain amount of time now some people like this some people don't if I'm watching football all day for eight hours I don't want my Roku to turn off after four hours I want to turn this feature off so what I'm going to do is we're going to go to settings go to network and then we're going to go down to bandwidth saver right now like I said it is on if you take a look at the text down below that it's going to go ahead and turn it off after four hours of not being used I'm gonna go ahead and turn mine off because I don't want that I will turn off my Roku when I want it turned off however if you are somebody that leaves your Roku on and walks away from it this feature might be one you want to leave on another great feature that I highly recommend getting is the Roku app make sure you're installing that on your phone because it's going to give you a lot of cool options I've got the app loaded up right here we can see that we've got a home screen we can we have our recent channels we've got different sports different shows and everything that we can go through but what I like about this is that if I take a look at the bottom we've got a couple of different options here we've got Roku channels that can load up right here we can do a search for those right there we've also got a remote which is pretty cool you can bring up the remote and let me go back out of here if we click on devices you can bring up your different Roku devices and we have some options here so I'm gonna go ahead and connect to my Roku it's going to bring up the remote for us what I love about this right here is that it brings up a keyboard or has a keyboard option for us to type on the screen so if I click on the keyboard up in the very top of the screen right here it's going to bring up that keyboard now if I need to log into anything if we take a look right here on the Roku I'm going to log into my Hulu account but I don't want to have to use the remote and go through everything there so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to use my phone right here and I'm going to be able to type in all of my usernames and passwords it makes it so much easier to log in now another great feature with the app right here is the ability to listen to headphones now with certain remote controls you can actually plug headphones into the remote and listen to your headphones that way however it does drain the battery really fast I think it says about three hours of listening we'll drain the batteries on your remote so you can actually connect Bluetooth headphones to your phone and use those headphones to listen to whatever show you are watching if we take a look here on the app you see the headphones right here if I tap on that that is going to bring up private listening so that way I can just listen through my headphones instead of having to listen through the TV and this feature does have the ability to connect up to four different headphones to have multiple people watching the same thing did you know that Roku has secret menus well they actually have quite a lot and to get into these secret menus you pretty much need to enter in like a cheat code for a video game but I'll show you how to get into a few of them this one right here is going to be for images and ads what you need to do is you're going to grab your remote you're going to hit the home button five times and then you're gonna hit up right down left up so let's go ahead and do that right now perfect now I am in that menu but take a look here this is going to be our secret screen 2 up on the top we can set things like cycling through scrollable ads you can even set up things like automatically pairing your gaming remotes when you turn on the Roku or even updating that gaming remote when you go into the settings right here now another setting that I want to show you is your wireless heading so I'm going to hit the home button and go back to the home screen right here to get into our wireless secret menu we're going to go ahead and hit the home screen five times then we've got up down up down up all right that brings us into our wireless settings right here from here you can see what wireless router you're connected to you can see your antenna strengths your glitch rates the channel that you're connected to on your Wi-Fi and get a lot of information that you need to right here we've got some options down here below you can go ahead and reset it we've got logging we've got AP speed tests and different things like that now the last one that I want to bring up and show you right here is the Roku platform menu so go back to the home screen right here to get into this one we're going to hit that home button five times and then we're going to hit the fast forward pause rewind pause fast forward all right now we're here into the platform secret menu this is going to give us things like temperature we've got IP address but another thing that I wanted to show you on here is that we've got some different options for different menus so here's a way to quickly get to that wireless secret menu that we were in we've also got a remote menu we've got our system operations menu so if I go ahead and click on that we've got some different options of different menus that we can get into here let's go ahead and cancel out of that one if we go into our remote we can see stuff like a battery usage and be able to see how much battery we have on different things like that but these are just some extra menus that you can get into and use on your Roku devices now in addition to the Roku app you can actually use your Apple watch to control your Roku too to do this you just need to download the app onto your app Apple watch once you get that loaded up you've got to your up down you've got your okays you got your play your pause your home button right here if we swipe to the side we can see that we can tap to talk so we can go ahead and use our voice right there we've also got our different channels so we can just quickly load up the different channels that we have connected to our Roku device and then swiping over one more time is going to give us the name of the Roku device that we're connected to in case you have multiple ones you can see which ones you're connected to make sure you are controlling the right one now in addition to using your watch and the app on the phone you can actually use your Alexa Voice Assistant to control your Roku device to do this we're going to load up our Amazon Alexa app in the bottom right corner we're going to click on more we're going to click on skills and games and then we're going to do a search for Roku once we find the app you're going to go ahead and tap on that app we're going to enable to use and then it's going to ask you for your username and password for your Roku account this will link it with an Amazon to allow you to be able to use your smart speaker to control your device now this is going to open up the options for you to use your Echo devices to control your Roku device you can say things like whatever your wake word is in this case we'll say Alexa find action movies on Roku or Alexa pause Roku or Alexa open Netflix on Roku if you have a Roku TV you get even more controls by turning the TV on and off and adjusting volumes too all right next up we have the ability of setting up a guest mode on your Roku device this is going to be great if you have a rental property or maybe you're loaning out your Roku device to somebody and you want to give them some access but you don't want to give them access to all of your personal accounts being able to purchase all of that kind of stuff what you need to do is you actually need to log in to the roku.com website log into there and you need to set up a pin first this is going to allow you to turn on guest mode you can actually turn on guest mode either through the website remotely or you can actually do it on the device itself if you take a look here on the device I'm going to go ahead we're going to go to settings scroll all the way down to system and then we can go ahead and enable guest mode right here so we're going to turn on guest mode it's going to require my PIN code so we'll get that turned on the cool thing about guest mode too is that once you get guest mode turned on say if you've got somebody renting your property when they log in and open up their Roku account it's going to ask them when they plan on leaving so they can actually set a log out date so they're going to go ahead and set that logout date from here they can go ahead and log into all of their own accounts they can do everything that they want to install apps all of that kind of stuff essentially they get to use the Roku as their own and when that log out date happens it's going to go ahead and wipe that account out so they don't have to worry about logging out of each of the apps that they did and installed you don't have to worry about them accessing your stuff it makes it pretty easy and convenient you can also access all of this through the website so through the website you can set up a guest mode you can even set up custom messages so if you want to have a custom message when they log in every single time you can set that up and you can even disable guest mode from the website too well those are the tips tricks and secret menus that we had for this video I hope you guys got some good information out of it if so give it a thumbs up and let me know that you liked it as always don't forget to subscribe for more content like this I'll see you guys in the next video [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Steve DOES
Views: 316,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roku stick hacks and tricks, roku tricks and hacks, roku tv hacks and tricks, roku tv, roku tricks, roku tricks and tips, roku tips and tricks, roku tricks and secrets, roku private channels, roku stick, best free roku channels, roku tv setup, roku stick 4k, roku ultra, roku tips, roku settings, add channel on roku, roku media player, roku app, roku custom home screen, roku guest mode, roku streaming stick, roku shortcut buttons, roku shortcuts, roku settings to change
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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