These Are the 20 Best Free Roku Apps in 2023!

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today I'm sharing 20 streaming apps that I've got  downloaded on my Roku and the best part they're   all free let's get started the first three apps I  want to talk about today are my favorites in the   free category Pluto TV 2B and freebie I spend most  of my time with Pluto TV this service is owned by   Paramount and it features a lot of Library shows  and movies from the company's various Brands Pluto   TV is known for its cable-like guide that you see  here with hundreds and hundreds of channels one   of Pluto's longtime employees told me the two best  places to find content first under featured in the   live TV section and then the movies tab in the  on-demand section Pluto TV's content is always   changing and here's a tip sometimes the service  will only license a movie for a month or even less   so that's a reason to check back frequently one  of my viewers put it this way the best thing about   Pluto TV it is never the same now if you find  Pluto TV little bit overwhelming you may prefer   to be and I think this fox Zone service does a  pretty good job of organizing its content from   the category section you see filters like leaving  soon new releases and trending to be struck a deal   with Warner Brothers Discovery in early 2023 to  add 14 WB branded channels that's to the live   section as well as more than 225 titles available  on Demand with 2B I recommend starting with the   movie because it has a lot of films that you're  not going to find on Pluto TV Amazon's freebie is   a must-have service for its original programming  now a lot of freebies Library content can be found   elsewhere but not the shows and movies that  I'm showing you on the screen now these are   all freebie exclusives and there's something for  everyone too dramas comedies and reality shows   number four on my list is Plex and although I'll  admit that I don't spend as much time using Plex   as the first three services I I have tested out  a recent feature that Plex added and that is the   ability to skip credits of the shows and movies  that you're watching I should also mention that   one of plex's unique features is that it lets  you add your own media to the service I'm hoping   to try that out soon let me know your experience  down below YouTube is number five today and it's   the number one place to watch long form user  generated content like what's on Michael saves   but did you know about the movies and TV section  this is it and it's just another option for free   shows and movies let's continue number six on  my list may surprise you it is sling free stream   formerly sling free you can access sling free  stream from the sling app but the free version   it is nothing like the bundles of cable channels  that sling TV sells you are not getting free cable   with sling TV or any other service instead sling  free stream offers more than 210 channels and 41   000 on-demand titles at launch with more on the  way no payment or credit card information required   to use it and if you're already familiar with  sling TV's user interface you're probably going   to like free streams look and feel I'm on the home  screen right now and notice as you scroll through   suggested content at the top of the screen the  thumbnail switches to a live preview moving away   from the home screen the guide section also looks  similar to the paid version and with sling free   stream you have the ability to favorite channels  and you can filter the guide by categories those   are along the top of the screen like the other  services I've mentioned there's also a separate   on-demand section if you prefer that over the  guide view now you should know that every time   I open up the sling app to access free stream  I am prompted with options to subscribe to one   of sling's paid plans so there is an upselling  component to this free service sling TV is one of   the more affordable live TV options and I want as  much competition as possible to keep prices down   so if watching a few ads on free stream is  going to help sling TV out I'm happy to do   it the next four apps on my list are for the  major broadcast TV networks ABC CBS FOX and   NBC these apps require a pay TV login to stream  live but in many cases you can watch the latest   episodes of shows on demand either about a day or  a week after they air the ABC app does a nice job   letting you know what's actually free look for the  section called unlocked TV and this is where you   can find content that does not require signing in  with the pay TV provider number 11. I've separated   the CW app because you don't have to worry about  what's locked or what's unlocked the CW app never   requires a login and you can watch episodes of  your favorite CW shows on demand the day after   they air on broadcast TV the next two apps on  my list are PBS and PBS Kids and like many of   the apps I've mentioned today there's an on-demand  Library of shows and films to watch but with the   PBS app you can also watch a live stream in many  areas number 14 is local now and this is one of   the free apps that I've downloaded most recently  this app features a lot of live local and national   news coverage plus weather and I downloaded this  one shortly after local now announced a deal to   add PBS live streams to its app that rollout  is happening throughout 2023. 15 and 16 are two   other news apps news on and Haystack news both of  them bring together news from various sources and   depending on where you live your local station's  live news may be included that brings me to number   17 your local news app if your favorite news  station has a dedicated app for Roku or whatever   device you're using it may be worth downloading  especially if your local news is your primary   source of news canopy and hoopla are different  because there is no advertising but these two   apps require that you have a library card don't  have one check your local library's website for   an electronic library card and once you've got  that card you can access canopy and hooplus apps   to stream movies TV and audiobooks in my opinion  these are both underrated apps I may Save The Best   For Last let's talk about number 20 on my list the  Roku Channel now there's a lot of content overlap   with many of the free services that I use that's  true with the Roku Channel as well but the service   has been building out its Roku Originals for the  past few years so if you're looking for something   new and something different you're gonna find it  here for those who like roku's simple interface   you may prefer using the Roku Channel over the  other services for example here's the live TV   section that lets you browse by thumbnails but  you can also select the live TV channel guide   option if you want to scroll through channels  like a traditional TV Guide Roku and other   streaming platforms are making it a lot easier  to browse multiple free streaming options all at   once let me show you for those with a Roku head  to featured free to get content recommendations   across many services not just the Roku Channel  and for some programs you're going to have the   option to add to a save list and then when you're  ready to stream you can head to the what to watch   section to view your save list most free apps  have their own watch list features but a sign   in may be required and another way to get the most  out of free services is to move your favorites to   the top of your home screen and that way they  are always front and center from a Roku click   star move Channel and use the arrows to place the  channel remember if you're just starting out you   do not need to download all of these apps right  away it's just not necessary viewers on my channel   really like Pluto TV 2B and the Roku Channel and  even if you don't use a Roku to stream many of   the free apps I mentioned today are available on  your preferred streaming device let me know your   favorite free app down below comments and I hope  to see you back here next time thanks for watching
Channel: Michael Saves
Views: 124,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZO3Ce19MgBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2023
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