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today we want to talk about ten different things that you can do in order to get the most out of your procreate experience those are going to be a mix of features tips and tricks and options in order to make your life as easy as possible whenever you're working with digital illustration my name is Leo and watching those papers so now let's get to it there's number one on the list working with a double tap feature on your Apple pencil 2nd generation all right for this first tip right here it does require you to have an Apple pencil 2nd generation this is actually an Apple pencil 2nd generation it's just that I use the deeper end sticker onto this pencil here so it's just kind of like a decal and it's supposed to be like a replica of a real pencil but this pencil the second generation pencil comes with the double tap gesture feature which allows me to double tap on the pencil on the flat part of the pencil and recall an option here on procreate and this is actually the tip that I want to show you if we go here into these settings and look under Apple pencil you have a few options and I believe that the default option is to switch between the current tool and the eraser which you can certainly do so so if I just do that as you can see it's switching between the brush and the eraser but I find it even more interesting to actually have this option of switching between the current tool in the color palette especially if you're doing a lot of coloring if you're doing a lot of you know you're sketching with different colors so that you have a better guide for your drawing you can out just tap on your pencil and you're switching between the brush and the color palette as well of course if there's a lot of people actually draw in they kind of keep rotating the pencil kind of RIA , dating in their hands if you're activating this option by accident too many times you can always go back here into the settings menu and just tap off to completely turn off this feature number 2 setting up the quick menu in order to work the best for you in procreate so now let's talk about the quick and the reason why I have this here in this video is not just for you to turn on the quick menu and basically never use it what I'm actually talking about here is for you to actually change the options within the six options that the quick menu gives you in order for you to achieve the maximum of your productivity so in this case here I've actually swapped a few of these options so for example I have paint and erase here on the left side in the middle I have created a new layer and merging down the layer and then I have flipping horizontally the canvas and finally the eyedropper and I also have the activation of my Quick Menu rather quickly which I'll also show you so just by doing this as you guys can see I can go you know quick menu paint click menu erase I can go click menu new layer quick menu merge down quick menu flip horizontally quick menu flip horizontally again and this all can be very very quick it's just you know to be completely honest I'm a little rusty on using quick menu but it is a very very powerful tool so just to start with in case you don't even have the quick menu activated we just have to go into the Actions menu go into preferences and let's just go into gesture of controls so now we have to find the sub option quick menu and on any or on every option here on procreate procreate gives you all of these activation methods all of these activation options and it's going to be up to you to define your best activation method in my case right here I do have the Quick Menu with the touch and hold option however I set the delay feature here to be very very quick to about 0.15 of a second so not extremely quick that any touch will evoke the Quick Menu but at the same time not something like a second and a half for me to have the Quick Menu activated so now that I've showed you how it can be really really quick to have the Quick Menu and what you can do with Quick Menu I want to show you how you can cater it and modify it to your needs so first we're just going to evoke Quick Menu and now all we have to do is we want to change any of the six options you just press and hold and then you can select through a list of many many options many actions that procreate gives you for example if you use a lot of smudging in order to blend your colors you can certainly just flip through here until you find the smudge tool and if you click on it now we have these smudge on the top left option here on the quick menu so I can quickly go erase or select it again and go smudge number three if you do a lot of quick shapes in procreate make sure that you're using this quick shape hack so this is one of my most used hacks here on procreate if not the most used however with the latest update I do have to say the procreate actually may have changed something which is making is actually duplicating not necessarily making the results that I want that's what I want to say but in any case I just want to show you this hack so first we're just going to select a brush here so I'm just going to use a studio pen in about this scholar and I'm just gonna make a circle I'm actually gonna make it a little thicker so that you can see better on the video so say that we have this circle we want to move it somewhere around here top right we want to make sure that is a circle and let's just say that I'm like tweaking and doing a few things here and by mistake I just exit this tool and as we know this is a quick shape until you actually exit the tool and therefore procreate renders this or transports transforms this into pixels so it rasterizes this element and now I can't just really edit those Bezier points I can only transform knowing that anything that I transform or scaled down it will once again lose the pixel information so if I want to scale that up I'm always going to be adding aliasing to the pixel edge I'm going to be losing quality anytime that I'm expanding something that has been scaled down or anytime they are actually expanding an element here in procreate you're going to be losing a certain quality on the pixels it's just the way that it is with pixel or you know raster kind of illustration so how do we actually create this quick shape undo or redo hack so all that we have to do is go into the Actions menu go back into preferences and gesture controls and now we're going to find the quick shape submenu option and now there are once again many ways to activate the stool but we're going to be using the tap the little square which sits between the brush size and the purse capacity and that one is going to activate quick menu and I know what you're thinking you're basically saying so if this is activating quick shape how how does that mean that it's going to be a redo or an undo option and that's what I want to show you so I'm going to draw the shape and I'm gonna click Edit shape move it around and once again I'm going to exit and now all of a sudden as we know we lost the ability to further edit this shape however if I click that little icon here you see that the button added shape has come back on and now when I click on it I can further edit this shape but the one thing that I do want to show you which is kind of like the bug that has been happening is that procreate seems to be duplicating this shape instead of just repositioning as what were just happening before the latest update so although this is not perfect at the moment the reason why this is still good is because even if you have two shapes at this point you can still create a new layer safe this is very crucial for you maybe this is a shape that is just positioned the right way you can certainly create a new layer right here and then draw it on top maybe with a different color yeah basically the your created shape even though it's not perfect can serve as a reference for you to just create a new layer draw that shape and then go back here on your previous layer and just delete that reference so anyways quick shape redo hack is a must-have whenever you're using quick shape on your illustrations number four if you're doing an illustration with a lot of layers make sure to use this layer select hack so now let's talk about layer select and this is an option that I don't usually have on all of the time but I do like to use it once I'm reaching towards the end of my illustration and I'll tell you why so just using it once again the same illustration as an example and I'm sure you've been through this because as we all like keep painting and illustrating and procreate many times as we're using the erase tool or we like drawing more shapes I've made this has a very clear example here it doesn't usually they're not usually this big but there are many times when we have these like unwanted kind of pixels all over our image and we want to get rid of them but as we evolve in our illustration say that we have like an illustration with many many many layers and then you have to go one by one turning them on and off trying to find where is the layer that actually contains those unwanted pixels so that you can finally go with an erase tool and just go here and start erasing these unwanted elements so there is a much easier way for you to actually find these elements actually without even opening the layers panel and that's what I want to show you right now so first we just have to go into the actions menu preferences and once again gesture controls and now we just have to find the option layer select so now we're just going to use the touch in order to invoke the layer select and you probably saw there's there was a little warning here and that means that I had another option which which had the same activation and that's what I mean also that I don't use this all of the time but I do want to use it right now so I can show you how this is so helpful especially for this moment when you want to get rid of unwanted pixels so now all that you have to do is just rest your pencil onto the table you know just scrubbing with one finger onto your illustration you see that I'm finding every layer and I'm even finding on a certain region there is a it contains several layers because there's shadows there's highlights there's the base layer as well and if I now just kind of scrub through I actually select that layer so right there I've actually selected layer which contains the base layer so now for example I can use the erase tool and actually get rid of my base layer where I can continue to paint so this is amazing because I didn't even have to actually open the layers panel so in the case of those unwanted graphics now if I just go right about here and I see that I have that layer with those little elements I just select that layer and now with my erase tool I got rid of all those unwanted elements number five modifying the grids in order to work the best for you so now let's talk about grids and tweaking the grid to work the best for you in your illustrations as well so as many of you might know we can go into the Actions menu canvas and turn on the drawing guide and what the drawing guy does at least on its default estate it gives you a 2d grid which is really great for you to see if your illustrations are centered or if you want to use the rule of thirds or if you want to do any kind of balancing layout in your composition however there are many ways or there are cases where the color of your grid may not be working so well for you for example let's just go into the Preferences and edit drawing guide and let's just say that my grid was actually pink so you know my background is also pink so that's not really gonna help so if it was something like this like this very very like pink I almost can't see it and I bet that the camera can almost not capture or also not see it but you can certainly change the color if you're drawing guy just here at the very top and you can also change the opacity and thickness of your grid that is of course on top of the grid size so if you want something a little bigger and/or if you want something a little smaller you can go as small as one pixel which is really great especially if you're doing pixel art in procreate but you can certainly keep it at a size that is decent for you and you can also use for example if your canvas is 4,000 by 4,000 and use a 40 or 400 pixel grid size you can have like a really nice grid size that fits your canvas number six choosing the right UI theme color and background color as well for your illustration so this one is actually really simple but in fact there are many reasons why it's it's good to actually tweak your UI theme color and the background color whenever you're starting in the illustration or even working during an illustration for example in this illustration right here I do have an illustration that's kind of like looking like mourning time or it's it's more on the brighter side of things so if I wanted to it could go into the actions menu going to preferences in turn on light interface and I could try to balance my illustration by looking at colors there aren't so dark the same goes if this illustration was really dark and you know kind of like a cave kind of illustration I could go back here onto the actions menu and turn off the light interface and go little darker also knowing that whenever you're using the lighter interface you're probably using a little bit more of the battery of your iPad because you're in meeting you're in meeting more light through the screen and also whenever you're starting a new illustration on procreate you can always tap on the layers panel and tap on the background color and the default on any illustration is usually this white color here but you can change it to a gray value and not only you're saving battery life but you're also going to have probably more equalized colors because if you go with something super super super dark you see how the colors become quite vivid and if you go with a very bright colors bright background color you see how the colors look a little bit more pale so when you choose something like a mid gray you're going to be finding the colors that work best for you for your illustration until you actually fill in the whole canvas number seven using the left hand or right hand interface alright so this step is actually quite simple but in the case that you don't know there is a way to actually balance out the UI here in procreate a little bit better between the left hand and the right hand and actually it's located in the actions menu going into preferences and you can check this option right hand interface which actually sends the brush size brush opacity as well as the undo redo buttons sends from the left to the right side so this is also a tip especially for all the lefties out there there are using procreate because it gives you more power for your free hand so you can check on your layers panel check on the eraser brushes on the brushes themselves the colors colors palette and also being able to tweak the size of brushes as well as the opacity as well at the same time you are able to draw with your left hand also just bear in mind that you can also tap that little square and push out and reposition vertically this bar to any place that you want vertically here on the screen personally I like to actually bring this down just a bit because whenever we create a new file on procreate we always have this space year for the layers panel as well as the color palette we - which actually can be quite extended so I do like to bring this down as much as I can as as I think it does help me to organize my UI number eight making sure that you're using the floating color picker which comes in proprietary your colouring so this tip right here guys something that actually came out with the big launch or the big update of procreate five and although there was quite a buzz I am sure that a lot of people are still not using it to its fully potential which is really the floating color picker so the ability that you have here to actually save your palettes and have them open all the way as you're also working on your illustration in a way that you can move it to anywhere that you want here it's something really really powerful and I think that we're just very used to actually not use this and just keep going and extending either your drawing hand or our secondary our second hand and just opening the color the color menu all of the time so just make sure to remember that that will this little graphic here means that you can detach this screen and although you can't do the same with the paintbrushes or the layers panel you can certainly do with the color palette and then you can choose colors and being able to drag them onto your layers if you are at this at the coloring stage this can be such a good productivity tool in a sense of saving time and testing colors quicker number nine making sure that you're saving the most used canvas presets that you use when you create illustrations so that you can access them quickly so this one is really simple guys but make sure that if you are actually doing a lot of illustrations using these same kind of proportions for example if you're doing a lot of stuff for Instagram and you're doing a lot of square illustrations once you tap the plus button here you always have that little plus icon right there on the top right on the select canvas and you can create your custom canvas for example I can do a 2048 by 2048 pixels which is almost it's pretty much double of the requirement on Instagram and you can keep it at 300 dpi and procreate still gives you one hundred twenty four layers on an iPad pro second generation at 12:09 inch so also make sure that you go into your color profile select RGB if you're only doing stuff for Instagram or CMYK if you pretend or if you intend to a print and you can also tweak the time-lapse settings of your illustration say that you know they were going to be doing that illustration for the specific reason of time-lapse you can change to almost studio quality or even lossless and you can also change the resolution base ah you can change the resolution of the video based on the resolution of your canvas you can go with a 4k video a 2k video and a 1080p video and now for number 10 I know this sounds simple but make sure that you're working in the right file so now for the last one guys I know that it sounds very simple but there's something to be said about knowing that you're working with the right file because it can really save you hours and hours of work and that usually happens this is a great example right here with illustrations that you have multiple copies multiple versions as you're working with maybe you're saving files files you're saving States and sometimes you might be working with a wrong file and that's going to mean that you have to you know go back to your previous file maybe copy all the layers duplicate layers through files and that's going to make it loose time really so one thing that I love to do for example let me just open this file right here and this is the illustration that actually contains all the layers as you can see so I really like to go before I actually start working on something let's just say a pass that's going to take hours and hours I go back into the Actions menu and then here on canvas you can always go on to canvas information and read everything that this file has to tell you it will tell you the pixel dimensions of course that also tells you once you are in gallery mode but if you're in this file you can always go back there and check the dimensions make sure that this is the correct dimensions for your illustration you can see the DPI for this file for example if you wanted to have set this file at 300 dpi this is not the correct one so it would probably mean that you need to create a new file and you change the DPI because you can't really change the DPI once it's already done here also on layers it will give you the maximum layers for that file so you will know right away how many layers you have this this information also is contained when you create your canvas but say hours have passed days have passed and you don't really remember how many layers how many maximum layers have on your file or even the number of layers available and it also gives you the color profile for that file which you can't really set once it's been set so this is really really useful canvas information gives you so many things and even gives you some statistics such as the total number of strokes the number of time you've actually spent in that illustration and also the total file size for that illustration so I do use canvas information especially to to make sure when I'm using when I have illustrations with multiple files that I'm working with a right and the correct file so that's it for this video guys hope you guys enjoyed and if you did a like would be super appreciated as well as make sure to hit the subscribe button and the ball notification icon so you don't miss any of these tips and tricks reviews and speed bank videos and that is all for you to become the pro when it comes to procreate so on the right side of the screen right here there's more content for you to learn more things for you to expand your knowledge within procreate and other illustration apps as well as some speed bank videos thank you so much for watching and I'll see you on the next one ciao
Channel: Ghost Paper
Views: 30,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 10 procreate settings you should use, 10 procreate tips, top 10 procreate tips, best procreate settings, best settings procreate, best settings procreate illustration, procreate tutorial, procreate, procreate for beginners, procreate advanced settings, procreate tips, procreate tutorial for beginners, how to use procreate, procreate tips and tricks, procreate ipad pro, procreate ghost paper, ghost paper procreate, top 10 procreate
Id: fUG1Y2FLTzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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