Top 10 towns You Can live on $1500 a month in New England.

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[Music] who wants to live on the cheap in new england i'll tell you right now it's almost impossible to pull that off if you don't know where to look what is going on everyone welcome back the world according to briggs and another installment of where you can live in the united states for under fifteen hundred dollars today's list is about new england i will tell you up front you can't live in most the cities of new england for under fifteen hundred dollars it's just far too expensive this list has a bunch of nice towns in new england that are relatively inexpensive on these lists we've looked at the cost of living state taxes and things like rent on a one bedroom apartment in new england it's hard to find apartment buildings in some of these towns but different real estate websites and other ones like the census still have an estimate on what rent is for that area and that's used in these videos to sort of give you a feel for the cost of a town rent is normally a really good indicator of how much it costs to live in any town city or whatever i tell you that so we don't get lou from lazy goalie vermont arguing that they don't have apartments in lazy goalie what am i talking about take a deep breath lou and refer back to what i just said in case this is your first time to this series i'll recap again plenty of americans are going into retirement where their only source of monthly income is the social security check which is in the neighborhood of fifteen hundred dollars a month the average worker in the united states makes around three thousand if you retire from the military after 20 years you see about 2 500 a month if you were listed and about 4 700 a month if you're commissioned meaning you're an officer so 1500 is the lowest that's what we're gauging this on all right let's find you a new place in new england number 10 central falls rhode island central falls is a suburb in the providence metro area with about 20 000 residents it's not the greatest part of rhode island but it's not the worst it's not the cheapest but it's definitely not the most expensive it also just barely made the cutoff for this list central falls is the only place from rhode island that you get today because it's freaking expensive in the ocean state central falls is on the blackstone river and as one person put it this isn't where i wanted to end up in life but it's not that bad so it's i mean that's kind of a nice review maybe who knows rent here on average for one bedroom is about 825 a month to live comfortably in central falls you're gonna need exactly fifteen hundred dollars a month like i said barely made the cut number 9 springfield vermont springfield is located in the southeastern part of vermont on the vermont new hampshire border if you're traveling on interstate 91 take exit 7 and follow route 11 west into springfield the black river runs right through the center of town springfield is a beautiful new england town with old brick buildings and trees everywhere they do have some great old buildings this isn't one of them this looks like some old factory or warehouse that went out of business some time before ferris bueller took his day off springfield has about 4 000 residents and i'm sure they're all still pissed off that the apple festival got cancelled this year because the pandemic if you don't mind cold winters springfield is a great place to live rent on average for a one bedroom apartment is 790 a month now i've seen some that are a lot more expensive than that but that's their average and you could live here comfortably on 1490 a month and if you like fishing this is a great place to retire number eight lisbon falls main lisbon falls is a small town of just over four thousand residents on the andrew scoggin river the thing i like about lisbon falls is it has some of the lowest crime stats i have ever seen they're next to no crime in this place the town is famous for its moxie days it's a celebration of a soft drink called moxie which is sold at a corner store by a man named frank anisetti i believe that's how you pronounce the name he's famous he's like the moxie guy the store's official name is kennebeck fruit company but it's commonly referred to as the moxie store sadly it's now permanently closed frank passed away in 2017. i did watch this one video where stephen king used to hang out there when he was waiting for his ride after school while he was in high school he went to lisbon high anyway this is another place they say has great fishing i've never fished there but they say it's good if you want to live here rent on average for one bedroom is gonna run about 768 and you could live comfortably here on hundred and seventy five dollars number seven berlin new hampshire berlin sits in a heavily forest region on the androscoggin river this town was built on lumber and paper mills they had a paper mill employing most of the residents for decades in the early 2000s the paper mill went bankrupt and a lot of people were left unemployed they never really recovered from that these days they're transitioning to green energy production and they have a prison up the road so it employs some of the people don't head here looking for a job if you work remotely or are retired they'd love to have you if you want to rent here you're only looking at 745 a month on average but you might as well look into buying a house a livable house that needs a little work will be under a hundred thousand dollars in berlin new hampshire i'm not even kidding they have some that are livable and yeah you will have to put some paint on it maybe fix a few things you can get for under seventy thousand you only need fourteen hundred and sixty dollars to live comfortably in berlin new hampshire number six newport vermont newport vermont is a lake town not too far from the canadian border newport is on lake memphis magog which is a lake that crosses the canadian border about 75 of this lake is in canada i always like border towns for retirees most need medication that costs double in the united states versus canada so you're just a short drive from cheaper meds side note to that one it has gotten easier to get medications from canada in the last few years but that one's a political football so who knows what it's going to be like in a couple years from now or 10 years if you look at downtown newport you'll think that there's no way this place could be a cheap place to live it is rent on average is 725 dollars a month for one bedroom but you might as well just look into buying again 150 000 will get you a livable house that needs a little work i saw some that are under 400 000 that are on the lake lake house for under 400 000. that's hard to pull off to live comfortably in newport you need fourteen hundred and fifty dollars a month number five adams massachusetts up in the northwest corner of the codfish state you have the town of adam's mass and it's over five thousand residents like rhode island you only get one town in massachusetts because the state for the most part is very expensive since the 1970s census adams has had a ever shrinking population and that normally means the cost of living and housing is going down but if you drive down park street which is their main street there you will see a beautiful new england town and think to yourself there's no way you could afford to retire there looks are deceiving on this one it is very affordable if you want to rent a place the average one-bedroom apartment is going to run you about 680 you only need 1435 dollars to live comfortably in adams massachusetts number four littleton new hampshire sitting on the connecticut river near the white mountains you have littleton new hampshire and it's almost 5 000 residents like most new england towns this is a nice looking place littleton is surrounded by forest and it looks like if everyone left for a year it would be reclaimed by nature and you probably have a hard time finding it from the air really this place that just has trees everywhere it's totally green i mean right at the edge of the town if you like trees and the outdoors littleton may be worth look for you this is another one that's really nice looking and you probably think just by looking at it you can't afford to retire here you can the average rent in littleton is six hundred fifty dollars a month and you could actually live comfortably here for fourteen hundred and twenty dollars a month not bad number three machias main machias main is a little town not too far southwest from the canadian border at new brunswick it's home to the university of maine at machias and it's 800 or so undergraduates here's a fun fact the original name for that school was the washington state normal school so yeah that's not normal first of all and it's nowhere near washington state i'm sure it has something to do with president washington but it's weird machias is best known as the site of the first naval battle in the american revolution machias has been losing population since the 1990 census and currently sits at a little over 2 000 residents that would be happy to see some new faces in town if you want to live here rent they don't have a bunch of apartments or any hardly but they estimate that it is around 550 a month on average rent for one bedroom apartment for this area and to live in machias comfortably you only need fourteen hundred dollars a month number two millinocket maine mill knock it was first settled in 1829 by betsy and thomas fowler and their family who cleared land for a farm then in 1894 a train showed up and the place started growing and it continued to grow up until the 1970s when they started losing jobs they've been losing people ever since millinocket is a nice little town and it was the setting for the movie bluebird starring kylo ren this town has decent stats across the board except for schools their stats their middle of the road kind of meh nothing special but they have no crime and plenty of cold weather they get cold here as one local described it she said the winters get so cold you hope your husband fattens up for the winter so you don't have to i thought that was nice rent in millinocket if you know you could find rent here is 547 dollars a month on average for one bedroom and you only need fourteen hundred dollars a month to live comfortably in millinocket and before we get to number one don't forget to hit that like button hit that subscribe button become a member of our little community really helps out the channel the more subscribers we have alright on to number one and number one castleton vermont castleton had a population of 4717 people in the 2010 census but it is estimated that they have lost a couple hundred cents we'll know at the end of the 2020 census when that's all completed this isn't a place you move to looking for work this is a place you move to to enjoy the great outdoors and a nice relaxing life they have forest all around this town and a good sized lake for boating fishing or whatever as far as the stats go other than jobs castleton is a really nice place statistically as far as the people go they all seem nice other than a woman named janice a couple years ago i talked about a town not too far from here called rutland she took offense to what i had to say and explained she grew up in rutland and now lives in castleton in her email she was trying to say that if she ever saw me again she was going to give me a bloody nose but i don't know if english is a second language to janice but basically her email came out sounding like she was going to let let me keep it pg here she made it sound like she was going to have intimate relations with me until i got a bloody nose i told her i didn't think that was possible but if my wife was okay with it i was willing to try in the name of science never heard back from janus castleton university is located here with roots dating back to 1787. they have the original medical school for the green mountain state which was chartered here in 1818 the building's still there it's kind of neat castleton is a great place to retire or just live if you can work remotely or you're retired rent here is a little bit more than some of the other ones on this list at 626 on average a month which they don't have many places to rent that's just for the area basically so take that for what it's worth but you could survive in castleton for 13.50 a month comfortably all right that's today's list i hope you enjoyed it hope you got some information out of it like i said before don't forget to subscribe hit that like button hit that bell notification thing so you know when we come up with the next one uh we'll be doing another one of these in a couple days what region do you think we should do next let me know in the comment section below everybody have a great day be nice to each other you
Channel: World According To Briggs
Views: 157,097
Rating: 4.9534883 out of 5
Keywords: Travel, Top 10, Top Ten Lists, Move to, Top 10 reasons not to, best cities to live in, worst cities to live in, world according to Briggs, United States, Ranked, Lists, Best States, Best Cities, Relocate, Maps, New Hampshire, Vermont, New England, rhode island, Maine, Retire, best places to live, retirement planning, affordable housing, retire early, cheapest places, best places to retire, best places to live in the united states, the united states, cost of living
Id: 1k6jH3bdJw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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