10 NAUGHTY things that are NORMAL in JAPAN

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[Music] everyone hi welcome to the newest episode of the log of Pi it's me Tasha and dough we all live in our letter soda and everyone has a huge crush on him thank you very much we're going to talk about 10 things you can surprisingly get away with in Japan that you can't necessarily get away with another country's number one you can drink alcohol on the street Japan has no open container laws so you can buy a beer go outside walk down the street and drink gin drinks and parks you can drink in most places actually everyone just kind of casually drinks everywhere in the party area like Shibuya and Roppongi you'll see a lot of foreigners congregating groups we have like outdoor drinking parties in the street there's more foreigners Japanese people kind of do more in passing like they're going somewhere and happen there or something like this that's how I see it I think you're right but those looks like I mean there's so much restaurants that serve alcohol in a very cheap manner so this is kind of like the last option after you drink somewhere and on your way home you drink it at your house yeah foreigners do the opposite way they do game and bring the drink beforehand rather when they get to the bar they're already drunk I guess it depends where you're long do you want to be drunk but it's great for hanami cherry blossom season and parks yeah great that you can go to the park have a picnic have a beer and no one's going to bother you number cute good you can slurp your noodles yeah this is kind of like a Japan dissident yes specific in a way kind of rural where this ramen soba so many food on all these kind of you know if you're in any long noodled restaurant like the ones he just named you are going to hear slurping there another one let's hear another one rule there's no more what do you want me to pour in some headline no I think that was good that's pretty solid well it basically sounds like that like me a little more wet yeah because these noodles just we could come like 15 minutes ago and they dry it out I heard that the reason is that because when you slurp the noodles cool down that it helps the noodles cool down so usually like ramen served piping hot yeah actually for the hotness of definitely and also what I heard was that it gives the impression that it tastes really good I don't we her to eat it so learn so much happen I just can't do it I like I end up like sucking back into my throne going like I can't I don't have yeah I just it's like do it that's really cool maybe it's like a trained yeah might not the slurry oh and also whenever I do tries to flip it's like the noodles rock back and forth can get my shirt all dirty I understand so to do the technique after book yeah I actually eat ramen I think in a way that's like basically illegal in Japan China pick up the minerals on us yeah and like he's the chopsticks but up egg hug the spoon always good memory no I mean like it's kind of your way because nowadays it's like changing to that way where you slip spaghetti you're kind of really rude so three three and probably the most surprising one this one has like a lot of caveats so just go for it you can get away with sleeping drunk in public places yeah in unusual circumstance like you can never sleep outside with your wallet in your pocket or your phone or your iPod or whatever you have in your pockets and sleep outside but in this circumstance in Japan you go to a park and you can just pass out there until the morning yeah just or even unlike the big buildings next to train stations if you miss the train people will like kinda line up and sleep up by the building and some people will just pass out right there in the middle of the street and you step over them and their iPhones over there and their suitcases over there and people just step around them and at worst you kind of like giggle at them and their misfortune but you don't you don't yell body or anything to them I mean right and in the last year put in motion a social campaign to stop this to shame people from doing this however it still happened so but you can do it we mean it happens should you be doing it no can you get away with it yes no I remember when I first lived in Nagoya like Negus mattes you know you don't have this crazy of like party drinking places hmm so it was more of this kind of like lined up people waiting for the first train out by buildings like asleep like businessmen with their suitcases next to like banks just way too much people drinks way too much Anna and I think a lower tolerance for alcohol yeah number four you can smoke in restaurants right Japan is I think one of the few countries that still has designated smoking areas in restaurants yeah not like anywhere in the restaurant is okay unless you're in certain japanese-style bars and use a kaya's or clubs or something I think it's just because it's different bars in America because like everyone sits down to actually eat food yeah and then smoke drink it's kind of a crappy concept I mean it goes along with the salary men culture I like smoking and having some food so it works in izakaya and then another restaurant it's generally speaking like a designated area so exciti is 100-feet 7tr non-smoking 30 are smoking yeah we're like behind a glass so you're not necessarily bothered by the smoke if you're a nonsmoker I mean the only people benefiting for this was like okay yes muggers and maybe the doctors treating them they are trying to get rid of it more and more yeah yeah it's actually really creatively they kept on distinguishing all the smoking places in Tokyo because it's Olympic but you see ads like that yeah like they're secretly like shaming them yeah I very surprised I walked into a cafe yesterday so I was all smoking on the flip side you can't smoke in the street you have to go to a designated area you can't just walk around with your cigarette and smoke five you can and you should ask police for direction there's these little buildings called Cubbins they're like police stations but there's too tiny with two three policemen there according to me it's better to ask a policeman for directions and a random stranger stranger it's going to take time out of their day to like watching their and you're going to interrupt their day so ask a policeman from the real that it's unique for me is it's like they're ready they're ready for this this is their task yeah and you know they're kind of like their job so they would more likely healthier I mean it's kind of funny but yeah I mean there's a person like there's a policeman literally standing up like this in front of the Cova and all you see go there are people who want to know directions yeah it's got it yeah so the policeman will know their area very well and they'll be able to tell you basically anything Heidi no it's okay I'm sorry I did ten no you don't need to say bless you when someone sneezes but in theory when a cute girl sneezes in a cute way you kind of have to say colour sake how are you hi everyone else is going to be like a light yeah but generally speaking when someone sneezes you just ignore it there's no phrase and when I taught English teaching people the phrase bless you was a really difficult thing to sneeze because there's no culture for it yeah it's like you just ignore someone else nothing Kasey's cute seven you can actually stand in convenience stores of bookstores and read their magazines and books actually as long as it's not taste together yeah exactly anyway if you walk into a convenience store you'll see like three people standing there reading a magazine and it's so aloud that it has its own name catchy yummy yeah stand and read they're all on sale these books magazines they're on sale it's kind of ridiculous like they're being killed oh yeah they're not like their discontent yeah and you get to read the entire thing and just go home you don't even have to buy the book okay yeah no really weird because it surprises me that the business like works yeah that's a yeah yeah you can hold your bowl while you eat is great please do that with your rice or you've got to play the forgetty that's just get up and eat it yep there are things called something something done like oh my god you Don which is beautiful oh my Buddha done yeah you know and you know like meant to be picked up and yeah they're in a bowl that like fits well in your hand and you pick it up and you you eat it and it's completely acceptable so if you're ever like thinking I would be so much easier if I could pick my Bowl up and eat it in Japan you're okay go for it yeah I mean this really is weird when it comes to you know people pick up this thing that's costing like 3000 and everyone's like paying a lot of money I think it really stands really and everyone's just kind of like eating it like just like a 400 euro five nine some soups are made to be drink from the bowl rather than to be scooped with a spoon such as miso soup I think lemon is that the do can also do it like the end of ramen soup broth I remember when I first was living here and I had miso soup the first you know three times my instinct was to look around for the spoon but you're not supposed to you're supposed to just pick out like your seaweed nutty and whatever with the chopsticks and then drink rush its bit a lot of times it comes in a small bowl and it even like looks like a drink amount of soup rather than and eat Ananse do they give a spoon I forgot about that I did you I can't remember no when I went to me they gave us been yeah yeah that makes you weird it's me mr. boots is where the sternum yeah I mean I don't remember but I totally believe you yeah I think it must be true because I work in Japanese restaurant and I was still surprised when I came here like oh wait where's my spoon ten ten ten you can ask a fireman to help you basically remove a succoring from your finger you gotta take this one away yeah so basically like you have a ring on that yes it's just really tight from a very long time ago and you might have forced it in you just run to your closest farm can you call them to come over I don't think so you just have to don't rush in there yeah but you said there's a special machine for this yeah they actually are equipped with the machine but that yeah just cut kind of like the that's what they do because they don't actually take it out they just cut it well it's like when it's stuck beyond belief um I never notice this is like I learned this while making this video ah learned something if if you guys know something I learned something too so we're all winning here all right so to keep the video form consistent we shared 10 things with you but we have two bonus points and then an extra bonus bonus three time points in Japan yo if you live here you might come across people reading explicit manga on train yeah like for no even that's kind of weird to see in America sex porn like porn yeah I mean I think you see it much more often than anywhere else in the world and nobody ever says anything and that's like the worst ever yeah yes in a way your suits kind of mind your own business my beautiful yeah yeah yeah so on that point our second bonus point is you can ask book stores to put a cover on the book you purchase so that no one knows you're reading porn you yeah bones bonus very times okay so once I lost my phone and I figured out that I left it on the train according to my timeline and so on and I called the local train company and they told me that an honest buck come and pick it up tomorrow and I went to pick it up and what I picked about they gave me back my phone plus a return to get home which I felt was like that's totally my responsibility I'm the one that lost my phone I should be the one responsible for paying the train ticket there and back why are you why is this dude or the train company or whoever was reimbursing me for my mistake so if you want a free ride lose something so thank you very much for tuning in today please leave comments about what other types of tips and videos you'd like us to do with video we hope to have him in more videos coming up make sure to LIKE the video leave a comment and subscribe please subscribe and HIPPA notification bellhart we're not forcing you to do this all your choice komodo Gani email no gusta esto 10-meter totaku onegai shimasu give a comment oh ma no particular side munuswamy [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: TheUwagaPies
Views: 2,460,216
Rating: 4.6303587 out of 5
Keywords: gonciarz, shibuya, tokyo, restaurant, food, cuisine, relations, Japanese Cuisine (Cuisine), Japan (Country), Tokyo (Japanese Prefecture), Shibuya Tokyo (Japanese Special Ward), Shibuya Station (Transit Stop), blog, vlog, blogger, daily, vlogging, best, interesting, kasia, mecinski, uwaga pies, culture, bahaviour, accpetable, cultural, how to behave, offensive, things that are accepted, cultural differences, open container laws, travel, tips, slurping, noodles, Ryo, public drinking, life in japan, gaijin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2017
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