10 Awesome Movie Scenes We Can't Stop Rewatching

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popular consensus is that Cinema's purpose is to be so immersive we forget we're watching a neat compilation of shots scenes and sequences losing ourselves to the magic but sometimes there comes an unbelievable scene that truly stands on its own begging to be studied Revisited and re-watched ad nauseum so with that said I am Gareth this is what culture and here are 10 awesome movie scenes We Can't Stop rewatching number 10 the allei fights Mission Impossible dead reckoning the mission impossible films help create the template for the fast and furious's more ridiculous franchise entries so it shouldn't be too shocking to say that the latest installment dead reckoning is wildly Ott nonetheless among the blend of CG and Tom crw extreme stunt action there is actually a lot of bankable acting and action from a sizable cast unlike the consistently hammy contributions of their fast counterparts while the performances range from Tastefully comic from Simon Peg through to enigmatically evil from EA Morales without a whole lot of shared ground between them palom cenf manages a different route starring in a supporting role as the mysterious animalistic and near silence French assassin Paris and this provides the fuel for the film's most engaging scene series protagonist Ethan Hunt battles indiscriminate henchmen in the Alleyways of Venice on his way to a showdown with Paris who lur Like a vaud Villain gangster from the 19th century Clemen F manages the physicality of the part with gusto proving a match for Ethan in close quarters all while maintaining a wideeye joker likee Madness that gives the scene that extra Edge add that this is intercut with Grace and Gabriel's equally up close and personal bridg toop knife fight and it's one of the most brutal and intense fights the series has ever offered with not a Bungie train or Burge Khalifa in sight now I want to know what do you think is the greatest fight scene in movie history is it something from a mission impossible movie or something else you let me know in the comments section down below baby number nine Faith The Rules of Attraction this bite being adapted from a Brett Eastern Ellis novel and having been helmed by Pulp Fiction co-creator Roger Avery The Rules of Attraction doesn't get as much of an airing as it deserves an anti- colge movie rules takes an irreverence an occasionally transgressive approach to the established formula of wild parties budding romances and Casual drug use via a trio of intentionally pathetic students Lauren Paul and sha at a rural New Hampshire College amid the degradation and debauchery there is one scene that stands out though thanks to some whip smart editing and a soundtrack that almost didn't happen visiting their mothers in the city Paul and Dick wind up sharing a hotel and things get a little silly between the closeted boys on the runup to dinner the pair Frolic dance and throw themselves around on the hotel room beds to George Michael's Faith while their mothers wait at the dining room table self-medicating The Genius of the scene lies in the sharp cut between the dining and hotel rooms stop starting the music and ramping up The Comedy for the hilarious dinner table scene that follows as if that wasn't enough the scene was never even meant to exist either as Avery shot it spontanously on set with the music and then wrote George Michael to beg for the music rights number eight the Run dance fight Ary of all of Matthew Vaughn's filmography his recent spy AER Argy has received the worst reception from audiences despite aured performances from Sam Rockwell Bryce Dallas Howard Henry caval Brian Cranston and Sam Jackson playing out like Mr Wright meets Stranger Than Fiction Argy inserts us into the life of writer Ellie Conway whose prophetic series of global super spy books wind up attracting the attention of the real organization of global evil the division this compelling premise is underpinned by an increasingly absurd number of twists that in spite of the Fairly self-aware setup make the film feel as if it's written by AI nevertheless among the many ill-advised twists and turns there is a strong dedication to crafting killer scenes one in particular likely caught your attention and never let go a gunfight scene designed around its Aesthetics pairing impeccable choreography with colored smoke cartoonish violence romantic moments practical gags and a hail of bullets set to Leona Lewis's cover of snow patrols run Ellie and Aiden take on a small army of gun toting henchmen spinning gliding flipping kicking and maintaining btic timing and movement throughout and gosh Dar if they don't pull off the best whirly bird ever seen Majestic number seven the baby doll Samurai fights Sucker Punch Zack Snider's Sucker Punch rode in at a time where digital technology had made the kind of advances necessary to produce an entire film traversing historical periods sci-fi and fantasy setups and gravity defying sequences all with one Unified visual style that blends live action with CG and while the film may not have been as warmly received as the director might have hoped it nevertheless contains some nigh unparalleled scenes that demand revisiting Emily Browning stars as baby doll a young woman whose confinement to a psychiatric facility does not prevent her from stepping between Fantastical action Laden worlds in order to obtain the item she needs to escape in by far the film's most rewatchable scene baby doll beded in an anime inspired out fit and carrying a sword and sidearm faces off against three giant Samurai Warriors armed with a Gatling gun rocket launcher samurai swords and a scye Snider intentionally gave the film and thus the scene an almost 3D video game like look that pushes the boundaries of immersion and 2D film making and while it may not be highbrow Cinema it offers up everything you could ever want speed metal guitar check super slow-mo kills absolutely Lush two-ton soft focus visuals H say no more number six the coffee run baby driver baby driver would be any ordinary director's career best but for edar Wright it's just another day at the office combining the director's pension for Savvy editing deep cut music choices comedy inflected action and human- centered plots The Heist movie proves that British URS can make it big in Hollywood while still retaining their unique Style on top of that the opening titles feature one of the most meticulously choreographed takes ever brought to the big screen baby the tontis suffering Stunt Driver Supreme nips out to get the heist crew their daily dose of java a earbuds in music cranked and with a spring in his step but this is no normal coffee run folks as re captures it in one continuous revolving long take that moves perfectly in time with the soundtrack designed to look like an everyday Street in motion baby Dodges obstacles vehicles and pedestrians while dancing shuffling moving and grooving to Bob andel's halem Shuffle which itself is a refreshing Choice estu the better known Rolling Stones version needless to say the blocking staging and camera movements were meticulously planned and the song was written into the script and boys it's something to behold thanks for checking out this video today folks now hit that subscribe button down below for more of this awesome what culture stuff on your screen or just keep re-watching old videos why not number five the disastrous dinner triangle of sadness hot off the back of his last Palm Door win for 2017's the the square Reuben osland again Scoops up the coveted can prize with his follow-up feature triangle of sadness which tears apart the Pampered privileged and deeply fragile lives of the ultra Rich via the medium of a disastrous super yacht sea Voyage The film's Tipping Point comes during the captain's dinner which commences as the yacht passes through a violent storm and if there is one scene that really sums up triangle of sadness oh boy it is this filmed that perpetually shifting CED angles we are made to actively participate in the passenger discombobulation as they gradually unspool slipping from polite High Society into what might in a lesser film be deemed toilet humor Dinner becomes a nightmare of bodily fluids as guests vomit and experience bouts of diarrhea in response to the ship's movement and some junky seafood and you know how it is once one person goes it's hard not to follow the storm tosses the ship to and fro the sewage system floods the corridors and the power goes out and where is the captain during all this debating the merits of communist m versus capitalism with a rich businessman over the intercom of course a grand Symphony of disaster the scene is hysterically funny and given the level of detail in its scatological elements a gut-wrenching watch but it's still difficult not to come back for seconds number four the jack rabbit Slims twist contest Pulp Fiction quinson Tarantino's second feature film Pulp Fiction didn't just embody the Zeitgeist it redefined it churning out mid90s cool like nobody's business the film popular ized a new style of ultraviolent nonlinear Cinema drawing from influences as diverse as Noir Classic Kiss Me Deadly and survival Thriller Deliverance right at the center of this Whirlwind were John Travolta and Uma Thurman starring as gun foray Vincent Vega and gangsters Maul Mia Wallace while not a dramatic moment few scenes in the history of modern Cinema have penetrated pop culture like the jack rabbit Slims dance competition and we be damned if it ain't just a spot of good oldfashioned fun in the middle of an otherwise horrendously violent movie Taken to the restaurant stage with a shimmy a shake and no shoes Vincent and Mia Boogie their way to a trophy with some truly groovy moves the like of which wouldn't make the cut of your average Indie crime picture but while Tarantino only wanted them to do the twist we have Travolta to thank for convincing the director to let him throw in a bunch of dances he grew up with including the spin and the Batman without him we might not still be returning to the scene 20 years on number three fade R's introduction Dune part two after a strong first entry into denel newes Dune series high hopes were hung on part two's ability to get to the good stuff and give casual and die hard fans alike a Silver Screen adaptation of Frank Herbert's Epic Novel series to cherish lucky then that the director and a cast of the best talent in Hollywood pulled out all the stops whilst there isn't a weak link to speak of amongst the cast the characters the visuals or the action there is one standout infinitely rewatchable scene that rolls together the best of all these elements in an extended introduction which includes his first appearance on screen and Carries through into an outdoor Arena fight for his birthday Austin Butler's manic young villain fade rala is delivered fully formed and seemingly prepackaged for entry into the annals of the greatest movie villains the young harkening grins screams and stabs his way across the screen battling his family's prisoners in an arena while hundreds of thousands of spec ators look on offering a rapid insight into his character his psyche and his modus operandi the visual design is also breathtaking with a black and white palette for the outdoor scenes shot in infrared and caused in Universe by gay Prime's black sun and a wondrous blend of set and computer generated design number two The Duel of the Fates Star Wars episode one The Phantom Menace the Star Wars prequels have had something of a reappraisal from the fandom at large over the last decade or so as Nostalgia and a dislike of the new has set in and references and continuations of those films have sprung up all over the place perhaps the most unfairly maligned of the three movies was The Phantom Menace which disappointed the legions of Fanboys who went into the cinema expecting to see a retread of the original trilogy nonetheless there is no denying that it contains the best lightsaber battle of any Star Wars media The Duel of the Fate pits Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi against Sith Lord Darth Moore in a lightsaber duel in naboo's theed Palace as The Phantom Menace is the only one of the prequels to be filmed on real Celluloid with a stronger mix of real locations and sets than its primarily blue screen successors The Duel looks authentic and the stakes feel real the well paace choreography helps drive all this and the contrast between M's dual bladed acrobatic Terror and the more traditional samurai stylings of the Jedi make it a battle for the ages adding John Williams epic score from which the fight gets its name and this is a scene that still feels essential 25 years on number one the whole shebang Run Lola Run German experimental Thriller Run Lola Run Works its magic with a constant tension that takes the narrative device of the ticking clock literally but while the entire film is built around time it utilizes a curious Twist on the format the titular Lola experiences the same 20 minutes in real time three times over while trying to get 100,000 marks and reach her desperate B friend before he Robs a supermarket as if caught within a video game when Lola dies or is struck by disaster she is reset along with the everpresent real time clock making extensive use of long takes repeated shots and music set at 120 BPM that's two beats per second director Tom ticka engineered all elements in the film to move to the strict time limit of what is essentially just one scene played on repeats for the whole picture and what a scene it is the music and Lola's con motion keep the Action Moving and us on the edge of our seats as Lola makes small tweaks and changes to ultimately alter the outcomes within this system and leading her seamlessly through a store robbery a bank robbery and even her own death it's fast it's fatal and it's something that once you've seen it you will not be able to stop rewatching baby so go and do it now and then do it again
Channel: WhatCulture
Views: 68,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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