10 Movie Mistakes You Can Never Unsee

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filmmaking is such an enormous Lee complex undertaking that it's little surprise even the most modest projects are typically jam-packed with mistakes it's also fair to say that the overwhelming majority of movie mistakes are easily ignored nip --ax but only the most uncommonly eagle-eyed viewers will ever catch then there are those mistakes which are so blatant so bizarre and perhaps even so unpleasant that there's virtually no chance of your brain ever not remembering them though these mistakes hardly break their respective movies each is nevertheless overt enough to raise some eyebrows and make it clear that somebody somewhere probably wasn't doing their job or at the very least assumed audiences wouldn't notice a filmmaking shock at all - didn't count on a shadow like myself having too much time in his hands did you so be warned once you're made aware of these mistakes you'll never watch these movies quite the same way ever again I'm Gareth from what culture comm and here are 10 movie mistakes you can never unsee number 10 giant man out of nowhere avengers endgame a movie as epic as avengers endgame was always going to come under intense scrutiny when it hit home video platforms and fans quickly noticed a baffling continuity error during the film's insane final action sequence at one point ant-man and the wasp head to their van in an attempt to get the quantum tunnel operational yet miss econds later when black panther is shown running with the Infinity Gauntlet giant man can be seen fighting a Chitauri Leviathan in the background though it's clearly nothing more than an editing mistake some have tried to hunt wave it by suggesting that either ant-man teleported into the battle and back again or more hilariously that it was actually Hank Pym fighting as giant man either way fun's kicked up enough of a stink about this era that it's tough to forget about it during repeat viewings number 9 the visible gas canister gladiator there's nothing that breaks audience immersion quite like a piece of modern technology showing up in a weird movie on despite winning five Oscars including Best Picture Ridley Scott gladiator is guilty of an epically unforgettable gaffe during the film's Battle of Carthage sequence one of the chariots gets flipped over and slides along the floor as the dust begins to clear a metal gas canister can be blatantly seen on the back of the carriage I'm given that gladiator is set in 180 ad it's a device which wouldn't actually be invented for say only about 1500 more years unfortunately for scarf the film's releases on blu-ray on 4k only make the mistake that much more noticeable and hilarious as it goes number a Julia Roberts shape-shifting breakfast pretty woman this is one of the most infamous mistakes from any major Hollywood movie and so it's one that's practically impossible to ignore when Vivian is having breakfast with Edward in Pretty Woman her breakfast magically transforms from a cross on into a pancake during the mere seconds where we caught between the two of them some fans have tried to argue that Vivian simply put the croissant down and started noshing on the pancake but given that the pancake already has a bite taken out of it when we cut back to her it's definitely just an editing error all the waiters simply took a cheeky buyout of the treat on the way over to the table though that seems somewhat unlikely and a little bit gross number 7 the jeans wearing extra Raiders of the Lost Ark Raiders of the Lost Ark is one of the greatest movies of all time yet one which also isn't immune to the occasional screw-up case in point when Indy is sat at a restaurant in the streets of Cairo a man who is very blatantly a crew member can be seen briefly walking around in the background in a t-shirt and jeans now jeans had certainly been invented by the film's 1936 setting but you'd never expect to see anyone wearing such an ensemble in 1936 Cairo as evidenced by how every other extra is dressed in the scene obviously this is a crew member who unknowingly entered the shot a mistake which was either missed by Steven Spielberg entirely or only noticed once it was too late to correct hilariously the crew spent an entire day removing 350 TV antennas from the set tunisian streets in order to ensure period authenticity only for this guy to stroll into shot like it's nothing now try watching raiders without nose in that number six pre-emptive bullet-holes Pulp Fiction there are too many memorable moments in Pulp Fiction to name but who can forget the brilliant moment where one of Brett's associates emerges from the back of the apartment firing wildly at Jules and Vincent but missing them completely if you pay attention in the lead-up to this moment you may notice that the bullet holes from the man's gunshots are actually already in the wall while they're talking to Marvin seconds before the man even takes aim it's probably fair to assume that the original continuity of the scene was a little different an Tarantino rejigged it during editing hence the bullet holes being pre lodged in the apartment wall before they were even fired hardly a terrible mistake but certainly a noticeable one and surprising given the generally exacting quality of Tarantino's filmmaking even the greats make a hash of things on occasion number 5 the obviously fake baby American sniper clint eastwood's american sniper is a sobering brilliantly acted look at the life and times of marksman Chris Kyle though it very nearly derails itself midway through with one of the most infamous mistakes in any oscar-nominated movie ever when Chris and his wife Taylor are a home Chris tends to their newborn daughter which is surely the most blatantly fake baby prop doll audiences have ever seen clips of Cooper holding this clearly lifeless plastic thing and even using his thumb to slightly move the baby's arm quickly went viral while industry analysts wondered whether the terrible gaffe might affect American snipers Oscar chances perhaps tellingly it one just a single of its six nominations screenwriter Jason Hall later confirmed that they had a real baby and a backup ready to go on the day of shooting both of which fell through prompting the famously efficient Eastwood to use a doll instead Cooper and Miller really tried their best to sell it but the fact that the dog doesn't even remotely move like a real baby is distracting to the point that its near impossible to pay attention to what's actually being said during see number four the magically repaired car commando Arnold Schwarzenegger's commando is one of the greatest guilty-pleasure action flicks ever made a testosterone-fueled barrage of ridiculous action and hysterical one-liners almost beyond compare but its crowning achievement might well be the fact that it features a continuity error so brilliantly stupid that one almost suspects it was actually intentional after muscled hero John matrix run Sully off the road and subsequently drops him off a cliff he steals Sully's car and drives off into the night except Sully's yellow Porsche convertible has considerable damage to the driver's side as matrix hops into it but when he drives off in the next shot we can see that the side is perfectly repaired it's an especially baffling error given how easily a member of the crew should have been able to notice it considering that it only adds to the film's kitschy b-movie legend though it's ultimately more of a happy accident number three worst extra ever Quantum of Solace one of the unsung arts of making any big movie is ensuring that the hundreds if not thousands of extras and background artists are coordinated successfully because if an assistant director gets it wrong the results can be hilariously bad case in point Quantum of Solace features an hysterical beat where bond is sat on a motorcycle while staring pensively into the middle distance and a dock worker sweeping in the background isn't actually sweeping the ground the air sweeping has become a viral sensation in recent years while filmmaking logic suggests that the extra was instructed not to actually sweep the floor because it would generate unwanted noise that he was allowed to wander into frame while doing this though it's absolutely absurd all the more so given Craig's totally stoic foreground expression will we see the infamous wind sweeper return in the upcoming no time to die give the people what they want I say number to Batman's disappearing eye makeup Batman Returns at the end of Batman Returns The Dark Knight shows up to stop Catwoman from killing the villainous max Shreck at first he appears to be kitted out in his typical Batman but mere moments before he removes his cowl and reveals his true identity to Selina Kyle the black makeup surrounding his eyes magically disappears presumably this was because director Tim Burton didn't want to have Bruce Wayne trying to hold a serious conversation with Selina while sporting a pair of ponder eyes but honestly it probably would have looked pretty creepy which is normally right or Burton's streets at the very least it certainly would have been less distracting than the makeup just disappearing out of nowhere number 1 Will Smith's Johnson Wild Wild West and finally we have a movie mistake that you won't be able to unsee for all kinds of reasons when protagonist James T West has his amorous bathing session interrupted early in the film he stands to his feet in the buff but due to some intensive editing eagle-eyed viewers are able to see a little more of West that is Smith's body doubled unexpected with an eye Falls worth of his genitals visible for a few fractions of a second given that this is a pg-13 movie aimed primarily at families it's not a good look and one that no amounts of eye bleach will ever be able to fully erase um that's our list know of any other movie mistakes you can't unsee let us know all about them in the comment section below and do not forget to like share click on that subscribe button and ring the bell while you're there also be sure to head on over to wat culture comm and click on some more awesome articles just like the one this video is based on I have been Gareth from hua culture calm thank you very much for watching and I'm sure I'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: WhatCulture
Views: 1,322,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jcgWJZUj08Q
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Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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